[PODCAST] Scaling Your Company from $1M to $10M and Beyond with Stephanie Vaughn

by | Mar 13, 2022 | Blog

Stephanie Vaughn: The story of how Stephanie Vaughn worked with Chet Holmes directly to train hundreds of staff to teach his methods. What is the mindset of a CEO that wants to grow beyond themselves, where they’re not chained to every aspect of the business. Where it truly can grow without having to do everything yourself.



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You know many companies can get to a million dollars just through grit, brute force, hard work, sacrifice, but you can’t continue to run a company that way. So pulling all of this brilliance out of his head I said, Chet we’ve got to get this systematized. We’ve got a create all of this documentation and training

so we can then turn around and train the coaches to be brilliant masters of what you have proven to work so well for companies.

That was the thing. If you got to doing 12 things, 4,000 times the ultimate sales machine presents the CEO mastery show for entrepreneurs looking to grow faster, better, smarter. Well, I had to, I had to bring Stephanie here because she. Learn the dream 100, like directly from my father back in the day, when, when there was nobody there [00:01:00] and there was no ultimate sales machine and nobody knew who my father was.

Right. And he was trying to make it happen. And the fact that you were able to be a part of systematizing. What he did, that was great to then scale so that we could have hundreds of people be trained on his methodology and serve hundreds of thousands of businesses. It really, your stroke of genius was what my father needed on that backend.

So I’ve brought her from the behind the scenes, you know, she’s normally not in front of them. So I’m so great with. But your stroke of genius is so good that I had to, I had to, because I was thinking about all the people that are watching these and enjoying them and. Yeah, they just needed to hear from you.

So thank you for being okay with jumping out in front of everybody and answering some of my questions. Well, you’re so kind. I don’t think it was my Cirque of genius. I think it was really just the privilege [00:02:00] of being able to work with your dad and just being there at the time. Um, you know, really at the grassroots level of.

You know, because obviously he’d done a tremendous amount of work and worked with thousands and thousands of companies leading up to that. But him recognizing that he was the one that was doing it all, he was the one that was bringing all of his brilliance. And I think that I just had such a wonderful opportunity to.

Work with him, you know, directly and to go chat, we need to pull your brilliance out and the impact that you’ve had in all these companies, and let’s teach others to do what you’ve proven to be such an amazing, you know, model for so many. I love it. And for everybody that’s listening right now, what we’re really going to cover over this next 30 minutes is just that scaling proponent, you know, how do you duplicate yourself?

How do you grow beyond, you know, someone can like work [00:03:00] so hard to get to that million dollar point. And then you, what got you to that million is not going to get you to the 5 million mark or. Need people, you need other others that gonna, that are gonna run with you. So, um, and I love how, when you were in your twenties, uh, training all of these amazing 50 year old men on sales training, they’re kind of just looking at like, what is this?

And then my father being able to steal you away and recruit you over to Chi. What, what, how did that look as far as systematizing? Um, Systematized, like, how did you systematize, can you just kind of give me an idea of what it looked like when you were starting, maybe you taught, how often did you talk to my father and then how did it branch out?

Well, first of all, you had a really good point, which is people, you know, many, many companies can get to a million dollars just through grit, brute force, hard work, you know, sacrifice, [00:04:00] but you can’t continue to run a company that. And, and one thing that I learned, you know, from my own experience and from working with your father is that scalability is so important and what it takes to scale.

And so much of that is to, you know, do you want to do all the work yourself and be self-employed and that’s okay if that’s what you want. But if what you want is a business that can run without you, that allows you to take a vacation that allows you to step away. And not have everything fall apart, then you have to scale and that’s a different skillset than just the, the, the, the mastery that you might have in your trade or your service or your product, or what you do.

You now need to put the skillset hat on as a, as a business owner and build those skills as a business owner. And so when we were at the grassroots level of Chi. Yeah. You know, again, you, and I’ve talked about this, you know, one of the things that I didn’t quite [00:05:00] realize at the time, uh, was such a gift, was my ability to work with your dad on, you know, 2, 3, 4 hours a week.

