I have a confession to make.
I am appalled by the countless empty promises and bogus offers that flood your inbox during Black Friday.
You know the ones: “Buy now and get $10,000 worth of courses—if you act before Monday!”
But here’s the truth: Only 3% of people ever complete those courses.
When I speak to a potential client, I’ll tell them whether they’re the type of person that’s studious enough to get through a course.
Sadly, many people out there are fluffy marketing tactics designed to reel you in.
And as someone who has seen behind the curtain of these offers, can I be transparent with you? I’m tired of it.
Your success shouldn’t be measured by how many programs you’ve purchased but by the real results you achieve.
That’s why we’ve been asking a different question: What will truly help people turn ideas into action?
Here’s the answer: It’s not about cramming your head full of more ideas. It’s about experience, practice, and results.
Every day, businesses tell me they’ve read The Ultimate Sales Machine and love the concepts—but they need help implementing them.
So, this Black Friday, we’re giving you the ultimate gift: The AI-Powered Stadium Pitch Contest, designed to transform your sales pitch into a conversion machine.
Here’s how it works:
1️⃣ On Day 1, we teach you how to craft a powerful Stadium Pitch that replaces your elevator pitch—reaching 9x more prospects.
2️⃣ We provide our custom AI tools to create your pitch in minutes.
3️⃣ On Day 2, you’ll compete Shark Tank-style, get expert feedback, and perfect your pitch.
We already know this works. Click here to see stories of clients who’ve gone from “no” to closing millions in sales—some within just weeks.
With over 250,000 businesses served and $52 billion in revenue generated, we’ve got a proven track record.
For a limited time, you can join the AI-Powered Stadium Pitch Contest for —a $35,000 discount!
And for the first 5 signups, I’m adding an exclusive bonus: A private session to fine-tune your pitch and drive results immediately.
This is your chance to stop wasting 90% of your time, money, and energy on pitches that don’t work. Sign up today and feel confident walking into 2025 with a pitch that wins.
P.S. As my father, Chet Holmes, always said: “Mastery isn’t about doing 4,000 things. It’s about doing 12 things 4,000 times.” Master your pitch, and watch the results unfold.
For the Ultimate Black Friday Special, visit https://www.ultimatesalesmachine.com/stadium-pitch-2024
Continued Learning: 97% of Pitches Fail – Here’s How to Make Yours Stand Out
- Want to know what’s keeping you from doubling your sales in the next 12 months? Take our quick QUIZ to get answers: Howtodoublesales.com
- If you’d like to have a profound breakthrough in your business, schedule your breakthrough call with a LIVE expert here: Chetholmes.com/Breakthrough
- Claim your FREE chapter 4 from the top 10 most recommended marketing and sales books of all time! Visit: Ultimatesalesmachine.com to find out how you Create 9X More Impact from every move you’re already making to win clients!
*this transcript was mostly generated by AI, please excuse any mistakes 
[00:00:00] Amanda Holmes: I have a challenge for you, question on a scale from one to 10, how confident are you that you could grab the attention of a cold prospect and get them to take action in less than 60 seconds? Could you do it? How confident? Now, I do these trainings all day, every day with companies and majority of them rank in the two, three, and four.
Which is fairly low, but the reason for that is elevator pitches are failing you 97 percent of the time. In this video, you’re going to learn the three reasons why your elevator pitch is failing you. You’re also going to learn about a gift that you can claim that has a 35, 000 discount. And if you’re in the first five to take action, you’ll get an additional 5, 000 in gifts.
So make sure you stay tuned. Your elevator pitch is failing you 97 percent of the time because it’s mostly just talking to the buying now category. That’s just 3 percent of your prospects and all of your competition competes for just that 3%. What if you could speak to those that are open to it, that’s another 7%.
Those that aren’t thinking about you, that’s 30%. Those that think that they’re not interested or definitely not interested, that’s nine times more prospects at your fingertips than any of your competition. That’s just competing for that 3%. So if you’re using your elevator pitch to get new clients every single time you use it, you’re wasting 90% of your time, money, and energy.
But we craft. For the last 30 years is a stadium pitch. A stadium pitch educates the entire buyer’s pyramid in a way that resets the buying criteria. So you are the only logical conclusion. The second reason your elevator pitch is failing you is because you haven’t grabbed the attention of your prospect.
They have the equivalent. Attention span of a goldfish, that’s three seconds. Can you grab your prospect’s attention in three seconds? Majority can’t. And the third reason why your elevator pitch is failing you is because it’s just too pushy. Okay. Prospects, 97 percent of prospects feel that salespeople are too pushy today.
It’s because we have so much online e commerce, Amazon. It killed the death of the commission breast salesperson. So what you have to do is lead with an education. I’m curious, how long have you worked to harm to craft your elevator pitch? This is one of the reasons why 92 percent of companies never make it to a million.
And then of that from zero. To a hundred million and beyond 0. 004 percent of companies make it to a hundred million. Why? Because we don’t have a clear go to market strategy. One of the most critical pieces of that go to market strategy is your message. And I will tell you, we have clients that come to us all day, every day.
They’ve been in business for 30 years and they still can’t articulate what they do. They tell us, I mean, you know, I get referrals. So our clients talk about us. So we don’t have to. What if you had a clear message? Wouldn’t you get more referrals because then your prospects could articulate it with clear, concise conviction like you can?
That is the difference when you have pig headed discipline and determination to truly master how to grab their attention and get them to take action. Let’s say you’re part of the 1. 5 percent that made it to 8 figures and you’re trying to break through to 9 figures. Now, you had the CEO that was running and doing all the sales and now you need the sales team to back you up.
