3 Critical Issues That Are Stealing Your Profits

by | Jun 2, 2023 | Blog

Do you ever feel like you’re paying much more in taxes than you expected?

In this week’s episode, Stacy and Thomas of Finances Made Simple share their expertise on tax strategies and how they can help businesses save money.

You’ll discover:
-3 mistakes that companies make that are killing their profits
-Legal tax strategies that can help businesses save money
-A case study about a dentist who owed $350k in taxes, which were brought close to ZERO because of creative tax strategies

Finances Made Simple is a future-focused tax strategy planning company that helps you plan for and max out deductions so you’re not overpaying on taxes. They have assisted in saving significant amounts of money for their clients through implementing tax planning strategies.

This is an episode you won’t want to miss–tune in to get valuable insights that can help keep more money in your pocket while protecting your profits.


Continued Learning:  5 Reasons People Don’t Buy From You


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Amanda: Welcome to the C E O Mastery Show, and today you have one of three reasons why you’d like to grow your revenue.

You can either make more money, you can either make your money, make you money, or you could pay less in taxes. And that third thing is so critical, so I had to bring on Stacy and Thomas

Here is your daily dose of the Ultimate Sales machine coming to you from the new edition. Visit ultimate sales machine.com to get your copy or multiple copies. Hi, I’m your host, Amanda Holmes, CEO of Chet Holmes International. What you’re about to learn has assisted a quarter of a million businesses to generate billions of dollars working faster, better, smarter.

Amanda: stacye, you had said such a brilliant thing in the Dojo the other day when we were talking about painful problems.

What painful problem do you solve for businesses? What? What was that wonderful statistic you 

pulled up? 

Stacey: Well, 93% of business owners are overpaying on their taxes, and they’re overpay by a lot. 

Amanda: Oh [00:01:00] my gosh. Now, uh, insider scoop for everybody that’s listening, I happen to know quite a lot about Stacy’s business because we did build the core story for her.

So if you ever, as you’re hearing this, the data is real and it’s fascinating. I mean, just what we found about people and how much they would do anything. To avoid paying taxes. Can you go into a little bit of that? I just love that. 

Stacey: Yeah, it’s, it was really funny because, um, your team found these hilarious, uh, surveys of things people really would rather be doing, such as jury duty talking to their kids about sex.

They’d rather miss a connecting flight, uh, spend a night in jail, um, swim with the sharks, and of course, people would rather drink a glass of. Rotten milk, sour milk, than do their taxes. Oh wait, there 

Thomas: was clean prison toilets for three years, by the way. That was 10%. 

Stacey: Yes. To not do their taxes. [00:02:00] 

Amanda: Uh, well, wow.

It’s a very important thing then. So then what are we doing wrong or what are most business owners doing wrong when it comes to taxes? Because it, I mean, it’s the only thing, death and taxes, the two things we can’t avoid. So what are we doing 

wrong here? Well, 

Stacey: I think part of the problem is, you know, when people are working, and again, nothing against A, CPA but we find a lot of CPAs are looking in their rear view mirror.

They, you know, we give us your taxes, uh, or give us your numbers. Give us your receipts. We’ll put ’em into our spreadsheets and give you a bill. And that bill, by the way, is due tomorrow. You know, so we’re see strategists are really looking ahead. They’re looking into what are you doing the next three to five years?

Are you planning to sell? Do you wanna grow? Um, do you have other entities? Do you have land? You know, so we’re really looking at questions of how they could keep their hard-earned money and they’re not part of that 93% that are paying too much. [00:03:00] Hmm. 

Amanda: Thomas looks like he’s focused so much. Is there anything you wanna add to this, Thomas?

Thomas: You know, it’s, it’s funny because since I’ve been involved with Stacy and, and, and partnered up with her, I’ve had the ability to be on a lot of these calls and so many businesses put so much faith in, in, in the belief that. Yeah, you know, I got a C p A, my taxes are good, or, you know, I’m good because, uh, you know, I bought my car with my company, so I’m good.

And it’s just astonishing as you go through these calls, uh, and, and, and, and work through these strategies with people, just how many things they’re not doing and when, when you get them on a call with a strategist, And you break down specifically just what can be done. And it’s, it’s a, it’s a fraction of, of what can be done because the tax code is so massive.