You know, one-on-one where I was pulling all of this brilliance out of his head. And I said, Chet, we’ve got to get this systematized. We’ve got get. You know, all of this documentation and training, so we can then turn around and train the coaches to breed, to be brilliant masters of what you have proven to work so well for companies.

And so, so powerfully for companies. So, you know, your dad and I would get on a call and, um, you know, we, we weren’t using zoom at the time, right. Is that even existed? I’m starting to age myself. But, well, tell me, tell me about these, this mastery, the levels of mastery. Can you go into that? Yeah. So, you know, one of the, again, one of the things that I, your father would talk a lot about was mastery.

You know, one of the, one of the quotes that your father shares that I think has resonated with [00:06:00] so many people as it is not about doing 4,000 things, but it’s about doing 12,000 or 12 things, 4,000 times, you know, and he got that from his karate days. Right. And that’s what he learned. And so. You know, one of the first steps of mastery, and this is really applies to the dream 100, because as people are, uh, you know, you have created an amazing to set of tools and what you’re making available to everybody and you know, to do an effective during 100 to create an effective best by your strategy, you can’t tip your toe.

You’ve got to really master the process. It is a methodical formulaic process. That’s so critical to implement. You don’t need to come in and feel like you have to bring in your own ideas, just follow the process and what I’ve seen, what you’ve made available as deliverables for so many people. Um, just follow the process.

And so, you know, as far as mastery goes, when you talk about the levels of mastery, Um, you know, [00:07:00] the first thing is repetition, which goes to the, that quote around, you know, doing 12 things, 4,000 times, you know, repetition is truly the mother of skill. And so really understanding. Um, now where does that, where does that fall in with the German a hundred where that falls into the dream?

A hundred is the repetition around, uh, the training of your sales. You know, getting your, your sales reps to practice and role play and own what they’re going to say, how they’re going to say it. You know, you can’t just hand a script over to a sales person and go, there you go. You’re good. Right. You’ve got to train them relentless.

Um, and just like what we did with the coaches, you know, we had certification training that we took coaches through on, you know, a dream 100 strategy. Um, and we, we created case scenarios and we practice through those and we work together as a team to really understand how that, you know, how to do this and then turn around and then support our clients.

[00:08:00] So that’s the first step is it’s repertoire. And the second one, you know, that we’ve talked about for a long time is immersion. You know, if you’re going to learn a language, you could study it in a book or you could, if you want to lose, learn French, go, you can’t do it right now, but you can go to France, live in France and, you know, live there for six months.

You’re going to catch on so much more. Cause you’ve immersed yourself in the culture. You know, you’re not, you know, the French language is. You know, just understanding the verbs, you know, th the conjugation of a verb, it’s about understanding the culture, you know, and when it applies to the dream 100, you know, understanding, um, you know, immersing yourself and, and learning the full strategy of a dream 100, immerse yourself in this material and really understanding what that is.

And I think the bigger one is, is, and the third step is you model after the masters. Model after the people that have done it before you, you know, model. And that’s what you’re giving everybody right now, you’re [00:09:00] saying here, step one, step two, step three, step four. This is it. It’s available to you. Just follow it.

So you don’t have to think out of the box to do it. Just follow the steps. I love that because it’s so interesting. How, how many times do we hear that? Someone says, oh, I did that. And. And then they never go back to it. It’s like, no, never go back to it. That’s where it becomes a policy. Right? It becomes the procedure.

You are the queen of the three PS.

I, the three P’s are so critical. And, and that’s the part because, you know, they say the devil’s in the details, right? That, that it’s the details that, uh, that are so critical that take the brain space. That a lot of times people don’t want to stop, you know, because as business owners we’re reactive to the email.

So the clients too, you know, Serving serving, serving reacting to our staff, reacting to what’s going on, [00:10:00] reacting to the day-to-day that we, if we don’t get intentional around taking the time to, you know, as your dad would say, work on the business, if you’re not intentional or taking your time around building those things that your business will not.

You would have to take the time to develop, uh, the, um, and standardize the way that your business operates. And again, this goes back the same thing with the dream 100. Would you like to double the size of your company in the next 12 months flat take 30 seconds to answer our quiz on ultimate sales machine on what’s holding you back from growth.

