10X Your Sales With Education

by | Sep 21, 2022 | Blog

Did you know that by investing time and energy in making your customers smarter, you can make them more interested in your offer and simultaneously build trust?

This is what education-based selling is all about.

When you turn your prospects into better and more informed buyers you are:
(1) adding value by making them more knowledgeable about your products or services,
(2) creating rapport by making them feel comfortable and relaxed because you are establishing your company or business as an authority in the field.
(3) standing out from your competitors by providing that extra value, because not all business are willing to fo this!
(4) changing customer expectations by educating them with highly valuable information and not just ‘selling something’

…all of which could ultimately lead to more sales!

Just by providing valuable information, you are building trust, engagement and growth in your business.

So how can you make your customers more knowledgeable in a way that helps them understand the benefits of your offer?

Watch this episode to find our how other businesses utilize this strategy!



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*this transcript was mostly generated by AI, please excuse any mistakes smile

Amanda: [00:00:00] The one who gives the market the most, and the best information will always slaughter the one who just wants to sell products or services. 

 This one is so fascinating and I’ve seen it in every industry. It’s so interesting. We had a client that sold bathroom fans and they, instead of just talking about

bathroom fans, which isn’t really the biggest of interest for a builder. Let’s say for all the things that you have in a house, a bathroom fan is a small thing, but they started talking about indoor air quality and educating about how important indoor air quality is, which if you don’t know the stats, it’s something crazy.

Like you’re five times more likely to get cancer working from home because the amount of indoor air quality regulations in a commercial building is much higher than at your home. So the importance of a bathroom fan that assists your indoor quality increases significantly. When you start educating about how important the [00:01:00] air that we breathe, right?

Another client we had. It’s a high end door handle company. They sell them out of India, but they’re European high end door handles. So when they sell to architects, instead of just saying, Hey, I’d like to talk to you about my door handles, again, not the biggest. Piece that they’d be thinking about, but instead there’s started getting in the door, talking about how to win bigger deals, being an architect, because the amount that architects are paid is significantly decreasing, right?

Again, just adding value. And I’m talking about bathroom fans, door handles. The most, the smallest of little thing that maybe you wouldn’t think about normally can become so much more relevant and so much more important. If you just lead with an education. I think of some of the biggest names on the internet today and how much education they do and they lead with

 For instance, my staff keep telling me, Alex Hormozi you have to talk to him. You have to watch his stuff because he’s just been giving [00:02:00] value after value. And what I really appreciated when I just went in and peaked at his content, he leads his educations with I’m not here to sell you anything. I’m only here to add value and to share what I’ve learned along my way, which is such a great way to just let down the defenses.

I had a similar experience recently. I spoke, I had a keynote at HubSpot, Inbound, and we had a room packed. It was sold out room and couple hundred in there of established businesses. And when I went to make an offer, I ended up getting over 50% of the room to take me up on my offer, which was rather fascinating.

And then of that we were scheduling sales appointments and I said, you know, this isn’t a sales pitch. I’m not here to sell you, but we will assist you in prescribing what you need to double your sales. So if that’s of interest to you, you can schedule your appointment. And the, we got 10 [00:03:00] times more than what we’d normally get from a speaking engagement.

Why? Beacuse we led with value and we did the best. Everything was the whole 90 minutes was just around educating, educating. So you build that rapport and that trust and that respect because you’re 65% of the way to a sale. If you just build rapport and find their need. So that is another good daily dose of the Ultimate Sales Machine

what are you doing to educate your prospects regardless of what you sell? What are you doing to educate them?



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