Chet Holmes International Fri, 26 Jul 2024 14:11:04 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Chet Holmes International 32 32 Case Study: How Fear Almost Lost the Deal Fri, 26 Jul 2024 14:10:58 +0000

Have you ever chickened out in front of a dream prospect?

I have a confession to make.

At the Biohacking Conference, I completely froze when it came to asking Dave Asprey for his number.

This is particularly embarrassing considering I teach this allll the time.

In fact, I get phone numbers consistently with ease using that signature selfie technique, and yet when it came to one of my most important possible partnerships, I failed.

I was so upset, I went back to my room in defeat.

Luckily, Troy Aberle managed to save the day and got his number which turned into a successful partnership with the Dave Asprey Group for the Business of Biohacking Summit.

Get the behind the scenes details in this week’s episode of The CEO Mastery Show.

Nobody has a perfect score of at bats, we strike out often. But the name of the game is getting back up to the plate.
If you’ve ever wondered how to double your sales by forging genuine connections, you need to listen to this episode.

P.S. Don’t miss your chance to secure a spot at the Business of Biohacking Summit. Visit to apply to this invite-only exclusive.


Continued Learning: A $10-M Failure Turned Into a $100M+ Success


  • Want to know what’s keeping you from doubling your sales in the next 12 months? Take our quick QUIZ to get answers:
  • If you’d like to have a profound breakthrough in your business, schedule your breakthrough call with a LIVE expert here:
  • Claim your FREE chapter 4 from the top 10 most recommended marketing and sales books of all time! Visit: to find out how you Create 9X More Impact from every move you’re already making to win clients!


*this transcript was mostly generated by AI, please excuse any mistakes smile

Amanda Holmes: So, multiple different decision makers trying to get to him, it was difficult. We showed up at the event and I will put my hand up and say, I love the signature selfie concept because 80 percent of leads are never followed up on from events. So if you just say, Hey, let’s do something fun, take a selfie with them and then say, what’s your number?

I’ll text it to you. It’s the simplest way to get someone’s phone number and it doesn’t cost you a dime to do it, and it’s a great way to follow up. I teach this from the stage, however, when the moment came down where I was standing in front of Dave, I totally chickened out. And I was Bronk,

Troy Aberle: bronk, bronk, bronk,

Amanda Holmes: bronk.

Honestly, I chickened out and I walked away. I even went back to my room because I was like, wow, I really failed here. And then I remember Then you came and I had come back a little bit annoyed and you were like, I got his number.

Here is your daily dose of the ultimate sales machine coming to you from the new edition. Visit ultimate sales machine dot com to get your copy or multiple copies. I am your host, Amanda Holmes, CEO of Chet Holmes International. What you’re about to learn has assisted a quarter of a million businesses to generate billions of dollars working faster, better, faster. Smarter.

Welcome everybody to the CEO mastery show today. I have a guest, Troy Aberle, executive strategy officer here at CHI. And normally he’s asking the questions, but I’m going to drill him with questions because we have celebrated this wonderful partnership. With Dave Asprey group and the launch of the business of biohacking summit and people Online are just going crazy about it when we were at biohacking conference to a month ago Everybody just said we don’t understand This is taking people a decade to be able to be his partner and only a select few have How did you be able to do that in under six months?

It’s just crazy So, I’ve talked a little bit about it, and I just want to dive deep, because really, Troy, you were the hands on deck that was communicating with him, and we can also share why you were communicating with him, and I was not direct, because of my mess up, right? So there’s mess ups along the way, and there’s that pig headed discipline and determination, so as everyone hears this, I want you to envision who is that one person that could completely change your world.

How are you focusing to give them an experience unlike any other where you’re just straight pitch, pitch, pitch, pitch, pitch, but instead it’s about building a relationship that can last decades. So, with that said, Troy, you were really the one actually that identified that he was a dream one. You were the one that said, Oh, he’s the CEO and he owns so many of these businesses.

We should really focus on him. Right?

[00:02:56] Troy Aberle: Well, cause we started mapping out. We should just go back just a couple of seconds more before, because we had identified that we both have a tremendous passion around people getting healthier and living longer and living better while they’re living longer. And so we had identified that there was an opportunity to go to this event called the biohacking conference.

And we really didn’t know a lot about it, but interestingly enough, we signed up for it because of one of our clients was already going to be in it, introduced us to it, a stem self company. And what was interesting about it was then we got invited to another event ahead of time, so we don’t know anything about this Dave Asprey guy, other than as we’re charting out, we’re taking a look at all the opportunities we could have by going to this conference.

And we noticed that out of all the sponsors and all the vendors that are going to be at this place, because we do a lot of research with our dream 100 process, Dave Asprey’s name is on like 20 of these companies as being the guy, but as we’re reaching out, using our process, I’m realizing that, yeah, this Dave guy is really hard to get ahold of.

And you can’t find them, but he seems to have so much influence.

[00:04:00] Amanda Holmes: How was he hard to get ahold of in comparison?

[00:04:03] Troy Aberle: Well, because you can phone people in his company. You can try to reach out, you can text, you can do all those things if you have the numbers. But as I’m reaching out to people, they’re like, yeah, good luck on getting all the Dave.

That guy is a really, really busy guy. But out of all the other people like Dr. Porter at Braintap or the many other people that are doing so many wonderful products, you can make them, but you cannot get this Dave guy.

[00:04:28] Amanda Holmes: What are some of the people that you reached out to around Dave? Cause I think that’s a really big skill as well.

When you know that there’s the one that you want to get a hold of, how do you be in their circle of influence? Cause you reached out and you’ve got a hold of a couple of them.

[00:04:41] Troy Aberle: Yeah, people said, you know, we can help set up, we can get you in touch with his PR person, the media relations, set up something, but, you know, at the time, Amanda, I think we were 17 days from the conference when we decided we were going, and then we were going to do this whole Big Dream 100 plan.

It was tough, right? He was already quite busy.

[00:05:00] Amanda Holmes: Okay, okay. So, multiple different decision makers trying to get to him, it was difficult. We showed up at the event. And I will put my hand up and say, I love the signature selfie concept, because 80 percent of leads are never followed up on from events, so if you just say, Hey, let’s do something fun, take a selfie with them, and then say, What’s your number?

I’ll text it to you. It’s the simplest way to get someone’s phone number, and it doesn’t cost you a dime to do it, and it’s a great way to follow up. I teach this from the stage. However, when the moment came down where I was standing in front of Dave, I totally chickened out. And I was Brock,

[00:05:39] Troy Aberle: Brock, Brock, Brock,

[00:05:41] Amanda Holmes: Brock.

Ha ha ha ha. Honestly, I chickened out and I walked away. I even went back to my room because I was like, wow, I really failed here. And then I remember, then you came and I had come back a little bit annoyed and you were like, I got his number. I

[00:05:58] Troy Aberle: Yeah, you were really shocked. So to add to that, what it was, was we were at a private meeting with him and to let everyone know, and it was such a no brainer, but at the time everything was busy.

I grabbed a copy of his book and said, Dave, can you sign this book for me? And he said, of course. Really nice gentleman. And I said, Dave, you’re a fellow Canadian. I’d love to be able to text you this picture so we can remember this moment. And he’s like, sure, here’s my number texted to him. And I jokingly said, Hey, you know, you sure talk a lot about sushi.

I have no idea how to eat it. One day, can I call you and you teach me how? And he’s like, sure. Next time you’re in Austin. Now that’s an off the cuff comment for so many people to, you know, let you down. Nicely. But

[00:06:43] Amanda Holmes: I didn’t realize that you had done that.

[00:06:45] Troy Aberle: Yeah. And so then you and I are in Austin for another type of promotion that we were doing, we were doing a keynote.

And what was interesting was, is if you remember, Hey, let’s get all the Dave.

[00:06:57] Amanda Holmes: Yeah.

[00:06:58] Troy Aberle: So, Hey Dave, remember that offer you made for, you know, being able to, could we meet up and could we go for dinner and learn how to eat sushi? Right. And so we were able to put that together and Dave had a friend there and had the opportunity then to get together and.

Just talk, get to know each other.

[00:07:15] Amanda Holmes: Lots of, right, it was supposed to be like an hour dinner and it turned into a four hour escapade. I think the

[00:07:20] Troy Aberle: key point, you know, that I’m proud of us on is the fact that the lady, the rear with said, you know, the cool part about what you guys did is you built rapport.

You didn’t talk about business. You didn’t do anything. You got to know each other for just really being real people again. Not always about the pitch and what it is. So, you know, I think that’s What was so cool about that event or that evening was we literally got to know each other. We got to pick on Amanda for several hours, watch Dave pick on Amanda because she’s vegetarian.

Dave used to be, and he really made sure she understood that he didn’t approve of it anymore. So it was good. It was good. We had a lot of fun and then we got started talking about biohacking and different things and showing a lot of interest in each other. Then we went to Dave’s home and got to be a part of this whole shopping mall experience of every possible humanly thing in the world.

And put, I had electrodes on my arms and. My body was doing some things that I didn’t know it could do and, you know, really got to see into a whole nother world of who truly a Dave Asprey is and then start talking about things that are seeing how it’s a challenge to get some of these technologies and methodologies and theories and all that.

How it’s missing from the world. And we got to know each other and Amanda, you know said during this conversation though, too, by the way, is you need a business mastery type style event, something that your father was so perfect at helping design. And Dave, you know, grabbed his attention and said, yes.

When that’d be awesome, that’d be so cool. And so we didn’t talk much, but Dave then said, you know, in a few days, someone’s going to call you. And we were then introduced to some of his wonderful team and, you know, the rest has become a magical masterpiece of really being able to build out what it is that we do so well, align that with him and other colleagues of his and ours, mutual colleagues, and be able to take all of this marketing experience and all of this training and the things that we do for so many other industries, but actually apply it to medical, something that.

Not only North American needs, but the entire world is becoming more educated and having the right buying criteria so that people can live healthier, longer.

[00:09:28] Amanda Holmes: You know, I think it’s an interesting concept. So I came from the music industry and there was always the saying that you just had to be in the right place at the right time.

And that’s when you got your break. So my professors used to say, just make sure you’re at the right place over and over and over again until it becomes the right time. And I think that the Dream 100 and this example is a great example of showing first, you have to know who that dream prospect is. And very often it’s so much bigger than what your own mind thinks.

Like we could have broken into the biohacking industry, but going after one, after another, after another. And Continuing to reach out to every biohacking company, or we could go to the one that everyone else influences, in that respect, so that the domino effect happens. And so first is identifying who that person is, and then how do you become in their face, in their place, in their space.

So we showed up in his mailbox, in his email, on his social, when we were there in person, to all of his staff, right? Just circling the dragon so that everywhere it seems that we were everywhere and and so there’s a part of it That’s like wow. Well, that was luck truly It was identifying and then being everywhere every time until that moment arose And, and I think there’s something to be said about planning, there’s so much that you can plan, and then there’s so much that you just have to have the pig headed discipline and determination to continue.

Because there was even a time after the biohacking conference where we thought nothing would happen with him, right? It had gone completely cold. And the majority of people would just give up after that, and you reached out yet again, and he said yes, and it just takes Well, about that Yes.

[00:11:15] Troy Aberle: And I think if you actually look at what some of the, when you become passionate about what it is that you want as an outcome.

So we said we wanted to have a major play in this biohacking space and longevity medicine. But if you take a look at most of the people that show up and claim, they’re not sure how we got in there. They just simply show up and they’re spending tens of thousands of dollars to hopefully get around this person or around whoever that might be.

They spend tens of thousands, but they don’t really have the message really dialed in and they don’t really understand the person’s needs. That person has a lot. So we knew by researching the biohacking industry, the ratio of companies succeeding is less than 18%. We had found out, we’d found out how hard it is for companies to thrive through fundraising, to try and grow, getting patents, all of that.

And then they show up to these shows. They’re in a negative situation already, but financially, and they can’t get that message out. And their price point has to be so high that they’re, Tightening up such a niche market, if you will, to just a very high net worth people. And that’s typically what’s been going on in this industry.

So when you say to Dave, if we can increase. The people that you work with or influence or the companies that you own and we can do that part. And here’s what we know scientifically is actually stopping that from happening. Now he’s paying attention because we’ve actually studied it. That’s what’s building rapport.

And as your father would say, Amanda, Chad would say you have to build rapport, spend more time doing that. Everyone else is trying to close. They’re spending tens of thousands. We spent a lot less. Bill rapport with this man, it spent a couple hundred dollars on dinner and teaching him what we knew what was going on that bill report a show that we found his needs and then we can add value and create desire and that sales process then was perfectly executed.

But if you only show up and you have no intention to really date the customers, as we call it, or, you know, really become passionate about what’s going on in their emotions. You’ll never get there. So you have to show up with the right goal. You have to know exactly who they are, what keeps them up at night, what makes them thrive and what’s their goals.

And then be able to educate them that you are the smartest person in the room that they need to stop and pay attention to.

[00:13:25] Amanda Holmes: I think also everything that you’re saying, what’s resonating with me too, is. You can say the words, be genuine, you know? And what’s that saying, like, The rich don’t claim that they’re rich.

The humble don’t claim that they’re humble. You know that saying where the people that lie always claim that there’s so many liars out there. So, it’s hard to say you should come at this in a genuine, honest way. It’s not a business strategy, it’s a way of life and being. Yes. That, that today, because there’s so much plastic and so much fake and so much on the internet, like, when I think about our conversation at dinner, like, We talked about me in my monk years.

And so he talked about like studying with Tibetan monks. And then at one point I was chanting in Sanskrit. Like it was not a normal meeting.

[00:14:18] Troy Aberle: No, but it was real,

[00:14:21] Amanda Holmes: but it was. Honest and real. And I think there’s something to be said about that. And I think it challenges the confines of what is a corporate experience or what you should or shouldn’t do.

I see it a lot with even just branding people that are your prospects on social media. How much people refuse to friend a prospect that has a Facebook page. They’re like, well, that’s my personal life. It’s like, isn’t that what great superstar sales people do is they become genuine friends. That’s what my father did.

He became genuine friends with all of his clientele so that it was a bond where they never left. At biohacking conference, I saw one of my father’s clients, David Dean. And we were talking about the book and how much he references it all the time because it changed his life when he worked with my father.

I gave him a copy of Ultimate Sales Machine and he literally started to cry and I started crying. Because we could just tell how much that had meant to him in his life and the bond that my father had with David. And then we created that by osmosis. Like it’s not your typical environment. You have to challenge the status quo to go beyond it and genuinely care about people.

I think that that’s a critical part.

[00:15:41] Troy Aberle: I love what you said. You know, I think of guys like Tim Yerrick and he won’t mind me sharing his name. He’s a client from the financial world. And it’s interesting because he always says a re over deliver. He’s like, you know, 10, a hundred times more than I ever would have dreamt.

But I don’t think we’re over delivering. I think that we’re creating such a masterpiece of a relationship and an experience for him because we’re truly treating him like a person again. And I think the world has gotten so good at moving away from that with technology. It was so easy to try and get your numbers up, right?

So any of you that are listening, you can get your numbers up by being all over the place and spending 30, 100 grand on Facebook ads. But isn’t it crazy when you actually take time to get, treat someone like a human again, how different it is. And we even took it to the next level with the pandemic. We weren’t allowed to shake hands, hug.

We had to wear masks. We had to be socially distanced. So we’ve done everything to break down rapport and beat it into the ground. But what if you brought that back together, treated people like humans again, and realize how much more potential these people have to introduce you to so many other people.

And now Tim is somebody who is such an advocate now of what we do. Yeah.

[00:16:45] Amanda Holmes: Yeah.

[00:16:46] Troy Aberle: That, you know, people fall in love with us because of the way that they’ve seen experiences from Tim and that same thing with David will happen. And the thing is now the way David treated us. Other people that are looking for upgrade labs or, you know, the different products that he’s using for his business, we will always be someone who will be an advocate for him because of the way he’s made us feel important as well.

And so when you do that, you just changes the frequency of, of you, not only the, what you, how it works for your business, but look at how much fun it is for you and I together to work on this, because it’s just a great frequency. That’s different than a lot of relationships today.

[00:17:27] Amanda Holmes: I think also it’s, like, when we do the Dream 100 workshop, like, what are the checklists that you need to have a dream client?

What determines a dream client? And sometimes we have to debate on what are the criteria, and one of them that we put in there as, like, a template is that you have fun with them. Like, I think about our conversations with the Dave Asprey group, like, his team, and we have so much fun. And, like, For instance, when we were testing the application process.

So if you go to businessofbiohacking. com, you can apply to join us at the summit in September and in Austin, Texas, which will be absolutely wonderful. When we were testing that process, I put my name and information in, and I said that my title was I was the CEO of the Rebecca fan club because I knew that she would be meeting with the responses and she ended up texting me back at like midnight when she was going through them and she’s like, I actually laughed out loud.

Thanks. That was really funny. And I’ve continued to say, as president or CEO of your fan club, I feel that I should insert this in. You have to have one.

[00:18:36] Troy Aberle: You have to have one.

[00:18:37] Amanda Holmes: Yeah, and then someone else, like, had left a conversation and started talking to me. Just so happened after they had talked to her and she came back and said, how dare you go and talk to Amanda?

You know that she’s the president of my fan club, you know, just keep those jokes. One of the people you want to work with where you have fun and you’re engaging and it’s easy and effortless to be yourself, right? That’s what we want to look for.

[00:19:04] Troy Aberle: Yeah. It’s not that you messed up by your signature selfie, but by you teaching other people how to be human with each other.

The odds of your community getting bigger are better because of it. So next time you’re having a staff meeting with your team or, or people come up with strategies that can work. And for some people that might not work on certain days and on other days, it works great. And that’s, what’s going to really be make you an ultimate sales machine.

And that’s, what’s going to really hone in on your dream. 100 clients is you’ll start to notice that. All of these amazing people that are all following the same patterns and, and chemistry are going to be a part of your group. And that’s, what’s magical. And that’s, what’s magical for us. I’m super excited for what it is we’ve created because now we’re being trusted for who we really are.

And in an industry that didn’t know us two years ago, or even a year ago, now is looking at us as truly the authority that we are, but they just didn’t know that, and they found out much quicker because of the methodology that we use.

[00:20:04] Amanda Holmes: So great. So for anyone in health or longevity, or if you’re even thinking, maybe I want to be an investor in that industry, because I also believe that our Healthcare system could use a little bit of help.

You’re welcome to apply at businessofbiohacking. com. That’s businessofbiohacking. com. We are only accepting a small group of wonderful humans. And part of that process we’ll be teaching. How do you deploy the fastest, least expensive way to double sales at Tree 100 and Methodology? Who can you meet into the room that will give you that one connection that could completely change your course and trajectory?

What if you got on the mic in front of all of these people and pitched your company and we tweaked your pitch so that it could be even better so that the next five times that you pitch it, you get that sale or you get that investment. It’s going to be very workshop oriented.

[00:20:55] Troy Aberle: It’s going to be really cool because there’s Amanda and myself could be there.

Dave Asprey himself will be there as well, that you’re going to learn how to pitch in front of. Joe Polish, I believe, and J. J. Virgin. There’s some really amazing, amazing friends of Dave’s and ours that are, I’m so delighted that are going to be there to help people really make a difference. It’ll be exciting.

[00:21:15] Amanda Holmes: Any last thoughts that you feel people need to know about Dream 100, prospecting, following up, living a fulfilled life? We’ve covered all these topics. Any final. Bots of wisdom from Freud to said people,

[00:21:31] Troy Aberle: I think because we deal so much with our simple framework today, as you’re reading this, take a look at the revenue goal.

You want to achieve. Take a look at just what you’ve been doing over the past couple months of what’s been preventing you from getting there and what’s been attracting you to that goal. Are you truly dealing with the right client? Do you know who that client should be? Because we help you with that. And what are you saying to that dream client?

Is it a way that attracts them and educates them differently than all of your competitors? And are you using a touch point system that really keeps consistency? You know, crazy enough, most of these trade shows or conferences, Amanda and I go to, it’s less than 9 percent of people that are actually even following up and when they do, it’s really, really terrible.

So think about that four pieces. What’s your goal? Who’s your dream client? What are you saying to grab their attention and educate them? And what’s the system and process you’re using? And if you can’t score good on that, I think you should definitely reconsider and recalibrate with our team.

[00:22:31] Amanda Holmes: Love it.

Thank you, Troy. I am sure everybody’s Oh, thank you. Hearing the, the behind the scenes .

[00:22:38] Troy Aberle: You bet. Sounds good. Thank you, Amanda.

[00:22:40] Amanda Holmes: Until next week, make sure to get your copy or copies at the ultimate sales There’s a lot of special bonuses that you can’t get going to Amazon, so make sure you check it out at Ultimate Sales Machine.

3.7M Views Later: How My Viral ‘Single’ Post Uncovered Sales Secrets Fri, 12 Jul 2024 15:32:32 +0000

Did you happen to see the tweet my friend posted about me being single?

It went viral. It reached 3.7 million people in 72 hours. 😳

You’d think it’d be funny but to be honest I was… mortified.

A week earlier I was complaining to my friend about how I wish people knew that I was trying to
date, and if my friends knew maybe they’d refer me better matches than the painful process of dating apps.

So my friend decided to take matters into his own hands and post out to his following about me (without telling me first).

You know what they say, be careful what you wish for…

A week later I’m horrified as thousands of people are discussing their personal opinions about why I, a successful female, am single in my mid 30s.

It was causing me so much stress and discomfort, we shut it down after three days.

I learned for the first time, first hand, that the internet can be a vicious place.

The things people said about me were utterly brutal.

It was quite an insane situation.

My friend ended his tweet with, “Men who have their life together can DM and ask her out nicely”.

I got over 600 men that asked me out in my DMs. Of which majority are still sitting there.

Which leads me to this week’s podcast episode. 😆

I had to do a training on Follow up, and this twitter escapade gave me some freaking great talking points as I saw the parallels between dating and sales.

So if you’d like to get more of the scoop, see the kinds of DMs I got, and my analysis of the data around what 98% of the men missed and how we do the same silly things every day in sales…

Listen to this week’s episode.

-Amanda Holmes


P.S. Reply back if you’d like me to do another episode on this Twitter topic. I’d like to do another episode more vulnerable about the whole process of going viral, the state of dating, how bullying online seems to be accepted, and how this experience shifted my perspective on social media in my life as a whole. Would you like an episode like that? Just curious. Any other ideas send them my way.


Continued Learning:  The Framework for Viral Videos: 5 Steps to Creating Viral Videos


  • Want to know what’s keeping you from doubling your sales in the next 12 months? Take our quick QUIZ to get answers:
  • If you’d like to have a profound breakthrough in your business, schedule your breakthrough call with a LIVE expert here:
  • Claim your FREE chapter 4 from the top 10 most recommended marketing and sales books of all time! Visit: to find out how you Create 9X More Impact from every move you’re already making to win clients!


*this transcript was mostly generated by AI, please excuse any mistakes smile

Amanda Holmes: So this is something really strange that happened three weeks ago. So my friend posted on Twitter saying, Hey, my friend Amanda Holmes is single. She’s in her 30s. She’s successful. Men who have their life together can DM her and ask her out nicely. This post went viral. It reached 3. 7 million people in 72 hours.

It was shocking. Actually quite mortifying to be totally honest with you. We ended up. Deleting it after 72 hours because it was just horrific to people that are online and the things that they say. I, I still, still currently have about 600 men that have asked me out on Twitter off my DMs and I just can’t, for the likes of me, fully respond to all of them.

But I learned some really interesting things from this that I want to share that I think are just perfectly in alignment with sales.

Here is your daily dose of the Ultimate Sales Machine coming to you from the new edition. Visit ultimatesalesmachine. com to get your copy, or multiple copies. I am your host, Amanda Holmes, CEO of Chet Holmes International. What you’re about to learn has assisted a quarter of a million businesses to generate billions of dollars working faster, better, smarter.

So, I calculated. And of the 600, 98. 4 percent of them said just the stupidest stuff. Ayo, you mad cute. Where you at right now? I need a sugar mommy. I had about, like, a hundred of those.

Easily, if not more. You’re gorgeous. If you’re ever in New York City, let me take you out. Pick me, pick me. I saw your friend’s Nick’s post and I figured I’d shoot my shot. Guess you’re getting bombarded with DMs. I mean, like, all of these were just so obvious that if they know that I have hundreds of people reaching out to me to try and get on a date, do any of these actually seem like you’d have a chance?

No! Right? I counted. There were 1. 6 percent of them that actually wrote a meaningful reply. 1. 6%! Like give me a break! And of the nearly 4 million that saw this post, I gave 4 men my number. Like, it was practically like one per million that I gave my number to.

Craig Ingram: That just shows the state of patheticness of people in our society.

Right? Because it should have been more than that. There should have been enough decently intelligent, you know, men having situational awareness, right? Like, it’s just, it’s not good. Look how upset you are right now. I mean, just, I’m infuriating that there’s that many knuckleheads on this planet. There are.

Completely inappropriate. I just, I don’t get it. I’m old. What can I tell ya?

Amanda Holmes: Well, so I thought it was rather interesting because it’s, it’s gotta be the exact same when it comes to sales, right? We’re just perpetually just straight to it, going on a date with me without doing any kind of courting whatsoever.

Hi Amanda, I’m kind of a mess, but would date you. I have a nice hat. I’m ugly, wanna go to dinner. You know, I’m pretty broke, I don’t have much direction, but I’m very sweet and caring. Can you make, and I’ll make you smile, and talk to you for hours, then I’ll bring you joy and love into your life. Like, how many times do we reach out just knowing that we’re gonna fail?

A huge portion of them reached out to me knowing that they would fail. How often do we have salespeople that do the same thing, right? Like, I just found the dichotomy of this to be so entertaining.

So I actually wrote, Reading these DMs has been eye opening. I think more men need my services on how to pitch than to date me.

So I’m going to lovingly put my book out there. Which, you know, I only have like 6, 000 followers on Twitter. I don’t have a lot. But it reached 36, 000 people and we sold out our book stock. So, six months worth of books we sold in three days, which, again, hilarious, right? This whole thing was so bizarre.

So, what can we learn from this?

Why don’t we use humor? How about we get a referral, or get someone to refer us to business? What is your unique selling proposition? How many of these men had no idea how to sell themselves? They have lived with themselves for years, and they couldn’t even sell themselves, let alone a product or a service.

