Chet & Charlie
Grasp the power of this concept:
Compared to all potential buyers, there is always a much smaller number of ideal buyers.
So ideal buyers are cheaper to market to and yet bring much greater rewards.
Can you really double sales in 12 months?
Let’s say it took just a little longer, would you complain?
What if it was only 80%?
Would you be upset?
The idea was pioneered by Chet Holmes, author of The Ultimate Sales Machine, which is voted one of the top 10 most recommended sales and marketing books of all time.
The Dream 100 Strategy was invented when Chet worked for billionaire Charlie Munger, one of the most celebrated investors today. Charlie trusted Chet to take his small newspaper at the time and put it on the map. They went from 19th in the industry to number one over night. This is how he did it.
Chet was given a database of 2200 advertisers. His job was to make hundreds of cold calls every single day and try to win their business. With some analysis, he found that 95% of the market was purchased by only 167 companies.
That’s just 8% of the target market buying 95% of the advertising.
You’ve probably heard this concept referred to as the 80/20 principle or the Pareto’s Principle. While the actual percentages vary considerably depending on the industry, the principle is the simple:
A very small number of inputs are responsible for the vast majority of outputs.
Chet sent 167 of the “best buyers” lumpy mail every two weeks and followed by a call twice a month. Since these were already the biggest buyers, the first four months of intensive marketing and selling brought no actual reward.
In the fifth month, Chet Holmes closed his first deal – Xerox. It was the biggest deal that industry had ever seen, a 15 page full color spread. For the next five months he closed 28 more of his Dream Buyers and history was born.
Within only 12 to 15 months of implementing his unique methodologies, Chet managed to double the sales volume of nine divisions he was running for Munger. Continuing this Dream 100 Strategy in several divisions had again doubled the sales for many years consecutively. Here’s Chet himself explaining the conversation he had with Charlie Munger after having this unprecedented success.
Charlie Munger is now a billionaire businessman, pragmatic investor, and philanthropist who has given millions to different universities. According to Forbes, he has an estimated net worth of $1.9 Billion. Charlie Munger is perhaps best known as the co-chair of one of the world’s greatest compound interest machines: Berkshire Hathaway, Inc. He is considered the right-hand man of billionaire Warren Buffett, an investing legend and the chairman and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway.
As of January this year, Berkshire Hathaway has grown to be the eighth largest public company by revenue in the world due to its long, impressive history of operating success and strategic investments.
CHI’s newly adapted Chet Holmes Dream 100 Course is here – an intensive step by step process to figure out exactly how to win your better buyers (the ones that buy the most from you the most often)!
After Chet’s big break working for Charlie, he had an impressive track record in the Fortune 500 – he worked with over 60 of them breaking sales records everywhere he went. He designed more than 500 advertising campaigns and hundreds of sales systems in hundreds of different industries and earned fees that exceeded $1 million from a single client.
Interestingly, as a karate master (Chet studied and taught karate for 23 years), Chet used to say:
“Becoming a master is not about doing 4000 different things, it’s about doing 12 things, 4000 times each.”
So… Who are your Dream 100?
If you sell B2C, chances are your best buyers live in the best neighborhoods. If you are a dentist, accountant, chiropractor, real estate broker, financial advisor, restaurant or even a multi-level marketer…
Consistently go after the folks who live in the best neighborhoods.
They are the wealthiest buyers who have the money and the greatest sphere of influence. If you send them an offer every single month without fail, within a year, you’ll have a great reputation among the very wealthy.
If you sell B2B, it’s usually fairly clear that your best buyers are the biggest companies.
So what are you doing, one hour a week, no matter what, to let these companies know who you are?
There’s no one you can’t get to as long as you consistently market to them, especially after they say they’re not interested.
People will not only begin to respect your perseverance, they will actually begin to feel obligated. This doesn’t happen right away, but even the most hard-bitten and cynical executive or prospect begins to respect you when you just will not give up.
Who are your DREAM prospects? And how committed are you to getting them as clients?
CHI’s newly adapted Chet Holmes Dream 100 Course is here – an intensive step by step process to figure out exactly how to win your better buyers (the ones that buy the most from you the most often)!