It’s just fascinating to listen to because there’s, there’s so many things that can be done that people just never even think of. Yeah. 

Amanda: Mm-hmm. That’s a great segue into, please share what are the three critical tax issues that are stealing your profits? What 


Stacey: [00:04:00] they? Well, Thomas, you nailed the first one.

You know, the tax code is just, it’s insanely large and it’s complex, and it was fun. Uh, one of the quotes I always like to say, and this is 2022, so this wasn’t even five years ago or 10 years ago, but the tax code is 6,871 pages, which is five times greater than the Bible. And when you add in all the other tax regulations, the official tax guides, it’s actually closer to 75,000 pages.

So the average reader, it would take them 14 weeks and, and like we were saying, it’s not even that they’re comprehending the tax code, they’re just reading it. So it really is next to impossible for a small business owner, um, or even a CPA to know. All of the tax code, but the tax code is actually made for business owners.

So, and again, I always say we never, we would like to partner with CPAs. We don’t, we aren’t knocking CPAs. They just really are really good at doing ta, you know, tax. What do you [00:05:00] wanna call ’em? The tax, um, returns and that’s where they make a lot of their money. They’re doing tax returns. They don’t have the time or the staff to do tax strategies.

So, and you can see in just this one point, you know how hard the tax code, you know, really is. And we, we have a team of strategists, not just one person. 

Amanda: So then what would be the second? Cuz I think you’re actually talking to the second point. Yes. We’re both looking at, uh, your wonderful notes that you, that you gave me for this interview.

So I’m looking at ’em too going. 

Stacey: Yes, yes. Yeah. And Thomas, you can talk about that a little bit. You know, just, they stay with what’s simple and easy, you know? 

Thomas: Well, you know, I was, uh, I was on a call today, uh, for tax strategies with a, with a client and oh my gosh, this. I, my heart goes out to him, lost 15 million in a divorce.

Oh, yikes. Absolutely massive. And, and so, uh, he’s going to be, uh, proceeding with us. Um, but, [00:06:00] you know, yeah, it’s, it’s, it’s, CPAs do a good job what they’re very good at. Uh, one thing that I, that I heard today, which really kind of keyed into me is that, you know, basically you have to look at the tax code. Uh, as a, as a pie and you figure one third of the tax code is mostly used by most common CPAs, whereas a strategist is actually gonna be more focused on the, the, the other two thirds of, of what’s in that code and, and how to maximize that.

Stacey: Yeah, that’s good. And, you know, just that third one is we don’t have time. You know, people just don’t have time to utilize the tax code. And strategies can take a little extra time, a little extra work again, that a lot of CPAs or tax payers just don’t have. And um, one of the statistics we talk about is that 40% of small businesses are spending 80 plus hours on their taxes.

And imagine that if they weren’t doing their taxes, What could they do with an extra 80 hours to run their business? It’s, that’s a lot of [00:07:00] extra time. 

Amanda: So what about deductions? How do we know, uh, what are we normally deducting versus what’s the potential of what we could deduct? 

Stacey: Yeah. Um, and I, I’m gonna jump in on this one because one of my favorite things are, some of these are low hanging fruit.

You know, it’s not that they’re, um, Really a lot of time. But some of the things that we like to do, and I’m gonna focus on two of ’em, but, um, there’s Q B I deductions. There’s the Augusta rule, there’s cost segregation. Um, the one that is missed every single year is research and development. It’s actually been around since 1981, and the government is paying you essentially, To do things to improve the process and the procedure of your company, start in 1981.

And when we think of 1981, you know, staying globally relevant because CU computers were coming out. Well now it’s, you know, we don’t want people to, to just have the status quo and, and stay the same. And [00:08:00] neither do business owners. They are always doing things that are cutting edge, trying to stay ahead of the game, make their business run smoother.

Maybe cost less to get something, take less time to do something. And research and development is an annual tax credit that most businesses are leaving on the table. It’s, it’s lucrative, it’s annual, it became a permanent part of our tax code in 2017. And, um, or is it 2015? I just had a, had a, had a brain fart.

Um, but one of those two years it be, and it became a permanent part of our tax coin. It’s called the PATH Act. P a t h and it stands for protecting Americans from TA tax hikes. And I always laugh at that cause I’m like, well that’s a novel idea. We wanna protect you from tax hikes. Right? Uhhuh. So research and development is one that every company should be looking at.