The reason is, is because 95% of. We’ll never make it to a million in annual sales of that point. Zero 8% of those will reach 5 million of that. 1.5% will ever reach 10 million and 0.0, zero 4% will ever reach a hundred million and beyond. See, in most cases it’s not about your product or service. It is the skills it takes to [00:11:00] grow your business.

Based on the ultimate sales machine written by my father, Chet Holmes voted in the top 10 most recommended marketing and sales books. Time we can help you get there. All it takes is focusing on one skill area that can double your sales if you have the pigheaded, discipline and determination to do so. So be pig-headed go ahead and answer those five questions on our survey to understand how you can create your ultimate sales machine.

And so these five [email protected] you’re, as you’re talking about the implementation of this, you know, as entrepreneurs, we like to chase the shiny. Right. We like to chat, you know, what’s the next silver bullet. What’s the next thing that, you know, what’s that new Kate you, new thing. That’s out there.

We gotta get down to the foundational elements, you know, get back to the basics around so much of this. And, and when I’ve seen. And I think that, you know, let’s talk about the mistakes that people have made because I’ve seen it happen over and over again, that when clients go to implement. You know, a strategy like [00:12:00] this, you know, hands down, this is a long-term strategy, right?

You and, uh, you know, it, I know it, it is a long-term strategy. Is it like I’m gonna make this decision and I’m going to get results tomorrow or a week from now, this is a, it’s a methodical process. And so, um, When you’re in that creation, but it’s exciting. It’s fun. You’re inspired. It’s, you know, it’s like something new, but then you’re getting into like month, two month, three.

That is absolutely the most critical time that you continue to lean in that you continue to do the work now. So what do you do to make sure. You got some of that stuff there. You’ve got, you know, examples of marketing calendars, examples of strategic plans, examples of, you know, all the things to set that up.

And the more that you have that set up, those are the people that succeed because they got it. They have their six months laid out. They know what they’re going to send. They know what medium they’re going to use. They know what the message is going to be. They have that all [00:13:00] prepared upfront. And the beautiful thing is, is once you do it well, You know, anything when you’re creating anything, it takes a little bit longer, it takes more brain space.

It takes more time, but then once you have it created, then when you do it again, it takes half the time and you do it again. And it takes a third at a time. And so all of that creation also lends itself to, you know, future, you know, uh, future implementations of the dream 100, because if you’re only doing it once and you only do it for six months, you are doing your cell phone messages.

I mean, I just think back to one of my first interviews was with Kari Warberg block of, uh, earth kind. And she said that she’s sales 40% year over year for the last decade by keeping the dream 100 and never letting off the throttle, like she has just w 40. So I want like, if anyone’s listening 40% year over year fridge, And because she’s implemented the dream 100, she just never [00:14:00] stopped.

Right. So that’s somebody that is so perfect. That just said, I’m going to follow your method. I’m going to follow the model. And this is where, you know, this is what she’s got like, this is how she’s grown her business. And I, I remember her, I remember when she was at businessman. Yeah. Yeah. She’s come such a long way.

I mean, 10 million units she’s sold now. I think also it’s really interesting because, so you were there right? When my father started creating his first products and he’s training people on how to do this material and then people would have some success and then they taper off. So you being the head.

You know, coaching it with Chad Holmes, you know, the power of even having somebody that holds your feet to the fire. Can you, can you talk about that for a moment? Because everything that you had just said, like, do you still have the momentum in the third month and the fourth month? Like that’s where you started creating your whole training, right.

To assist the clients to actually implement, right? Yeah. [00:15:00] Yeah. Because it’s easy to get distracted. It’s E and it’s funny, it’s, it’s like when you go on a diet and I’m not a big fan of diets, I much prefer a lifestyle, but you know, it’s like going on a diet and you’re, you lose, you know, let’s say you lose 10 pounds.

And then all of a sudden that donut, you know, that donut sitting there and, and you decide to eat the donut and then you decide to eat a piece of pizza, and then you decided to eat the macaroni and cheese. Right. And it, it’s just kind of like you get this success under your. Yeah. And then, you know, and you feel great and you’re, you feel healthier and you feel stronger.

