[PODCAST] How to Hire and Retain Top Talent

by | Jun 3, 2022 | Blog

Are you having a hard time hiring and keeping your staff? You’re not alone.

The crazy part is, 73.9% of highly skilled workers feel they have better opportunities outside of their current organization.

If you’d like to hire and retain great staff then you’ll want to tune in to this week’s podcast:

How to Hire and Retain Top Talent

Jay Wommack’s company trains 400,000 employees a month.

They’ve conducted over 113 million training sessions, making them the world’s leading experts in micro-learning.

What they teach is so critical it’s saved a total of 10,000 lives.

This week’s episode he’ll share his tips for finding great talent, how to retain top talent, and tricks his organization uses to keep a great culture so they want to stay with you forever.


Continued Learning: How to Build a Masterful Sales Team Like Chet Holmes


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Welcome everybody. Amanda Holmes here, CEO of Chet Holmes international.

And today I have the world’s leading expert on microlearning having conducted a hundred weight, 112 million sessions. Is that correct? Right at 112 million sessions. That is fantastic. We’re going to cover today. How to retain, train, hire top talent from somebody that, that trains your company trains nearly 400,000 employees a month.

Yes, right. At 400 that just under 400,000 right now. But if the rate of growth that we have, it won’t be long till we’re over 400,000. And having been in business since 1999, it’s such a thrill to see your expertise in technology and how you’ve been able to utilize internet and really understand how people retain information and absorb information.

And in your particular line of work, it’s saved, uh, you had just shared with me eight, right around 8,000. We think eight to 10,000 lives by now. And we do do that actuarily based on the number of classes delivered the accident reduction rate, the number of fatalities for accident. We started our company in the transportation industry.

And so therefore there’s a lot of liability. There’s a lot of, a lot of danger. You’ve got 80,000 pounds running down the road and you got to make sure that the folks who are out on those trucks are safe and the people around them are safe. So it’s a big, it’s a big mission, but we’re up to the. And I love who you were just sharing with me right before we went live about how I was asking if you had an award and you said no, but our clients get awards.

Can you share with that one story? I just loved that, uh, our clients do get awards. We deal in transportation. We started out with 18 liters, big trucks. We’ve gone to medium and smaller vehicles, but we’ve also done the school bus industry as well. And you know, one of the most touching stories that we have is that.

It was a school bus driver won an award in the state of Georgia because he had taken our training and he had just happened to have an accident. A few weeks later, he almost caught on fire and all those kids were able to evacuate safely and no one lost their life. And if you’ve ever seen a school bus catch on fire, it is dramatic.

It’s fast. You don’t have much time to evacuate. So our clients win the awards and we’re really proud of our clients for that. Absolutely. And, and what a gem to be able to have you on today to, um, to talk about one of the biggest issues facing businesses today, which is, you know, this great resignation we’re experiencing hiring staff.

Can you share with us, I know you have some data around this as well. Yeah, we, we do, uh, it’s it’s, you know, when we started looking at it, People that you’re, that are leaving their workforce right now. It’s just incredible. And when I start talking to business owners, their number one concern, we pulled our client base and the number one, two, and three concern in our client base.

Number one, shared it doesn’t matter which industry you’re in and it is how do you hire and retain and train your employees. And that’s their number one concern, right? And, and number two in my industry is, is, you know, fuel prices are going up. Number three, is insurance prices going up and in our training has an impact on all three of those, but we cut our teeth in recruiting.

Originally, we were, we were some of the great grandparents, I guess you could say. In the internet industry, we started with a web based recruiting plan. And we rose to number one in the transportation industry with that platform. And then we realized real quick that we wanted to cross sell. So we put in training to go along with that, we kind of, we’ve kind of backed our way into this whole great resignation with our company.

We know how to recruit and we know how to retain and how to build a culture. As a matter of fact, I mean, it’s, it’s, I can sit here right now and our client service department, we have extra help in the client service department while everybody else is struggling, trying to keep. So, you know, the good news is if you’ll learn how to recruit properly and you learn how to retrain them and build that culture and it by no one likes the big C word for culture, but it’s, it’s true.

If you have the right culture, you will retain your employees and they’ll actually, your employees will be the ones that go out and start promoting your own business for you. But these people that try to cut corners and take shortcuts, it’s not going to work out. So we have a, we have a webinar coming up next Tuesday, just for a specific niche industry about recruiting.