I mean, just shocking. Or, hey, what about struggling that you care? So, this one I thought was funny. Well, that’s good, sweetheart. Wanna have a Pop Tart? That’s just clever. You know, kind of a funny one liner. Why not? This guy said, This is a plug for my friend who DM’d you after the post. He doesn’t know I’m sending this, but he is great, so here it goes.

He’s witty, handsome, wonderful. He has his life together. He takes care of himself and those around him. He smiles. He wants you to smile. We’ve been friends for 15 years. I’ve never seen him negatively impact anyone he comes in contact with. What a great thing to have when somebody refers you like that.

That guy, I talked to because of his friend, not because of what he wrote. You have to be overwhelmed with DMs from people sent by Nick, but throwing my hat in the ring as a smart, successful, family oriented Texas based, financially comfortable, just barely qualified as a multi millionaire, work from home attorney with my own public interest firm, just an unhideous enough that they got someone good looking with more hair to play me in the HBO movie.

Okay, right? Like, You got my attention. And the first thing out of his mouth is, You have to be overwhelmed. And I’m thinking, Yes! I am! Thank you for acknowledging and having the self awareness to realize that something is happening in my life. And then, here’s this one. Hi, Nick Gray sent me, which I actually opened more of the ones that said, Nick sent me, because I thought that he had actually sent it to somebody specific, and then I found out more people were saying that, and I’m like, Oh no, they just saw his tweet.

So I saw his post, obviously clicked on it because you have a nice smile, and he said you were single and kind. He also mentioned that I was very wealthy, which was the whole debacle as why we shut it down. And it went viral partially because everyone was like, how dare you say that to the Twitter world?

Like, that’s gonna attract the wrong people. And it did! So he said, he also mentioned you’re wealthy, and that doesn’t really mean much to me, and isn’t my motivation here. Immediately, I’m like, wow, this guy is very nice. After I clicked on your page, I watched a couple of your videos, and really liked your tribute to your dad.

I recently lost my dad, it just felt like. So he continues it on, but already, what did he do? He showed that he cared, he gave me a nice compliment, he showed that he actually looked at my page. I cannot tell you, right, 1. 6 percent actually looked into my page and made a comment about it. So just to say, right?

Okay, five lessons learned. Social media can be an evil place. You really know you’ve gone viral when the joke of you also goes viral? So, someone said, this is what your friend would look like if she was Asian. So some guy took my face and made it Asian. And that got shared, and got retweeted three hundred times.

It’s like, so bizarre.

Craig Ingram: We have a mental problem in this country.

Amanda Holmes: Or just on Twitter, I think the worst of people spend their time on Twitter. No, it’s just, I just can’t believe people would take the time to do this

Craig Ingram: nonsense. Like, go do something productive. Not

Amanda Holmes: what you do on Twitter. Oh, the books. Hey. Yeah, it worked out for the book sales.

So majority of the population give the minimum amount of effort shooting a losing shot. That was a huge takeaway for me. Very rarely do people know how to articulate what makes them unique. And that’s not even counting selling their product or service. 98 percent of the population doesn’t have the intellect to see beyond themselves to put themselves in your shoes.

And, if you are clever, you stand out, and if you’re observant, you’re ahead. Interesting, right? Random, and totally out of left field, but I thought, This, I have to share, cause this is so bizarre. Does that land for you, Craig? I think you’re just laughing at the whole thing. I

Craig Ingram: just fricking just flabbergasted, but I do like, they’ll be observant in your head, right?

Be clever, stand out. Because I think this is the biggest problem with marketing is that people are bland, mundane, boring, right? They’re not a neon green fish in a silver fish Lake, right? And so they don’t stand out because they’re afraid of standing out. And in corporate America, if you stand out, it’s seen negative, not positive, but yet that’s why everybody’s broke.

Carlos Camargo: Yeah, that number five also, you know, resonated with me. Be clever, you stand out, be observant in your head. I think so few people use video, for example, and I try to use video all the time. And I’m surprised, Craig, when people say, man, that’s such a great video to use. I never see that in an email reply or in an email in general.

Amanda Holmes: Of the 600, two people sent me an audio.

Carlos Camargo: An audio, not video.

Amanda Holmes: I don’t think you can do video on Twitter DMs. But the two out of six hundred decided to do a different kind of medium.

Craig Ingram: Well, they were nested out, didn’t they? What

Troy Aberle: were you saying, Tony? It’s interesting, because to me it’s like, as I think about this, it’s like, uh, A real life situation of people find it entertaining, right?

Like the bachelor or different things that people subconsciously struggle with each and every day. And watching undercover billionaire with a Grant Cardone or whatever, all of these things are a story. That’s something that people are like trying to figure out. It’s that mystery. It’s that hero sequence.

And. Even some of the videos that, that where I’m walking down the road, people, like I get so much more engagement than if I’d use the studio, but I think people want to get back to building rapport and, and being able to have people that relate to them rather than being so scripted. Is that fair?

Amanda Holmes: Totally.

And that is the breakdown for how to be one in a million for your potential prospects through the lens of a very strange experience I had dating online. And that is another episode of the CEO mastery show.

Make sure to get your copy or copies at the ultimate sales machine. com. There’s a lot of special bonuses that you can’t get going to Amazon.

Make sure you check it out at ultimate sales machine.

Case Study: How We Won Our Dream Client in Under 6 Months Fri, 28 Jun 2024 15:29:29 +0000

Do you know who is your one dream client that could completely change your world?

You might’ve heard last week that we announced a new partnership with Dave Asprey on the Business of Biohacking.

This week, we’re peeling back the curtain on how we landed this relationship–one that the majority of people have wanted for a decade, but we managed to accomplish in under six months.

Join me as we peel back how we leveraged Core Story and the Dream 100 strategy to connect with top decision-makers.

We practice what we preach, and we’re eager to show you how you can too.

P.S. Don’t miss your chance to secure a spot at the Business of Biohacking Summit. Visit to apply to this invite only exclusive.


Continued Learning: Winning ONE Dream 100 Partnership That 5x-ed Pipeline Immediately


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Amanda Holmes: So we went from nothing to forefront. It took us less than six months to get that partnership. Whereas you show up and all these people are looking at us like, how did you get that, that partnership? I mean, I’ve been trying to do it for a decade. It’s because you’re not focused. You’re not clear, right?

You have to be in their face, in their place, in their space. So they go from, I’ve never heard of you before, to, oh yeah, I think I’ve heard of them too, oh yeah, I know who they are too, we work together and it’s a completely different Paradigm shift. If you know, it’s those bigger, better buyers that, you know, Dave, just getting buy in with Dave and his whole team turns into so many more opportunities.

So I treat that relationship very differently.

Pablo Gonzalez: I remember you almost exactly a year ago telling me that you had found your people, you had found your vertical, you fell in love with this space. Of biohacking and now you call me and you’re like, I’m about to have the biggest partnership with the biggest name in biohacking. It’s on. So I would love to just kind of deconstruct.

First of all, what is this partnership that you’re doing with who? What’s it about? And then I want to just figure out how you were able to achieve this so quickly because you had no traction in this space a year ago.

Amanda Holmes: Yeah, yeah.

Pablo Gonzalez: Thank

Amanda Holmes: you, Pavel. That’s such a great way to enter the space. Yes. I mentioned in, uh, prior podcasts that we just launched the Business of Biohacking Summit with Dave Asprey.

So, some people know Bulletproof coffee. You know, you put butter in your coffee and it’s wonderful. And it was this huge craze. And so Dave Asprey created that, launched it. It was like four time bestselling author. Has a million followers around the globe talking about biohacking. He is also part owner in dozens of companies because he’s really the father of this space, biohacking.

He invented the name. Biohacking, which is really just people that want to hack their lives so that they can live longer and healthier. And he always jokes about how he wants to live to 180. Actually, I don’t think that that’s a joke. I think he’s pretty serious about it.

Pablo Gonzalez: So, you know, to me, it’s, I feel like this partnership that you’re doing, the people that you’re going to end up working with are going to know who Dave Osprey is.

The people that don’t realize it’s just to like, give you credit. You have essentially connected with the front and center face of the Mount Rushmore of an industry that you were fascinated in in a very short amount of time to build really deep value for him enough that he essentially is going to vouch for you to help his companies grow.

Is that right?

Amanda Holmes: Yeah. Okay.

Pablo Gonzalez: And you did this eating your own dog food.

Amanda Holmes: Yes, we did it practicing what we preach, which was really, really awesome. We don’t just talk the talk. We’re walking on our walk.

Pablo Gonzalez: Okay. So then take me back to a year ago. I think the aha moment happened a year ago where you did this plan of how you executed this.

Would you say that? You were working on making this happen before you got to that conference, or has it been from like the moment you left that conference on, talk to me about kind of when this idea of going hard at biohacking and breaking into the space at this level started.

Amanda Holmes: Okay. So we teach the dream 100 as you know, right?

The fastest, least expensive way to double sales. It’s focusing on a few that can produce much greater volume than spray and pray. So, um, Right before we found out two months before the biohacking conference last year, and we went, Oh my gosh, this is great because I’m so passionate about health and healing and longevity.

And I want to heal health care because of what I experienced from watching my father go through the system. And when we found this biohacking conference, we realized that they did all the hard work to identify who the leading edge of science and health companies are. So we didn’t have to go into all that research.

They were all right there. There were 120 sponsors. So we focused on just 80 of them and we led a dream 80, where we reached out to those 80 companies. First, we found them on social media. Then we sent them a Facebook invite, a LinkedIn message, a Twitter message, an Instagram message. We cold called them.

We cold emailed them. We sent them a direct mail piece. So we had about. In total, I think it was about eight different touches before we entered into that conference. So we went from them not knowing us at all to, Oh yeah, I think I know ultimate sales machine too. Oh, Troy and Amanda are here. We’re so happy to see you because we led with value.

So instead of getting just 3 percent to book an appointment with us, we got 68 percent to book an appointment with us, which was just shocking for any people that do a cold outbound, that’s, that’s crazy.

Pablo Gonzalez: That’s shocking. Right? Like 68 percent of your target market that you’re trying to connect with books and appointment with you.

Right? Yeah. To be honest with you, I’ve been trying, I try to do something exactly like this, like two months ago failed miserably. Right? So like, But I thought, listen, I, cause I, I just, cause I want to get into the details of why this works so well when somebody who knows that’s doing it is doing it right.

I was booked into a keynote speech for the biggest property management conference in America. I was my biggest speaking opportunity. I thought the same thing. Oh, okay. If I want to make this a vertical, everybody exhibiting at this show is somebody I want to meet. So my thing was like, well, I made a bunch of like cool content and I ran LinkedIn ads to them.

And then when I walked the floor, nobody knew who I was. So I would love to know more on how you broke down this idea of every social media channel, where you targeting people, or were you targeting just like the channel at all?

Amanda Holmes: Yep. So we first started with the CEOs and depending on the size, that was either the decision maker or not the decision maker, actually, because you have billion dollar clients and then you had like startups, there was quite a range.

But what was key for us was our stadium pitch. So instead of walking up and saying, hey, we’d love to talk to you about your marketing or your sales approach. We said, hey, we know that you’re exhibiting in this event and we have a trade show regrets survey that we did where we pulled compiled thousands of answers to say, the 6.

Most costly mistakes the sponsors make at trade show booths that waste their hard earned investment. We’d love to show that to you. Would you like to have that? That was a huge part for them to go, oh my god, and not only did the CEO say yes, they’d say, Oh, Well, can you also send that report to my head of marketing?

Here’s their email. And we have three more people that are going to show up at the booth. Can you make sure that you send it to them too? And they just started sending our material or sending to us all of the decision makers in that process. So it started to get this like momentum coming where everybody started to know us.

And it was very personalized. It was super personalized, right? We’re cold calling. We’re direct mailing. They see us on Instagram. The different Instagrams, we’re tagging them in posts. So it just created this buzz, which did take four different people to execute, right? One person on social media interacting, one person that was a salesperson, cold calling, another admin that was doing the direct mail piece.

I would call it an advanced version of Dream 100. I joke about there’s like the poor man’s Dream 100 and then there’s the advanced Dream 100. We’ve really pulled out all the stops there.

Pablo Gonzalez: And then there’s the like foreigner from another land. Uh, and pour their three and 100, which is what I try to do. So, okay, cool.

Amanda Holmes: Yeah. One more important thing while we were doing this, we kept noticing, Oh, Dave Asprey is supposedly the owner of this company and this company and this company and this company. And, and it was like, wow, there are like, Dozens of these companies that Dave is part owner in, maybe we should focus on him.

That would be the ultimate like creme de la creme. We could get him. You get so many more. So during that process is when we identified him, but it was hard to get his attention, right? He’s the main guy of the event. So now we’re reaching out to his head of communications and his head of PR. And we’re trying to like circle the dragon to find how do we get to Dave?

It was very hard to get.

Pablo Gonzalez: A couple of things that rings out to me there. Number one is the idea. First of all, directionally correct. If you want to get known in a space, in a vertical finding the watering hole of that vertical and going at that is like the opportunity in the dream 100 to like identify your dream 80, 20 or 100, whatever you’re doing.

Right. So you did that well. And then the same way. You figured the way that you’re getting leveraged by going at like the most concentrated point. You did that per company. You went 1st at the CEO across the different social media channels to his personal or her personal social media channel. You had somebody researching that on social media.

You had somebody researching the emails. You had somebody researching the mailing addresses. So that was the 2nd leverage point. And then the 3rd leverage point was you are not reaching out to them. From a standpoint of, Hey, you’re going to be at this trade show. I’m going to be at this trade show. Let’s be friends.

You’re reaching out as like, Hey, you’ve got something coming up that has a potential weakness. I know some advice I can give you. Let me give you that. That’s essentially the core story framework that you teach people that you do really, really well. And then the fourth thing is like, once you’re doing that, you started finding another, even higher up leverage point, which is this Dave Asprey.

Character who ended up being like the, the holding company for all these other holding companies. And he’s the, the CEO of that, right?

Amanda Holmes: Yes.

Pablo Gonzalez: Okay, cool. So you did that. You got the pitch together when you were reaching out via social and mail, like how does the pitch change when it’s like a social message versus a direct mail piece that still has to do with the stadium pitch.

Amanda Holmes: Yeah, that’s the power of a stadium pitch, right? When you get very clear on it, then all the different mediums can be so much easier. So the call to action was the same amidst all of them. Hey, we had this education. We’d love to give it to you. Either you call or you email. So each different medium had a different way of getting that.

Education, but all of them led with that education.

Pablo Gonzalez: Okay. So you did all that before the show?

Amanda Holmes: Yeah,

Pablo Gonzalez: you’re trying to circle Dave aspirate before the show. Did you get to Dave before the show?

Amanda Holmes: Accidentally? Yes. Okay.

Pablo Gonzalez: Okay.

Amanda Holmes: So, and I want to say that because we only targeted 80 of them, it was very cheap. Right?

It was like under 1, 000 to do all of this targeting and reaching out to them. It was more horsepower, as my father used to say, horsepower, not wallet power. The thing that was most expensive was paying for VIP tickets for me and Troy, right? But then, because we’re getting so hyper focused on where we’re going, who we’re reaching out to, letting people know on social that we’re going to an event, We found out like four days beforehand that this private mastermind was happening before biohacking conference and that Dave would be there and we happened to know the gentleman, Chris Ryan.

So we signed up to go to that event. And that’s where we actually met Dave accidentally, but because we were in the right place, right, we’re in the right place, saying the right things, getting to the right people, repetitively in their face, in their place, in their space. So that opportunity came up, we snagged it, and that’s where Troy got his cell phone number, which was critical to this whole thing working.

Pablo Gonzalez: Okay. Okay. All right. So one could call that lucky, or you could say you did everything in order to put yourself in the way of luck. Right? Like you spread the surface area of luck. You opened up that by surrounding Dave in every way that you could, which led to the right outcome. Right?

Amanda Holmes: Right. So we set it up so that by the time we actually met with him, it’s like, Oh, Did you hear that we’ve been talking with Sue in your office?

Oh, no. Oh, did you get my mail piece that I sent to your office in Oregon? Oh, no, I didn’t. Right. All of these things made it feel like, oh, we’re in your periphery. We’ve been here for a while. We know all the players when it had been a very short period of time.

Pablo Gonzalez: So now you’re there. Were you speaking at this conference, Amanda, or were you just an attendant?

Amanda Holmes: I was not speaking, and it was the first time I paid for a ticket to an event in a while. I’m paid to go to an event? So I had to like, eat humble pie there, you know? Showing up, okay, I’m gonna pay my way, I’m gonna hustle, whatever it takes. I had Bessie. You know, my human billboard. So I was walking around with a four foot sign on my back that said, you want to double sales, talk to me.

Pablo Gonzalez: I think that’s another increase in the surface area of luck, right? Like there isn’t a lot of people. Like, I think there’s a very specific kind of person that’s willing to number one, put on a backpack that is a human billboard and to, you know,

Amanda Holmes: Yes, especially, especially since I know that like every conference I go to with that thing, I mostly get shut down.

Like they shut me down because it’s too effective, right? They’re like, what are you doing here? All the other sponsors are jealous because you’re hogging all the leads. So I had to be selective about walking through with it.

Pablo Gonzalez: I love it. I love it. Okay. Cool. By doing all the legwork, right? You not only increase the surface area of luck for a chance meeting, but even before that you increase the surface area of luck of finding the most leveraged person and getting to the events, right?

Just knowing where to be and when I think is a big, big part of the equation. And that’s not always obvious.

Amanda Holmes: Well, I think that people stumble upon it accidentally. So the whole gift of Dream 100 is identifying who those dream clients are and then going after them with pigheaded discipline and determination, right?

We think about, there’s, there’s some people that we met, fast forward to this year, we show up at the conference and Everywhere you look, there’s pictures of Dave Troy and myself with business about hacking summit. So we went from nobody knowing us at all to this one. Now, 5, 000 people have seen our face.

They see, we had a boot there. We had two booths there. We were just everywhere. So we went from nothing to forefront. It took us less than six months to get that partnership. Whereas you show up and all these people are looking at us like, how did you get that? That partnership. I mean, I’ve been trying to do it for a decade.

It’s because you’re not focused. You’re not clear, right? You have to be in their face in their place in their space. So they go from I’ve never heard of you before to Oh, yeah, I think I’ve heard of them too. Oh, yeah. I know who they are too. We work together. And it’s a completely different. Paradigm shift.

If you know, it’s those bigger, better buyers that, you know, Dave just getting buy in with Dave and his whole team turns into so many more opportunities. So I treat that relationship very differently.

Pablo Gonzalez: So now that was the timeline pre event, right? Like you dream 100, the heck out of that event, you got to the number one leverage point, the number one kind of like relationship that you can need that can blow up your business.

You meet them. You have a great salesperson that knows how to extract the cell phone number. And then talk to me about from the event till the next kind of inflection point. Talk me through that.

Amanda Holmes: Yeah. So this is another interesting one because 80 percent of sales are made on the 5th to 12th contact. And yet 90 percent of sales reps give up after three touches.

So we had followed up. In so many different ways on social, but it’s hard cause he has a million followers via email. Troy just continued texting him over and over again until we finally got that in, right? It’s part luck. It’s part just being in the right place in the right time. So you just show up to the right place over and over and over again until it becomes the right time.

So we happened to be in Austin for another client meeting at the same time that he happened to be in Austin. And Troy, I was texting with him and said, Oh. you know, are you doing anything tonight? Turned out he was going to sushi and we got an invite to go to dinner with him and a friend of his, Rachel Vargas.

So we spent four hours. I mean, 99 percent of it was just shooting the shiitake and having a great time and him making fun of me for being vegetarian. So many hits for being vegetarian, but we had a blast. And then at one moment we’re sitting at At dinner, and he goes, yeah, I’m really thinking that we’re going to do a business mastery for biohacking.

And for those that don’t know, right? My father started business mastery with Tony because when Tony wanted to go from life coaching to business coaching, he needed the intellectual property and the training on how to do that. And that’s what ultimate sales machine was. That’s what my father did. So we were the back end to that for so many years.

I heard him say that and just, you know, Like a guttural out of me. I went, you need me. And I’ve never been, I’m normally not that intense, you know, aggressive. But while I’d walked the floor of biohacking conference, all that kept repeating in my head is we need a business mastery for biohacking. We need a business mastery for biohacking.

Like I couldn’t get it out of my brain. So when I heard it come out of his voice at dinner, I couldn’t help, but say, you need me, Here’s all the reasons why I have innovated this over the last decade. So we have exactly what you need to make that conference a huge success. And it’s right in alignment with my core values and my mission to help heal healthcare.

So he was like, Oh, interesting. Well, we should talk about it. And then I didn’t, and then we didn’t say anything else. And the rest of the time it was just building a great. Relationship and the next day, he actually followed up with me. I didn’t follow up with him purposefully because I knew that everyone hounds him and I wasn’t going to hound him.

So there was this, like, balance of playing the game just a little bit and he reached out to me. We got on a call with his team and. The rest is signed, sealed, delivered.

Pablo Gonzalez: So there’s two things that I’m curious about out of that part of the story. One is when you say that you started just kind of like following up, following up, following up, right?

Like the pigheaded discipline and determination of the followup, including text messages at that point, were you still following up with core story or were you following up with, so we met, we’re cool, right? Like how, what’s the balance there?

Amanda Holmes: We did both. So it was part like, Hey, we saw the sponsors. We’d love to show you what we found worked and didn’t worked.

We’re doing a group call. How many of you would like to join? He was invited to that. His team was invited to that. Some people showed up. They didn’t show up. We sprinkled a little bit more of like, oh, you know, here’s what we saw from 1 of the booths, which we thought was really great feedback. Thought you should know, right?

Just kind of showing that we’re in the know. We’re seeing things that are working, we’re part of the trends, still living that concept of core story, but not perpetually hounding the stadium pitch title per se, just living that content while also just being personal. So this blend of personal plus. We know what’s going on.

Pablo Gonzalez: Yeah. I would assume that knowing a little bit about core story and knowing how core story starts with this, like global pain and then localizes it and then sets a buyer criteria core story by itself. Gives you multiple things to follow up with, right? Cause if you were setting a buyer criteria of like the five things that you need to know in order to succeed, each one of those things, every time there’s a headline about that or something that pings like that, or something reminds you of that, that reminds you that person is like, it’s like an open door, like, Oh, time to text Dave about, I saw this, right?

Amanda Holmes: Yeah, yeah, yeah, I do think that you bring up a really good point and I’ve been working on this intersection because I’ve I teach a lot about like, I was just in Jamaica training a financial services sales team how to social sell and you’ve seen some of my stuff on that. Right? It’s not really like. It’s not social posting.

It’s social listening. So there is this blend that happens today that my father couldn’t talk about because he was just cold calling his prospects. Today, there is so much fodder online to very quickly see, Oh, they’re talking about this. I can tie that into what I’m talking about. Or, Oh, I saw this really funny meme.

I can send that over to So there is a blend between Core story, all the data and the market and the trends that you know about. And then there’s also, what are they already having dialogues about that you can interweave the two. So, yes.

Pablo Gonzalez: It’s almost like newsjacking, but it’s a personal newsjacking, right?

Like you’re in these people’s stories and you’re in their social media. So, you know, what’s important to them because of core story, you know, where your journey and their journey intersect. So then you can be out there in the ecosystem thinking when I see something that’s important to them, I can send it to them.

And when I see something that is important to me, that relates to them based on the core story, I can send them that too. And that gives you multiple layers of like relationship building that you’re able to do once you’ve implemented this and what you’ve connected. Correct.

Amanda Holmes: Yes, and also it helps like I had the, my core story in my back pocket around wellness.

So it was very easy for me to talk about what’s going on with trends. Once we started working together, the team was very easy to say, okay, let’s talk about the business of biohacking summit. What are all the features and benefits? And I went, no, no, no, no, no. If I’m going to be teaching the people that come to this summit, I need to be practicing what we’re preaching at the event.

To market the event and they went, huh? How interesting, like, what does that look like? So our handout, instead of just saying business about hacking summit, you’ll get to pitch in a room full of investors. You’ll get to meet Dave Asprey in a fraction of the room. Instead, we led with attention, biohacking businesses.

We’re in a crisis, a health crisis and a drop data, data, data, right? So I led. The whole marketing effort using core story for biohacking businesses. So that when I get on stage in September, I’m showing them, this is how we marketed to you. This is how you can bridge the gap in your business. So I’m just trying to be a product of the product everywhere in every way.

Pablo Gonzalez: You’re so good at that. So, well, that kind of leads me, I don’t know if this is, this was where my second question was going, which I think you’re kind of answering. And it’s this idea that. When we go back to that first event, you went in, you land it, you know, you hooked, you put a, you put a hook into the whale, right?

But that doesn’t mean that you stopped actually also still following up with all of the fishes and the rest of the ecosystem around it, right? You continue doing that surrounding him and inviting his companies to your events and to the things that you’re doing continuously as well, right?

Amanda Holmes: Yes. And I do have to say that there were, there were many moments amidst this process where it felt like, wow, we did get some wins, but what are we really getting out of this?

Like there was month three after the event where we looked around and went, man, we haven’t closed as much as we thought we would, what’s going on here. And then it wasn’t until the month four that we got that appointment. And then month five, we actually landed that contract. So it’s, it’s amazing how many people, when they.

First, they get lost in who their actual ideal client is, and they just end up going after the wrong people, or people that aren’t generating them. A profit and you know, we have to do exercises on like, who is not your ideal client? Like I was just at a, I was at another clients where we realized that 56 percent of the sales teams efforts were only generating 3 percent of their revenue.

Half of their activities were only generating 3%. So, the whole process of identifying your Dream 100 is also who do you not want to work with? So when you’re clear on that, it makes it easier, but it takes time to win those people, right? But if you just keep following up and it’s like, no, no, no, We’re told it’s at least 15 different touches to get there, you just keep doing it, right?

It’s like, I will, I will do this until I die, like I will find a way. And even now that I’m in the door, I’m still, I tell them, you know, our contract ended up being for one event and I went, that’s great that we’re doing one event, but I’m here for the next decade. I want to see the 400 percent growth in the next eight years that biohacking is said to make.

I want to be a substantial part of that, and I will prove to you every step of the way that you’ll want to be with me for the next decade. And I am showing up like an all star with his entire team. Same with Troy. We’re going above and beyond because we understand this is a dream engagement, and with dream engagements, you treat them differently than the one off

Pablo Gonzalez: It gives me like a baseball visual of like you’re sitting at the plate, you’re standing at the plate, you’re swinging and you’re hitting a whole bunch of foul balls and maybe you’re getting a couple of runners on base and if you’re not super committed to it and you’re not super clear on the game that you want to win, you might say, you know what?