It’s annual. Again, most CPAs aren’t doing it because it is a lot of work behind the scenes that they just don’t have. We have a team of 40 people behind the scenes in our back office helping [00:09:00] us and um, that’s one that will. Be around for years and years and years to come. It’s not going anywhere. And the final one that I wanna talk about today is the E R C tax credit.

And this is a doozy, but it has a sunset. Um, it is going to start to fall off. This one’s connected to Covid. Um, but this tax credit, The average, uh, the, the employers can get up to $26,000 per employee for 2020 and 2021. There’s actually six tax credits and we recently had a client, one of my personal clients, receive $4.9 million by getting the tax credit.

And unlike the p p p um, uh, strategy that people got, That had to go to rent of a building that had to go to payroll. This employee retention tax credit, it is a refund of overpaid payroll taxes, and they can do whatever they want with it. It’s their money, it’s their refund, but it’s going to end. So anybody who has at least four or five full-time employees [00:10:00] should be looking at doing the p uh e r C tax credit.

But the other thing, the 

Thomas: other thing that’s worth mentioning about ERTC Employee Retention Tax Credit uh, which is important and a lot of people tend to miss, is the importance of an impact letter. Um, very few CPAs are actually doing that. And so to get maximum value, you really need to show your impact. And I, I cannot tell you how many people that I come across who say, oh yeah, you know, I’m working my cpa, or My CPA did it.

And I’m like, well, did you, did you have an impact letter? Do you anything? Did they mention anything about that? Well, no money left on the table. If you’re gonna do it, do it. Right. 

Stacey: That’s good. 

Amanda: Fascinating. Okay, so you’re saying that the three critical issues, number one, was that the tax code is too complex to, for majority of people to actually comprehend.

Uh, number two is that there’s so many deductions that we could take advantage of and we’re really just doing, you know, the ones that are the easiest, which don’t provide the biggest roi. And then what’s the third? I think [00:11:00] no time. You might have Oh, 

Thomas: okay. Too timely takes too much time. CPAs don’t, they don’t have enough time.

They’re trying to cram everything into three and a half months. You know, just get, you know, get everyone’s filing done. And, and that’s where that whole strategist looking three to five years, uh, Ahead works and, and it, it works in conjunction with your CPA You don’t have to replace your CPA if you don’t want to, but you can give your CPA a lot more to work with when it comes time to file and, and the cost to do so compared to the benefit is astonishing.


Amanda: Yeah. I’ve never heard of this tax strategist idea before and I love how that can work with whoever you’re working with, whether it be a C P A now or not, that it’s just about that three to five year looking ahead and tr and trying to plan. So can you give, um, I love that study or that case study you did with that dentist out of Minnesota.

Can you share that story? 

Stacey: Absolutely. So it was kind of fun. I live [00:12:00] in Minnesota, so it’s really fun to bring, you know, one of our personal clients, but it was a dentist and you know, like just what I alluded to earlier, oftentimes, you know, they, they get a bill, they get their i r s bill that’s due within a day or two, and it’s shocking.

So there’s no strategies going on throughout the year where it really is important that you’re having, even if it’s not quarterly, but periodic calls. And so what we did was, um, we ga, we did seven. Strategies with this gentleman and we were able to take his taxes. You know, our goal, a tax strategist goal is to lower your tax bracket.

So even if you are paying taxes, it’s less, right? I’d rather be in the 12% tax bracket than the 37% tax bracket. Right, right. Uh, any day. Um, and, and legally, again, these are legal strategies and. What they did was they gave them some low hanging fruit. You know, like what are some things that we could do?

And some things that people can do is hire their dependents. Now we hear people talk about that, oh, my C P A told [00:13:00] me that, but they never helped implement it. You know, we are gonna give a. And this is not just about us, this is strategists in general. You know, we hope that they’re giving people the tools, the spreadsheets, the tracking system on, on how and why you wanna hire dependents.

These are tax codes. We, we give people 128 page, um, uh, plan, if you will, track plan, we call it a tax reduction and consulting plan with actual. Uh, numbers on them of the tax code. So immediately we were able to hire their defendants to work on the, in the business. We leveraged a 14 day home rental option.

We accelerated their property deductions, and then we maximized some business, um, credits. But then we looked to the future and, you know, those are the things that we wanna, it’s not just about, you know, right now. What are some other things that we can do, um, to help people? So implementing an enterprise risk management plan is one.