And it’s just going to talk about the basics of recruiting. So, I mean, incorporate your core story into it, Amanda, because the core story that every client out there that’s trying to recruit, what are they offering? They’re offering a job. That’s all they’re offering. They’re not offering anything.

Everybody’s offering a job, you know, wake up world, guess what? You better offer more. You ought to go take the core story bootcamp to figure out what are you offering your employees? You know, what, what advantage does your company have? You know, we, we have Friday morning meetings every Friday morning at eight 15.

We have four meetings for the entire company we zoom in and we, we, we have the people that are at the home office. And we talk about the wins for the week and we try to make sure that every employee leaves with some type of some information that will improve their lives going through. Um, I don’t know if that’s the path you want to go down on that.

No, it’s great because, um, you know, everybody is asking, how do I retain, how do I keep these clients? And it’s interesting that you say don’t cut corners, knowing what you had shared with me earlier, that. On average used to have to train people from six to eight weeks and now you can do it in five days.

So don’t cut corners and yet you’re still highly efficient. So yes, please share. Um, when you’re looking for talent, what what’s some of the gems that people need to start recognizing to just bring in great talent. Well, I, there’s a great book called who that we used when we go, we hire people, we check the references and I will tell anybody out there, if you don’t check at least eight references, you’re not doing it right.

And people look at me and they think I’m crazy, but I follow that book verbatim, the who book, and it works out, even if you’re going to use a vendor to come work on your home, but let’s go back to when we onboard people at our own company, we claim that we can cut your learning curve way down with our micro learning.

In other words, we actually did it in house. It took us six to eight weeks. We’re very complex with a SAS service software as a service. We have to train our people how to use the software and how to go out and service our clients. And it takes six to eight weeks. Well, we started looking at our own system and said, I can only cut this learning curve down.

And we did, and it’s taken us about a year, but we cut it down to five days from onboarding a new client service rep to them actually being on the phone and having meaningful conversations with our prospects and clients. Big, big, big step in the right direction. And then we’ve seen that happen over and over again, but we’d take the concept of micro learning to the next level.

Now you’re too young to have a 15 year old with those, those in your audience that have teenagers understand this, let’s take the, let’s take the standard rule of training that most companies use and compare it to microlearning the standard rule is that we’re going to come in once a quarter and imagine you have a 15 year old, and you’re going to tell that 15 years.

Yeah, this year, we’re going to do it differently. You know, once a quarter, I’m going to meet with you and tell you that you’re going to make your bed. You’re going to brush your teeth. You’re going to take out the trash. And I’m going to check with you each quarter, as we have a reminder and how’s that going to work versus every single week, we’re going to send out a micro reminder training education session that says, Hey, look at the benefit of brushing your teeth.

Looking at the benefit and reminder of taking the trash out, look at the benefit of, of making your bed every day. Now I ask you this question at the end of the year, who’s going to have more success, the parent or employer or team member that trained four times this year, educated, reminded four times this year or the one that did it every single week.

And that’s so in 15 minutes, 15 minutes a month, you can absolutely educate your employees to go do the right thing and correct them. And you know that you’ve, you’ve educated them and you’ve documented it. And you now have that for the records and you’re going to have lasting change when you do that.

It’s a much, much different approach. Um, what we have in the past, where we go bore people for 30 minutes or an hour at a time, a recorder they meeting, and it’s a different approach. Much more and the employees like it, they don’t spend all their time sitting in some boring room. And then you start looking at the efficiencies that are created by it.

And it’s just incredible to look at the efficiencies, but, but, but you, your team and your people have helped me put together our core story in our dream 100 and we’re seeing some dramatic results. We built our pipeline over $900,000. We’ve nailed the eight companies that. We have, we haven’t closed them, but we’ve identified the eight companies that will make us anywhere from 10 X, each, each in a couple of them could take us to a hundred X and we’re not a small company.

So when I say 10 X to a hundred X, yeah, that’s a big, big, big, big number. I love that. Well, thank you for that. I appreciate the shout out. So let’s, let’s, let’s tie back in because this is so fascinating and it became, it was part of your process with your core story, right? We identified what you’re doing.

Were you using the word micro-learning before you started? We were using frequent, consistent, and we had stumbled on the word micro-learning but you’re the one that really pointed out to me. You come in, you really are. I would give anything to be your age and start over with your knowledge. You’re the one that pointed out the micro learning that we have.

