Hiring Sales Superstars That Outperform 200-400%

Hiring sales superstars are essential for building the Ultimate Sales Machine© to accelerate growth, but what exactly makes a superstar so unique? While knowledge and training are important, sales superstars are a rare breed because it comes down to personality which can’t be changed.

Let’s see why personality profiling is crucial for the hiring process and what traits make a superstar so it’ll be easier for you to find a top-producing salesperson for your business.

The Importance of Personality Profile

Without personality profiling, it’ll be an uphill battle finding sales superstars. Personality profiling (aka ‘behavioral assessment’) is a method of understanding a person’s psyche. By understanding the personality characteristics that are most effective for a sales position, you’ll be better able to identify candidates that possess those characteristics.

Not only can hiring a sales superstar accelerate growth, it can save you money too. According to Business.com, “The U.S. Department of Labor claims a bad hire can cost your business 30% of your employee’s first-year earnings; other HR agencies estimate the cost to be higher, ranging from $240,000 to $850,000 per employee.”

Personality Characteristics

Over the years, many companies have developed and refined the DISC personality profile to test potential hires. The DISC personality profile is based on studies done by Harvard psychologist William Moulton Marson in 1928, and it tests candidates by using word association to measure the intensity of personality characteristics.


‘DISC’ stands for four aspects of the personality:

  • Dominance: Strength of ego (i.e. aggressiveness)
  • Influence: Social interactions and communication
  • Steadiness: Patience, persistence, and thoughtfulness
  • Compliance: Relation to structure and organization

While there are a variety of personality profiling tests out there, this is the model that we’ll be using to identify sales superstars.

Essential Traits of Sales Superstars

A superstar won’t just have a high level of one trait; it’s a combination of different intensities of each trait. However, there are two traits in particular that all sales superstars have in common.

High Dominance

The dominance personality trait has to do with strength of ego. It’s a measure of personal power, desire to control situations, and assertion in every interaction.

Candidates that are high-dominance are a good thing because it means they’ll have the drive and ambition to close as many sales as possible. Additionally, having a strong ego allows a salesperson to not take repeated or harsh rejections personally.

High Influence

The influence personality trait measures sociability. It describes how test candidates interact in social situations as well as how well and how much they communicate.

Salespeople that are high-influence will be naturally empathetic and gregarious. They’re able to put themselves in other people’s shoes and understand their viewpoints. Additionally, they’re energetic, fast workers who perform well on teams.

Accelerate Growth By Hiring Superstars

We have put together 16 minutes of training on how to hire Sales Superstars to supercharge your business. These are things you can start using right now! Things like the purpose of the prescreen and how to get it down to as little as 5-10 minutes and how to come out ahead in negations.

Check it out here! 

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