Forget it. I’m going to go play soccer because I’m not scoring here. Whereas if you stay there and you still keep putting people on base and keep making contact, eventually hit a home run and you get everybody home, which sounds like is what you did with this. When you were walking the floor the first year thinking this needs a business mastery, biohacking needs a business mastery.

What were you seeing at. This biohacking conference that made you say to yourself that it needed a business mastery.

Amanda Holmes: Well, I guess because so since I’m so passionate about health and watching every single booth have something just you walk this, this conference, it’s the most exciting conference you’ve ever seen.

Like every single booth is the craziest inventions that you’ve never heard of before. Like a shirt that will help reduce. Pain in the body, if you just wear it, like the threading is fancy. It’s called intelligent threads. You have these tests that you can do, which tell you your genetic makeup of what’s going on in your body.

So you follow all these gurus online that tell you how to eat, right? But maybe in your genetic makeup. Ginger is a bad thing, or potatoes are a bad thing, and you wouldn’t know unless you got genetically tested. The personalization of medicine has made quantum leaps, and yet our society is living in this old paradigm.

But we have these brilliant inventions that have been made, but they’re made by scientists, and engineers, and doctors, and they don’t know how to market. They’re scientists, they’re doctors, right? So I’m seeing these people that have brilliant ideas, and there’s this gap between letting the market know and speaking to them in a way that the market can understand them.

Because I would go booth to booth and look at them and go, I have no idea what that thing is or what it does, but it looks fancy. You know, and you start talking to them and they still don’t really know how to articulate it, all the people in the booth. And you’re kind of just jumping around to find somebody that understands what they’re talking about.

I’m thinking, well, Wow. If only these people knew a stadium pitch, if only they understood dream 100, like we could scale these companies so much quicker if they just had a framework that they could follow that’s been proven. So yeah, that’s what made me super passionate. So I saw such a need for.

Pablo Gonzalez: As a business owner myself, it’s such a relatable feeling.

It’s like, Hey, so what is it that you do? And you’re like, Oh, I do this and I do this and I do this and I do this. And you vomit all over people, all these different things that you’re like in love with with your product, but you’re not speaking to them in their language, you’re not simplifying, you’re not talking to them like a fifth grader of just like, well, you know, how.

You have a problem with this. Yeah, I got a problem with that. Well, that’s because of this. And in order to solve that, you need a solution like this. And I have this product, right? Like that core story. And then the idea of so that makes every communication that you have way easier that you can apply to your booth that you can apply to your mail that you can apply to your social media.

And then on top of that, just the zeroing in on the area right by the bullseye, so that you’re only having those conversations with the people that are really, really going to move the needle for you. To me, it’s like the ultimate dream for a business owner.

Amanda Holmes: Yes. And like all of these booths are there assisting the 5, 000 people that are showing up to this conference, but what they’re missing is the opportunities between the booths.

Your biggest referral partner is. Three booths down, but because you’re only focused on consumers, you haven’t even thought of the strategic partnerships or the joint ventures that could be created. So that’s a huge part of business of biohacking summit too, is I am facilitating, explaining the dream 100 and going, okay, guys, now that you’re here in this room, let’s focus on.

Find a way, whether you’re making those relationships in this room or, you know, somebody that can make that relationship and we’ll get further faster if we work together. So this is so biohacking. com is where people can sign up and apply for those that are actually interested and yeah. They want to be an investor that have that kind of business that want to grow.

Want to be in that room, all of the top tier.

Pablo Gonzalez: It’s interesting, Amanda, because you and I, you and I are super very same wavelength and what I’ve been very deep into, it’s very clear to me that the space that fascinates me the most is the SAS B2B tech space and the, the, the This idea of partnerships as the next big lever of growth, right.

In a world where we’re getting more and more advertisements and bombarded, right? Like, I think I got that stat from you. The amount of advertisements we’re getting, you know, even cutting through that noise is hard enough. The new kind of like data, the new oil is trust. It’s like the warm intro and how you set up these partner ecosystems is like the new big topic in that world and mainstream business is so far behind it.

Right. So like, I’m sure the engineer that has this like awesome shirt, that’s going to cure me, help me sleep better at night or whatever, you know, like that, like they’re, they’re, they’re so far behind that. So you kept this ecosystem. Now you have executed this strategy for a full year. It did what it’s supposed to do, right?

It’s supposed to hit grand slams. It hit a grand slam. You continue executing it to the folks inside of that you now are going to serve. So now they see you a second time and they’ve seen how you went from like, Oh, I knew these people to like, Whoa, all of a sudden you’re everywhere and you own the space.

And tell me kind of like the experience this second year and what’s coming next.

Amanda Holmes: It actually offended some people. I have known Dave for a very long time. How did you supersede me and do all of this? Like, everybody kind of looked like you came out of nowhere. And it’s like, no, no, no. We were very strategic.

We, you know, In their face, in their place, in their space. We identified. We came in with great messaging. We got all the point of contacts to make it just seem like, it just seemed like we were everywhere. Well, yeah, we were everywhere to like 80 people. Um, but, but yeah, so the future of that. So this is just the beginning.

That’s why I’m so thrilled. I again, walked the floor with Bessie and I put her into my contract that I would not do this whole event. And I wouldn’t speak at biohacking conference, unless they allowed me to have my human billboard, which it didn’t say human billboard. It just said, Bessie, allow me to bring Bessie to biohacking conference,

Pablo Gonzalez: which was, I’m sure they were surprised you didn’t bring your pet cow.

Amanda Holmes: Nobody was really looking at that. I think, but when they saw it, they loved it. They thought it was hysterical because now I’m promoting business of biohacking with something that’s very, very noticeable, but yeah, I mean, it’s only the beginning, right? So now they’re aware of us. They see that we’re partnered with the biggest person in the space and they’re excited to learn more.

So now it’s just the proofs in the pudding, right? Show up to the event and let me show you how you can nine X your leads with the same moves you’re already making. Let’s create strategic partnerships every year so that we can double in size with the least amount of effort. Like I’m, I’m in it for the long haul.

I’m here to see that growth for those businesses. Let’s

Pablo Gonzalez: pretend. We are releasing this conversation to the public and I am a biohacking company that’s listening to you speak. And let’s say I have something that’s going to cure sleep apnea without having to wear a mask. And I say, that’s cool for you, Amanda, because you went into like the watering hole of biohacking and got to the chief person in biohacking.

And now you’re known. I’m already in the watering hole of biohacking. There is no sleep apnea, you know, Dave Osprey, right? Like Dave Asprey. What is, how, how would, how would it apply to me?

Amanda Holmes: Yeah. So my father taught that mastery isn’t about 4, 000 different things. It’s about doing 12 things 4, 000 times today.

I’m even saying it’s not 12, it’s just four. What are four steps that we can follow that we can double our sales while cutting our stress in half, because there’s too many marketing mediums today. It’s an average, it was seven different marketing mediums 15 years ago today. It’s 21 different marketing mediums.

We are bombarded and we’re not finding the ROI, right? Because we’re investing in all these different places and everybody’s telling us to go this way or go that way, but it’s not following a very simple framework. So there’s just four steps in this framework that 90 percent of companies miss. It’s very simple and yet we miss it because we’re inundated with all the information online.

So the first step is goals. 51 percent of small to medium sized businesses do not have a goal. How do you know how you’re going to grow if you don’t have a goal? Then once you have the goal and you’re clear on it and everybody knows what the goal is, who do you need to work with to get to that goal the fastest?

What do you need to say to get in the door? And where do you need to say it to get there with the highest ROI possible? So those four steps is what we’re going to cover in two and a half days. So you walk out with a plan. You don’t walk in and you’re just hearing people talk all day. You’re not going to hear a ton of different speakers because it gets overwhelming and then you leave more overwhelmed than you were when you got there.

So it’s all about workshopping. It’s all about putting this idea of a framework that’s. Assisted companies to generate over 52 billion in sales and putting it to work in your business. You walk out with a plan, you walk out with better strategic relationships than you’ve ever had, right? Because everybody in the room, it’s invite only.

We’re only accepting those that can really make a difference to the industry because that’s where we’re focused. So, 4 part framework on how to double your sales while cutting your stress in half the relationships, Dave Asprey and all his closest friends.

Pablo Gonzalez: Once I leave that thing, what am I doing

Amanda Holmes: at the moment?

We just have an annual event. That’s what’s going to be at the moment.

Pablo Gonzalez: Okay. Anything else?

Amanda Holmes: If anybody just says, oh, my God, where do I sign up to apply business of biohacking dot com.

Pablo Gonzalez: Okay. All right.

Amanda Holmes: I think everyone should know that this is Pablo Gonzalez done. Oh,

Pablo Gonzalez: are we really releasing this? Oh, yeah. All right.

Cool. Sweet. All right. Yeah. All right.

Amanda Holmes: So then where do people find Pablo? Because he’s such a brilliant curator of information.

Pablo Gonzalez: My company is called be the stage at be the stage dot live. You can connect with me on any social medium that I’m connected to Amanda with, because finding Pablo Gonzalez with a Z at the end is like finding John Smith.

So that’s kind of tough. So you can go to be the stage that live and connect with me there. And, you know, we specialize in doing some of these trade show executions where you are activating the space by co creating content with these partnerships that Amanda is trying to set you up with. And once you have that core story, once you have that goal, you can And that dream 100, we’re able to draw them in with the lure of free content creation and marketing materials that you then get to build a relationship off of these people with an access to their network because you show up on their stuff.

So happy to help. I,

Amanda Holmes: I have to say that I’ve seen Pablo in action on this and it’s utterly brilliant. So everyone else is in their booths talking about. Whatever they sell and Pablo comes in and has a portion of that booth be a podcast where he’s just bringing in as many people as possible to do interviews and then they produce that content afterwards.

So, it’s such a great way. You have all the most important people. Right there. Why not capture that content? That’s actually how I launched this podcast was I did the same thing. I went to funnel hacking live. I showed up with a videographer and I went, you know, there’s a lot of big names here. I maybe I’ll just like record things and launch a podcast.

And I launched a podcast after two days of recording content with the biggest names in the space, and I went from nothing to everything. Everybody knowing who I was, because I interviewed all the biggest people and then tagged them on social when I released it. And it was like, for me, cause I didn’t have the strength of your backend content.

I mean, you guys flip that content so fast. It’s amazing. And it’s quality for me. It took me like, I don’t know, three months to launch all of the content that we had recorded in those two days, but you guys do it real time, tag them, make them feel heard and understood. And it’s just such a extra value add.

I just love what you guys do.

Pablo Gonzalez: Well, thanks, Amanda. It was good enough for you to like put my name in your book, which I’ve told everybody I know about it. And it was all, you know, you know, what’s funny is you and I. Met through our mutual friend, Jerry, but I felt like we really connected through doing one of these things, right?

Like I was doing this for a client and you and I were able to create a long term partnership through content co creation that way. And that’s why I think we have had such staying power in each other’s lives. So it’s pretty meta, the whole idea of one relationship can change your life. So if you’re targeting the right relationships, go after it with a very, very specific strategy, that’s worked to create so much wealth for everybody else.

And a very easy way to activate that relationship is by creating a content co creation plan, which you can do at any trade show. So be the stage that lab y’all.

Amanda Holmes: Yeah, thank you, Pablo. I really appreciate it. And everyone stay tuned for yet another one where we’re going to dive in with Troy and talk about dream 100 yet again, because we want you to make those one or even two relationships that could completely change your world.

It doesn’t have to always be a hundred. It could just be one. Make sure to get your copy or copies at the ultimate sales machine. com. There’s a lot of special bonuses that you can’t get going to Amazon. So make sure you check it out at ultimate sales machine. com.

The Biohacking industry is growing by 400%–are you getting a piece? Fri, 21 Jun 2024 15:33:43 +0000

We are in the midst of a severe health crisis—

Our healthcare system is failing, and we need change now.

Here are some alarming statistics:
-Cancer rates among people under 50 have skyrocketed by 79%.
-Obesity has increased by 170% over the last 30 years.
-3,076 businesses are shutting their doors every single day.

Despite these daunting numbers,the biohacking industry is set to grow by 400% in the next eight years.

This mission is personal for me.

My father passed away at just 55.

That’s why I’m so passionate about health, we can’t afford to wait. We have to take health into our own hands.

That’s why we’ve partnered with Dave Asprey, the pioneer of Bulletproof Coffee and the Biohacking Conference, to bring you the Business of Biohacking Summit.

Tune in to this episode, and be a part of the change we need.

P.S. To secure your spot at the Business of Biohacking Summit, visit


Continued Learning: Growing Old Sucks: Reduce Your Risk of Premature Death Up to 56%


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Hello everyone. Welcome to this week’s episode of the CEO Mastery Show. I am your host, Amanda Holmes. This particular episode means a lot to me because something very exciting has happened in the CHI world. We just launched and announced the first ever Business of BIOhacking Summit, which is being put on by Dave Asprey.

For those of you that don’t know him, aren’t familiar with Dave Asprey. Maybe you’ve heard of Bulletproof Coffee. He invented Bulletproof Coffee and scaled that to a very large organization. , he then started a conference called the Biohacking Conference, which now has 5, 000 attendees every year. And the whole premise around it is how to live a healthier, longer life.

He always says, I want to live to 180. But he wants to do it pain free and living a vivacious life. The people come far and wide that are interested in bettering their health and using the cutting edge of science and technology to blend with what’s actually working in the body to help you live a healthier, happier life.

I have to say, I went to my second one just two weeks ago and it is by far my favorite conference. It’s just so exciting to go through all of the different booths and see all these new inventions that truly can change health as we know it, every single one of them. And there’s over a hundred sponsors.

So, and a quarter of those sponsors at biohacking conference have some kind of ownership or structure where Dave Asprey is a part of it. And it’s very brilliant what he’s been able to build in this biohacking industry. Biohacking is now said to be a multi billion dollar industry and it’s supposed to grow by 400 percent over the next 8 years.

So it is growing like rapid fire for all those other industries that are really struggling right now. And there are lots of them, we know because we see it with clients that come in the door. This particular industry is just taking off with jet fuel. So that’s why it’s such a wonderful joy that we’ve been able to partner up with Dave Asprey and the team at the Asprey Group to be able to bring business of biohacking.

Now I’m going to do a whole episode on the backstory to that because we used education based marketing and the Dream 100 concept to take biohacking. What people have been trying to do for a decade to partner with Dave Asprey we did in four months and and I look forward To sharing that with you, but this particular episode is more about the business of biohacking.

What is it? So I’m going to flip over Stephanie their head of content at Dave Asprey’s group had asked me to record a video. We were at biohacking conference Can you just talk about business of biohacking? So this is a little clip that we recorded. Go ahead and watch that. Attention. Biohacking companies we’re in the middle of a health crisis.

Cancer has skyrocketed for people of the age under 50 by 79%. Obesity has gone through the roof 170% over the last 30 years. We’re having a financial crisis with 3076 businesses shutting their door every single day. And yet. When we look at all of these people that are sick and unhealthy, we don’t bridge the gap between what that problem is and the actual services that can help them.

If you think about in the health industry, 30, 000 new products are created and 70 percent of them will never make it to market those that do only 8 percent of them make above a million in annual sales. And of that only 2 percent make it to 50 million and beyond. So if you want the skills to get it from a million to five, from 5 million to 10, from 10 million to a hundred million and beyond.

I highly recommend our new. Business of biohacking summit. Okay. It’s happening in September. It’s not just another one of those events where you go and you get pitched all day and everybody’s talking from stage and you don’t get the opportunity. You will have the opportunity to get on the mic with just a fraction of biohacking businesses with Dave Asprey and his wonderful group of friends.

We’re talking Joe Polish. We’re talking Jay Abraham, myself, Amanda Holmes. And then you’ll be able to not only pitch, but you’ll also get opportunities to create strategic partnerships and joint ventures in the room. I would go just for the people in the room, but then also. It will be backed by the ultimate sales machine.

I am the new author of the ultimate sales machine We’ve assisted a quarter million businesses on how to double sales. We’ve generated over 52 billion for our clients It is a system that works you will walk away with your game plan on how to double your sales While cutting your stress in half I can’t wait to see you there, businessofbiohacking.

com. Again, that’s businessofbiohacking. com. Some of you are listening to this on audio, so you don’t see what that clip was. But for those of you that could see it on YouTube, I am wearing It’s called a human billboard. I actually named her Bessie because she’s my most favorite inanimate object that I own.

She’s quite, quite the showstopper at events, but this episode isn’t about Bessie, even though I made sure to put her in the contract with Dave Asprey group that I would not work with them unless they allowed me to bring Bessie. To the biohacking conference and I didn’t say human billboard. I said Bessie Which I thought was funny later on realizing that nobody had caught that strange hiccup in the legal documentation I say that I need to bring Bessie who would have even known what Bessie is.

So it’s pretty funny But anyways the business of biohacking summit, you know This was really exciting for me because when I went for my first time to the biohacking conference Last year, I was walking through the halls and I just kept saying we need a business mastery for biohacking conferences. And the backstory to that is when Tony decided that he wanted to do more than just life coaching, he wanted to do business coaching.

That’s when he partnered up with my father, Chet Holmes, and they created together Business Mastery. A lot of our methodology and the back end to that was my father. So as I’m walking through the halls, I’m just looking at this going, there has to be a business mastery for biohackers, biohacking companies.

I just kept repeating it. I was obsessed with the concept to where when we were eating dinner with Dave Asprey a couple months later, and he said, I’m building a business mastery for biohacking companies. Literally out of me, just this gut wrenching sound of you need me came out and it was rather awkward at the time.

And I don’t think I’ve ever been so blunt. I usually am a little bit more savvy. I knew in that moment that we really had to be a part of that. So it is an honor, all the work that we’ve been doing over the last five decades and what I’ve done over the last decade to reinvent and help Ultimate Sales Machine help other companies.

This particular conference, a large chunk of it will be me training companies, biohacking companies, longevity companies, health companies, those that want to invest in these companies, which I would highly recommend if you’ve got some cash and you’re looking to actually make a difference in society and put your money behind something that can really change our healthcare system, which is in dire need, I would highly recommend applying businessofbiohacking.

com. But, you go to so many conferences where it’s just people speaking on a mic, and This is more about getting more people there on the mic. So, you know, getting people up and testing their pitch in front of the room, and getting critique from the room, from the experts, getting training on how to refine that pitch, getting training on how to get up to nine times more clients from the same moves you’re already making.

How do you craft that top of funnel message so that it stops them in their tracks in less than 60 seconds? And then strategic partnerships, you know, I talk a lot about the dream 100, the fastest, least expensive way to double sales. It’s the one strategy that has doubled the sales of more companies than any other.

Sometimes it’s not just about finding your bigger, better buyer. Sometimes it’s about Strategic partnerships or joint ventures where you serve the same people and your products or services are complimentary. So in that room, everyone will be in the same industry. And I guarantee you, there is so much money to be made in a way that is a win for not only you, a win for your strategic partner and a win for your clientele.

Creating that triple threat, creating such a win. That we will facilitate those introductions so that you walk away with potentially a fantastic joint venture that can generate you ROI. And the great thing about joint ventures, right? It’s usually they don’t cost you money. You know, Facebook ads and Google ads are up 30 percent right now.

It is more expensive than ever before to generate a lead. So why not work with somebody where it doesn’t cost you a dime and they’re happy because they’re selling to their current clients and you’re happy You’re fulfilling on that. Those are two things that I will help facilitate. And there will be other speakers too.

Like I said, in the clip, more than anything, you know, my father died at 55. Actually, technically, if I’m really being honest, he died at 56, but we had an argument. The last argument we had was he was fighting with me that he was 55. I mean, he was pumped with so many drugs. It was really hard for him to know right from wrong or up from down.

And he said, no, I’m 55. I’m like, no, you are 56. And so as a joke to him, to honor him, I always say that he died at 55, but he really died at 56, still so young. He had so much more to do in this world, but he didn’t, he couldn’t get over his fight with cancer. Part of my journey over the last 12 years has been to study alternative medicine.

I have a guru that I study under. I work a lot with a nonprofit called Divine Bliss International, and that fills my cup and feeds my soul. And that’s really why I’m, why I do the work at CHI that I do is because of that dream and the desire to help heal others and prevent disease from happening. I mean, I couldn’t do it for my father, but I could do it for others.

So, that’s why I’m. So incredibly passionate about this business of biohacking. I’m in it for the long haul. I want to see over the next, like I said, 400 percent growth over the next eight years. It’s, I mean, telemedicine is through the roof, right? They’re inventing. Magnificent detections that can find Alzheimer’s 10 years before it happens.

Find a heart murmur before you’d even notice. I mean, there’s such magnificent things that are being discovered and yet the mass population knows nothing about them because you’re a brilliant scientist. You’re a brilliant doctor. You’re a brilliant engineer, but whoever taught you the skills to grow a business.

And the good news is it’s not about doing 4, 000 different things, right? It’s about doing a few things 4, 000 times. There’s just a few skills that if you study them with pigheaded discipline and determination, you can grow. And we know because we’ve tested it with 250, 000 different businesses and generated You know, over 52 billion in sales for our clients.

So it’s a very simple four part framework that helps you double your sales while cutting your stress in half. I’m all about simplifying, simplify, simplify, simplify. So that by the time that this two and a half days ends, you are walking out the door in your hand with a plan. Majority of events you go to, you hear all these people talk and then you leave more confused than you were when you started.

So that’s the point of this. We really came together and said, you know. People should be clear and concise when they leave. They should have an action plan with steps. They should be already generating leads or sales before they’ve left. That is the plan, templates, challenges, strategic steps that help give you the leverage you need so that you’re not just chasing the dollar the rest of your life.

I am honored to be a part of the Business and Biohacking Summit. And we are being particular about who we allow in because it’s a very small fraction of people in comparison to the biohacking conference that are being allowed in. So if you go to businessofbiohacking. com, you can apply. And maybe you’re even saying, you know, I’ve always had a dream to help with that, with this industry or health.

And maybe you want to put some backing behind it. Just make sure that you say, what can I bring to the room? Make sure you give your best pitch in that one question in the application. It takes less than four minutes. I mean, it’s a quick application. Really give us your all of why you should be in that room, because it’s, it’s going to be a powerful room.

JJ Virgin speaking. I’m speaking. Dave Asprey speaking. Joe Polish is speaking. Jay Abraham is speaking. And the people in the room are magnificent. So I’m looking forward to seeing you there. BusinessofBioHacking. com is where you can apply. BusinessofBioHacking. com Make sure to get your copy or copies at theultimatesalesmachine.

com There’s a lot of special bonuses that you can’t get going to Amazon. So make sure you check it out at ultimatesalesmachine. com

Chet Holmes Expert Sales Advice Fri, 07 Jun 2024 15:38:49 +0000

This week’s episode is Chet Holmes himself. Literally 22 minutes of pure gold.

I don’t care what you do or who you are, you’ll walk away amazed at how he ad libs this full sales process that completely dominates.

You’ll get amped up just hearing the pig headed discipline and determination punching through every word.

Keep in mind he was live, came up with this whole thing off the top of his head. It is pure genius.
He lays out exactly how he won 60 of the Fortune 500 as his personal clients.

It’s no surprise a Sales Training call with Chet Holmes, is our number one most listened episode.

In a short period of time he covers:
• A cold calling script that gets 9x more impact than your typical cold calling approach
• Examples of riveting market data that got the attention of a $4-Billion dollar company
• How all of this connects with Hiring Salespeople on commission
• The biggest mistake salespeople make when trying to win business

There’s so much in this episode you’re going to want to listen; you’re guaranteed to pick up at least one gold nugget.

Tune in now and take your sales skills to the next level.


Continued Learning: Best Marketing and Sales Advice from Jay Abraham and Chet Holmes


  • Want to know what’s keeping you from doubling your sales in the next 12 months? Take our quick QUIZ to get answers:
  • If you’d like to have a profound breakthrough in your business, schedule your breakthrough call with a LIVE expert here:
  • Claim your FREE chapter 4 from the top 10 most recommended marketing and sales books of all time! Visit: to find out how you Create 9X More Impact from every move you’re already making to win clients!


*this transcript was mostly generated by AI, please excuse any mistakes smile

Chet Holmes: I wanted to be treated with respect and I want it to be valuable to the client beyond any of my competitors. Now once I started outselling every single person on the sales team, including the manager who was trying to tell me not to do my techniques, and in fact I was outselling him five to one and he had been there for eight years, cherry picking the best accounts and I was bringing in monster huge accounts that nobody else could even get on the telephone because I wasn’t selling advertising.

I was selling the opportunity for that executive to learn something that would be of value.

Amanda Holmes: Here is your daily dose of the ultimate sales machine coming to you from the new edition, visit ultimate sales machine. com to get your copy or multiple copies. I am your host, Amanda Holmes, CEO of Chet Holmes international.

What you’re about to learn has assisted a quarter of a million businesses to generate billions of dollars working faster, better, smarter.

Good day, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to your CEO Mastery call with your host, Chet Holmes.

Chet Holmes: Well, welcome, everybody. And this is our CEO Mastery conference, which is for our best clients.

And we basically look to help you get some breakthroughs on these conferences and have a lot of fun. Just take a few minutes right now. And write down, you know, what area of my business, boy, would I like to get a breakthrough and a breakthrough is an idea or a concept that propels you forward in a way you previously never thought of, didn’t understand, couldn’t apply, or, you know, it’s a new world.

Hopefully profound development in the way that you function and it causes you to leap forward. So where in your business would you like to get a breakthrough? Take a few minutes and write that down while I take a sip of my tea. Hey Steve. Hi Chet, how are you? I’m good bud, I’m good. So there’s a couple hundred of our best clients listening, so why don’t you tell them a little bit about what you do and then let’s see if we can find you a breakthrough.

Tell me a little bit about what you do.

Steve: Yeah, basically we have a patented suite of solutions that helps mostly larger businesses and medium sized businesses before they go ahead to invest thousands or millions into their design and advertising. We help them make sure that the way that the things actually look will bring maximum profits.

And we have a patented research system that shows different elements that have been proven wouldn’t Exact target markets that our clients go after. You want to give us an, uh, an example? Sure. For example, Unilever is interested in selling hair products and they have this professional line that they recently purchased.