And you said, you know what, Jay, Tom out, take a step back and you realize what you’re doing. And it took me, I’m kind of a slow burn. It took me a while to realize what you had said. I woke up one night about three weeks ago. Oh, my God. That’s what Amanda was talking about. So hats off to your entire team and the way you guys think and the way y’all look at the world, it’s fascinating.

Well, I have not, I have woken up mid sleep, going to have micro learning. How can I work with Jay? This is so brilliant, right? Because. I mean, we know the attention span has dropped in half of what it was 10 years ago, right? The equivalent of a goldfish where at three seconds now. So why wouldn’t we train in five minute increments and, and the fact that you’ve done it in an industry like trucking, where truck drivers have.

I, they really just don’t have a strong need or desire to really want to train. Right. Like, it’s kind of like, oh, you have to do this. I guess that’s okay. Versus maybe somebody that’s like, like my clientele are CEO’s that are hungry to generate more sales, so they are ready. They want to learn. They’re like, you, you.

Fever for knowledge, whereas I don’t know how much a truck driver would really be interested in that. So you based out of necessity, created a new way to consume information, to retain the information and to actually get the results, which for you become saving people’s lives. Right. Which is magnificent.

And I can’t help it continue to think about this because your potential and every other industry to take what you’ve proven in trucking and incorporated it. That’s why I’m so thrilled that I get to interview you, uh, for, for my database, because people need to know that there’s this amazing way to train.

Can we break down even more of this micro learning? Because I I’m so curious how. It’s interesting. You asked that question. There are a couple of things that come to mind. One of them, one of them is that the truck drivers, you have to understand, they do the same thing day in and day out. They wake up, they go do a pre-trip inspection.

They get in the vehicle, they have to be safe. They have to make sure everything’s working around. And when you come in and say, we’re going to help you be safer. They want to be safe already, but it’s kind of like been there, done that. So you gotta make sure it’s just. It’s a simple reminder is it’s a, it’s like anything we do in life, there’s hardly anything that’s brand new or complicated that we try to, we don’t just try to complicate it ourselves.

So we try to make it as simple as we possibly can. Keep it simple and, and just keep the reminders in top of mind, because if you’re top of mind on safety, it’s going to work out much, much better. That way I feel like I’m rambling, right? No. No, it’s fascinating. So, so that, well, let me go down one more path real quick.

I read a book a long time ago called the talent code, and then I’ve listened to one of, I know, I know you’re a fan and you, your partner did partner with Tony Robins in the past, but they tell stories about. And in the book, the talent code, they talk about your brain and how it connects. If you do small increments at a time and you can learn much, much faster.

If you take small increments and you master the small increments and then take the second segment of the small increments or chunk and plug that into place, and then you take the third and the fourth and the fifth, and pretty soon you’ve mastered everything and they talk about the great tennis players in the grade.

Anyway, it’s, it’s the concept that we use with microbes. Yeah, what really matters the most. And let’s just, let’s just take small snippets and apply it. And what happens is when you do that, it’s, it’s almost like the Tim Ferriss rule, 80 20 rule where you say, okay, let’s do 20% of the work to get 80% of the results.

And so that’s the, that’s the way we’ve approached. From micro strategy and micro-learning standpoint, shouldn’t say micro strategy. Cause I noticed the around right now, but the micro Metro strategy. No, no, I love that. Okay. So that helps me get a little bit more clarity that what are the most important things that I need to do or get somebody trained in my team and then.

I could also see how this then links with retention, right? Because those that are trained best and really know what they’re doing and their job and they’re getting results and they feel that they’re improving or, you know, at least meeting some kind of criteria for a good work ethic. You’re accomplishing that with this micro learning.

So if I break it down, there was a, there was no sales book written one time and it was. The Dale Carnegie sales course and was getting Percy Whiting. And he wrote a book called the five great rules for selling. And I fell in love with that book. I mean, it was, it was so basic, but it says five things. You have to get their attention.

You have to get their interest. You’ve got to get conviction, desire and close. So attention, interest, conviction, desire, and close. So if I was going to break that entire book of three or 400 pages down into. Course I could probably do it in less than an hour and then break it into, well, what are the ways that you get attention?