And then we get distracted and we just stopped doing what works. You know, it’s about having like the success routines in the morning. You know, what, what is your morning look like to get your day started? What, you know, it’s, everything is around. You know, you got to look at what are the choices that you make.

That’s going to give you, you know, the success. And sometimes we start having those, those [00:16:00] successes and that. We just, we, we veer away from it because we allow distractions to get in the way. And so I think that was really such a powerful part. And that’s why I still coach to this day is because we’re outside looking in.

We’re always giving that outside perspective because anytime that we’re working with a client, we’re not an employee, we are working on the outside in. So we always have a way of looking outside and looking at the whole picture. We’re not in the forest, you know, you know, in the forest, you know, looking through the trees, right.

Where we’re able to look at. So we’re able to give that different objectivity, um, then, and that even happens in my own business. I get coached to my own business because it’s hard for me sometimes to see. Those things, those obstacles, um, I mean, I think we all need coaches. You look at, um, um, uh, what is tiger woods?

Right? When it used to be one of the best golfers in the, in the, in the world. And he had four coaches at that time and he was [00:17:00] number one. I mean, you don’t get better than that. You need a coach. I even think so this last week has been just a wild ride of the dream. 100, it’s launching all these things are happening, right.

I’m sleeping, not at all. And, and I talked to Kim Walsh, Phillips who I just absolutely adore I’ve I’ve met her on clubhouse and she called me. Out. She is, uh, I mean, just a great coach. Does she? I had a conversation with her and she’s like, you’re launching the dream 100. I’m like, yep. In 48 hours, I will start my launch, my pre-launch and she goes, yeah.

And you haven’t reached out to Russell Brunson and I’m like, Nope. I thought that, you know, in launch it and I test it out and then eventually I’d reach out to him. And she’s like, Amanda, that is a huge mistake. What are you doing? You need to go and reach out to Russell and I’m like, you sure you think so, I’m like, okay.

So within 24 hours, Oh, within 24 hours. Right. I got, I got Dave Woodward to say yes to an interview. I reached out to Russell and say, Hey, I got [00:18:00] David’s and interview, will you, can I interview you by Monday? I’m on a Facebook live with him, but I’m being better. Bam. Right. Coach, you know, coach pushed me and I’m like, oh, that’s right.

Yeah. And that’s the thing is I, you know, that’s what a coach is gonna do is they’re gonna, they’re gonna. They’re going to push past the challenge or the obstacle they’re going to get, you know, that’s what we do. We get clients to think outside of, you know, what’s in front of them, you know, the limitations that they might be saying, the things that are distracting them, help them reprioritize and focus.

And I think, you know, again, as with the dream 100, you know, if you’re, if you’re going to launch a successful dream, 100, you have to stay the course because if you send, you know, if you, if. Email do any social media send out lumpy mail, whatever that might be, and you have this whole strategy and you do it for two months and then you skip a month.

All of that was for not because you’re what you’re doing in a dream. 100 is to create value and, and build top of mind awareness with your potential partners or clients or whomever [00:19:00] you’re reaching out to. And so that consistency and that momentum is so critical throughout the process. And I think as you know, as we talk about, you know, that the, the methodical approach, uh, you know, thinking through all the way does, if somebody, you know, like, what are your sales people going to say?

Like, what does the followup look like? Even down to the phone? You know, down to, if somebody to, if somebody calls inbound from one of your strategies, if you call outbound, what are you going to say? How are you going to say it? Having everything laid out step by step is so important and it will help you keep that momentum going because you’re not stopping going, oh, what do we do now?

You know, you have everything laid out and you, and is that commitment to just keep doing it? Being really committed, you know, the discipline, right? What your daddy used to say about all of the people I’ve talked to hundreds of thousands of people, you know, at times about chat homes. And, um, [00:20:00] that’s probably one of the biggest things that people will say that they remember he said was that pig headed discipline and determination.

I mean, we, when we were prepping for this, right, we kind of talked about what it takes to keep a team on track and to train them how to operate in the most efficient way possible. And still to this day, every time I write. An important email. I think of my father’s techniques on email, right? Email. I mean, you just change that subject.