Some of ’em are [00:14:00] a cash balance plan. It could be a defined benefit plan. So, you know, there’s future things that allow them to annually then not just do these once in a while, but they’re large. We had a gentleman recently we did this with, and we gave him his track plan and there were seven or eight ideas on there, and it was almost like a menu.

I called it. We went, he went right to. The, the, the ones that took more time, um, maybe a little more effort, but this gentleman owed $750,000 in taxes this year. Now for some, that’s nothing. You know, we know people are paying millions of dollars in taxes and then others, they would have a stroke if they owned over owed over $30,000.

Right, right. Well, um, this gentleman I’m talking about now, He went right to the big ticket items. He said, I’ve always wanted to know where the line is, the, this is where the line is, but I don’t wanna go over it. And it’s just, they’re not, um, cut and dry. Um, but they are legal tax de deductions and he was so excited because he’s not gonna [00:15:00] pay seven $50,000.

And we’re in the implementation stage right now and we’re getting ’em as close to zero as legally possible. So back to the tax. Um, To the dentist. His goal was to save $350,000 on his taxes. We had an annual tax credit, uh, of savings of all these seven things that were $344,435. We added one more, one-time tax savings of 33,000, and just to round it, it was $377,000 in savings.

His first year, ROI was two. Uh, 2418%, his five year r o i is 11600% it’s cream. So his original tax bracket was 37% and it brought him down to a zero tax, um, dollars owed that year. So it’s exciting and that it makes my heart happy. You know, we are passionate about helping, helping people pay what’s legally required.[00:16:00] 

And not a dime more. 

Thomas: And, and to that note, Stacy, I’m just gonna ask you this, uh, because one would think that the, uh, probability of getting an audit would increase, but is that true? That 

Stacey: is not true. That is not true. That is not true. You’re using strategies that help you to be audit proof. Wow. Yeah, it’s you’re, you have a less chance of getting audited than when you do strategies.

Thomas: And the reason, the reason for that is because you’re using the tax code and the i r s knows the tax code, and therefore they see what you’re doing is legal and you have now reduced your probability of getting an audit. 

Stacey: Yeah. Brilliant. And nobody wants an audit, right? I mean, Amanda, you wouldn’t want an audit.

Nobody wants an I have 

Amanda: experienced that and that is a Oh, have you process. Yeah, we talked about it offline. That’s painful. It takes so much time. That’s why I know how important it’s to have this conversation. And I know for both of you, every time we get on a call with both [00:17:00] of you, you were just gleaming with so much joy.

Yeah. And I think it’s because you’re both a product of the product, right? Yeah. You both have experienced, personally, Stacy, you wanna share your story. 

Stacey: Yeah, so I am a sole entrepreneur. I have a team, but they’re all ten nine, so I have not gotten the e r C, and Thomas has, and he’s also working on the r and d, and he is also a tax client, but I was a tax client first for years.

And, um, this last year, so this is 2022, so this was very recent. Um, we had owed $350,000 in taxes, which again, nobody wants to pay that kind of money. Uh, it’s, it’s not fun and. It worked so hard, you know? So after implementing all these, a lot of the strategies we just told you about, we went from that six figure tax bill down to almost zero, and this is really fun.

We’d love to say, what would you do if you didn’t have to pay 30,000 to the I R s? Or in my case, what would you do if you didn’t have to pay 350,000 of the irs? And we are actually [00:18:00] taking our garage out. And we’re going to, um, make it a, a master bedroom and suite with this amazing closet. If you know me, you know why I need a closet.

My husband gets like a little square. Um, but then on it, we’re gonna add a three stall garage to that, and one of the stalls is gonna have a, um, a golfing, what do you call ’em? A golf later. Simulator. Thank you. Oh, and we talked about doing some other things in there. We’re like, oh my gosh. So that 350,000 is gonna help pay that a, a addition.

And how fun is that, that it’s paid for, instead of it going to the i r s, most of this is gonna be paid for with that money. 

Amanda: Well, I only spent one winter in Minnesota, but I know, I’m sorry for a 

Stacey: fact that you need that. We do need that need space indoors, 

Amanda: and you need golfing indoors. So we do. Magnificent.

And then Thomas, you wanna share your 

Stacey: story? [00:19:00] I love it. 