But 92 percent of companies do not have a sales process, let alone a clear, concise elevator pitch that every single sales rep is saying, what I have for you today is something that can bring everyone together on a clear message that can help you scale from zero to a hundred million and beyond. We’ve done it time and time again.
For the last 30 years. So we’ve crafted the AI powered stadium pitch contest, where what we do is day one, we train you on how to craft your stadium pitch. We give you the AI tool so that you can write it in minutes. Then we come back for a second session and we compete like shark tank, where a select number of contestants will come up and share their 60 second stadium pitch to replace their elevator pitch.
They get feedback from the judges and then we appoint a winner who usually gets some great gift that we’ve determined in the contest. This process is getting our clients More results faster than ever before. It’s gamification. It’s experiential learning. I’ve been on tour since the book, ultimate sales machine, new edition hit the best seller list.
I’ve been traveling around the world and I tell you, I am sick and tired of watching people come up and give a keynote that involves no participation. It’s just basically a lecture. And this learning pyramid explains why is that? So ineffective. The retention rate of just a lecture is only 5%. This is a passive teaching method.
Reading something 10%, audio visual, 20%. But then when we get into participatory teaching methods, then we get into discussion groups, practice by actually doing training others. All of these steps, 75 percent to 90 percent retention compared to just the 5 percent in a keynote. That’s why this workshop has been changing the lives of our participants because they’re getting that experience to be able to go out and sell that day to get appointments that moment.
It’s faster than what we’ve ever seen before. Now I will tell you that at the moment. I charge anywhere between 000 to come to you in person to craft it specifically for your group. But I realize that there are a lot of companies out there that can’t afford that. Because we’re doing it virtually, and I don’t have to travel, and I’ve made it so that it can be repeatable, I’m offering it for a very limited amount of time.
Instead of 40, 000, I’m bringing it down to just 49. 95. That is a 35, 000 discount. And for the first five that purchase, I will give you a third session which allows for you to then implement taking it out of the classroom and challenging each one of the people that participates on how they can generate leads and sales.
All you have to do to redeem this gift is click pay now. You’ll put down your 9. 97 down payment. That will allow you to have a meeting with me. We’ll discuss dates, any additional questions you may have, and then you can pay the remaining before the event happens. If the dates don’t work out, if your questions are not answered, And you don’t want to go forward with the event.
We’ll just return your money. This is just a way to say I’m invested and you’re taking the action for this opportunity. I will tell you it’s limited time. I’m not going to do this for everyone. And I’m not going to do this forever. Now you can watch some of the clips down below of clients that have gotten results super fast.
They wrote one email, they sent it to the list. They got seven leads for a marketing agency. A consultant that posted on her social media got 47 leads the same day, but then we have our wonderful success stories, right? Like control that went from four locations. They had their product in four locations.
They went to 800 locations with one meeting. Cause they use that stadium pitch with their dream. 100 prospect Walmart. Then we have other stories. Time and time again of these instances where they took their stadium pitch and they implemented it everywhere. Anywhere you would ever need an elevator pitch, replace it with your stadium pitch.
If you are speaking to a group, if you are doing ads, if you have an opt in on your website, if you are trying to get on television with your PR, if you want to better articulate yourself at a networking event, Get this message honed, and then it bears fruit for years and decades. Now there’s a second reason why this workshop has been creating groundbreaking results for our clients.
We have spent the last 12 months hiring several different AI experts to crack the code on how to get AI to work. Seamlessly implement the timeless methodology of ultimate sales machine. We’ve helped 250, 000 companies. We’ve generated over 52 billion in sales for our clients. This works. And yet, I will tell you, for the first five months, AI kept failing me, over and over and over again.
I spent six hours trying to train AI how to write an email that takes me three minutes. But it’s because I’ve taken decades to understand how to articulate a message. AI kept feeding us generic. It was giving us, you’ve heard of mansplaining. This was chat splaining, right? Over articulating, just vomiting way too much information that no prospect would actually listen to.
So we finally developed a custom AI tool that can help you craft that message. Now, majority of companies do not articulate. Clearly and concisely what they do for their entire careers. What we have right now is assisting our clients to figure out that elevator pitch in the moments. in minutes. And the speed to which our clients are being able to implement is unlike ever before.
It is shocking. If you don’t understand this and your competition does, you will be left in the dust. So who is this workshop for? It’s for sales and marketing teams who want their entire team aligned on a single powerful message. Event organizers that are looking for innovative high impact training, small businesses that are hungry for breakthroughs in their lead generation and closing of sales.
So you get two sessions, like two keynote workshops. The first one, you will get a custom chat GBT that we have uploaded with the workshop. all of our best infrastructure and training so that it will help output in minutes a clear, concise stadium pitch. And then you can use that same custom chat GPT to create as many templates as your heart could ever desire.
This isn’t just, Hey, I’ll give you 10 templates. This is something that you can use for Years to come, it can help you write your emails, your social media posts, your VSLs, your webinars, your website copy. I mean, you name it. Now that you have the structure of how to create a stadium pitch, like a true strategist, then the deliverables that come after are seamless and easy.
So we’re not just giving you the tool and then giving you the fish to eat. We’re teaching you to fish so that you can do it yourself. All you have to do is click the pay now button, put your down payment down. We’ll have a chat. Hopefully you’ll be in the first five so you can get that third bonus session and I’ll see you on the other side.