You can’t let that one go. Yeah. So what she’s referring to for everyone that’s listening. It’s um, so how many times do you write an email and then you change what you’re talking about in the email, but the subject line stays the same. So then you. I find it when you’re trying to go back and look for it and how many times I wasn’t even in the company, but I would see on a regular basis, him saying you did not change the email subject line, email, subject [00:21:00] line, and in big cat, like.

Actually had to turn off caps lock on his computer because he wrote too many emails like taps lock. I mean, that’s the recipient of many of them,

but I mean the, to think so I I’m I’m, I would love to hear your feedback on this, like a CEO that thinks, oh, if I’ve just told my team to do this, they’ll understand because this is what I do versus what they think is what you should do. Like. What what’s reasonable to, I dunno. Can you, can you, can you ride this home for like what a CEO should think about when training their, their staff, uh, on, on anything really?

Oh, you’ve touched about, this is a very passionate subject for me. Uh, because training is, uh, one of the most underutilized things in the SMB space, especially it’s one of the [00:22:00] most underutilized things. And most people see training as a one-time process at one time event, but it’s not, it’s a process and, and, uh, When people, uh, and, and here’s the, here’s the thing too, that I think is so important is that there is a difference between education and training.

And I think a lot of what companies do is they educate their staff. They educate their team. Uh, they might dabble a little bit in the training, but what’s the difference. Education is the transfer of knowledge. Right. It’s it’s sharing of information it’s updating on the industry. It might be even sharing a new script.

It might be, you know, talking about some updates on a product. It might be talking about your competition. Like that’s all information sharing. Is it important hundred percent. It’s very important, you know, to take, to make sure that everybody is up to date with what needs to happen and, and sharing that information and, you know, having product knowledge and betraying.

If [00:23:00] you want to train your, your staff, you want to train your salespeople. That’s around skill development training is that application of what you learn. So if you want to train your, if you want to create, um, which sounds a little bit oxymoronic, but sustainable change, if you want to sustain the improvement and your, again, your dad talked a lot about this.

Yes. Because what happens is you do at once, people will adapt a little bit. They’ll, they’ll, they’ll take a little bit of it away, but they go back and they get caught up in their day to day and they, they get back. People will, we’re lazy. We like to go back to what we know is, especially when we’re under pressure and stress, we like to go back to what we’re comfortable with and what we know.

So how do you, so the idea is how do you get somebody comfortable with something. Repetition, you train over and over and over again, and you have them practice it. I talk about, you know, you get it into your bones. It becomes a [00:24:00] part of you. Uh, when, when I used to work for at and T way back when, um, you know, we used to do a, uh, uh, qualification, we’d have these qualification questions and they would train us relentlessly ATNT with amazing other training.

And I still, to this day, 30 years later, I still remember in, out and across ask clients about what calls come into your business, the calls that go between your business and the calls that go out of your visit that is ingrained in my brain, right? The idea of the different, you know, like we talk about, um, we haven’t really touched on that, but I also created something called power phrases, um, with, uh, with our coaches and I wrote down some wonderful, uh, uh, just brilliant things.

Cause your dad was a true. And one thing that he was so great with was his words and how compelling he was and the way that he spoke and the copy that he wrote, the plays that he wrote, the songs that he wrote, he was a true artist. And so as [00:25:00] coaches, and I think even clients, as we’re trying to get our arms wrapped around some of these concepts to effectively implement them into the business, you know, trying to explain a concept like the dream 100, or trying to explain a concept like education-based marketing.

You know, for somebody new. It might, you know, you might go, you try to use it in your own words might take you five, 10 minutes and the client is still looking at you going, like, did they just say, what was it? I, I kinda think I know. Or you could say which, you know, I actually typed this up, cause this is what I used to give to the coaches is, um, you know, around market data is that, you know, mark market data is more powerful than product data, that people are more motivated to avoid pain than they ever will to gain pleasure.

That, how long did it take that to two sentences? Yeah, dad and I, and so I would take these things. I’d have post-it notes all over. When I first started working with your dad, I’d have my, my wall and have my computer monitor. I’d have all that because he’s [00:26:00] a little statements that your dad is. You’re like, oh my God, that’s so good.