They’re doing a research study to see how to get professional. Hair stylists to endorse the products that they design to their clients and therefore to raise sales on the shelf at major grocery chains and things like that. So that’s one example. And we tell them the colors, the shapes, the different types of complexity levels, designs, and things and so forth and so on that are proven to trigger.

Happy Emotions and Buying Instinct in the exact people they’re going after.

Chet Holmes: Okay, so where do you need a breakthrough in your business?

Steve: Yeah, currently the most important thing that I see is to establish A self sufficient sales force of top producers. We have the operations down as a system, fully self sufficiently, and I’d like to be able to have a sales force that can essentially run itself, or with a manager that I can oversee.


Chet Holmes: and then, you just got into my stuff, right? You’re new to it. You don’t have the full training program on anything yet,

Steve: right? To the person, to the Chatholm’s method. Yeah, I read the book. I went to Business Mastery in Vegas. Right. Okay.

Chet Holmes: Okay. Well, you know that there’s a lot of stuff that we teach about that whole top producer model.

I mean, what I would recommend for you is probably a core story model. The six most important aspects of branding and grabbing attention in the new millennium. Again, in your case, the higher up you go in the organization, the better it is for you because then the more you can charge for what it is you sell.

So imagine I’m the CMO at McDonald’s, the chief marketing officer, or I’m at Procter and Gamble where they’re doing a hundred new products every year. And I’m the chief marketing officer over there. And I get a phone call and it says, yeah, hi, I’m with CEO visual targeting. Are you familiar with us? No, I’m not.

Okay. Well, we’re a research based company that helps companies profoundly improve their branding and their ability to target and attract. the exact kind of buyer that they want and have you heard anything about this kind of research? No, I haven’t. Okay, well, because this is at the very cutting edge of communication today, I’m sure you know that the clutter factor, the amount of commercial messages that everybody receives has grown so dramatically.

And then the traditional vehicles that would be used, like television and radio, you know, have gone down and print, you know, have gone gone down in their readership and viewership. So this is creating a lot of challenges for marketing executives like yourself. I mean, are you seeing some of these challenges yourself?

Of course I am. Okay, great. Well, that’s why we took it upon ourselves to commission a study and go out there and take a hard look at what are the biggest challenges facing companies like you today, and what are some of the ways to really break through that clutter? And to our delight, this research effort really.

Created a compelling and fascinating educational session. And have you heard about that program? It’s called the six most important insights to branding in the new millennium. Have you heard about that report? No, I haven’t. You know, they’re going to say no, but I’m just trying to show you how you keep.

The guy, you know, communicating with you as you go through the pitch and then you say, well, I know you’re the chief marketing officer and I’m just curious if you’re the type of executive that likes to be at the cutting edge of the most advanced techniques for marketing today. That’s an impossible question to say no to.

You know what I mean? So again, guys who are listening, you need to ask the question in a way that you’re not going to say no, you see how, but this whole education based sales approach is very different than how I want to come and sell you my stuff. I want to show you my stuff. You’re offering to teach me something that’s a value to me.

That’s a lot more sexier to sell. But here’s the most important thing is then if you look at what your strategic objectives are, You know, as someone who is in a sales capacity, it’s the same for every company that the education based sales approach of what’s in it for me is a lot more dynamic and can get you a lot more appointments and can get you appointments with entire committees.

Remember that this was all developed. I used to sell advertising. And I hated being treated like a salesperson. So I would go out and I would do all this research and picture this, I’m 26, 27 years old, living in New York city and selling advertising for very wealthy family in New York. This before I went to work for Charlie Munger.

And I would call up and say, listen, you know, I’ve done some, we’ve done, I’d say we, even though I was the one doing all the research myself, and my boss, he was like fighting me every step of the way, you don’t need all this research, all you need is your rate card, and your circulation report, and your readership study, what’s all this, right?

Right. Stuff about the market, the industry, you don’t need to know all that. And the reason I needed to know all that is because I didn’t want to be treated like a salesperson. I wanted to be treated with respect and I wanted to be valuable to the client beyond any of my competitors. Now, once I started outselling every single person on the sales team, including the manager, who is Trying to tell me not to do my techniques.

And in fact, I was outselling him five to one and he had been there for eight years, cherry picking the best accounts. And I was bringing in monster huge accounts that nobody else could even get on the telephone because I wasn’t selling advertising. I was selling the opportunity for that executive to learn something that would be of value.

So that would be what I would do if I were you, Steve, and then you could get to the fortune 500. And then I would just do a series of mailers, just like it explains in the book, just like we teach in our training programs, you know, old dream 100 effort where you’ve got, you Cool little gif and some play on that.

Like we have a yo-yo and it says, tired of your sales going up and down. I mean, you’re looking to do branding. So we did flashlights and you know, shine a light on this area or don’t be in the dark about this. You know, that kind of a thing. You know, you wanna play off of the little gift. But the whole idea of the gift is not to send an expensive thing, it’s to send something that just gets them to open the package and take a look at it and go, oh, that’s funny.

Oh, a little flashlight. Oh good, I’ll take that home. And then of course it’s all the Sales Superstar model. You know, the attack and everything, like we explained. And I did a mass teleconference this morning with a whole bunch of CEOs. And I was saying, you know, look, you got to be ready for what I call the churn and burn.

And you should probably have a two tier effort. One effort is to the large mother load, like Procter and Gamble when Johnson and Johnson and S. E. Johnson, these companies that have hundreds of products who they become clients, you won’t need any other clients. Those three guys keep you busy the rest of your life.

But. Those deals take a while to close and you should have a graduated process, you know, step one, step two, step three, and it’s small steps that lead to bigger steps. You know, I, I’ve had 60 fortune 500 clients. I got every one of them myself, co calling, just like I’m telling you to do, except I was selling the eight philosophies back in the day when I was chasing a fortune 500.

I don’t chase them now. They come after us, which is great. We just got into it as a client, 4 billion company. That’s great. You know, they. They came after us. One of the key executives there read the book. So I just presented for 19 of their guys, showed them a whole core story sales model and blew them off their chair.

I did never seen anything like that. The stuff we taught them about what was going on in their industry. They didn’t even know that fraud, by the way, check fraud has increased 10, 000 percent in the last nine years. And that’s the big thing they sell. They sell checks. So when we started teaching them all this stuff and that 400 million checks a year are rejected by banks because of poor paper quality and they’re getting their lunch eaten by big box stores, like Walmart and Costco selling really inexpensive checks for like 50 and theirs are 150 and you know their business is declining and they’re not even educating anyone as to why their checks are worth so much more money and in the big scheme of things by the way the other thing that their checks come with is for two cents a check so it means you buy 500 checks for 10, you get fraud protection.

So if somebody steals or somehow frauds using your checks, which has happened to me, and it was funny cause we were on a conference, like six people, like three of us that hadn’t happened to them. And then we gave them the statistics on that too, but they’ll take over everything. They reimburse your money to give you back the money that you’ve been frauded.

And then they take over working with the FBI. do it all for you. So do you really care about saving? You know, and then one of the things we had them put into the core story that we presented to them, we did a drama in real life and we showed a construction company opening who had her checks stolen and another construction company open who also had her checks stolen, but she had the Intuit checks, which were better checks.

So they shouldn’t have any problems at the bank and they fit perfectly in the window envelope. So nobody could, Steal the account number from looking in the window envelope. And then of course, when she had fraud, they took care of everything. And the other company should save a hundred dollars on the checks ended up going out of business from just some simple fraud thing that they were ill equipped to deal with anyway.

The point is that’s making a case and that’s what you have to do. So once you get that appointment, then you need terrific data. And the first thing you need to do is put them in pain. So what’s the pain? What are they facing? What’s going on in their life right now that will rivet their attention? And the clutter factor is a big one.

That’s a huge one. The clutter factor has grown from 500 commercial messages per day. The average consumer received in 1960 to 5, 000 today. Actually, there’s, I saw another statistic that said 30, 000, but I can’t find the source for that. So we did find one for 5, 000. So some people may be saying, wait, he said 30, 000 and another, because I read it in a magazine while on a, airplane and went, wow, 30, 000.

And so we started using that, but I don’t remember what magazine, what airplane, you know, and I can’t find that data again. And we’re all about sourcing our data. So right now I can only prove that one source that says 5, 000, but still it’s crazy. And then the decline of television viewership, the fact that people are fast forwarding through their TV commercials, even if they Are watching TV, which they’re not.

You can make it so that chief marketing officer is wiping his forehead with his sweat by the time you’re 10 minutes into your thing. And then the other thing I would tell you is that make it short half an hour. You do not want to be doing an hour, but you want to half an hour. Great. And then again, when you build these core stories in your case, you can do them over, we can all do it over, go to meeting now.

Yes, and so that’s a terrific way because I mean if you get the appointment live, it’s better There’s no question about that But if the guy starts to push you away the average person has to receive eight commercial messages before you can get their interest today and You know something like 50 percent of all salespeople give up after a single rejection by the time you get a point to four rejections, 95 percent of all salespeople have given up.

So what we do is we teach our salespeople that it’s going to be 12 followups and here’s exactly what they are and while you’re on the phone, how many different times and how many different ways can you close? And so if you can go live, that’s great. But if you can’t, you say, look, you do this right from the comfort of your favorite chair.

It’s right over the internet, and you’ll see a stunning array of visual images over a very short period of time. You’ll take a little test right there, and it’ll show you what your communication preferences are. I mean, it’s a really cool interactive experience, and if you want to be at the cutting edge of marketing today, then this is one of the educations you can get in just 33 minutes that’ll do that for you.

And I like saying a precise piece of advice. Amount of time, like 33 minutes, 28 minutes. And then the worst thing you want to do when you teach anything over the web and Michael Cato coming up this exact model is where I’m going to go with you. But cause it worked, it would work beautifully for you as well.

He does catering and things like that. restaurants on the run, I’ll talk about in a moment. But the point is that, that whole education based approach should get you much higher level of meetings, and then when you do this over the web, you need a lot. Like, have you seen our webinar, Steve?

Steve: Yes, I, I was on one last week, actually.


Chet Holmes: so you see that you’re seeing, uh, 800 images In two and a half hours, every five seconds, there’s a new bullet coming up. And the reason is because if you’re going to teach me something over my computer and you’re not putting up a new image in front of my face, like you put up a slide and talk for five minutes, guess what I’m going to start doing?

I’m start checking email. You know, I’m going to think that I can pay attention to you and check my email too, but we both know that’s not really an effective way to function in the world. Okay. So you need to have a new image every few seconds. Like you saw ours were. with new information constantly so that the person sees that.

So check back in with me in a month after you put a little bit of that together. And in your case, Oh, I meant to say very important. You should have a two tier approach. You’ve got the. Procter and gambles of the world. And then you’ve got the companies, my size, who you can get to a fairly high level executive pretty quickly.

And if you can make that compelling 28 minute case where I’m going, well, that’s worth 1, 700 a month or whatever the service costs, I have no idea. You know what I mean? So that you can then have an instant cashflow method. And that’s what will enable you to hire salespeople and pay them nothing unless they make results.


Steve: you’ve got to have that. Huh? And then I train the salespeople how the core story works and make them scripts that pretty much that they can use or improvise on to kind of take over the, the script. And I

Chet Holmes: gave you your script, right? I just did that for you. And this is recorded. So you can go to Tracy and ask her, Hey, how do I get ahold of that?

Oh, perfect. You want to write that down. And so much. The more you spell it out, the beauty of a core story, bro, is that you don’t have to count on talent because you know what they’re going to say. And that’s why I insist on that. And remember all this stuff was built like on the front lines of capitalism.

Like this isn’t theory. Like I was a top producer in every job I ever worked. And then the first job I had, I doubled the first supervisor position I had. I doubled the sales of a company for a billionaire. Then he gave me three more and I doubled the sales of them. Then they gave me three more and I doubled the sales of them.

And the first one that he gave me, I doubled three years in a row. And so nine, Divisions later, I doubled the sales of every single thing he gave me, but one of the key strategies was a core story for each one of those vehicles, so that I knew what those salespeople were saying. And I rehearsed them, I role played them, and then the scripts were like, and then, like I said, in the script, it’s like, the guy says, uh, send me more information.

You gotta come back for that. You know, you’ve got to come back. You’ve got to come back and says, look, I can send you more information, but we’re on the phone right now. I know you’re not going to read the information. You know, you’re not going to read the information. So, you know, this is an opportunity.

I’ll tell you what, is it worth 10 minutes to you to learn the most advanced techniques? And the guy says, 10 minutes, you said it was a half an hour. Say, well, get on for 10 minutes. If 10 minutes into it, you’re bored, you can hang up. You can hang up and disconnect your GoToMeeting and you just move on with your life.

But you know, in 10 minutes, you’re gonna know this is a terrific education. So isn’t it worth 10 minutes? And the other thing is, research is expensive. Of course, Empire Research Group will absolutely build course stories for anybody listening. But if you want to do it yourself, you can go on the web and find some terrific data today about compelling and branding, and it’s just terrific data.

Information out there, but here’s the thing. We talk about the seven months of marketing. That’s probably that is a half a million dollar study And then what we’ve added over it on to it over the years is probably another couple of million dollars in research and development So when I say to you this is two and a half million dollars worth of learning curve that I’m going to give you in 28 minutes That’s a legitimate thing that you can say Now, it doesn’t mean you spent that money, but it does mean that that money was spent in order to gather that research.

So you want to have a big number there and say, look, Mr. Executive, this is 3. 2 million worth of data that you’re going to see in just 28 minutes that you would never take the time to assemble on your own. We’re going to make it easy for you. Now, let me tell you why we do this. We do this because I’m a scientist.

This is our public relations effort. It’s our way of putting our foot forward. Just like you might read an article that was written about us, but this is way better because it’s interactive with a highly trained chief marketing officer, trainer, and his entire job in the world is to speak to CMOs, just like yourself.

And in fact, we’re talking to, and named three of his competitors right there. You know, I mean, we’re, you know, we’re, we’re in touch with, we’re talking to, that doesn’t mean you got them, but you know, use phrases that are true, but it might imply that, you know, you’ve gotten further than you have. . But if you look at my stock market clients, it’s Merle Lynch, Morgan Stanley, New York Stock Exchange.

Clit, Peabody. Kidder. Peabody Rather. So I’ve had some of the biggest stock exchange companies and when I was going after them, I would say, I’m gonna be showing this eight ways to double sales. I’m gonna show this to all your competitors. You sure you don’t wanna see it? Okay. So now I’ll go to Michael.

Check back with me in a month or two and let’s get you on one of these calls again. And let’s see how far you’ve gotten.

Steve: Perfect. Thank you so much. 

Amanda Holmes: Make sure to get your copy or copies at the ultimate sales machine. com. There’s a lot of special bonuses that you can’t get going to Amazon. So make sure you check it out at ultimate sales machine

90% of Companies Get This Wrong: 4 Simple Steps to Double Sales Fri, 31 May 2024 15:13:59 +0000

Do you know what’s holding back 90% of companies from reaching their full potential?

It’s astounding how a simple mistake can hold back so many businesses from growing and grabbing opportunities.

But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered.

We’re diving into this often-overlooked part of business strategy.

In this week’s episode, we discuss a powerful framework designed to help you double your sales while reducing stress by half.

You’ll learn why traditional elevator pitches fall short and how adopting this approach can revolutionize your outreach efforts.

Don’t let your business fall behind.

Tune in to our podcast episode and take the first step towards unlocking your full potential.

Trust us; you won’t want to miss this one.

P.S. Wondering how to apply these tips to your own business? Check out for a tailored solution.


Continued Learning: The 4-Step Blueprint to Simplifying Sales


  • Want to know what’s keeping you from doubling your sales in the next 12 months? Take our quick QUIZ to get answers:
  • If you’d like to have a profound breakthrough in your business, schedule your breakthrough call with a LIVE expert here:
  • Claim your FREE chapter 4 from the top 10 most recommended marketing and sales books of all time! Visit: to find out how you Create 9X More Impact from every move you’re already making to win clients!


*this transcript was mostly generated by AI, please excuse any mistakes smile

Here is your daily dose of the ultimate sales machine coming to you from the new edition, visit ultimate sales machine. com to get your copy or multiple copies. I am your host, Amanda Holmes, CEO of Chet Holmes international. What you’re about to learn has assisted a quarter of a million businesses to generate billions of dollars working faster, better, smarter.

Hey, so I was just on a call and they found this very valuable. So I wanted to bring it to you guys too. It’s shocking how 90 percent of companies do this wrong. It’s super simple, and yet we forget because we’re so inundated with so much information, we lose sight of what actually generates an ROI. So I’m going to give you an example.

This is our framework, four parts on how to double your sales while cutting your stress in half. First, we need to know our goals. 51 percent of small to medium sized businesses do not have a clear goal. Or maybe they do at the top, and then they’ve forgotten how to explain it to the rest of the staff. So, we have to know where we want to get to first.

Then, Once we are clear on our goal, who do we need to get to to get to that goal the fastest? I’m going to give you an example. I was talking to a real estate broker who made a million dollars a year and She was hustling with everything she had to make that million dollars a year. Now, I asked her Where do you get the most amount of sales from of all your lead sources?

And she said, you know, it’s so funny you would ask that it’s actually my children’s school That’s where I get the most sales from and just before that she was telling me that she doesn’t spend enough time going out to different networking events to make more leads and I looked at her and I said, you know, I bet you you’re not the lazy type.

I don’t get that vibe from you. It’s not about being busy. It’s about being strategic. So I said, well, if you were to get two more schools, what would that do to your business? And she looked at me and she said, Okay. It would double. So what are we doing here? We’re thinking about who will give us bigger leverage faster instead of just chasing after that dollar.

So she had three schools in total that were referring her clients. She would get double the amount of sales. So how do we get hyper focused on those that can produce 10 to 20 percent of the sales? Rather than just one to one. Then we need to think about what do we need to say to get in the most amount of doors the fastest.

Now, if you’re only talking in an elevator pitch, I will tell you right now that 97 percent of the time your elevator pitch is failing you. Why? Because only 3 percent of the market at any given time is in the buy in now category. Another 7 percent are open to it, 30 percent think that They just don’t have it on their periphery.

The next 30 percent think that they’re not interested. And the last 30 percent are definitely not interested. So if you are using your elevator pitch, you’re missing out on 97 percent of the potential market. What you need to be doing is using a stadium pitch. A stadium pitch gets the attention of everyone.

Everyone you’re speaking to and educates them up into the buying now category while resetting the buying criteria in your favor. So you’re the only logical conclusion. That’s where we get to what do we need to say. That’s our education based marketing approach. Then Where do we need to say it to deploy it to get the highest ROI?

Because I will tell you right now how many times a company is investing in all these different marketing mediums because 15 years ago, there were only seven different marketing mediums. Today, there are an average 21 different marketing mediums. No wonder we can’t figure out where our ROI is coming from.

No wonder we don’t know where our ideal clients are spending their time. So once we know number two, then number four, that deployment becomes a lot more focused. Okay. I don’t need to spend all of these marketing dollars and all these different marketing mediums because my ideal client is not in half of them, which is so common, you’d be shocked to hear.

So what is our goal? Step number one, who do we need to reach out to, to get to the best people that will generate that goal, the fastest, what do we need to say to get in the most amount of doors and then where do we need to say to generate the highest ROI? You’d be shocked by 90 percent of companies miss the simple four steps, but if you have them, you can double your sales while cutting your stress and half, if you want to know how this actually applies to you specifically, you can go to how to double sales.

com. That’s howtodoublesales. com and we can actually talk to you about how that would work for your business.

Make sure to get your copy or copies at theultimatesalesmachine. com. There’s a lot of special bonuses that you can’t get going to Amazon, so make sure you check it out at ultimatesalesmachine.


3 Hotseat Sales Pitches with Feedback Fri, 24 May 2024 15:32:43 +0000

Have you ever thought about what keeps your prospects engaged and glued to their seats during a presentation?

Last week, we began our journey into mastering effective presentations, focusing on strategies to boost confidence, engage your audience, and enhance your visuals.

This week, you’ll hear real presentations from our dojo members, complete with live feedback from the community.

The episode offers practical tips and examples that you can start using immediately to make a real difference in your presentations.

Here’s what you can look forward to:
3 Hotseat Sales Presentations: Listen to actual presentations and see how dojo members apply key techniques.
Real-Time Feedback: Gain insights from community feedback that highlight what works and what can be improved.
Practical Tips: Implement game-changing techniques to refine your presentation skills and boost your sales success.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to enhance your pitch skills and achieve greater sales success.

This episode is the perfect follow-up to the previous one, ensuring you have a comprehensive understanding to apply immediately.

Tune in now and take your presentations to the next level.


P.S. Missed last week’s episode? Be sure to catch up HERE to fully benefit from this two-part series on mastering effective presentations

Connect with Tim Yurek

 Connect with Thomas Brainsky


Continued Learning: Uncovering the Stadium Pitches


  • Want to know what’s keeping you from doubling your sales in the next 12 months? Take our quick QUIZ to get answers:
  • If you’d like to have a profound breakthrough in your business, schedule your breakthrough call with a LIVE expert here:
  • Claim your FREE chapter 4 from the top 10 most recommended marketing and sales books of all time! Visit: to find out how you Create 9X More Impact from every move you’re already making to win clients!


*this transcript was mostly generated by AI, please excuse any mistakes smile

Imagine your life with unlimited cash flow. Today you’re going to discover five areas where you can be giving up control of your cash unknowingly and unnecessarily. You’ll learn why 61 percent of businesses struggle with cash flow issues. You’ll learn that it’s not what you buy, it’s how you pay for it that really matters.

And finally, you’ll learn about a four step process that will allow you to regain control of your cash flow. Because whoever controls your cash flow controls your life. Here is your daily dose of the ultimate sales machine coming to you from the new edition Visit ultimate sales machine. com to get your copy or multiple copies I am your host amanda holmes ceo chet holmes international what you’re about to learn has been assisted a quarter of a million businesses to generate billions of dollars working faster, better, smarter.

We’ve been covering chapter eight, how to double the attention and retention of your prospects when presenting. Effective presenting skills that can double if not triple your conversion rates. We are here in the dojo, therefore, let’s do our little bow into the dojo, and we’re just letting go of all of the other clutter and all the junk.

And all of the things that are taking away our brainpower to just focus wholeheartedly right here, right now, in the present in our dojo. And I would also request, because today what I want is we’re going to have different people coming up and sharing. Five minute increments. And what I’d love to see is to get feedback from the room.

So what are you experiencing from their presentation? Compliments are welcome. Constructive feedback is welcome, we just want to be kind and considerate to all our fellow dojo members. So, um, keep that in mind as we go through. We’re on week 18, holy cow. This week’s homework will be reading chapter 9.

Which we’ll go into, we’ll go back to the Dream 100, which is exciting. But in the interim, what did we cover last week? What did you read from chapter eight? The eight rules for effective presenting. So, the first rule for effective presenting, be confident, but not obnoxious. My father wrote this first step, and I can understand why, because sometimes people told him he was too confident.

But the most confident one in the room usually wins, and he He was very good at that. So, he added, you can’t be too boastful. I’m sure it’s because he’s been told that a million times over. Focus on them, not you. If you are perpetually worried about what you are doing, it probably means that you haven’t gotten enough reps in to practice because the whole purpose is to be beyond yourself.

To focus on what’s going on in the audience, how are they responding? If it’s a one on one, if it’s a one on three, watching their expressions, seeing how they’re reacting, calling them out if they look bored, calling them out, if they look excited, if they look inquisitive, ask them if they need a question, right?

It’s all about trying to get them engaged. It’s about them. And the faster that you can, when presenting, focus on your audience rather than you. The more fun you’ll have, really, because you’ll realize it’s not about you at all. It’s actually about them in totality. A good tip for presenting. Number three, K I S S.

Keep it simple, stupid. Right? So if you’re going to give a presentation, here’s what we’re going to cover, here’s what we’re covering, and here’s what we covered. Super simple. It’s shocking how often we don’t follow that easy framework. K I F P, keep it fast paced. How can we continue to show visuals to keep them engaged and entertained and interested so that every 30 seconds is another visual on the screen.

Using wow, facts and statistics. Oh man, we could go very deep on this and I’m curious to see if anybody’s going to show any stats today. And if the whole point is to make your prospect or to make your audience say, wow. I didn’t know that. That’s the experience we want them to have. So that’s how we continue to test our market data to see if it lands.

Are they saying, wow, I didn’t know that. Build in opportunities for stories. People retain 26 percent more when it’s told in a story. How can you craft an entertaining, engaging story that they’ll always remember? I can tell you a million times over, when I wrote the new edition The ultimate sales machine.

All I wanted was to talk about how we 10x’d these leads and 5x’d these sales and all of these. But what mattered the most to my audience was actually a letter called Dear Dad, which was the foreword, which we read a while back. And that story of a relationship between child and parent resonated with more people than anything else.

So, stories land. Seven, be curiosity driven. Here’s what we’re about to cover and make sure you stay until the last five minutes, because what I’m going to teach you there will change the game, right? So continuing to foreshadow what’s about to come, to keep them engaged, to keep them on the edge of their seats, you’re hyping up things that are coming in the future.

Eight. Each headline is valuable real estate. What are you putting in that headline so that it lands, so that it’s engaging for them to want to see what’s on the rest of the slide. It’s almost like news headlines with every headline of your presentation if you use a deck. So those are our eight rules for effective presenting.

I took from the whole hours last, last week’s talk, I’m just giving you the eight now so that we can jump into others sharing their presenting. So what I’d like to see is I’m just going to put a timer on for five minutes. If you can keep it under five minutes, that would be great. And what I want everyone else to do is let’s all support the person that’s sharing and you can write it in the chat.

If you can give a compliment of something that really landed for you and then If you have another point of here’s something where I think that you could improve or something that I missed or I wanted to hear, and then from the chat, we can also call out for people. Oh, Stefan, you had a really good point there.

Would you like to speak it out loud to Frank? Right? You will retain far more when you absorb what’s going on and give feedback to others. So it helps you as well as helping the speaker. So I’m going to call on all of you to be engaged and help give that feedback. So for everybody else, I know, but who’s in your audience?

Business owners. All right. And so I’m doing a LinkedIn live event with a third party referral source. And so this was what we had sort of put together. Can I, should I do a screen share? Can I, yeah, you can. All right, here we go. I like it already. He doesn’t even have to talk. Notice how visuals make a difference.