Thomas: Yeah. So, uh, I, uh, I had a, a very reputable C p a and, uh, I went to them after talking to Stacy and, you know, I said, Hey, I, I think I qualify for E R C. And, uh, they said, no, no, you know, there’s, you’re not gonna qualify. So I went back to Stacy, and of course she’s like, um, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

You’re gonna qualify. We’ll, we’ll, we’ll do this together. A again, I did the same thing that I see so many other people do. They go, they go, oh, you know what, Stacy? Uh, yeah, you’re nice, but I’m, I’ve got my C Pale. Let them work on, I did the same thing. Now, now I’ve partnered with Stacy cuz oh, I have seen the light.

Um, and so many more need to see the light, and that’s what I’m here to do. I’m he here to help them. Uh, but, uh, but yeah, so, uh, as it turns out, I did qualify and, um, had I listened and believed my cpa, uh, I would’ve been out well over six figures of money coming back to me. [00:20:00] So that’s not a small number. And it’s, it’s not something that I took lightly and it lit a fire under me.

Uh, now I’ve got a passion for doing this and helping other businesses because I can see. It’s so easy to, to make this mistake. I mean, it is so easy to make this mistake and, uh, and, and, and because of that, um, I, I now get to take the money that is coming back to me and reinvested in my new venture, which happens to be involving helping all gods of business owners not make mistakes and, and get more out of their business.

Stacey: And I could add one thing to what Thomas was saying, how you know CPAs, there were eight changes made to this tax, um, to the E R C tax credit that Thomas is talking about eight and it was made during tax season when CPAs are doing. Taxes. Right? Terrible. So they’re not reading every bulletin, every, and so there are some misconceptions out there.

Um, [00:21:00] a couple of ’em, and, and this is always so baffling to me because one of ’em is if you had a decline of revenue, but people think they have to have a decline of revenue. And we’re like, no, that is one way, but it’s not the only way and it’s not, and you had to have a decline of revenue and something else.

You could have a decline of revenue or. You could have been closed, you could have been partially closed during covid. And the best part of this is, you know, again, just having that conversation. And that’s what we did with Thomas. I said, you know, we’ve got a 10 question checklist, and we did the same thing with research and development.

We’re going, did you have any of these things this last year to improve your business during Covid? Did you have any of these things that caused harm to your business or issues to your business? And. So we just, we will tell people if they don’t qualify, we don’t wanna waste their time. But unfortunately there’s a lot of people who have been given incorrect information or they just self-regulated and think they have the incorrect in [00:22:00] the right information and it’s actually incorrect.

So we want to, um, you know, Debunk that myth and help people recover this money. There was 1.9 trillion earmarked for this, so Wow. It’s available to business owners in the United States, and we don’t want the sun to set, and they wish they’d looked at it. 

Amanda: Oh my goodness. Well, I, and I know that your business has.

Um, collected a billion dollars for ERC for your clients 

Stacey: Yeah, that’s 

old news probably so when we, yeah, it’s probably way above that now. Yeah. When we were doing our, our core story with you, Amanda, and that was just a few short weeks ago, we’ve got, you know, teams of people, so we had done over 4,000 and we were right on the verge of a billion.

Um, and so now we’re, we’re over that, and I haven’t gotten the last statistics, but a billion dollars is, is think of what people can do for their businesses if they wanted to put it into their business. I have people who have, you know, um, they paid their building off. I had one gal who they put a new, um, security system in their [00:23:00] system.

I mean, I can go on and on and on with the things that people have done and it’s exciting. So, um, It’s a tax credit. We’ll probably never see come our way again. We hope. We don’t, we don’t wanna, if, 

Thomas: if you wanna talk about perspective on this, just because, you know, I, I hate, I hate the fact that, uh, even though, and you hear all of the ads, you know, if you have employees during this time and you can get, you know, up to $26,000, well that’s true, but let me put it in perspective now.

If you have a company that had during 2020 and 2021, approximately, say 22, 25 employees or more, you are probably looking at over a million dollars coming back to you or near that. So you don’t have to be a massive company. Right. And even a small company does very well under these conditions, but that doesn’t necessarily get talked about.

But to me, you know, I’ve, I’ve had a few clients who are, uh, you know, I think it was like 22 or 23 employees and they’re getting back, uh, 1.2 million. [00:24:00] Mm-hmm. I mean, that’s a, that’s a huge number. 