And I could put together four or five or six short videos on how do you get attention and give examples. And then the assignment might be, can you think of voice? You would get attention and go back to the old fuller brush sales person, but I can break that down into less than 20 minutes, 30 minutes of, of curriculum, but it has them thinking about it constant.

Yeah, attention interests. I could do the same thing with interest conviction, desire, and then close. I can do the same thing with your core story bootcamp, where you said, okay, we spent eight beautiful, wonderful hours, plus homework and assignment, getting, getting, you know, completely baptized. I use that term in east Texas getting totally baptized in your methadone.

But if I want to train my people to do it, I’m not going to go spend eight hours with them. What I’m going to do is take the concepts of the course to read and say, here’s a stadium pitch. Here’s what a stadium pitch is incredible. You’re trying to get 90% of the market at the top of the funnel. I’m going to, I’m going to go down the funnel, but I’m going to do it in snippets of three and four minutes and make assignments so that I can do the entire eight hours over a one-hour period.

Now, will they be as good as spending eight hours with you? They won’t be, but they’ll have at least 80% of it top of mind. And if I remind them of it over and over again, guess what most companies don’t do. What they don’t do is remind their employees that this is the process. This is the procedure. This is, this is our value chain.

This is our, and pretty soon you start to wake up and want to wait. We were doing that education based marketing and where we’re using Amanda’s core story concept. And why did we get away from it? Cause it was more. So microlearning is top of mind more efficiency. We’re looking for the 80 20 rule in our training concepts.

Wow. So the actual delivery of micro content, can you talk a little bit about that? Yes, we, we developed, we developed our own LMS system learning management system. And what’s your, they’re a dime a dozen. I mean, you can go get one off the shelf. I think, I think there’s open source that you can, you can, you know, go find that.

So that’s not the critical mass here. Critical mass is how do you use it and how do you apply it? And I didn’t mean to do this today. And I came to stand up and turn around, but we had the same. They said it’s not in writing. It’s not signed. It was not dated. If you can’t find it, it didn’t. And, and it’s on the back of my t-shirt, it’s on the posters.

We send out to people and I, you know, we use that. Matter of fact, we use that as one of the dream, one hundreds, we went out and we did a test. That’s an interesting test. We sent out 30 of them as a test to see what kind of results we had. And we got it. We got a 10 to one return on our expense of doing that.

Then we sent out, uh, 1,868. And we, we optimize it and we, anyway, we got, uh, we got another seven X return on that one. And on June the sixth, we’re dropping a, and we’re up in the auntie from 1800 to 7,000 to see what happens when we do that. So that’s kind of old red ocean marketing, but. You were talking about the delivery of micro learning.

So you can go and get LMS off the shelf, but critical mass is I didn’t go. My last is breaking down the curriculum and no one, how do you want to deliver this? And we generally do it with video. We do it with, with, uh, create our own videos. We have our own studio that does that. We teach our clients how to do that because custom content for your company and for what you want to do is, is it’s very easy to do.

I mean, we, we, we over-complicate things. This is, this is a good, uh, cameras we had when I was taking pills. My kids that are your age growing up around the Christmas tree, this one thing alone saved a lot of learning curve on that. But the main thing is to break out the curriculum for in a short. Always storyboard everything.

I like the concept of storyboarding. I like to see the stick I’m not knocking or I can draw. So I’ll do stick figures and do the video that way. And we do a lot of talking head stuff. We can actually do. Documents PDF files where you, where you play. So document or PDF follow-up or companies that we deal with, like in the golf industry.

And they have, uh, maintenance on the, on golf courses that they have to do. And I have to be safe doing that and be more efficient. And we can use the actual companies that created the equipment, their training videos. And as long as we have permission, Or if you have your own LMS, you have permission to put it up on your system, use those things, but we’ll edit those or get permission to edit them, to break them apart, not be a 35 minute training course.

So your question is that. Yeah. So you actually created, um, a lot of the time SMS delivery is what you’re are you? I, I think, I don’t think you just said that, but I do know that you recommend it actually being texted. Is that part of your LMS, that you are a part of your tool that, uh, part of our tool is to make sure that it’s documented, but it’s what we do is we, we do training documentation and communication, and the way we started this division was on a whim, by the way.

Um, I knew I wanted something to cross sell and I sold my first company just when we didn’t even have software, didn’t have anything. But what sold the individual, the owner of the company was. You have a thousand employees, if you could talk to every one of your employees right now and know that they heard your message, what would you say?