Go ahead. Imagine your life with unlimited cash flow. Today you’re going to discover five areas where you can be giving up control of your cash unknowingly and unnecessarily. You’ll learn why 61 percent of businesses struggle with cash flow issues. You’ll learn that it’s not what you buy, it’s how you pay for it that really matters.

And finally, you’ll learn about a four step process That will allow you to regain control of your cash flow, because whoever controls your cash flow, controls your life. Nobody wants to worry about money, but the reality is every move we make with our money is either moving us forward or holding us back.

Many of the things we think should be moving us forward are actually preventing us from reaching our full financial potential. What if what you thought to be true turned out not to be true? When would you want to know? The average U. S. household owes more than 165, 000 of debt. According to NerdWallet, now more than ever, we need to be in control of our cash flow.

The good news is we’re probably earning more income. The bad news, inflation is up 18. 6 percent since 2020, and the average savings rate is only 3. 2%, which is down 38 percent from a year ago. Money troubles are keeping us awake. 77 percent of Americans feel anxiety about finances, And 58 percent feel that their finances are out of control.

In my 39 years of experience, I found that most of these money issues are actually self inflicted. How we’ve been trained to use our money is preventing us from realizing our true financial potential. How we use our money is way more important than where our money is. The products, the financial services industry sells are the things that they manufacture and the way they get paid.

But how you use your money is really what’s going to make the difference between financial freedom and just struggling to get by. We help our clients groove their financial golf swing. And then, you know, just the contact information. Can we give them a round of applause? You man, you. Yeah, that was pretty damn good, dude.

All right, what feedback do we have for Tim? That first slide was the hook right there. That was the bait that the fish will bite on. Thank you. Tim, you’re missing something. You’re missing something, Tim. I want that QR code at the end where I could put my phone right up to it and go right to your landing page to sign up for something.

Like it. QR code. Thank you, Thomas. I like a couple of things. One is the experience you listed in there. It shows your forgive me. I use the term ACE authority, celebrity expertise. I think that that’s fantastic, even though it’s not about you. Sorry, Amanda. Uh, but also, you know, again, I, I sensed the, the problem agitate solution throughout many of your slides.

And then also I liked the one Tim as a slide three. Um, yeah, that what I would call the inquisitive slide, like, what if you thought, Oh, what’s he talking about? I got to know about this. I got to ask him. I got to reach out to him. So like, what is that? What if maybe I’m not doing this? Right? So I like the inquisitive, like, Hmm, tell me more about this.

That’s what I thought was pretty cool. Thank you. Hey, Frank, you just nailed it on number on slide 3, but Tim, another suggestion for slide 3, what if you put on slide 3, a picture of a confused human being human beings like to actually look at human beings. It captivates them just a little bit more. Okay.

Well, to that point, Thomas, as, as you said, and as Amanda’s dad said, I believe Jet said that something about the human body, people’s eyes are attracted to that. So, with that being said, not that this slide is not good. I would concur just that perplexed person with the question mark over their head, you know, so maybe, yeah.

No, good point. Good point. Can you go to your call to action slide, Tim? Get rid of that phone and make that a big QR code. Okay. Yeah, that’s what I was thinking of putting it. Yeah, I will say 1 thing, Thomas, forgive me in our area. We do a lot of different advertising in many different forms. And the digital marketing team that I work with admittedly said that.

Our northeastern Pennsylvania might be a little behind the times with QR, QR coding so that that could be a fact. Yeah, so I’m not going to argue that. Yeah. So, you know, but Frank, this is going to be a LinkedIn live and like the majority of the audience is probably going to be national. There you go.

Thomas’s idea sticks. Well, or you just put a phone number and a QR code. Give them a choice. Yeah, well, I do have a phone number. I do have the email here, but having the big QR code just solves all those problems and your phone number does not stand out at all. It just blends right in. It’s missing. Yeah.

Oh, wait, where is it? Oh, now I see. I’ve had to look twice. Yeah. Hey, Amanda. I’d love to or Troy. I’d love to get your feedback on slide 3. Would that be better to be put on the front? I don’t know. I’m toying with it because it’s a damn good slide. It was a great slide. And I’m just wondering if that would capture inquisitiveness than slide one.

I don’t know. Craig, I like where you’re going with this because it opens up the opportunity for a very brief story. It’s interesting, right? Because I said something like this at a medtech meeting last Friday. And it was the opposite of what’s being taught in the MBA schools, right? And people are failing in this area.

And I’m wondering if this would catch the attention more, but put slide 1 where slide 3 is. Yeah, I like that. I like that, Greg. I think that’s a great point. I think that this would be a good lead off slide just to shake people in their boots, so to speak. Can I offer you a gigantic compliment, Tim? No, tell him absolutely not.

You don’t want to hear it. Oh, Craig, you got to shut up because it’s about you. So I was talking to Craig and I was helping him with his website and he’s like, you know, what are your thoughts on my website? And Tim, I use yours as like an excellent example of the way a website should be. Nice. Thank you.

With the little red button. With the button that stands out glaringly. Here’s my call to action. So, Tim, wow, you have come such a long way. This is masterful, right? Everyone can see how masterful this is. Every word is just, it hits you. Every slide is so perfectly, the logic of how much pain they’re going through.

It resonates. You understand that there is a serious problem. Even if you didn’t understand that there was a problem, Problem. Now you realize that there’s a problem, right? Obviously, that sizzle slide, that first slide of what you’re gonna cover, oh my gosh, what a brilliant step by step. So everyone should take note.

How can I create a slide that will make people’s mouths water before I present? Tim did a magnificent job of that. I also loved the 000 in debt. Great. It made me say, wow, that is what every piece of market data should do is make you go. Wow. I also, and for everybody, when he started talking about inflation, right, when he said it’s up 18 percent since 2020, just that one piece of validation made him instantly, you felt, wow, he knows the market.

He’s an expert. As opposed to saying what everyone else says, which is, inflation is so high right now. Right? He was very specific about that global pain point that’s happening. I love your tone of voice. Your authority is so clear. What I’d love to see from you is when you do this live. Or if you have a live audience, I would ask more questions of the audience to see how they might engage.

So after you’ve done the first slide of here’s all the things that we covered, are you in the right place? Is this something you want to learn? Let me hear you say yes. Calling out to grab them because everything you said was just brilliant. But now I want to keep hearing little questions of them. Did you know, write it in the questions box?

Did you know that we’re about on average per household, 165, 000 in debt? Does that surprise you? Cause it surprised me, right? So just inserting little pieces of conversation. People to respond, even if they’re not going to say yes in the questions box or there isn’t a questions box addressing the audience and evoking from them.

Oh, I didn’t think about that. Oh, you’re right. Would be great to pull out from just reading it. But for everyone else. Also, did you notice how it’s such a brilliant presentation? And Tim is the man, right? If you were to hire a sales rep. And give that same presentation and learn how to present. They would be leads ahead of anyone else.

Right. And it doesn’t take rocket science to learn, to practice that script, right? It’s hard to come up with a script. And normally we’d have to pull all of that out of Tim’s brain because he’s been doing it for decades. But that is such a great tool that you can duplicate and give to more people to present.

I know. At the moment you do it and you’re doing it magnificently. But I just kept thinking, Oh, this would be so good to give to more sales reps. So that’s something great. Yeah, and that call to action. I wonder if you have any other guarantees or even a story in there of we had somebody recently a month ago, two weeks ago that took us up on this offer.

And in that half an hour, we found blank amount of money that they were wasting. Right? What’s that? What’s a good story for them to quantify and understand in their heads what they could take away from that session? I know, Amanda, you know, this, the grocery store example that, you know, that Troy has, yeah, I think that would be a good one to throw in there.

Yeah, that’s a great one. That story or even your story, but that one’s a good one. Okay! Yay! Everyone’s doing so great! All right, we had third was Carlos. So, Carlos, is there anything we need to know about who’s in your audience? Yeah, what we’re doing is a reverse mortgage master class instead of webinar.

And so, those would be homeowners 55 and up that are pre retirees or retirees. It could also be for financial advisors that have clients, family or friends that would like to know the masterclass titles, how to avoid the five biggest mistakes that can destroy a retirement success, right? All right, go ahead.

All right. Would you be able to sleep at night if you had to pay 8 to 10, 000 each and every month? If you had not experience with long term care being covered, 58 percent of retirees biggest fear is outliving their assets. And according to the research published by the Employee Benefit Research Institute, the average person will need one to three years of long term care and healthcare costs that are not subject to Medicare payments.

So that average, according to the Research Institute study is 410, 000 to 600, 000 for a married couple. Most people would sweat. At the thought of being able to have to pay that a recent client of ours Her husband actually had long term care insurance, but most insurance plans expire after three years His was four years, but his cost of care in a facility.

He has dementia of the alzheimer’s type right now It’s 8, 500 a month. How long would your family’s retirement assets last? If you had to pay 8, 500 a month, we had another family. He’s 70, he’s still working. And he didn’t think he would need a reverse mortgage. When we did a consultation, we looked at his gap and it was not having long term care insurance.

He had a 15 year mortgage that he was seven years in, had eight years left. He said, Carlos, I can afford to make my payments. Why would I ever do a reverse mortgage? And we explained that there’s a built in line of credit feature that can be able to compound and grow like a savings account for long term care insurance, and that he could continue to make payments with the reverse mortgage.

He didn’t know that was an option that you could make optional payments. Unlike a traditional loan. A reverse mortgage, the payments lower the balance, but go into that line of credit feature, which compounds and grows. We showed him how he could use the same money that he’s paying right now that he gets as a housing allowance from his company and be able to pay off the loan eight years from now, but now have over 500, 000 in his line of credit.

For long term care, such as, you know, the numbers that he’s missing. So his wife, 62, she’s not working, he’s 70. So if he is not able to continue to work, Or needs long term care insurance. We found a way of being able to fund that. And like most people, according to 2024 Allianz retirement study, 63 percent of Americans worry about inflation, social security taxes, and whether they could afford to pay a long term care insurance.

And yet it’s a small percentage of people that actually have long term care insurance. We help people greatly increase the money they keep in retirement while reducing risk. By up to 700%. And then, you know, have a couple of different examples, but yeah, I like that idea, uh, about finishing with the QR code for free consultation.

That’s kind of my initial frame of the class. Great! Yay! Congratulations! Okay, what feedback do we have for Mr. Carlos? Carlos, do you have this, like, in a five or six slide? Not yet. No, I’ve been working on it, but yeah, that would be nice to put it similar to what Tim had. Okay. Yeah, no, your content was legit, right?

Like you had the, you had examples, you had the statistics. Right? But people just listening to it, I just don’t know if they’ll be able to visualize it right and grab ahold of it, I guess, in their own psyche, be able to grab it and ingest it, if that makes sense, but your content was, was fantastic, literally spot on.

Thanks, Greg. I like the title, the masterclass. It reminds me, Carlos, of we do an event that we’ve termed a health fair, and we feel like that. That title has run its course, so we spiced it up a little bit last time and called it an expo, a health expo, just a little different tweak, a tweak to it, but I like the master class versus just the webinar or a seminar or a class, like a master right off the bat, it’s kind of like, this guy must know his shit.

Master. Oh, that’s pretty good. Yeah, that’s that idea came from Amanda during one of the the sessions. She said the same thing. The webinar is just getting old. People have been doing it for a while, but a master class might be a better way of being able to do it. Yeah, I really like that. And then I like.

The fear factors is built in there in a couple spots, which makes people like, Oh, I don’t want that to be me. And then lastly, the only thing I didn’t get is maybe the first line in the eight to 10, 000. It’s kind of was like where you started and it, maybe it was me, not, not processing it quick enough, but it lost me a little.

Can you repeat that real quick? Yeah. I said, would you be able to sleep at night if you had to pay eight to 10, 000 a month? Out of pocket for long term care. I’ve been playing with a couple of different intros after, you know, the 1st 1, but yeah, okay, no, that’s that’s really good. And Frank, by the way, the average cost here in any PA.

Is closer to 12, 000 a month. Yeah. Yeah. The national average is right around 100, 000 per year per person. So it’s yeah, 300 to 600, 000 should be set aside or those are things that could destroy, you know, the retirement portfolio for the advisors if they’re having to liquidate assets under management every single month just to pay for their care.

Yeah, Carlos, I loved it. I love the examples. I loved, you know, some of the data as well. I love the question. I think maybe a little, like, some voice inflection would probably help a little bit, but other than that, that was, I thought it was very good. Thanks. I would agree and Carlos for what it’s worth, the 1 interesting thing is up here in northeastern Pennsylvania.

We got some of those Alzheimer units and senior citizens places popping up like hotcakes, like McDonald’s and Burger King. So we are, you know, a large geriatric population. So if you’re looking for a target market, besides maybe Florida, having a lot of population, this could be your avatar. Yeah, every county in the United States is got an aging population with the senior community being a larger and larger segment in our area in the county.

We went from 1 in 5 homeowners in all of Ventura, Los Angeles, Santa Barbara County to 1 in 4 homeowners. Is 62 years of age or older. And, uh, in our County in Ventura County, it’ll go to one in three within the next five years. So, yeah, it doesn’t matter where in the country, you know, there’s an aging population.

I think the baby boomer statistic right now is there’s 12, 000 baby boomers a day, each and every day, turning 62, it’s 10, 000 a day turning 65. Yeah. It’s for the next eight, 10 years, they’re just coming into retirement age. You know what I call that for both you and I, Carlos? Good for business. Opportunity.

Candice keeps on muting and muting. Candice, you want to share? Yeah, so Carlos, I’m not sure if I’m thinking about this wrong, but something that would also resonate with me, and also I know my family even, is maybe a question stated, you know, do you feel like you are prepared enough that your kids won’t end up paying a bill once you are, per se, gone?

Because I know that that’s happened in families, whether or not when the kids take over. The bill when they’re left with this big lump sum and if they didn’t have like life insurance or anything to cover that That’s sometimes a big bill, especially if they’re not well off So i’m not sure if that’s something that also might help to add in there.

Yeah, I love the idea of using more questions So thanks for that a lot of this quick five minutes or the three and a half minutes that I use It’s just a portion of the class, but yeah, most people don’t know that the heirs and beneficiaries can’t owe more than the house is worth. They think they’re going to be on the hook for everything.

Okay. Right. It’s just something that I thought about. So, uh, and I kept thinking Tim of you, right. When he went into that story right off, didn’t it just land where you just like, Oh, interesting. You leaned in to hear what he had to say about his client. So I loved that. So when I think of this. I kind of wanted to hear a little bit more pain in the front.

So the number one fear people have growing old is growing out of their money. You work your whole life. You slave labor until waiting for that day when you finally retire. And then 55 percent of them don’t have enough money to actually handle the health problems that you’ll have. Did you know that? Did you know that every other couple will have difficulty paying for their care long term?

And imagine, and then I would put your line about. Could you stomach knowing that you’d have to spend between 8, 000 to 12, 000 a month on your, on your care? So I would build up even more of that pain leading into it. And I loved the first story, and then you lost me. The second story and the third story felt more like pitches than they did education.

So it could be. It could have just been that if you had had a visual that I could look at, I would have been able to absorb what you were saying, but my mind’s kind of tuned out and went, there’s lots of numbers. I’m not quite sure. He’s just trying to pitch me. My mind kind of shut off there, but really strong entrance and great stories.

So with that visual, it’ll help. I kind of wanted to hear a little bit more education. So what are some of the other things that are problems for those that run out of money in retirement? I wanted to hear more target pains so that it felt like, Oh, this person is an expert. They know about more than just this one particular subject that they’re going to try and sell me.

Right. I was missing a little bit more of those target pains. Does that make sense? Yeah it does. But I’m excited and I look forward to hear more about the masterclass. I’m sure that that is, again, rare in your industry, which is wonderful. All right, Thomas, five minutes. Are you ready? I know you didn’t have anything at the beginning of this call.

Do you now have something? I have zero prepared, just for the record. But I’m going to present something anyway, on the fly, for the fun of it, because why the heck not? All right. No, I don’t have any kind of like PowerPoint or anything like that. And I’ve just done a little bit of chat GPT on a subject, and we’re just going to do this right now.

Who’s in your audience? Business owners and any business owner for that matter. Okay, go ahead. So did you know that 93 percent of companies express concern over employee retention? 93%. Now I’m going to ask this question and I’m going to pull the audience. How many of you, raise your hands, remember life Before covid.

Okay. I’m so glad you’re all involved because I think we would all remember that. Well, here’s something shocking. Even before covid companies experienced voluntary turnover rates of around 20 percent and that rates actually expected to increase by about 4 percent due to changing employee expectations.

Furthermore, 59 percent of American workers experience moderate levels of burnout. So I mean, when it comes to employees leaving, this is something that we’re all facing. And let’s talk about that for a moment. When we see a turnover, what does that actually mean for us? What does that mean for you? How many employees do you have?

Take 20 percent of them as a number and then look at it and go, well, geez, if you’re a small business, that means that you could be losing 600. For new onboarding per employee, and if you’re a large business, that could be up to 3, 000. How important is retention to you really? Well, did you know that there’s actually a program out there that will actually help you retain employees and cost you literally nothing that’s net zero to you?

It exists because it’s part of the Affordable Care Act. And most people don’t even remember this. How many of you remember, show of hands, during the chat with the Affordable Care Act when Congress and the President were all banging discussions out back and forth in the news about a wellness program?

Does anyone remember that? I do. But so few people actually remember. Well, it’s actually part of the law. And what that law says is that you could actually be part of a wellness program, which is like a bolt on to your insurance policy. So as long as you have an employee sponsored healthcare plan, You can bolt this thing on.

And the nice thing is it’s paid for via a tax benefit. So therefore, the employee, through a pre tax benefit, pays for the program. You get a lovely app. They can connect. You can talk to a doctor within 10 seconds. It’s all kinds of fun things, and we’re going to get to that here in a minute. But then the employer has a net zero cost.

As a matter of fact, because it’s a tax benefit and because it works that way, employers typically see between 300 and 500 savings. It’s 1, 000 per employee per year and employees. Believe it or not, even though they’re paying for this out of a tax benefit again, not out of their pocket. They see a benefit of around 100 to sometimes 140 per month.

Everybody wins. So if this is something that you’re highly interested in, if it’s something that you really want to learn more about, and you want to especially learn about that cool app that even has a little facial feature, we could tell you what you could look at it. With your phone and the doctor can literally tell you what your blood pressure is, which is amazing.

Then click the QR code on the screen. Boom. What do you think?

On the fly. On the fly. Pretty impressive. That was awesome. What’d you like about it, Willie? The education part really, really got me being a small business owner. So I’m like, well, okay. Everybody has problems with employees. How can I help retain them? How can I keep them healthy? So that’s what I liked about it.

Right, then energy that he brought with it as well. I was just going to say the energy is very good. And I felt like it kept you engaged. You know, you wanted to learn more because of the questions he asked the show of hands, you know, you wanted to keep listening. Like Candace, I think the asking the question and over zoom with a show of hands, you could see the people in the gallery that are raising their hands.

Thomas could present the dictionary and make it interesting.

I’ll start with the Encyclopedia Britannica. How about that? That’s dating you. Yeah. No, it’s fantastic, right? Everybody can see that Thomas is world class at presenting. What did he do? He got the everyone engaged, right? He also kept saying, and what I’m about to show you, stay tuned for, right? And he you could tell that he was actually there providing something valuable, and in less than five minutes, he did a great job of telling you about something you didn’t know about, you didn’t realize how big of a problem it was, and gave something beneficial, right?

If we actually led with an education instead of just all Always pitching something you build a lot more rapport, right? It was wonderfully done. Now here’s the full disclosure gang. I’m very familiar with the ultimate sales machine. I saw Chet Holmes in person. I saw him live. I’ve gotten the coaching.

I’ve been a part of this group for a very long time. And I’m very, very familiar with. With the product, and if you pay attention to the product and you really soak in what you’re getting from this, yeah, you just, you can just turn it on and you can go. Because like I said, literally, if you heard me typing, because I realized and I apologize if you heard me typing, I didn’t have mute.

I literally just created this thing between the point that Amanda said, all right, who wants to do this and that, and I came up with that and was able to present just like that. Masterful. Thomas, it’s great. I love it. With three minutes left, Craig, you don’t get to go. Sorry. Saved by the bell. Saved by Tommy again.

He didn’t want to go anyways, I was just pushing him. So, I want to hear from everybody, what was your biggest takeaway from today and seeing, and giving the feedback of presenting. What did you learn? Capture the attention with a slide or with a statement that sets you apart and stands out so that you capture the attention and then you validate it with data, right?

And then you bring them to the conclusion of why your product or service is the right choice. I think it relates back to the proverbial everything I needed to know. I learned in kindergarten because we complicate life too often. We already know a lot of these things and, you know, the problem agitate solution or however you want to look at it.

We can call it anything you want. It just rings. So true. You’ll know a lot of these things. You just have to implement it and integrate that and encapsulate the educational based marketing component. And it really is not all that complicated, but it’s an art. It’s not a science. It’s an art practice. Yeah.

discrediting, uh, the experts here. That’s for certainly sure. That’s why we need it, but you’re absolutely right. Tim practice. You know, the nice thing about what you have in front of you right now is called zoom and you could literally do your own zoom and record yourself presenting to yourself. And you could see if you are boring yourself, you can improve yourself.

If you’re too flashy, you can see it and tone it down. Yeah. I would highly recommend that. My biggest takeaway was actually seeing how much Tim’s presentation added so much to it. That visual. Because I’m a stickler for PowerPoint. I’m obsessive about PowerPoint. And people fight you. They don’t want to do PowerPoint.

Sales reps don’t want to do PowerPoint. And yet, as soon as he pulled up that PowerPoint, we all went, wow. It’s great. Alright everybody, again, this week to next week, reading chapter nine, we’re back to the Dream 100, and hey, any of you, if you can reach out to a Dream 100 so we have a good celebration to do next week around Dream 100, do you have another appointment, have you sent out another piece of material?

With that, we bow out of our dojo, such a pleasure, I loved seeing you all today. Great work. Make sure to get your copy or copies at theultimatesalesmachine. com. There’s a lot of special bonuses that you can’t get going to Amazon, so make sure you check it out at theultimatesalesmachine. com.

Effective Presenting Can Double Sales Conversions Fri, 17 May 2024 15:16:18 +0000

Have you ever wondered why some sales pitches instantly grab your attention, making you eager to buy, while others fall flat?

The secret isn’t just in what’s being sold, but how it’s presented.

This week’s podcast episode is diving into one of our Ultimate Sales Machine Dojo sessions, where you’ll discover:
-How to 2x the attention and retention of your prospect when presenting
-The 8 essential rules for effective presenting, from maintaining confidence to using curiosity-driven content
-How Troy closed a 7-figure deal using this positive affirmation
-BONUS: A sneak peek of how this Core Story client used effective visual presentations to increase their sales conversions

You could be one skill away from doubling your sales conversions.

Tune in now and equip yourself with the tools to make every presentation a winning one.

P.S. Want to take your presentations from good to great? You can reach out for a complimentary consult at
Interested to know more about The Regenerative Medical Institute?



Continued Learning: How to Close A Higher Percentage of Prospects With One Small Change


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Amanda Holmes: I can’t tell you how many sales reps have pushed back and said, don’t give me a PowerPoint. I don’t use PowerPoints and sales decks. It’s like, okay, well then you basically cut the experience for your prospect in half. You will only give them what you can speak, right? And what you can discuss, but seeing it, they’ll actually retain it much more.

I know for me, I’m also a visual processor. I have to see, I do better when you show me a graph or you show me some kind of visual that reinforces what you’re saying.

Here is your daily dose of the ultimate sales machine coming to you from the new edition. Visit ultimate sales machine. com to get your copy or multiple copies.

I am your host, Amanda Holmes, CEO of Chet Holmes International. What you’re about to learn has. assisted a quarter of a million businesses to generate billions of dollars working faster, better, smarter. Welcome everybody. Today, we’re going to talk about how to double the attention and retention of your prospects when presenting so that you can double, even triple your sales conversions.

It makes a huge difference. So as we always do, let’s do our bow into the dojo. We’re closing. all the other doors of all the other things happening in the world and just stepping into this one to be present and focused and clear so that you can absorb all the information to be able to implement it. So, welcome to the dojo.

Today we’re going to talk about visuals, right? Chapter eight. And this week we’re going to implement, I’m going to challenge you over this next week, if the following week you can come back with something to present, so it’s going to be fun. So think about that as I show you some of the slides today, and you’ll actually get a chance to do some presenting, if you like.

I know that Craig will take us up on the challenge, and I wonder if anybody else will be challenged enough to want to show it here so you don’t have to Practice it on your prospects. You can practice it in here in a loving dojo environment. So our homework last week was to take one step towards that progress of the ultimate sales machine.

I’m curious. Did anybody have a win from their one step?

Troy Aberle: Can I share a win?

Amanda Holmes: Sure.

Troy Aberle: I have been dream 100ing a person for like two and a half years that remet Way back in Boston, like before I, I don’t even know if I even really worked for CHI at the point, at that point yet, but I came to my first event and finally won a contract to do sales training and our audit, core story audit for their company in Jamaica, after two and a half years, so.

Yeah, I’m excited

Amanda Holmes: now for every person that says, how long should I follow up? We’ll just keep in mind that Troy just spent two years following up with this one, which is not normal for our sales cycles.

Troy Aberle: This one here was, uh, was entertaining, but no, I’m just so grateful, but pig headed determination and discipline was what God is there. So.

Amanda Holmes: I love that. Okay, keeping in mind what’s the step that I can take over this next week as I’m going through all of these effective rules for presenting. Okay, we’re going to do, here’s the perfect chance to interact.

Let’s launch a poll. So I’m just curious for everybody. How effective are you at presenting to a prospect in a way that grabs their attention and keeps them engaged? Go ahead and write on a scale from 1 to 10. Let me share what it is. How effective are you at presenting to a prospect in a way that grabs their attention and keeps them engaged?

On a scale from 1 to 10. Okay. Wow. So I’d say we’re probably at a 7. That’s a strong, strong numbers in the group. I love that. Let’s keep going then. So, there are three modes of communication. Your words, your tone of voice, and your body language. And prospects are subconsciously processing these cues all at once.

I thought this was a great picture of Obviously, there’s a huge difference between even just body language here. Now, the first rule for effective presenting is to be confident. But not obnoxious. So what do you do to get in a state where when you are in front of a crowd in front of a room full of executives in front of a prospect, you are present, you are confident, there are many different ways to get into different states.

