How to Close A Higher Percentage of Prospects With One Small Change

by | Sep 20, 2022 | Blog

Here’s a quick tip to getting more sales:

Use visual aids!

Did you know that 65% of humans are visual learners?
Our brains process visual information about 60,000 times faster than text!

This is why it’s so important to for you to integrate quality visual aids to your sales presentations. It helps to leave an impression and create an impact in your pitches, and it assists in communicating your messaging more effectively.

Tune in to this episode to learn more!



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Amanda: [00:00:00] Here we are at another Daily Dose of the new edition of the Ultimate Sales Machine I have with me, Anthony Garcia, who is one of our strategic implementers here at Chet Holmes International. And he has a really good quote for us, that majority of people never think about or talk about. And yet it can dramatically increase sales.

 So Anthony, you wanna take.

Anthony: Absolutely. So here’s the deal. It says, take the same product and present it directly to the prospect by talking about it and then take the same product and present it using visual aids. You will find that not only do you close a higher percentage of prospects, but they will actually pay more money for the same product.

I love this quote and in this chapter of the book we talk about rules of effective presentation. Keep it simple, keep it fast, paced, use wow. Facts and statistics. And to me, when I hear this and present it and use visual aids, if your visual aid falls in that line where it’s simple, but it has that wow factor or the wow statistic, whatever you say [00:01:00] afterwards.

Your prospect’s going to remember that visual aid, if that visual aid hits on the wellness factor, they may not remember your name. Let’s be honest, but they will remember the wow factor you had. It could be something that is, 50% of sales professionals don’t do sales or are ineffective at sales training.

You’re like, oh my goodness. I didn’t realize that I have a team of 500, 250. You aren’t good. Like you’ll remember that you’ll remember much else afterwards. So I love the concept of using the visual aid. And bring something to life and it helps your your audience member or whoever’s listening to you.

We all learn and retain things differently. Some audio, some visual, some by touch, and this addresses all that.

Amanda: So good. I think, when you’re saying all of this, I think of the buyer’s pyramid, right? My father came up with the buyer’s pyramid 3%. Of your prospects that you’re reaching out to are interested in buying now and 90% aren’t thinking about you. And how many people have told me back that they use that visual representation in their sales presentations all the time, especially marketing companies.[00:02:00] 

So that really rings true to me. And it’s not something that people talk about. So thank you so much, Anthony. This is so great.

Anthony: Glad to be here.

Amanda: Make sure to get your copy or copies at the There’s a lot of special bonuses that you can’t get going to Amazon. So make sure you check it out at

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