And it was, it was, I mean, you’re in sales. He leaned forward on his desk and he did this and he said, I would do this in as soon as he said that, I said, okay, this afternoon, I’m going to have my, this was back years ago. And someone had my camera crew here this afternoon. They’re going to film you say. You say it just like you did just now and by tomorrow at noon, you will know how many of your employees heard your message and there’ll be document and you put it in their file.

And I can tell you one right now men are that every company out there needs to be aware of. Cause we’re, we’re obviously if you’re a hammer, everything you see as mail, if you have employees that are driving around in their own car or in your company vehicle, and they’re on your time, you need to have in your fleet.

That you have told him do not under any circumstance, use your cell phone when you’re operating a vehicle because the liability is horrific. Wow. And it is, and it is starting to turn. So, I mean, that’s one of the, that’s the first thing. And then your employee manual, you put that on, on the system, then you highlight your employee manual based on what is it that you really need to make sure that the new employees under.

And it could be the benefits package. It could be the vacation package could be which, you know, standard emo. We go out, we get this employee package, we sign up with a new company. And what does HR department do? They go hail it to the employee, was the employee. Do they take that whole document? They sign that.

They read it and they throw it in the back of their vehicle and they don’t see it until they clean their truck out a week or two or three later. And they throw it away and they don’t understand anything about your company. They don’t understand anything about your. And so you’ve wasted a real opportunity to onboard.

Anyway, I feel like I’m rattling, but, but I love when we do, I love all of this. I find it so fascinating. I didn’t even know about the cell phone and I’m sure every, every company that has even sales reps out in the field driving around should know that. I mean, I don’t really, I don’t even know how you just have to let them know that they shouldn’t do this.

There’s no way to actually monitor that. Right. That’s correct. But you need to make sure here the courts have gotten sold to. There are the society has that well, Coco enterprise and the Corpus Christi, Texas, I believe I, you know, whatever, let people research this since this is going live in the world, but, but, uh, one of the major bottlers in Corpus Christi had a $21 million settlement or a lawsuit because they didn’t properly document that.

We told our employees not to do this driving in the road and. In the state of Texas right now, which is where we’re domiciled in the state of Texas right now. Uh, the, the lawyers are not just going after big trucks, they’re going after anybody that has their name on the side of a vehicle or anyone that’s risk this.

And you’re seeing, you’re hearing things like nuclear verdicts. So one of our deals is we’ve thought about taking out ads on XM radio and offering to give away free to every company out there. You know, this service. Give it to him for a come on board. And you can have your documented that you’ve told your employees, at least don’t be using the cell phone, driving down the road and don’t be using the cell phone on company time.

So. Wow. Wow. Yeah. I mean, you would be the expert on this, right? Considering that you try to, uh, you’re a huge part of saving so many organizations from these nuclear verdicts, which has gone completely out of the roof. Do you know that those stats off the top of your head? The S the stash y’all pull this taskforce.

They y’all y’all did a core story. We took the class, but you’ll also did one. We contracted with y’all on the side to do the core story of the seven threats facing our industry. And that worked out really well for us well, but the stats that your researcher came up with was the nuclear verdict. So nuclear verdict is anything over 10 million and as supposed to be for punitive damages and things of that nature.

And they’re up 687 or 8% in the last seven years. And they’ve the ones that are 10 million or more have jumped 289% the same time period. So it’s a real issue. I mean, and, and companies out there that don’t even think like your local plumbers or your local electricians that have vehicles running around the liability is horrific and they just don’t really.

Wow. Wow. And, and where, where can we work in everybody find you what’s the right URL to give them our URL is infinity workforce.com, infinity spell I and F with a, not with a Y, but with an, with an infinity workforce. And that’s where they can locate us. Or, you know, I don’t mind giving out my cell phone number if anybody wants to call and ask questions, be glad to do that too.

But. Do you want to ask Amanda? When I started as a, in business, I was service has always been our big deal. Like you asked me, what’s our X factor it’s microlearning and it’s service. Most companies don’t offer service. Nowadays. We do. I gave every client, my cell phone number and said, twenty four seven, if you need me, call me.