Troy’s going to share one, and I’m going to share a few as well. So, for me, I have a background in music. So I was a trained vocalist for over a decade. A couple of decades now, actually. So, when my voice feels like I can’t catch my breath, because I’m nervous, or I feel shaky, I do these vocal exercises. So I’m going to teach you guys some vocal exercises to be able to use so that your tone of voice comes through much more clearly.

So the first is lip Buzzing. So the point of this process is to take you from if you’re talking from your nose versus you’re talking from your throat or even the top of your chest, it’s to speak from your right below your belly button. It’s your diaphragm. It’s your core. And that’s where you project from.

So lip buzzing helps you project from your from right below your belly button. So, what I want you to try is to buzz your lips. So let’s try a So as you’re doing it, you can even sing a song. So some of you I saw had some hard times keeping that going, and others couldn’t do it at all, and some of you could.

So, for me, if I were doing this exercise, I would put my hands right below my belly button, and you can feel that part of your body engaging, and I would sing, like, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. Twinkle, twinkle, little star.

So, everybody, if you could just try again. Let’s see if you can do the lip buzzing.

The next one is tongue trills. If you can’t do the lip buzzing, maybe you can roll your tongue. So, this is very common in other languages as well. So, tongue is rrrrr. So, for those of you that couldn’t do the lip buzzing, maybe you can do the tongue trills. It’s the same thing for vocalists. They’ll sing along with that to help them hit notes that they weren’t able to do before because it engages the core muscles.

So, if I were singing Twinkle, brr rrr rrrr r rrrrr rrr rrr rrrrr rrrrrrr rrr rrrrr rrr rrrrr rrrrr rrrrr rrr

Carlos: rrrrr rrrrr rrrrr rrrrr rrr

Amanda Holmes: rrrrr rrr. And you can feel the engaging of your core muscles. which go away completely when you start to get More panicked or stressed or worried. Anybody feel like you have a question about this or think it’s hilarious that you weren’t able to do either of them or surprised that you could do both?

Just curious?

Troy Aberle: I would love to do the tongue thing, but I just can’t get that to work. It sounds, if I do it too loud, I feel like someone’s going to run downstairs and try to do the Heimlich on me. Oh!

Amanda Holmes: To be fair, Carlos, I could see you kind of doing a little bit. I

Carlos: I think I’m better with the tongue trills than the lip buzzing.

I wasn’t sure what the lip buzzing was all about.

Amanda Holmes: Okay. Karen, how did you do? I couldn’t quite see. I saw that you were somewhat

Greg: I, I struggled at first, but the more I was practicing, I got it.

Amanda Holmes: All right. Great. Well, anytime that you’re feeling like you’re losing your breath, which very often when people are going into public settings and trying to speak for multiple people, it happens very often, now that’s a quick little trick that you can use.

There’s also a squatting one, which is Similar to what this man is doing in the picture where you squat down and it forces you to use your diaphragm, your core. So if you lose your voice, here’s three simple ways to gain it back and help you build a little bit more of that confidence. Troy has a really hilarious story for you.

Troy, can you share the experience that you had with your positive affirmations?

Troy Aberle: Yeah, Craig’s going to love this because I don’t think he’s even heard this one. So I had a client that I really wanted to sell to that told me for I think four years that he would never buy from us, but he was going to let me do a quote again and every year just to make me feel good about it.

He liked me as a person, just not, he didn’t like our John Deere product at the time. So he let me do another quote and it was for about, I think 8. 2 million worth of equipment. And so I wrote out the contract as I always do. I made the quote, I made the contract, the invoice, ready to sign. Total intention of being, you know, future pace, if you will, that I’d want it.

I was driving out to his place and I phoned him and I said, Hey Ken, it’s Troy calling. Just want you to know I’m going to be at your place in about 22 minutes. And I look forward to seeing you and most people would end the call there. But me, I went full Tony Robbins training and I started every day and every way I’m getting stronger.

And I start screaming at my truck to talk about it. And then I’m repeating this and I’m like, I am so happy and grateful that I just sold Ken a car. All of this equipment for 8. 2 million and I’m just cheering it on and I’m yelling and I’m giving this, you know, so many positive affirmation and all of a sudden my truck says, it goes, you’re, I’m sorry, your voicemail is full now, or this message is full, press one to re record or two to send.

Well, what if you just didn’t do it either? I hit. Just end the call. So there’s no chance now. Right. And now what do you do? Do you just slam on the brakes, jump out and hide in the ditch and look for water and drown yourself or, cause I’m like so scared, but I get there and I’d already kind of forgotten about it in a sense.

I went through, I showed him the quote and I did page by page and I’m going through everything and I’m looking at it and I’m so excited about it. But at the same time, I kind of already know I’m not going to win because I’ve done it like so many times. And he goes, looks at me, goes, okay, I’m going to do the deal.

And I’m like, excuse me. He goes, yeah, anybody who has that much confidence and is screaming into the phone with that much authority, I know I’m going to get the best service in the whole entire world. And the blood, I don’t know if you’ve ever felt blood come out of your skin before, but from being so red, but I literally felt like my face was so hot with embarrassment and, but excitement.

I don’t know how to contain myself. And I even phoned my boss at the time and I’m like, I did the deal with Ken. He goes, no, you didn’t. And he thinks I’m like totally punking him. Right. And I never did tell him why until like years later, but yeah, so I’m literally just so, you know, words and feeling and future pacing was just my thing.

And just at the top of my lungs screamed at this guy and it worked. But because of that embarrassment, I got like, So many millions of dollars of sales after the fact, uh, in from people that trusted him very tall, very astute guy always made me intimidated, but dang affirmations crushed that misconception, if you will.

Craig: So you left more of those voicemails on other people?

Troy Aberle: I gotta be honest, man. That one was really hard. If there was a PTSD moment, that’s one of them.

Amanda Holmes: Oh my God. I love it. That’s so good. A great positive affirmation gone wrong and good all at the same time. Okay, so the second tip for effective presenting. Focusing on them, not you. I can’t tell you how many times in my childhood my father repeated this quote over and over and over again. Maturity is when all your mirrors turn into windows.

Whenever we’d have a selfish moment or we wouldn’t acknowledge somebody, my father would say, Wow, you make a really good barn door. It’s a very strange thingy. It’s all about the windows, how to care and look at others. So if you make it about you, you’re really robbing the audience of the opportunity to transform.

So meeting them where they’re at. It’s shocking how often we get so hung up in what we’re presenting that we miss who’s in the audience. I had a meeting actually just recently. Where a gentleman hopped on the call, and I could tell there was just something else going on. He looked very stressed and upset, and I just acknowledged and said, You look like you’re a little bit all over the place.

Is there something going on? Is everything okay? And just acknowledging where he was at, he took a deep breath. He told me what was on his mind, something had just happened right before we got on the call. I asked him if he wanted to go and we could reschedule and he said, no, no, it’s okay. And he went from being completely uninterested to fully present with me, just acknowledging where he was at.

It’s the same thing with an audience. Tell you how many times I’ve had a group that’s maybe too boisterous, and I had to rail them in to show that I was taking control of this event. I can remember a Vistage group recently that just kept challenging me on every data point, and I said, listen, you’re happy to come up to me afterwards and challenge the data points, I have no problem.

This is not the place to do it, because I have way more data points. to give you, and it’s not about challenging whether I’m right or wrong. It’s about absorbing what you’re learning and getting a result from it. So acknowledging the group and seeing where they’re at is critical to be able to help, to actually have an effective presentation.

So the more that you can practice and the more you can get used to whatever you’re presenting, then you can actually focus on who’s in the audience, acknowledging them, working with them. That’s where the true art of presenting really comes from. Number three, keep it simple, stupid. I’m sure we’ve heard that a million times.

The next time you have a presentation, or you’re pitching, or you’re meeting with a prospect, tell them what you’re going to tell them, then you tell them, then you tell them what you told them. Right? It’s very simple, and yet so often, I can’t tell you how many times I don’t see this in meetings. And we should.

We should tell them what to expect. It makes it easier, and you get buy in, too. So I’m gonna give you an example of one of our clients from last year. Their, uh, stem cell clinic, one of the world renowned, the Regenerative Medicine Institute. So their stadium pitch titles, one of them was, We Get It, Growing Old Sucks, Discover the Five Deadly Downsides of Aging, and How You Can Reverse Them.

Another one of them was, The Six Sinister Ways Aging Is Robbing You Blind. Now, their lead up to here’s what we’re going to talk about today was this. Imagine a world where we don’t just age, instead we age backwards. Today you’re going to discover the five sinister ways aging is robbing you blind, cutting edge scientific solutions to slow down, even reverse your aging process, the exclusive longevity secrets of the rich and powerful to reduce risk of early death up to 56%, and a step by step master plan plan to help you seize back a decade of healthy, youthful living.

Now, this is a marked difference between this versus Hi, I’ve come here today to pitch you. I’m going to talk to you about why we’re the best. I’m going to talk to you about why we’re different from the rest. I’m going to get to tell you how amazing I am, right? Completely night and day different. So what can we do to educate them on the call and lead with that?

Here’s what we’re going to cover so that they’re sitting there in anticipation and excitement about what you’re about to show them rather than just, I’m here to pitch you. So step number four for effective presenting, keep it. Fast paced pop quiz. How many images do you think the eyes can process in a single glance?

Anybody have a answer to that?

Troy Aberle: Like a hundred.

Amanda Holmes: Okay. Or

Troy Aberle: in a minute or a second.

Amanda Holmes: In a single glance.

Craig: Is process and process with retainment different?

Amanda Holmes: Just process.

Craig: Probably a thousand.

Amanda Holmes: Yeah, so this came straight from the book, right? And the picture of a cityscape at night, how many different images can you see and process?

It could be millions, right? If you think about all of the skyscrapers and every little light in every skyscraper, So all of that to say that if you stimulate the eyes, it helps because the brain can absorb so much more than just the words in our mouth. And if you fail to give them that visual, then the brain tunes you out.

So the brain can take in information at 400 to 500 words per minute, and yet people speak only at 125. And we think about how we learn. We retain 10 percent of what we read, 20 percent of what we hear, 30 percent of what you see, 50 percent if we see it and hear it, right? So it comes back to that idea of when you are pitching, when you are educating, when you are having sales conversations, if you have something visual to show them, it doubles the amount of attention that you can grab from a prospect.

70 percent of what we discuss, 80 percent of what we experience, 95 percent of what we share, right? So, That visual can be so compelling, and here, let me give you another example. So, the six sinister ways that aging is robbing you blind. Here’s the next slide to that. Nobody wants to get old. As we grow older, we have to face an escalating level of disregard, disrespect, and marginalization, not to mention confronting every increasing physical, cognitive, and emotional frailties.

We are afraid of growing old. Many of you have probably heard of FOMO, but have you heard of FOGO? 87 percent of Americans have fear of growing old, and yet that doesn’t stop us from wanting to live forever. And the good news is we’re actually living longer. So the global life expectancy from 1960 to 2019 has increased by 19 years.

It’s mostly because of third world countries and how they’ve been able to improve medical care in third world countries. But the downside is that we’re spending 50 percent of it. Sicker. So 50 percent of our lives we live in good health, 38 percent are in moderate health, and 12 percent of it is in poor health, which means that for the average person, nine years of your life, you are spending dying.

So we’re sicker longer than ever before. Now I will pause. The last four slides I showed you in less than two minutes. See how fast paced that was? See how engaging it was? Notice how there were graphics and interesting, intriguing market data, right? How can we keep our prospects engaged quickly with visuals?

Step number five, using wow, fats, and statistics, right? We’ve been talking about this for a while. You want them to say, wow, I didn’t know that. So going back to the six ways aging is robbing you blind, I’m going to keep using this example just to keep reiterating. The first one is aging costs you your looks.

79 percent of people don’t want to look in the mirror because they are unhappy with how they look. Now, if I was presenting it to one person, I’d probably say, does that surprise you? Or you think that that’s reasonable and you hear, they say, Oh, that does actually surprise me. It’s a little bit higher than I would have anticipated.

Oh, how interesting. And then I go back into globally. How do we cope with it? Well, we spend 46 billion on cosmetic surgery just last year. And half of that came from just America. Holy cow! How vain can we really be? Step The third thing costing you is your intimacy. Here’s an interesting statistic for you all.

72 percent of aging women want to continue to enjoy sex as they age. Unfortunately, more than half of men between the ages of 40 to 70 experience difficulty in the bedroom. So, I am educating on all the pain points of aging that maybe somebody hadn’t even known that they might need help with that stem cells can help with.

Again, getting to the people that didn’t even know that they needed your help, right? This is where that education comes in. So what are some other things? Can you make them laugh, right? Here’s resting rich face. Women that are in their 40s spend anywhere between 68, 000 to 199, 000 annually to get that rich face.

40 men in their 40s spend anywhere between 58, 000 to 62, 000 annually. I will tell you that we put this in their education because it helped to reset the buying criteria because so many people think, oh, well, stem cells are so expensive. Well, in comparison to how much people are spending on plastic surgery, it’s a fraction of what you spend.

Tim: Amanda, hey, so just a quick question. If we’re giving a keynote, are you saying, because I think the number was like, people retain 70 percent of what they see and hear. Or is it 50%? It doesn’t matter, but the point is, if we’re giving a keynote, if we’re delivering the message verbally, do we also want to put the script, not the script, but you know, slides up with the messaging?

Amanda Holmes: Some

Tim: Okay.

Amanda Holmes: We made the story so that it is very much where you’re reading so much of it, but you definitely want to have the hardest hitting points, right? You notice how the hardest hitting points are what’s on the screen. I’m going to talk more to that too, Tim, as we go through. So what am I also covering as I’m going through this?

I’m covering the core story framework back from chapter four, right? I talked with global pains that kept catch the attention of everybody, whether they were thinking about stem cells or not. If I’m talking about life expectancy and how long you live. It’s interesting. I didn’t really know that. Then we start talking about target pains, what’s really hurting them, okay?

Well, your intimacy, your looks, your independence, your mental acuity, all of these things, you probably don’t even know how bad they are and how one thing could actually solve them. Oh, please tell me. Actually, it’s two things that can solve them. So you’ve built it up enough for them wanting to know what the solution is, whether they were thinking about it or not.

Then we want to reset the buying criteria so that you are the only logical conclusion, so that by the time that you actually pitch, they’re already bought in because you’ve led them through this brilliantly orchestrated education. So I’m going to keep going on this example, just giving you little snippets of their core story.

So there are two scientifically proven ways to increase your healthspan. And healthspan is the length of time you get to enjoy a healthy body and mind. So the first one is maintaining a healthy lifestyle, choosing a healthy diet, exercising regularly. Eliminating stress, getting plenty of high quality sleep.

All of these things help us to have an increased health span, obviously. However, it’s very hard for many to actually do these steps. I mean, obesity has grown by 170 percent over the last 30 years. Cancer has grown two times over the last 30 years, right? We’re seeing all of these problems because we’re not able to maintain that healthy lifestyle.

So what’s the. The second thing you can do to increase your health span, address the root cause of aging, which actually happens at a cellular level, and modern science has come to a point where we can reverse what is happening to the deterioration of our cells. On a cellular level, that’s what stem cell treatments actually do.

It helps regenerate your body at a cellular level, so that you can reverse the chances of you getting chronic illness. You can reverse the chances of you getting arthritis. You can reverse pains that you already have in your body. Problems that you have with your organs. And it’s not by operation. You’re teaching your body to regenerate.

It’s Utterly remarkable. I mean, they’re reversing Alzheimer’s, they’re helping people live longer, healthier lives. So what are the five exclusive longevity secrets of the rich and powerful? We want to reduce the risk of early death up to 56%. Right.

Craig: Hey Amanda, it’s Craig. The last slide, would that be more of a targeted pain versus the global or like versus the core story, like they’re in the stadium pitch.

Amanda Holmes: This one?

Craig: Yeah.

Amanda Holmes: This is actually the header for the solutions portion.

Craig: Got it.

Amanda Holmes: Yeah. It’s actually positive. So now we’re telling them we’ve put you in pain, pain, pain with the six deadly ways that aging is robbing you blind. There’s two solutions. One is a healthy diet and the other one is actually using your stem cells to regenerate on a cellular level.

And then let me tell you how to actually move forward in that process because it’s a very complex one. So let me give you the five steps. So then as you’re presenting, if you can tell stories, it increases recall up to 26%. And as we know, people love stories. I think we actually, in their core story, put a story of Troy and his kids.

Troy, do you want to share what you said about Luke and Everett?

Troy Aberle: Yeah, because I went to this clinic, I’m a patient of theirs. And what I said then after learning so much about this part, now getting them to store their own stem cells. So that they can have a lot better lifestyle longer. So having all of this education changed exactly what I would teach them, which will create new paradigms for years to come.

Amanda Holmes: Yeah. I love how you said that. In their life insurance policy, you’re mandated by 2021 that they have to get their stem cells banked and use their life insurance policy to do so.

Troy Aberle: Exactly. Thank you.

Amanda Holmes: Yeah. So here’s another example of telling stories. So most people are aging faster than they should. It’s actually called rapid aging.

Aging syndrome. And it’s important to know how fast you’re aging so you can intercede and prevent it. Older adults with accelerated biological age, there’s a difference between biological and chronological. It means that they develop heart disease and diabetes and cancer faster. They experience cognitive decline faster.

They develop disabilities faster. They have higher mortality rates. So how do we decrease our chronological age? Well, we have to find out. what it is. And you never know what your biomarkers are going to say about you. Here’s a case study, Dana. She was a fit, healthy mother of two in her mid thirties. And when we looked at her chronological age, we found that she was aging at a rate four times faster than women at a similar age.

So she started getting these stem cell treatments. And over the last year, it says that she’s actually younger than when she first started doing the treatments based on her biology. And luckily for her children, if she continues, it’s suggested that she could actually live to 120 years old if she continues what she’s doing.

So, pretty fascinating, right? And we’re just telling a story to make it more relatable. So where in your business, in your sales process, do you tell a concept that could be better understood if you tell it? Made it personalized with someone’s story. So I would mark that as a point. Find case study of a client.

Or find case study of horror story of someone that didn’t use what we do. Right? The more you tell that story, the more it’s ingrained. So your presentation should be curiosity driven. Notice how I keep just trying to make it more and more engaging with every step. And Another one, this is an NLP technique, is creating what we call open loops, right?

So what I’m about to show you is something you probably have never thought of, but it will completely change the way you thought about medicine. Or, make sure you stay and pay attention because what I’m about to show you will blow your mind. Or, you know, I have four more things to cover about blank.

Right, so you’re constantly foreshadowing what’s about to come. Number eight, we want to think of each headline as valuable real estate. Notice how, if they just caught the title, it would keep them engaged to want to hear what you have to say. So most people are aging faster than they should. Here’s another title.

A recent epigenetic study reveals shocking results. It’s as if every title within that PowerPoint is giving like a newsworthy topic. So what can we do to have an engaging title? Just a few bullet points, and then that picture, because as we know, right, the brain retains far more images than just the words.

So what is the image that can reinforce what you’re saying on the page? And it makes a dramatic difference. Obviously, this guy looks Very, very interested. What they had before was this, this picture of a red dot and a blue dot and they looked very close and it’s this groundbreaking study where for the first time ever in scientific history, they were able to prove on a cellular level that our cells could actually decrease in age.

Because they are all always aging, but this study showed that once they got stem cell treatments, the length of our biomarker, the ability to reproduce at a rapid rate, all of these things showed that we actually got younger, which was a phenomena in science. But for them, they had a Diagram of, like, something that you get out of a math book that you wish you’d never opened, and it was just a red dot next to a blue dot.

So we changed it for this guy’s face looking like, Oh my god, a scientific study. So it makes a difference on the pictures. The eight rules for effective presenting. Number one, be confident, not obnoxious. Focus on them, not you. Keep it simple, stupid. Great K I S S. Keep it fast paced. We want to keep them engaged.

Entertain. Make sure you write this down. Take a picture if you need, right? You should be prompting them to engage. Use wow facts and statistics that they probably had never heard of. Build in opportunities for stories, so it hits the heart and they remember. 7. Be curiosity driven. Make sure that that presentation, Leads you to the next step so they can’t wait for the next thing that’s coming number eight Each headline is valuable real estate.

It shouldn’t have the same headline if you’re saying market data So the first slide says market data. The second slide says market data. The third slide says market data You’re wasting your valuable real estate. It should change with every piece of whichever slide has something new and interesting. So those are the eight.

I’m gonna pause here. Are there more questions? Are you thinking about how you’re presenting and going, Amanda, this doesn’t make sense, or I just got a light bulb about what I’m doing that I need to improve? What are your thoughts here?

Craig: I would say this is a really good reminder for me because I can just fine tune some of the things here.

I’ve been privileged to be coached on a lot of this stuff over the years, but this is really, really good because I think for those of us who do this. Um, to a point, I think the more we fine tune it and the more we adjust it, the more effective will become.

Amanda Holmes: What about for you, Tim? Are you still thinking about your keynote?

Did I answer what you were asking?

Tim: Oh, no, for sure you did. That struck me, that stat about what we retain versus seeing, hearing, seeing and hearing, et cetera. The thought occurred to me, which, you know, through our core story. We have provided, I usually leave all the messaging up on the slides on the screen, but I just wanted to get to be reinforced, to reinforce that point that, you know, if people are hearing it from me, but also seeing it or reading it off the slide, then for sure, you know, they’re going to retain more.

Amanda Holmes: And sometimes it feels, I can’t tell you how many sales reps have pushed back and said, don’t give me a PowerPoint. I don’t use PowerPoints and sales decks. It’s like, okay, well then you basically cut the experience for your prospect in half. You will only give them what you can speak, right? And what you can discuss, but seeing it, they’ll actually retain it much more.

I know for me, I’m also a visual processor. I have to see, I do better when you show me a graph or you show me some kind of visual that reinforces what you’re saying.

Troy Aberle: If I could add to that, Amanda, I was talking to you about this before, and I think it was actually your dad that taught me this, but, Most salespeople will deliver a presentation or a quote in a bundle of paper, right?

If you have 5 or 10 40 pages. And what I would do differently was, um, I stopped stapling and I prohibited anybody that worked with me to do that. And I’d hand them each a piece of paper, one at a time at the boardroom. And I would say, no, initial the bottom. Now we’re done that piece of paper. And it’s like, it.

Makes them so they can’t just look to that back bottom corner and Tim I’m looking at you with this one because If they just go to the bottom corner to see how much their monthly contribution is or their cost for whatever you’re doing They just look at that number and they make a decision whether or not they’re gonna listen to you for the rest of it But if you go page by page by page by page, I would say it’s got to be 70 percent more wins for me Doing it that method versus handing them a whole bundle So keeping it simple was just something that I was reading there and thinking of that.

Tim: That’s a great point.

Amanda Holmes: It’s utterly brilliant. Troy would have like a 70 page proposal, and he would make the guy sign every single page of 70. Talk about getting somebody to say yes, yes, yes, right? You get them continuing to say yes. When you’re like price, they just have to say yes. Cause I’ve said yes, 70 times for that one time when they’re going to say yes.

Troy Aberle: And my boss was like, you are crazy. Like this takes too long. I’m like, whatever it’s working.

Craig: Troy, Amanda. That’s exactly how I got sucked into buying a 4, 000 vacuum.

Amanda Holmes: I bet you may have a great serious process. Was that Kirby?

Craig: No, it’s called Rotello.

Amanda Holmes: Okay. That’s hilarious. My father used to sell Kirby vacuums, and that’s where he first learned a lot of the sales training.

There was one time when it was a whole room full of they were having like a baby shower or something, and they were like, sorry, we have a party going on right now, and he’s like, oh, I’ll be the life of the party, let me in. And any other person that’s selling a vacuum would have been like, Oh, I’m so sorry, I’ll leave, bye.

He managed to get in front of a whole room, did this whole showing, and was very entertaining about it, and sold, like, He got the, he, yeah, he sold out the run. All right. So what is one action step that you can take from this week to next week to progress your sales machine? Let’s think about it. Let’s talk about it.

And how many of you could actually be challenged that between this week and next week, you can take something that you can present in less than five minutes. And when we do our breakout sessions, you’d be willing to put something up, share it so that you can get feedback. That would be bonus if you can make that happen.

Do we need to use our

Tim: PowerPoint presentation?

Amanda Holmes: You can do whatever you want.

Tim: I will, Amanda.

Amanda Holmes: All right. Okay. Who else let’s think, and you can write it in the chat. You can raise your hand. What are we going to do between this week to next week to move the ball forward on your ultimate sales machine? I’ll give you 60 seconds.

Let’s think about it for 60 seconds. I’ll set a timer, then we’ll bring up and share.

Troy Aberle: Yeah. Craig, if I was you just looking at your, your note there. Just give people little shocking statistics. They don’t want to hear that they have more work to do or more things to think about. They just need to know that you know what they know.

Craig: So last week After the dojo, it was about an hour and a half later, and some of the activities that I did earlier in that week that I was getting no results with, I ended up getting 11 new connections on LinkedIn. And then I sent them, I mean, literally, I could share my screen. I sent them a data point about 61.

3 percent of companies do not meet their annual original forecast numbers. And I had all 11 of them responded and in some way, shape or form. And then I was able to ask them if they wanted a free resource where they could help diagnose some of the hidden deficiencies in their commercialization process and four out of the 11 said, yes.

Amanda Holmes: Look at that. You were looking so frustrated. You got a break. I love that.

Troy Aberle: But he went from rushing in to tell them what he was going to do for them, which honestly, I think, like we said on the call, makes it feel like they’re going to have another thing to do. into, Hey, this guy could actually solve my problem.

Craig: Yeah, that’s happened yet as a contract or anything, but at least they got the bridge audit document. And if they start reading through it, they’re going to see, Oh my gosh, we definitely have deficiencies, but we don’t know where to find them.

Troy Aberle: So keep doing it, make sure there’s a call to action. So they have a way of leaning forward.

Tim: It’s amazing. I’m seeing a lot or hearing a lot about educational marketing, but it’s not educational marketing the way you do it. It’s the same old, same old. They’re calling it educational marketing, but it isn’t. Have you seen a proliferation of that? Thank you for pointing that out.

Amanda Holmes: What do you think they’re missing, Tim?

Tim: Well, they’re certainly missing the data, which backs it up. But if you’re just telling people stuff without the data. There’s no state behind the sizzle, right? My, my estimation.

Troy Aberle: Yeah, I think people it’s become a coin term that people think that they know about, but they’re not really doing anything different than what they were before.