Amanda: Amazing. I have a client, actually, I was in his office when he. Got his one of six, uh, and he was showing me his check.

Stacey: Yeah. He was like, look at this check. I was like, so cool. Oh, wow. And he’s like, 

Amanda: yeah, there’s six more coming like this. I’m like, no way. They had ne they had generated, it was the biggest day that they had collected the most amount of money into their bank account then, and they’d been in business for 20 years.

Oh. I believe. Oh my. And that was only one 

Stacey: payment. Wow, that’s exciting. And you know, to your point, Amanda, they may not get all six quarters, but that’s what you’re, we’re gonna vet that out. You know, we’re conservative. You have to subtract out p p P, but we’re doing it right legally and accurate. And when we’re done, they know exactly how much they’re getting down to the penny and we’ve never had someone not receive a check.

So it’s exciting how fun people to watch that. Yeah. [00:25:00] 

Amanda: So if, if somebody wants to find you, where did they find 

Stacey: you? Yeah, that’s a great question. So, you know, they can find us at, uh, um, our website. They can email us finances made simple.net or our name. [email protected] or Thomas B. Thomas B.

Thomas B I’m so sorry. Thank you. Uh, Thomas [email protected] or [email protected]

Thomas: So, and if, if you’d like Amanda, I could send you a link if you’d like to post it. Yeah. Yes, 

Amanda: please. That works. And Stacy spelled s t a c e y. 

Stacey: Correct. Thank you. You know, and they can text, email, call us, send us a smoke signal, you know, and, and at the end of the day, I mean, there’s so many ways to communicate now, but at the end of the day, they, you know, we’re on social media and all that, but, um, have a five second, five minute conversation with us.

They can even skip us and go right to the website, click on the survey and get their own estimate. They’ll find out. I’ll send you, I’ll send 

Thomas: a link for that. Hmm. 

Amanda: [00:26:00] And if anybody listening, if you have a community or if you have, uh, someone that would want to know, uh, the three critical issues that are stealing your profits away and have these wonderful two come and speak for your group.

Stacy’s on fire, on Stages, sharing this knowledge, and I think it would be really valuable for communities. So, I’d, I wanted you in front of our community after I heard what you did last week. Can you share a bit of what. Happened last week. And a little, if you don’t mind, a little bit behind the scenes of Yes, 

Stacey: I would love story, process.

It’s a course story process. And I have to give Thomas all the accolades here because he has been a huge fan of Che Holmes Institute for, I don’t even know how long, Thomas, you know, very long. Uh, yeah. It 

Thomas: goes back to 2000, 2008, 2009. 

Stacey: That’s a lot. I and I, I was like reading the book and all of a sudden I, I was going to be at a, at an event and we were going to present who we were, what we did, and we only had 10 minutes.

And I’m like, oh my [00:27:00] gosh, I need Thomas and I need Thomas’s people. So I immediately, we, we got hooked up with you guys, Amanda, and your team is awesome. David, Claudia, you, it was just so much Troy. Troy, thank you. I was like, there’s one more. Um, Sorry, Troy and, uh, we were, um, I mean Pivotal. So we, they, and I said, oh, and by the way, you have four weeks.

And they’re like, what? And then David was gone for a couple of the weeks and this team came together and they created a 10 minute presentation. That was unbelievably smooth. I normally, I’m a little nervous and I’m like, oh, should I say this? Is this the right thing? And you know, it’s really making, because you don’t wanna just talk about what I do.

It’s like, how can we help these people and conveying that, right. What are their pain points and are they even aware? Of that. They need that. They need this. You know, and that’s exactly what Core Story did. Um, or you know, creating our core STA [00:28:00] story, creating our stadium pitch. And I left there, I was, I felt confident going in.

I felt I. Unbelievably on fire and, and excited when I left there cuz people were taking screenshots of my, of my slides that you guys had made. And they were like, our, our QR QR code was on there and they were like booking appointments. I have someone who wanted me to come be on tv. I had these high net worth people asking me going okay.

What, what do you do? You know, they had no idea that we could help them, and I’d been in this group for, you know, two, three years, so, oh my gosh, I didn’t know that. Yep. So they, it really was clear because people are always going, what exactly do you do? And you help. My message be crystal clear Amanda, and I’m like, we are so on fire to go.

