Get 9x More Clients (from the same marketing dollars you’re already spending)

by | Oct 28, 2022 | Blog

If you’d like to get 9x more clients from the same marketing dollars you’re already spending, you’ll love the Core Story Bootcamp.

Tune in to this episode and discover how you can create a stadium pitch like mine.


P.S. The Core Story Bootcamp is coming up! You can visit for more details.


Continued Learning:  Uncovering the Stadium Pitches


  • Want to know what’s keeping you from doubling your sales in the next 12 months? Take our quick QUIZ to get answers:
  • If you’d like to have a profound breakthrough in your business, schedule your breakthrough call with a LIVE expert here:
  • Claim your FREE chapter 4 from the top 10 most recommended marketing and sales books of all time! Visit: to find out how you Create 9X More Impact from every move you’re already making to win clients!


*this transcript was mostly generated by AI, please excuse any mistakes smile

Amanda: How do we use this to grab the attention of a prospect? This is really just to get the time to, um, so I would use this to get an appointment. I would use this to catch them in a video. I would use this to get their attention in an email to lead to the appointment. 

 So, um, 

this is just that initial. hook 

Okay, so, uh, I guess we’re at one minute.

Are you guys ready to hear my, my, uh, my hook here? Yes. Are you? Yep. Go some are others. Aren’t let’s go. Let’s go. Oh, yeah. I thought someone was about to role play with me. I’m like, yeah, but it, okay. So usually a conversation starts like this. Maybe somebody who would even say, oh, what do you do? I’d say, well, let me ask you this question.

How many companies do you think make it to a million in annual sales, whatever they’d say. I’m like, well, that’s interesting that you say that it’s actually 95% of companies will never make it to a million in annual sales of that 1.5%, make it to 5 million of that 0.08 make it to 10 million and 0.004 make it to a hundred million and beyond.

I’d love to show you the three things holding you back from doubling the size of your company in the next 12 months, I will cover the fastest least expensive way to double sales, how to get nine times more impact from every move you’re already making and how one of our clients increased their sales by 3546%.

It would only take me 22 minutes and it’s filled with great market data. Third-party that shows you the trends of what’s happening for you right now. Do you have. 22 minutes I did it in less than a minute. Boom. Okay. So that was fast, but I’m going to now show you on the slides, right? So let’s go to the slides. What did I do?

I hook them with global pain. Obviously it wouldn’t be that fast. Normally I’m not a freaking computer, but just for the purpose of our time in this process, um, I hooked them with a global pain market data. Then what did I do? I did the stadium pitch. Then what did I do? I gave them the sizzle and then we led to in 22 minutes, right?

Oh, I had put in here, uh, it’s something that’s worked for 250,000 clients and generated over a billion dollars in sales. We’d love to talk to you about it. 

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