It’s just a little bit of a different variation.

Amanda Holmes: Okay, I’ve heard from Julie and I’ll reach out to her too and Carlos and for the rest of you, you don’t have any action step for this week to next week. Go ahead and write it in the meeting group chat. Or if you just want to send it to me personally, you can.

In the chat. I want to hear what else is everyone going to do? Julie, you said you wanted to update your sales presentation. Craig, we heard from Tim. You said you might do some presenting for us next week, which I look forward to. It’s great. Carlos, you want to update us?

Carlos: I’d like to present my stuff that I’m going to be updating as well.

I kind of tweaked a couple of the core stories with some statistics. So I’d be up for going up next week.

Amanda Holmes: Great. Awesome. Looking forward to it.

Samuel: Good job.

Amanda Holmes: Samuel, you want to share?

Samuel: I’ll just share here. I like the rules for effective presenting. And when it comes to keep it simple, stupid, and the rule 2, rule 3, how I can use that together for my presentation.

Amanda Holmes: Right. What are you doing for a presentation right now? Who’s your ideal prospect?

Samuel: Right now it’s going to be in a commercial real estate side. So ideal prospect would be business owners.

Amanda Holmes: Okay. And I remember you sharing a stadium pitch. How is that coming along? Where are you at with that?

Samuel: It’s been coming along.

I’ve been modifying it when it comes to the different types of businesses because there’ll be different types of information and marketing with that. So just have to change it for that business owner for their needs because there’s just a various different ones that I meet throughout the day.

Amanda Holmes: Yeah, how are you seeing the response?

Samuel: They like it. Actually, they’re really intrigued. So I’m just continuing that communication with them and see if there’s opportunity and that interest. So it’s just, I think it’s the other part too, keeping track of all my data on my notes.

Amanda Holmes: So you talk about it, you don’t present it, huh?

Samuel: I’m sorry, what do you mean by that?

Talk and present?

Amanda Holmes: Like you, you tell them the data, you don’t show them. There’s no like presentation or one sheet or an email or

Samuel: Yeah. Yeah. So that’s the other part that I do talk about it in meetings, but I was thinking here with on this chapter, how to add it professionally.

Amanda Holmes: Yeah. Love it. Okay, great. Well, I look forward to hearing that.

Samuel: Yeah. Thank you.

Amanda Holmes: Show it next week or you talk through it next week. Either way. It’d be very interesting to see what you’re talking about. Anybody else want to add?

Greg: Well, this is Greg. I don’t mean to stay silent, but I primarily am there. I support a couple of people on our team, so I don’t really do the presentation.

So I stayed silent today, but I listened intently.

Troy Aberle: Hey, I have a question, Greg. Could, cause I’m going to, this is what I was just going to share is practicing your presentation with already warm clients. Or with your own internal staff to see how it sounds and feels to them if it’s gravitating, because those are your best critics.

Could you do that with some of your team then? Sure! Right? That always works good. Amanda taught me that is to be presenting it to people already that already know, like, and trust you. And those are the people that are usually give you the best feedback. So if we could offer our teams to do that too. That would be huge.

Even presenting into the Facebook group, you know, you could do a video or live and just put it in there. It’d be so much fun to have you do it. Tim, you could do that with one of your videos. Just put that in there. Yours is very good. You could do something into the Facebook group or something like that as well, too, and get feedback from everybody else.


Amanda Holmes: And also that step between this week to next week. It doesn’t have to do with presenting. Every week we’ve talked about a new topic. It could be what you’re gonna do. You’re gonna reel back in your time management because it’s now gone awry, right? It’s been three months. You’re gonna be better about your meetings.

You’re gonna make sure you put an agenda out because you wanna tell them what you’re gonna tell them then you tell them, then you tell them what you told them. It could be something that we haven’t covered at all and you just know you have to get it done. So I’m completely open to whatever action step you want to take.

Okay, Craig.

Craig: One of the things I need to work on is stop thanking people for their time because it definitely puts them at a higher, it lowers my value right up front. That’s one of the things I need to keep working on because I’ve not mastered that yet.

Troy Aberle: You must have read the ultimate sales machine.

Amanda Holmes: That’s a hard habit to break.

Troy Aberle: It’s a hard one to break.

Craig: Yeah.

Amanda Holmes: What are you putting in replace of it?

Craig: Yeah, I just tell, I say, folks, you are about to be really fortunate in talking about, you know, blah, blah, blah, blah, whatever we talk about, right? So I tell them right up front, you are about to embark on your time today.

It’s going to be worth every penny, right? And it’s free, or something like that, right? So, what I’m doing is, I’m bringing excitement in it. And I’ve done this a few times and it’s just not my normal pattern yet, but I replace it with something exciting so that I don’t have to apologize and lower my importance for them to be on the call.

Amanda Holmes: Another thing you could consider is instead every time you feel like saying thank you, you would say, I’d say, I want to congratulate you. for taking the moment to improve yourself. Question what you already have to make sure that you’re taking another step to lower your cost, to improve your productivity, right?

Whatever you are doing with this meeting. So, congratulating them. Congratulate yourself for being here. All right! Such a pleasure, everyone! Bow out of the dojo and enjoy the rest of your week! Looking forward to seeing what you present next week! Woo!

Greg: Thank you. Thank you all for your time. Thank you.

Amanda Holmes: Make sure to get your copy or copies at theultimatesalesmachine.

com. There’s a lot of special bonuses that you can’t get going to Amazon. So make sure you check it out at the ultimate sales machine.

Winning ONE Dream 100 Partnership That 5x-ed Pipeline Immediately Fri, 10 May 2024 15:36:22 +0000

“It’s not always about a Dream 100. It could just be one that could completely change your world.” -Amanda Holmes

Ever wondered how much more you could achieve with a single dream client than with a handful of mediocre ones?

In this week’s episode, you’ll hear about successful entrepreneur and investor Dave Eigen’s most recent venture where one relationship 5xed his pipeline.

Dave is the co-founder of P5 Health Ventures, a trailblazing company revolutionizing the healthcare industry, this story is specifically for his latest investment Leviant.

How often are you exhausted chasing client after client? 

Dave’s genius was using the Dream 100 principle and found one strategic company that sold to all his end buyers.

Building that relationship with that Dream ONE, they’re now referring his business to all their clients and in a very short period of time managed to 5x his pipeline.

Can you think of a strategic partner that already speaks to your client, that you could build a relationship of trust?

Tune in til the end of the episode and you’ll hear:

  1. How Dave secured a dream ONE strategic partner
  2. The top three mistakes companies make when trying to implement a Dream 100 
  3. Ideas on who you should STOP working with to reduce the headaches

Remember, the value of one significant relationship can redefine your business’s trajectory. 

Don’t miss out on this episode filled with practical insights and strategic wisdom.

Your next breakthrough could be just one connection away.

P.S. The Dream 100 strategy has doubled the sales of more companies than anything else. If you need help on how to implement, reach out for a complimentary consult at


Continued Learning: The Email Campaign that Won a Billion-Dollar Dream 100


  • Want to know what’s keeping you from doubling your sales in the next 12 months? Take our quick QUIZ to get answers:
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  • Claim your FREE chapter 4 from the top 10 most recommended marketing and sales books of all time! Visit: to find out how you Create 9X More Impact from every move you’re already making to win clients!


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Amanda Holmes: Here is your daily dose of the ultimate sales machine coming to you from the new edition. Visit ultimate sales machine. com to get your copy or multiple copies. I am your host, Amanda Holmes, CEO of Chat Holmes International. What you’re about to learn has assisted a quarter of a million businesses to generate billions of dollars working faster, better, smarter.

Welcome everyone. Amanda Holmes here, your host of the CEO Mastery Show. I have on with me our executive strategy officer, Troy Aberle. And today’s guest is David Eigen, E I G E N, for those that are listening online and need to know. David is such a fascinating I’ve pulled him from behind the scenes, he’s not normally out in front, but I love his story, which we’re gonna uncover today, because we were talking about what he was doing in his business, and I loved He won one Dream 100 partnership.

5x’d his sales nearly immediately. So anybody that is listening to this that’s feeling, Man, I’m just not quite getting my ROI on my marketing. I feel like I’m doing all these things and it’s just not landing. I don’t know how to get consistency. This episode here today, we’re gonna cover how just one relationship, true relationship, could completely change your world.

Is that fair enough to say, David?

David Eigen: Yeah, I would say that it filled the pipeline. I don’t know about sales, 5X the sales yet, but because the relationship has been a long time coming, but it is going extremely well.

Amanda Holmes: Okay, good. 5X your pipeline. I’ll take it. I mean, for, for those that are on 21 different marketing mediums today and not quite sure where the ball’s landing and where they’re getting what they’re looking for, that’s a pretty good one place.

So, let me give a little bit of background for everybody, and you can fill in the holes here too. So, for those of you that are unfamiliar with David, he started in 1996 one of the first online marketplaces for vitamins and food supplements, which he then sold. Then he started Post Road Capital Management, and then went on to another company that managed over, he managed, correct me if I’m wrong, he managed over 7.

6 billion in assets. for joining us.

David Eigen: Not just myself, I joined a firm and was a co portfolio manager doing that, yes.

Amanda Holmes: I love it. And then that paved the way for you to start investing in companies and being passionate about health and what was going on in our health system. So in 2015, David started P5 Health Ventures, which focuses on Healing the healthcare system.

I say that because I recognize what you were talking about, and I’m trying to do the same. But you focus on disease management and decision support, which I love when you define for me what decision support is. Can you, for the fellow listeners out there, explain that?

David Eigen: Yeah, I would say it goes back to the Late 80s when I was in college and I was diagnosed with an autoimmune condition and Nothing made sense and the first doctor that I met with or maybe it was the third already told me I had this problem It was idiopathic and I started arguing with him about what that meant And I finally looked at him he said of unknown origin and I said so you don’t know he said well If I don’t know no one knows because he thought of himself as the best And that started a lifelong quest.

My argument there was I knew I had a very close family, friends, they had three boys with cystic fibrosis. And I said, well, they knew within weeks of birth, why is my problem at 19? And so I started in on nutrition and on other methods of taking care of myself. So Here I am, you know, 37 years later, and I never took a very strong drug, but I haven’t taken a drug in 33 years, and that started my own biohacking.

So I just felt that what I found back then into this day is the best doctors are sought out by everyone. They don’t have time to go do proper research. And then when you throw in things like the tort bar. Veer from what is common, your risk of going out of business as a doctor, being either because you’re sued or because your medical institution you’re affiliated with pushes you aside, that is a problem.

So back in 2014, 15 year old family friend who was a very well known physician asked me to start what became P5 Health Ventures. And the focus was that in the age of digital, you could start seeing all the patterns. So it’s pattern recognition. Decision supporter is an outgrowth of when you know what the inputs are and you can apply algorithms.

That’s why all the interest around AI today, how do you optimally first pick, there’s an old saying in programming, garbage in, garbage out, right? But if you have the right data coming in, you can have the right decisions coming out.

Amanda Holmes: So

David Eigen: that’s, that’s where I’ve always focused and I’m not a drug guy. I’m not a PhD.

So diagnostics, again, pattern recognition. So diagnostics lead to better information, higher quality information, easier to get information as we see patterns, see outcomes. Endless companies getting through the FDA, being able to look in your eyes and diagnose diabetic retinopathy, stress, anxiety, PTSD.

They’re very distinct patterns that show up in the face, and show up in the eyes, and show up in your blood pressure, and show up everywhere. And it’s just, how do you look for it? So that’s been a big focus for, you know, eight, nine years now, and that’s why I stopped managing portfolios of public equities, which is, you know, a little stressful.

Um, yeah, but along the way, we’re going to come back to this company to tie the loop. One area of interest to me is infectious diseases. I argued back in 87 with that doctor that I had an infection and he told me I was crazy And there is no microbiome that we discussed, but I did remember learning about it in high school biology, which was only a couple of years earlier.

So this company that we’re talking about that provoked this discussion is in the ultraviolet disinfection space for disinfecting hospitals and making them safe. And I did at one point, not in a hospital because I’ve never spent a night in a hospital, I did at one point have a gut infection. That I didn’t realize was that.

I thought it was just my problem. And I went several weeks until I diagnosed it myself. This was back in 94. But something I would never want anyone to go through.

Amanda Holmes: Hmm.

David Eigen: So.

Amanda Holmes: So then, and this is Leviant now. Yeah, it’s Leviant. So you invested in Leviant and then decided, Okay, this is enough of an excitement that I actually want to be CEO.

David Eigen: Yes. It’s an interesting enough and big enough opportunity which is How do you make indoor spaces safe for people? And if you put on the hat I have around what was called alternative health, now, you know, functional medicine, integrative medicine, it’s the same approach. How do you take a non toxic product to take the place where possible of toxic products?

To me, when you’re addressing a problem and you’re looking at an opportunity, It’s how big is that opportunity and how big are the pain points that will provoke change and in our case I viewed an opportunity with this company where I started as an investor and then took over with a group Because the industry of cleaning indoor spaces has to change it is very hard to get people to do the work And a big part of it is the time, the energy of sitting, you know, inside a building going around eight hours a day.

And the other part is toxic chemicals. Toxic chemicals are bad for patients or guests in your hotel, or in your arena, or in your school system, and they’re really bad for the workers. And they really don’t like working with them, which makes it very hard to hire and keep and train and retain personnel.

So that’s how I came to see this as a significant opportunity.

Amanda Holmes: I love it. So then you first focused on hospital systems? Was that where?

David Eigen: The company focused on hospital systems and the key here, like any, like any good businesses, you get your core business down. Call it the cash cow and then our focus is to take every extra dollar reinvested in new form of factors and new ways of Cleaning and making indoor spaces safe for everyone such that as we bring the cost down everyone in any environment no matter what their Socioeconomic level is they have access to the same level of care and safety that anyone else has

Amanda Holmes: So in that startup mode, many businesses say, okay, I need funding.

How do I find the funding? And then I’ll start building a marketing system to go to each hospital and try to get in with the decision makers. And it’s a lengthy process. What I love about, and why I asked you to come on today is because you had found a partnership or a joint venture, whatever you may call it, but that one relationship where they were already.

And correct me if I’m wrong, they were already selling to the decision makers. They just could add in your product to what they were already selling. And it brought you 5X the amount of business. Is that correct to say?

David Eigen: Yeah, I’d say it’s 5X in the first six months. We haven’t even really pierced the veil of where it’s taking us.

Amanda Holmes: Love that.

David Eigen: They, they already had a partnership with a competitor. Um, the issue in our business in particular, but especially in anything in healthcare, if you can’t materially improve workflow,

Amanda Holmes: you’re

David Eigen: not going to get adopted. There’s healthcare in particular, but people in general don’t love change, right?

It’s painful, it’s time consuming. Sometimes just the anxiety around it is painful, even if in the end when you do it, speaking as a lifelong procrastinator, in the end, Once you start, sometimes you’re 20 seconds in, and you’re like, Oh, why didn’t I take care of this six months ago? But in healthcare in particular, you have to be much, much better than what’s there, and there has to be enough pain to drive it anyway, because inertia sets in, people find a new level of homeostasis, and they’re like, this is fine.

Until they realize this was worth the change. So, but that’s what this company does. It is infinitely faster and more effective than any competitive product. And it is fast enough. And I felt that with the right investment and understanding workflow, that we could actually. Add in what we do, ultraviolet disinflection, that we could actually add that in and decrease the time it takes to turn over an emergency department, private room, a operating room, a patient room, any, and hospitals, just like hotels or anywhere else, they need turnover, they need throughput, time is money.

And if they can’t get their patient, Out of the emergency department and into a private room, then everything backs up, or if they can’t get that operating room turned over and safe, and they wind up having a, they, technically an HAI, a healthcare associated infection. Or in the case of a hospital, I just refer to it as hospital acquired infection.

Those cost a lot of money. They prevent the bed from being filled by a paying customer. The ROI on something like that is tremendous. So the hospitals are willing to make that an investment.

Amanda Holmes: Hmm. Any, any quantifiable data on that? Like, in your studies you found, or a great client you found? That they saved amount of time or

David Eigen: there’s a Stanford study that said that in the average HAI when you encounter this shutter effect in the average across all the expenses and cost up to a million and a half dollars for one infection, I’d say that true cash costs either through opportunity cost of losing a bet per a few days.

The range we’ve seen is between 17, 000 and 47, 000, so, but the range can be a lot higher. So the ROI for our device is for an average size hospital, they’re probably going to get, if they’re going to use it systematically, they’re probably going to get two to three times their money in the first year, maybe more.

It, it’s hard to convince a hospital CFO and the team of that value proposition, even, even if they know it and they have the data, it’s very hard to convince them. So it is.

Amanda Holmes: Wow. Well, Troy, anything you want to add to that?

Troy Aberle: Well, I have a question in some of the hospitals and medical facilities. Is there ever a cost associated with if they know that they have a virus or a problem that could have been cleaned, should it be cleaned?

And they have the ability to do it better. Is there a liability issue that can cost the hospital money because they’ve exposed more patients to something that they could have prevented by utilizing your treatment?

David Eigen: That is a classic litigation issue. And I actually went to law school. Uh, I still pay my New York dues, bar dues, but that, that was like the first day, like, you know, catch up on the aisle, floor, the supermarket, at what point is 20 minutes enough, an hour enough, when someone should have known, and then before someone slips and falls.

And we had another more extreme idea the first week of torts. Hospitals. They get penalized if they’re above a certain number of infections, either by CMS or Medicaid, Medicare, or even by private insurance, which has followed suit on how the government’s handled these. And then they have liability insurance.

I haven’t seen class action lawsuits, and I do know that there are lawsuits for people who get infections in the hospitals. What their liability is, I think, would probably differ by state, but I actually don’t have a direct answer. It’s not uniform, but you’re 100 percent right that those are the factors that would come into play in a litigation.

You should have known. We know, I can tell you that every hospital has reports on MRSA, CDF, Candida, Horace, etc. And they have daily reports, so they know when those infections come. And they know whether, the typical guideline is, if someone shows an infection within the first three days, it’s deemed not acquired in the hospital, and after three days, it’s deemed acquired in the hospital.

That directly affects the patient. They’re liability and whether they can continue to get paid, say, by insurance or

Amanda Holmes: fascinating.

Troy Aberle: And the same question that came for me also in old age homes, if you will, or assisted living, because if you do have a spot that or an outbreak, how do you quickly get rid of that problem?

Where it could actually cause people to become vacant of their rooms where people move out or they don’t feel safe. So now you have a vacancy, right? And so when I first met your company, I was thinking of all of those things because I do have a grandmother in an old age home that did get exposed to a whole pile of conditions or viruses that were in the place, but then they had people moving out because they were being stuck to the room and they felt unsafe.

So to me, there’s a huge cost there. That was being missed out on. That’s where I fell in love with your product and was going to also use your product in the workplace because I also know that lunch rooms and boardrooms and all of those places do house a lot of things that we don’t need to take home.

And there’s a cost to having employees at home for two, three weeks, right? Unfortunately,

David Eigen: long term assisted living is probably the best place to have these devices and they have the least money and getting them to spend. And so in our business. Um, we took over this company and even the pricing for what I call old co before we created new co.

Pricing was insane and whether it’s a hospital or a nursing home or even if you’re going to move into hospitality, which we are, people think you’re selling a device. And then I had investors say, you have by far the best product. You should keep your pricing high. And I said, well, but if I keep my pricing high, you have to realize.

And, and this goes in down to your, whatever product you have, what’s the value proposition and how am I going to effectually change such that they have to have my device. In this case it’s devices because what we’re doing is we’re selling a solution, we’re not selling devices. It, it ultimately is a service because we are constantly innovating in ways to work this into workflow, to change the form factors of our device, they get easier and easier and faster and faster to use.

And we price it appropriately, each customer will buy, I prefer to them as clients, will buy more and more devices such that in the end, if you look at it as a solution. And you look at the total number of units is what you’re selling, not each individual unit. You will get more dollars out and you will, by having that footprint, you will have more data points.

You will have more data coming in. We can learn more. We can keep improving. And then you wind up in continuous improvement. And then you just don’t shove high prices through. You do what Amazon has done. Amazon has, the more value they offer, the more they bring the price down. And Walmart’s always done that.

And you become untouchable over time. And so our desire, you know, this partnership we have, if we misstep, I don’t care how nice, and there’s some of the nicest people, I’ve never been, never worked with a company with this many nice people. But if we misstep, I would be the first ones to tell them, you know, you should find a better partner.

So our job is to create a better and better solution and to make it so that they really, like Steve Martin, you know, was the comedian. And terror is yet to be so great they can’t ignore you.

Amanda Holmes: Yeah,

David Eigen: yeah.

Amanda Holmes: That brings me back. And so, as everybody’s listening to this, we teach a thing called the Dream 100, right?

The fastest, least expensive way to do snaps. I

David Eigen: know it well.

Amanda Holmes: I, well, you’re a living, breathing example of it. And what we find is two of the biggest mistakes that people make when trying to deploy Dream 100 is, first, they think they need a hundred companies, and that’s how Dream 100 is done. It has to be a hundred.

Which, it doesn’t matter. You could have one, and you’re a perfect example of this, right? Two, and you got one of them and it 5x your pipeline. And then the second biggest mistake is that people become more transactional rather than thinking about the longterm, because this is somebody that will completely change your world.

So can you talk to me a little bit about what that process was of identifying it? Because very often they’ll say, okay, a hundred. Oh my gosh. And then they get overwhelmed and then they. Thinks so transactionally that they’re not thinking about the bigger picture. And then the third biggest mistake is then they can’t figure out which ones they are and they don’t commit to them.

And this is something where you have to have pig headed discipline and determination to continue. So can you walk me through how you decided who that would be? And then what was the process to get to a point where they became somebody that they trusted you?

David Eigen: So it started with a large customer of Olco that I was introduced to when we bought the assets of the company and I got to know them and all 10 of their hospitals were cleaned by one company.

And this started during the due diligence phase before the transaction. And I started looking at it and I already knew, cause I knew one of the companies, I knew this company that we’re actually partnering with. I knew a lot about them from my past days as a public equity investor. And ironically, so, so we have this company we’re working with now.

We do work with this other company. This other company is actually owned by. A British conglomerate, and I own that stock back in 2002 to 2000, probably five. Oh, wow. I have a bit of a history. Okay. If you look at the industry of cleaning hospitals, stadiums, arenas, school systems, universities. Commercial office buildings, which is probably the least interesting to us.

Although some of our competitors did find them interesting. I’m not sure if they still do. And there’s a handful of them that do this. I’d say over half of hospitals have their own team that cleans. The problem there is a lot of hospital systems are just roll ups and they don’t integrate. So if you want to be efficient and you’re a smaller company and you don’t have unlimited people to go running around, you look for the.

Partnerships where you can become a standard. So every. Startup, especially in digital health and all the areas I invest, everyone wants to be a standard. So we’re trying to become a standard. And the best way to do that is to find healthcare systems that standardize how they clean, that have a lot of top down leadership.

And then also then in particular, if you can get to those companies that’s outsourced to. So this partner, we have their largest businesses are all food service and then all cleaning. And they do it throughout all commercial endeavors and help. They have a large healthcare arm. And that’s how we came in through the healthcare.

So we targeted them. One of our investors and board members had a relationship with an executive there. It actually didn’t get us there, even though she was high up. And then I had a friend who had been an investor in this company and I didn’t want to bother him and I didn’t bother him for about a year.

And then I finally said, okay. I sent him a short email and he sent a short email, a couple, like a two line email a couple hours later to the right person saying, please take a look at this company. And that started something. It took another four months to get a meeting and a lot of emails, a lot of back and forth.

And then I was able to get a meeting down in Philly. We shipped our devices down just from the New York area. Not that bad into a nearby hotel. There’s one executive came over and looked at them and said, Oh, I get it. Okay. And, and it actually, what sparked it, what got us to prevent four months from turning into eight months or a year was they had a client that had a specific need and one of the devices had a specific application there, but then The other device is what she really liked.

Now, both devices, one cleans entire rooms, one can wrap around equipment. So, like in a hospital, you can put it in the middle of a room at 4 12 feet by 4 12 feet for like a wheelchair, or a portable ultrasound, or Or you can put it up against the wall at nine feet by four and a half feet. And you can do an entire gurney or, you know, beds, operating room tables, any type of equipment.

That was the initial one, but the one for rooms, that’s where turning patient turnover. And we immediately offered our equipment to go do a trial. They started a trial. It took another two to three months to get that trial organized. Then ship it down. It was North Carolina. Then we had to do testing. Then the testing didn’t the way we first did it.

It was not optimal, so we did another way and it took four months to get through that.

Amanda Holmes: Okay.

David Eigen: And then we got great data and then we have done a white paper with them and the data’s off the charts. We knew it would be because we had done data, the data was done before my group bought control of the company and then it’s taken off from there.

And once that white paper was done, everything just, they really opened up their partnerships. And that’s a long winded way of saying it’s just mushroom from there.

Amanda Holmes: Wow. I’m sure Troy could speak to this too. We ask a lot of doing surveying and we’ll do this with clients very often. We’ll have them survey their own clients and we’ll get that feedback because very often businesses don’t have data on what actually makes their business successful and they don’t ask their clients.

For very clear testimonials and we just find that to be such an amazing find when a company’s willing to ask their own Clients if they’re getting results and how they’re getting results and then you find these gems that you didn’t even know about and you weren’t Using in your marketing approaches.

So I love that you actually did a trial on it to get that data to win them over That’s so great. Troy you want to speak to that because I know you do it a lot with our clients

Troy Aberle: Yeah, I think it’s a great question is, is how often do you reach out to your customer to figure out where are the pain points or where they’re seeing opportunities to make sure that you can match up some of those products and services that you do.

For instance, at John Deere, I didn’t realize how much stress was under people that was causing them to have marital problems or mental health problems, physical problems that were really big. And then. Being able to position your product to being able to solve those problems. And I can see that very easily for you, David, and your clients is that there are a lot of nights that sort of days that you can’t get people to do the work, which is causing a whole nother layer of employment issues.

Our whole

David Eigen: policy is that even people who are running sales for us, or they know how to train people, They know, it’s just a constant cycle of being on site, of always talking. Every person who joins our sales force, the very first thing they get is the book up on the, I know it’s a, it’s not sitting there in the room with you, but the very first thing they get is the ultimate sales machine.