And, and I’ve only gotten one call at 2:00 AM in the morning. And, but I answered it, you know, because. Nature of the business. So anyway, 9 0 3, 2 4 4 2 1 9 10. If anybody wants to reach me, I’ll be glad text first. And that’s the easiest way to get me in our respond. It’s amazing. You know, I wonder if it’s also, um, I come across a lot of problems being a female, uh, and strange people that are out there in the world.

So I can, I can see that. Well, I don’t, yeah, we’re in Texas. I don’t have my Texas with me right here, but I do in the car. So we’re, we’re a nice company. We’ve got about 60 plus employees and we’ve got, we, we use overseas people. Yeah, Bill’s on the beach. And so, and we’re growing and, and thanks to your work and what your company has done for us.

I think we’ll, we’ll be doubling at least in the next couple of years. And if not shooting for that three X to five. I can’t wait to watch the journey. It’s been so fun to see as it is. And that pipeline you’ll have to let me know as soon as they close, because when we did the stats on the core story bootcamp, I don’t know if you’re familiar, but, uh, courses normally get about a 4% completion rate.

Did you know this? I did not know that, but that makes sense. Ours is much higher than that. Yeah, I would, I would assume that you should take note of that so you can let people know. So when I found that out, it actually made me just completely questioned my whole course business. Um, so I recognize that when we did the dream 100.

Course last year that there just wasn’t as much response from the results that they got. And it was rather frustrating for me because my success is based on your success, right? So we did the bootcamp formula where it’s more interactive as you experienced. And with the core story bootcamp, we had 42% of the people that went through it generated leads within the first 30 days and 30% generated sales within the first 30 days, which is.

We’re we’re tracking results, whereas they were just tracking completion of the freaking course. Right. So we’re getting a 10 X response compared to the industry standard. And, um, and that’s just in the first 30 days, right? Like you, you have a much longer sales cycle and a lot of our clients have a longer sales cycle.

So I just can’t wait to watch as all of the results start coming in. Thank you so much for such a wonderful. Um, any last thing you would share because we’re, we still have our tickets open for our core story, boot camp, anything you’d share with, uh, people that might consider that. I have my entire marketing team going down the path of the core story.

We, we spent three hours and you know, what time is worth? We spent three hours. This morning was five of us in the room, five C-levels in the room talking about the core story for each segment of the insurance industry that we’re going after, not just the underwriters, but underwriters, risk managers, agencies, and agents.

And, and we put that together and I’ll tell you real quick. Wrap-ups. Why people should attend your, your core story. We put together a core story. I went to a trade show and I was able to go speak against other presenters. We only had six minutes, so I was able to boil it down to a six minute presentation.

And as you know, the core story, when you, when you have a full presentation is around 18 to 25 minutes, a ball it down to six minutes. And you know, there were eight of eight vendors that were making presentations and. When I finished that afternoon, I heard our stats quoted back in other meetings from the other attendees.

Now that’s that is you. You keep talking about the core story and, and education marketing and given the stats. And then when you just got through saying that about a 4% completion rate, as I immediately wrote it down, circle it, and we’ll find the data on that, because that really leads right into the microphone.

Yeah, with ours, we were actually running an offer right now, just as a test to take the risk off the table. We know that what we do is so effective that we’re offering a hundred percent money back guarantee that if you, if you use the system for a year and you have a 70% usage, it ratio we’ll gladly give you a hundred percent money back guarantee and, and completely.

I understand that’s not a big deal for us at all. Not a big deal at all. That’s how impactful this stuff is. So, and then you had also shared with me, I think on another call that, that one speaking engagement you got, it looked like you had another 80,000 in your pipeline, just from that one talk, which was magnificent.

Well, and that was the matter of fact I was actually at that show. And that was the one that was talking about the. So that’s where that came from and yeah, it’s a, it’s a, it’s a, it’s a fascinating, fascinating program. The core story bootcamp. Yes. And I would recommend it to anybody and I just wouldn’t, I mean, you’re a godsend for a lot of us that are listening to.

Thank you. Well, you you’re microlearning keeps me up at night and we’re going to find a way to work together. Cause I can’t, I can’t get enough of it. There’s some synergy there with core story and micro-learning so for those that are listening, stay tuned, it will happen, but go to infinity workforce with an i.com infinity.

Entity with an eye workforce.com to learn more about Jay and his brilliance and what you’ve been able to do. Thank you so much, Jay. This has been such an utter pleasure. Thank you, Amanda. Appreciate you more than you know.

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