Just Exactly. We said, how can we bring this to either groups of people or even Zoom where, where we can get 10 minutes of somebody’s time to go. Here’s three things that you could, you could and would and need to [00:29:00] probably be doing. So that was exciting and I cannot thank Thomas for bringing me you. And for you guys coming through really in a clutch at the last minute.

So I’m grateful. Well, you knocked it outta the park 

Amanda: and we knew. We knew that you would because it’s so nice to get clients where the proof is in the pudding where you’re already fantastic and it’s just a matter of getting that right message to explain it to the marketplace. Yeah. Thomas, can you share a bit too, cuz you bought a core story a while ago and then now you have this.

Thomas: Well, I mean, if you don’t mind, I wanna just give you, give, give you a little bit of a plug. So if anyone is listening to this and they are just dabbling or heavy familiarization or a, an inkling about possibly working with Chet Holmes International. You have just heard every single reason why, and I mean, for me, I, I was, I, I’m even tickled right now to hear the way in which Stacy is referring to, you know, Chet Holmes’ terminology, you know?

Yeah. Uh, you know, I, I, I, I forced her, you [00:30:00] gotta buy the book. You gotta buy the book. And of course, she was getting texts of her book, like, you know, poolside. Look, I’m reading it. Uh, I mean, I, I bought, My, my core story many, many years ago for, for my airline service provider. I mean, talk about a crazy niche market that is, that’s, that’s a tough one.

And it, and it helped me, and I mean, it has proven, uh, to be successful because I, I’ve used it, deployed it, and it has earned me millions of dollars over the years. So, you know, and that’s, that’s the old school core story. I got to go through the process. With Stacy on the new school, which you guys are currently doing, and it is far and above better than my experience the last time around.

It’s incredible. And so yeah, just, just kind of sitting here smiling as, as Stacy talking because I mean, I’m familiar. I know what she did, I knew who was in that room. It is a big deal. And she literally was able to take a, a course, a PowerPoint, a very wildly successful, excellent. Well thought out.

[00:31:00] Adjective, adjective, adjective, PowerPoint, and walk out of that room with business in 10 minutes. Yeah. That is the power of what you guys do. And that’s, that’s one thing I’m so passionate about is, is playing within this world because it’s an incredible 

Stacey: product. You know, you, I got the book, I was reading the book, but I’m like, I’m not implementing this like I need to, could, would, should if I’d been doing it when I started reading the book, but nope.

You know, so then it comes down to the wire and I’m like, now I, I need these guys and they’ll do it better than I can do it. So I, I’m forever grateful and we’re not done yet, so there’s more. No, we’re not. Yeah. So it’s exciting. Well, 

Amanda: it’s such a pleasure. I, I just, I love that you are assisting to put money into people’s wallets that, especially over the next 12 months, 24 months, could really make the difference between a make or break situation for some companies with the recession coming.

So, um, what you do is critical, [00:32:00] and I love that you do it with the smile on your face and the hoods in your step. And it’s just, it’s, it’s a joy to see you succeed. That’s what makes my my world worth it is it’s your success, 

Stacey: so it’s fine. We do the same. It comes around, right? 

Amanda: Okay. Again, where do they find you?

Finances made simple net or Stacy at finances made simple, simple.net or Thomas b. B Boy, boy at Finances made Simple Net. Any last final words? Anything we missed? 

Stacey: Oh gosh. Get it. Partner with Amanda and partner with us. There we go. That’s the important part, 

Thomas: and they’ll help you. That’s the important part is take action.

Do not wait. 

Stacey: Yeah. Don’t do it last minute like I did. Yes. It’s a little stressful. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, Amanda. We love you. [00:33:00] I love you too. Thank you.

Amanda: Here are the five essential questions everyone should ask themselves. 

Do you feel like you’re paying too much in taxes? Number two, 

Did you get tax credits last year? 

Number three, 

Have you ever legally lowered your tax bracket? 

Number four. 

Are you confident that your CPA or tax preparer is squeezing out every last tax deduction that the tax code makes available to you or your company?

And number five, 

Are you utilizing tax planning strategies that focus forward to help your company or yourself lower tax obligations? 

Now, if you answered NO or I don’t know to any one of these questions, it’s time to stop what you’re doing and get in contact with us.

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