And that frames their training and how to think. But we are constantly asking. One of our investors recently said, how do you even know how they use your devices? You’re not following them into the room. I said, well, actually we do follow them into the room. And, and then he pushed back and said something to the extent of, yeah, but you don’t know what they do when you’re not there.

And I said, that’s the point of a relationship. First of all, we watch the data so we can see when they’re deploying it. We can see how often they’re deploying it. We have constant interaction. We go back, we watch, we train, we retrain, we make sure that the arms are extended in the right way. We do all these things and we’re constantly training.

There’s no perfection, but everyone that has any customer, even if they are on autopilot, they have to be back in every month, no matter, worst case, every month, preferably every couple of weeks. Checking in, talking to the workers, has there been turnover? If there has, anyone need to be retrained? So it’s this ongoing relationship.

We guarantee, device cannot be down for more than 24 hours, so we provide that and every time any, I’ve always viewed, this goes back, probably back to when I was in undergrad business school, turning every cost into an opportunity to further the relationship. So, always finding, it’s just our culture, it’s drilled in and taught.

Amanda Holmes: And you had mentioned before we hopped on here that one of the huge benefits of this particular partnership is that you do have a similar belief system, you have a similar culture between the two companies. I can’t tell you how many times we have clients that just hate who you work with. And it’s like, okay, well, who do you enjoy working with?

Let’s craft this out and actually create your outbound so that you work with people that are like minded and then they will become your raving fan Dream 100 client because they keep coming back to you because they love working with you.

David Eigen: We actually joke, various people I work with, because if we walk into a hospital and they have staff in all these hospitals, and we tell them how nice they are, and then we feel like we have to tell you, say, look, this is not BS, we’re just constantly amazed.

So, and I mean, I’m learning left and right on how to build a culture from this company where literally everyone can be nice. It’s just staggering. And I know the competition and the other big competitors are not nearly as consistent. Plenty of incredibly nice people everywhere, but there’s not that consistency.

It’s fun. Makes it very enjoyable.

Troy Aberle: Amanda and I talk about that as having a financially profitable customer is awesome, but having an emotionally profitable customer is absolutely everything you really want in life.

David Eigen: It makes it sustainable. I mean, you hear all this stuff about time management, but it’s really not time management.

It’s energy management. Right. When you go and you work your tail off on something, and sometimes when it’s rewarding and there’s good people and they’re not draining you. I have a book somewhere on the other, the wall you can’t see, I must have, I don’t know, I think according to Amazon, 1, 500, 1, 600 books just from Amazon.

One is about, I forget the first part of the title, but it’s about energy vampires and identifying energy vampires. And someone forward, someone, I don’t know if they sent it to me because I just buy everything on impulse. If it looks good and has a decent rating, a little exaggerated, but, and this book, I read probably 50 pages of it and it lays it out beautifully and it’s just spot on.

But there are people you grow. It’s not a zero sum game.

Amanda Holmes: Yeah. Yeah, so for those listening, David Eigen, E I G E N, you can find him on LinkedIn, but also, if you have a business that you think might need some of his brilliant brain power and maybe a little bit of that help on the funding side, E5HV. com, that’s E5HV.

com. P as in Paul, the number 5, HealthVentures, H V dot com, and then also, the one that you’re currently running, Leviant. How did they find Leviant? It’s

David Eigen: just leviant. com, L E V I A N T dot com.

Amanda Holmes: Great. Well, it’s been such a pleasure. I’ve taken away so much from this. It’s not always about a hundred. It could just be one that could completely change your world.

And it’s about finding value of not just, Hey, we’re already speaking to these particular clients. It could increase our current amount that we’re spending with them. But then also that there’s a cultural alignment, which is so great. So working with people. That you have similar belief systems with so that every day is just a little bit more joyful and you appreciate just a bit more.

David Eigen: Absolutely. I appreciate both your time and interest. I hope I added some value.

Amanda Holmes: Yes.

David Eigen: And some insight. Oh yeah. And I thank you.

Amanda Holmes: And that’s it for this week’s episode. CEO mastery show, make sure to get your copy or copies at the ultimate sales machine. com. There’s a lot of special bonuses that you can’t get going to Amazon.

So make sure you check it out at ultimate sales machine.

Boost LinkedIn Connection Requests: 5x Your Requests Easily Fri, 03 May 2024 15:21:54 +0000

Are you tired of sending out LinkedIn connection requests only to hear crickets in response?

We ran a LinkedIn Experiment where we took our Dream 100 list and tested two different ways to connect.

One approach we connected WITHOUT a message

That got an abysmal 4.9% acceptance rate.

I was SHOCKED. I thought it wouldn’t be very effective, but I didn’t think it’d be THAT bad.

Question for you: how often do you connect on LinkedIn without a message

Keep in mind of 100 people you would do this with, only 5 would be accepting your request. 

Shockingly enough, we ran another Dream 100 group where we left a PERSONALIZED message.

This group we got a 20-40% acceptance rate!

Holy cow! That is FOUR TO NINE TIMES the response! 

Side note: How much time do you waste missing opportunities to optimize your current sales process?

Tune in to this week’s episode to discover:

  • The 4 Biggest Mistakes Every Salesperson makes on LinkedIn that Kills Your Chances of Connecting: You’re shooting yourself in the foot if you’re doing these four things (and trust me majority of sales reps are).
  • 9 Ways to Humanize Your LinkedIn Request that Generated 4-9x the Response: You’ll see a myriad of examples that work, when connecting with prospects on LinkedIn. 


For the first time ever I broke down a step by step system for how to get in the door with a cold prospect.

I remember taking a personality profile test 15 years ago and my ability to cold prospect was off the charts, so much so my father sent my results to Tony Robbins to brag. 😉

This may be hard for many, but for me, it’s my superpower to get in any door and I wanted to share with you these simple-to-follow steps.

You can connect with literally ANYONE with enough pig headed discipline and determination.

Tune in to find out 9 different ways to make a great first impression on LinkedIn.


Continued Learning: The Highest Converting LinkedIn Post That Generated Sales


  • Want to know what’s keeping you from doubling your sales in the next 12 months? Take our quick QUIZ to get answers:
  • If you’d like to have a profound breakthrough in your business, schedule your breakthrough call with a LIVE expert here:
  • Claim your FREE chapter 4 from the top 10 most recommended marketing and sales books of all time! Visit: to find out how you Create 9X More Impact from every move you’re already making to win clients!


*this transcript was mostly generated by AI, please excuse any mistakes smile

Amanda Holmes: Have you ever heard of the saying, if you want to be interesting, be interested. That’s what we want to think about when connecting on LinkedIn. So you also need to flip the script. Instead of thinking, how am I going to pitch this person, you’re thinking about, find ways to acknowledge them, engage with them, show them that they’re important, show them that you’re listening.

This is where social listening is important.

Here is your daily dose of the ultimate sales machine coming to you from the new edition, visit ultimate sales machine. com to get your copy or multiple copies. I am your host, Amanda Holmes, CEO of Chet Holmes international. What you’re about to learn has assisted a quarter of a million businesses to generate billions of dollars working faster, better, smarter.

Welcome everybody to the CEO mastery show. Your host here again, Amanda Holmes. This week we’re talking about the LinkedIn experiment that we did, how we increased LinkedIn request approvals by 5 to 10x. How do we do it? I can’t wait to share.

Just thinking about this, I mean, 15 years ago, what kind of data did we have on our prospects?

We had names, emails, phone numbers, addresses. We didn’t really have much else about a prospect. Today, 71 percent of B2B decision makers are younger generations, Millennials or Gen Zers. Only 29 percent were baby boomers and Gen Xers. So we’re hitting this inflection point where a vast majority of the decision makers in the B2B landscape are younger generations that have grown up with more social media as their norm.

Hence why it’s so critical to be able to utilize social in your selling techniques. This is a topic we get a lot of buzz around on social, so I’m excited to share a little bit more about social because People who use social outsell their peers by 78 percent and it’s drastically different depending on which industry we’re training in.

Some industries look at me like, how dare you friend request your clients on Facebook? I thought that was only for personal habits, whereas other ones wouldn’t LinkedIn request. So varying differentiators in the different marketplaces, but I will tell you, Wholeheartedly, what a difference it makes, and I’m going to show you how we were able to get five to ten times more LinkedIn request approvals using this one strategy through this experiment.

Now, why is it that social can give you such a great competitive advantage? Well, if we think about what superstar salespeople have done since the beginning of time, so if you think about the seven steps to a sale as a pyramid, mediocre salesperson will spend the least amount of time building rapport, establishing the need, creating desire, right?

All of those steps, any sales trainer will tell you. The last two steps are closing the deal and following up. So they spend majority of their time trying to close that deal. Push, push, push. Versus what a superstar salesperson does, which I hear all the time. I’m not a salesperson. I build relationships.

Well, what do they mean? It means that they’re taking those seven steps and they’re flipping it upside down. So they’re spending majority of their time building rapport. So what does that mean? They know you, they like you, they trust you. So what do people choose when they’re wanting to work with somebody?

They want to work with somebody that’s similar to them. They want to work with somebody that understands them. So a superstar spends more time building that rapport. And social media is a brilliant way to be able to build rapport because people are already putting information online and they’re seeking validation.

They’re seeking likes. They’re seeking comments. They want shares, they want views, it is the nature of social media, therefore it gives every person that is trying to build a connection with their ideal prospects an opportunity to gain that trust and rapport. Now what I found interesting is that the majority of people that teach about social selling, 99 percent of them are talking about how do you post, how do you speak to the vast marketplace, Because there’s an opportunity to really hone in on a niche and grow much quicker than we’ve ever seen before.

However, what we’re missing is, as so many know, right, sales is about listening more than speaking. Right? The more that we can understand what’s going on, the more that we can evoke from them answers, the greater they are to make the decision that they need you. So, it’s the same thing with social. If you have an ideal Dream 100 prospect, somebody that’s going to spend more with you more often, they have to be that great prospect because you can’t do this with every single person that’s coming through your door.

If you have a high volume of clientele, then go ahead and go to the people that teach about posting. What I’m talking about is social gives you the platform, the content, the information on your ideal prospects. So that you can listen, validate, engage, interact, support them in all this information that they put online.

That segues me to LinkedIn. So I’m going to peel back the curtain a bit on a Dream 100 campaign that we’re running right now. So we follow a four part framework, very simple, on how to double your sales while cutting your stress in half. And 90 percent of companies fail at just these four simple steps.

And I’ll give you examples of it. So step number one, what is your goal? 51 percent of organizations do not have a clearly defined goal. So we need to know the goal of where we want to go, because whatever the end goal is, is going to drastically change the path in which you are leading. So step number two, who do you need to get to that will help you reach your goal the fastest?

60 percent of businesses do not make a profit. You’re wondering why? Because we waste so much time with clients that are either break even or losing us money. We spend so much effort on these people that are not generating the right ROI. So we have to reverse engineer and truly get clearer about how we can get to our goal faster.

That involves Dream 100 as well. Step number two, what do we need to say to get in more doors faster? And that ties into the whole 3 percent of the marketplace is in the buying that category, so what you need to do is craft a stadium pitch or education based marketing to educate those that aren’t thinking about you think that they’re not interested or definitely not interested so you can get into up to nine times more doors by education, leading with education.

Then, where do you need to say that message to deploy it to get to them the fastest with the highest ROI. So when I think about these four steps, we were in the process of doing our Dream 100. The goal is, I’m very passionate about healthcare. I would love to heal healthcare because at this very moment, our healthcare system and structure as it stands right now cannot support the baby boomer generation retiring.

We do not have enough. We’re short 250, 000 nurses over the next five years. There’s so many. I won’t go into all the details, but I’m very passionate about healing health care. So if I know that that’s part of my mission and overall goal, then who do I need to reach out to to get the most attention the fastest?

We started targeting organizations that assist within the healthcare system and outside of the healthcare system. More in the biohacking space. Then we started looking at what size businesses would assist us the best. And when we came up with a Dream 100, it was a lot of companies that are hitting that 8 figure mark that are reaching for 9 figures.

That’s a sweet spot where we just do such great work with a CEO with just pure pig headed discipline and determination to get to their tipping point. And now how do we get them to a go to market strategy that’s so repetitive and part of a system, an ultimate sales machine system, that they can reach past nine figures.

That’s where we love to play. So in our dream 100, when we started analyzing, okay, where are these hundred people? We pull the list. I had been spending a ton of time on Instagram. I love Instagram. I find that I can interact and engage with people on Instagram. Nine, only 9% of my dream clients were on Instagram.

I looked at that and went, okay, cut the budget. I don’t need to spend so much time on Instagram. 67% of my dream hundred were on LinkedIn. A platform that I’ll admit. I don’t like the user interface. I prefer Instagram, but why should I keep marketing my business on a platform where my ideal clients are not there?

Duh. But again, it comes back to the four part framework. How many times are you doing marketing in a place where your ideal prospects are not? It happens all the time. The 23 percent of our deal Dream 100, we’re on Twitter. I haven’t been on Twitter since I was on Myspace. It’s been a long time. So we had to adjust, okay?

Dream 100 is on LinkedIn and then Twitter, most. I wanted to do an experiment on LinkedIn. So I posted on my Facebook page and I just asked, Hey, what’s a message that you love to send people that helps you get a request accepted on LinkedIn? Let me share with you some of these answers. We got, Hey, when you get a sec, hit me back.

Got great news. We have another one. I enjoy when someone actually checks my profile and comments on various things in a meaningful way. This was something that I heard over and over and over again, that people love to have a personal connection. Don’t treat them as a stranger, do some homework, be sincere and authentic.

Our data shows that when you personalize even just an email, you can get a 14 percent increase in interactions. So we tried this on LinkedIn. So we did multiple different batches because someone also had said, I don’t leave a note at all because I think that I get more acceptances from LinkedIn than those that do.

So we did a batch where we friended our Dream 100, and we, well, we did a couple of different lists, so there were more than 100, but we friended them with no note. That acceptance rate is, at this time, 4. 9%. We got 4. 9 percent of them accepting our LinkedIn request. We then put a personalized message in LinkedIn, and we got between 20 to 40 percent acceptance.

That is a between five to 10 X response. Okay. So what are we doing? We’re creating a system and we’re trying to increase the percentage of how many accept our LinkedIn requests, how many book an appointment, how many from the booked appointment and get a proposal. How many from the proposal get a sale, right?

We want to do micro increases on each step of the sales process. So this is one, I’m going to give you the four biggest mistakes that sales people make when trying to connect on LinkedIn. Number one, they use the canned responses. Nothing says, I don’t care about you more than the canned response of, Hey, I see you’re in my network.

I think we should connect. The second biggest failure that salespeople make when trying to connect on LinkedIn is they are vague with no real justifiable reason for why they’re connecting. Hi, Amanda. I came across your profile and thought we could benefit from connecting. Absolutely not. That is not enticing enough.

Number three, the third biggest mistake that salespeople make when trying to connect to LinkedIn. Talking about what you do specifically, you lose 97 percent of the people that you’re reaching out to. I had one ask me recently, hi, Amanda, would you like to finance reforestation and monitor trees? What? I mean, I love trees, don’t get me wrong, but wow, talk about an obscure, strangely, even probably smaller than 3 percent of the marketplace that would be interested in that.

So we have to think stadium pitch wise, how do we get more of the people that you’re interacting with engaged and interested? Number four, the biggest mistake. I just recently got this. Blaming LinkedIn for why I should connect with you or asking permission if we could connect. It shows weakness. It’s the same as when you cold call and you say, Hey, how are you doing today?

That’s the same. Hey, what’s going on in your business? I’d love to talk about what challenges you’re having. Why would I ever give that to you if I haven’t created a relationship first? First and foremost is creating the relationship. This one woman said to me, Hi Amanda, LinkedIn suggested I connect with you, I’d like to, if that’s okay.

If you have to ask me if it’s okay, then you must not believe in the actual value that you bring to this relationship. Therefore, I’m too busy to be friends with you on LinkedIn. It’s crazy, right? So we have to reposition ourselves as a true expert, that we pair, that we’re human, right? So there’s nine ways to humanize your LinkedIn request to get four to ten times more connections.

Learn We saw it. So when you think about when you’re reaching out to prospects, you want to be the bright spot in their day. If you feel like you’re being slimy and sleazy and pushy, you are. Stop doing it. Okay, we can make this fun, engaging, entertaining, interactive. That’s a choice that you can make. I believe in you.

I’m giving you permission right now to be entertaining. So you want to engage, entertain, and invoke a response. Have you ever heard of the saying, if you want to be interesting, be interested. That’s what we want to think about when connecting on LinkedIn. So you also need to flip the script instead of thinking, how am I going to pitch this person?

You’re thinking about find ways to acknowledge them, engage with them, show them that they’re important. Show them that you’re listening. This is where social listening is important. What are the nine ways to humanize your LinkedIn request to get four to nine times more response? Let me show you. Step number one.

Compliment them. Have they had successes in their career? Have they had awards? How long have they been with the company? Here’s an example. I connected with Steve. Steve, fascinated by the fact that you worked with Quest for 20 years. That is a feat many can’t celebrate today. I also read your post about winning the President’s Club.

Congrats! Why wouldn’t Steve just accept that? It’s a compliment. It’s nice. It’s kind. Right? Step number two for humanizing your LinkedIn requests. Show knowledge of your industry. Show them that you understand what they’re going through. If you can talk about one of the posts that they’re posting about, and show, I had one that I was connecting with where I had a mutual friend in the space and I asked specifically about the events that they run and if they’re similar to another company that’s similar to theirs because I worked with that particular company.

So, I am referencing knowledge of the industry and my expertise so it shows, oh, I’m not just talking to Joe Schmo that knows nothing about it and it’s going to waste my time. Number three, ask curious questions about what they do. How do you learn more about what they do? You are being interested in them.

I, let me show you an example. So I found this gentleman whose name is Eric, and on his profile he said that he was a women’s health expert, which I just found funny that a man would be a women’s health expert, and I know from working with one client that was a natural cramp cream company, the head of that particular product was a male, and he felt very, very uncomfortable about the fact that he was a male talking about cramp cream.

So we had, we ended up building a core story for them to help him feel more knowledgeable about women. And he did become an expert after that and did feel a lot more comfortable talking about the topic because he could talk to it and gave market data and all these things. So I wrote Eric and I said, Eric, I just want to know what was it like being a women’s health expert for a year?

Also, what qualifications do you need to be a woman’s health expert? I think I need that, right? I’m just trying to crack a smile on his face. Ask a curious question. What can you do to put a smile on their face? What if that was the goal of reaching out on LinkedIn? What a completely different response that sets you apart from all these other people.

Just a sea of bots and people that don’t care. Here’s another one. So, Mary had posted about a rare disease day, which I thought was rather interesting, so I said, Hey Mary, I was just looking at your post and didn’t realize there was a rare disease day. How interesting. How do you celebrate that exactly? Do you work with rare diseases often?

I have a strong love of diseases and understanding how they work and how that connects to the mind and the body. I’ve studied a lot of Eastern medicine, so I’m curious about the topic. Can you be curious about Topics that your prospects have posted about just showing that you care, right? That’s what we’re trying to do show that we care step number four for humanizing your LinkedIn requests to get four to nine times the acceptance connection offering Humor, you don’t say what a shock right there was Jonathan Dawson when I posted on Facebook saying hey Do you have any LinkedIn requests messages that you send he wrote this one.

I love this Curiosity got the best of me, so I thought I’d reach out myself. Your name came up in a recent conversation, so I thought I’d connect because I wanted to go straight to the source. Based on what I heard, I’m tempted to believe the opposite. Are the rumors true, or is it mostly just jealous people who need to get a hobby?

I was told, you think it’s okay to eat french fries with mustard. If it’s true, then you are likely an innovator, and we should connect. If it’s not true, then we should just connect anyway to the plot. How to stop these vicious rumors. Either way, love to connect with you. After 15 seconds on my profile, let me know if you feel the same way.

That is freaking hilarious. I mean, come on. I mean, Jonathan is truly an expert at messaging. He teaches the top 1 percent of automotive salespeople. So if you are in automotive and you have salespeople, you’d be dumb not to have Jonathan come and assist you because he’s got a hundred more just like this.

He has a whole training on how to use emojis and memes. in your text messaging processes. Ah, it’s just brilliant. But anyways, that was funny, right? Engaging, entertaining. How can you be engaging and entertaining? I also saw another one on Skylee that said, Hi Amanda, how many therapists does it take to change a lightbulb?

Just one, but the lightbulb has to really want to change. Jokes aside, I would love to connect. Silly, but entertaining. There was another one, I just saw the first line that says, I noticed we both breathe oxygen. It’s great, it’s freaking funny, come on, we just live in this monotonous world of boring messages.

Let’s make it entertaining, huh? So, number four, offer humor. The fifth step to humanize your LinkedIn requests is proximity is power. Mutual connections can be like a reverse referral. It gives you that know, like, and trust so much quicker when it’s somebody that’s valuable to you. So, I’ll give you an example.

I reached out to Nate. I saw that he was friends with Jill Carnahan, who is a brilliant doctor. And I wrote him this. Hey Nate, notice we’re both friends with Dr. Jill Carnahan. Did you see her documentary? I cried. If you haven’t seen it, you probably shouldn’t without a tissue box. Right? I’m just kidding.

What am I doing? I’m trying to establish one small link of connection, showing that I care, showing that I know the people that he knows. It’s funny how we overthink these things, and we don’t spend the time on things that matter. It’s not something you can force. Just connecting with somebody, showing you care, is the fifth step.

Number six, name drop. If you can name drop all the associates that they work with, it seems as You have just arrived. We teach this with cold calling, right? You cold call, so you get to the gatekeeper, and you call them up and you say, Is this Bill? No. Is this Delilah? No. Is this Bob? No. But you know every person’s name in the office.

Obviously, it’s not some random person. It’s obviously somebody that interacts with this office often. Another reason to get to the gatekeeper. It’s the same on LinkedIn, right? So I reached out to Leanne, Hey, Leanne, I’m guessing you just started your LinkedIn three connections. She literally had just three connections, but be happy to be the fourth.

I just connected with Robbie, Evan, Steve. I don’t know if you know other people from your team. I’m also from California because she was also from California. How can you acknowledge and. To speak to all the other decision makers, right on average today for a B2B sale, it takes nine decision makers. It is insane the amount of people that we have to get to approve a B2B purchase.

So how many of those people are you connecting with and are you using them with each other? Right? I just talked to Bill. I just talked to Bob. Right? Number six is name dropping the other decision makers in the organization. Number seven for humanizing your LinkedIn responses is locations in common. I’ll never forget, I was backpacking Europe, I flew to Europe, we were in Rome, and we randomly met another couple that were from California.

And instantaneously, this person that I had lived in California my first 18 years of my life. If I met anybody in California, we wouldn’t feel connected, but because we were in Rome, all of a sudden we became instantaneous best friends. It created that bond so quickly. So, where on their profile are their places, either their hometown, the place where they live now, the place where they went to college, what other locations can you pinpoint?

Quickly and establish that you care about that place, because if you care about that place and they are proud of that place as well, instant connection quickly, right? We’re trying to do this in a blink of under 300 characters for a LinkedIn request. So, I did one. So I also do this on Zoom calls and in sales conversations too.

I try to find where they’re from. Oh, you’re from Stamford, Connecticut? Wow, one of my favorite summers I ever spent was in Stamford, Connecticut. Have you lived there your whole life? Right? Just trying to give some kind of compliment about where they live. You’d be shocked at how quickly that builds rapport.

So the eighth way to humanize your LinkedIn requests is to just comment on their bio. What do you find intriguing about it? What would you like to comment on? I saw one where this woman’s Was an engineer and then she went into sales and I went wow Julie It’s not very often. I see somebody from an engineer that goes to sales.

How’s that going? It’s quite a leap. I’m impressed Just something to get in the door to acknowledge them You have a little bit of a brain to be able to do that Right, and then the ninth step for humanizing your LinkedIn requests is commenting on their posts If they’re posting about things, it’s obviously something that’s of interest to them, so you acknowledge what they’re posting about.

I have one here. Robby, I’m fascinated by your work in neurology. I noticed you went from technology to sales. It doesn’t happen very often. Super curious on your opinion of philocybin and neurology. Does it actually help? Because she had a whole bunch of posts about philocybin and regulations and what’s been approved in different countries.

It was a really interesting topic that I would genuinely find fascinating to discuss with somebody. Are there topics with your prospects that you would genuinely find interesting? Here’s another thing to think about. If you’re going to be human in your sales process, then genuinely find ways to be intrigued and engaged and entertained.

Look for them. Find a spark of conversation that would actually legitimately interest you. Go figure, maybe also your sales process would be a lot more fun if you found ways to entertain you as well as your prospect. So what are the 9 ways to humanize your LinkedIn response to get 4 to 9 times more connections?

  1. Compliment them on their successes, on their awards, how long they’ve been with the organization that they’re with. Two, show knowledge of their industry, their field, their job. Why not flex a little bit on what you know so you’re not treated as just a salesperson? Number three, ask curious questions.

Engage, entertain, show that you care. Number four, offer humor. What better way to get in the door than with a smile? Number five. Proximity is power. Mutual connections are like a reverse referral. It gets you in the door so much quicker. Number six. Name dropping all the other people that they work with in the organization to show that you belong.

Number seven. Locations. Do you have any locations in common? Because the more that you show that you are similar to them or that you enjoy the things they enjoy, the faster you build that rapport. Number eight, comment about their bio. What’s interesting and intriguing about their bio that you find interesting?

And number nine, commenting on their posts. We’re just enough of a spark to engage a conversation. That’s how our LinkedIn experiment went. From 4. 9 percent of our LinkedIn connections got approved with zero note. And up to 20 to 40 percent got accepted when we started personalizing these messages. Now remember, this is for your Dream 100 strategy.

This is for those that you want to spend more time on because they buy more, more often from you. So it’s specific to Dream 100, but when you know they’re a dream prospect, these are nine different ways to grab their attention, engage, and start building a relationship. Because you are 60 percent of the way to a sale if you just build rapport and find their need.

Okay, so this is just step by step on how to do that on LinkedIn. If you ever need any assistance with your Dream 100 contact campaign, you name it, you can go to howtodoublesales. com and enter in, fill out just a few questions, and we’ll let you know if we can assist you with your Dream 100. That’s how to double sales.

Make sure to get your copy or copies at the ultimate sales machine dot. There’s a lot of special bonuses that you can’t get going to Amazon. So make sure you check it out at ultimate sales machine.