So good. And I would write it down. And then I thought, why keep this to myself? All the coaches need to know this, because if you can just say a few sentences that can shift the way somebody who thinks. Then, um, and, and not have to go, you know, like you’ve just have a way that they can just go up. Got it. I totally understand why that’s powerful now.

I totally understand why that works. You know, it’s the same thing with the dream 100 strategy, but there’s a smaller number of ideal buyers and all buyers, right? That, it’s just those things of really understanding. Why do you go after a smaller group of a hundred versus mass marketing to thousands?

Where do you think is the biggest. Place that CEO’s mess up when they’ve gotten the traction, they’ve gotten the success and they’re trying to grow it bigger than themselves. Where do you think that they, they fault her most? Well, I think it’s similar to what I [00:27:00] said before, which is they think that they get distracted and they get reactive and.

When we are in reactive mode, you know, I’m sure you’ve had it. I know I’ve had it. Every single client I’ve ever worked with has had it is where you’re at. There are those days where you’re active and doing stuff all day, and then you get to the end of the day and you look back after 12 hours and go, what did I just do?

And what did I do for my business to grow my business? And so the power of being intentional and deliberate around how we, you know, how we determine what our calendars look like, where are we going to prioritize our attention and, you know, and having a strategy around, you know, what it is that we want to accomplish.

And I think as, um, you know, as we look to scale or as you look to implement, you know, something like this tool, I think. You know, the mistake that we have is, is we may make some progress. And then we allow those distractions to [00:28:00] pull us away from the progress. And then a month goes by two months, go by, you know what I find out most of the time I’ll follow up with my clients that I hadn’t worked with in awhile.

And unfortunately I’ll check in with them six months later and they haven’t made much progress since we did work together. And part of that, and I’ve. So many times and in talking with coaches that, that same feedback. And I think part of that is, is again, that’s where that’s where coaching could be so powerful.

That’s why your mentor can be powerful. Somebody that’s kind of giving you that guidance on the outside. Uh, and, and to consistently work on our discipline. I think discipline is so important because as a business owner, we don’t have anyone that we’re necessarily accountable. Where the top, where the owner of the company, where the CEO, the owner, the entrepreneur.

And so, uh, it’s the discipline to do the things that we need to do to get the [00:29:00] results that we’re looking for. And I just see so many people that stay in that reactive space. And, uh, when, you know, when you’re reactive, yeah. You gotta handle the day-to-day stuff. You got to serve your clients. But I think also.

Um, there’s the opportunity of, you know, how, how do you do that to scale? Cause it can’t all fall back on you cause you’ll become a bottleneck. So utilizing resources, leveraging resources, uh, you know, bringing it on more people to take on so you can stay within what I refer to as your zone. You know, S you know, to do what you’re so brilliant that, that only you can do, and then delegating and creating the standards and processes for other people to do the work, um, that you don’t have to have your fingers in.

And so, you know, again, I think, uh, I think that’s why the sprays was so powerful for so many people, which was the pig headed, discipline, determination. You’ve gotta be determined. You’ve gotta be disciplined. Uh, and. And in order [00:30:00] to implement on the things that you need to implement on and to focus on the things that are going to grow your business and get your business to where you really want it to be.

And, you know, and again, that’s where coaching can be so powerful because a coach is going to remind you and keep you focused laser focused on those things that are going to get your results. And when you start to, you know, you start to veer off. I’m going to bring it back. And so whomever that might be for you, um, it’s, I think it’s so critical to have that person that can hold you accountable to those goals that you have.

So you don’t get distracted. If you give future training, like you invest in a training program or, um, you know, you go out. Go to a seminar or whatever that, um, your level of productivity, um, on average increases about 22%. But when you combine what you’re learning, you combine the training and you add a coach to that.

It increases your productivity up to 400%. Ooh. Dramatic [00:31:00] Stephanie, it has been such a delight. Thank you. Thanks Amanda. If you would like to have a profound breakthrough in your business, talk to our team live by visiting Chet homes.com forward slash breakthrough. Good advices, contextual. Get your [email protected] forward slash.

Subscribe for more videos, claim your free chapter four of the ultimate sales machine. This chapter helps you get nine times more impact from every move you make. Visit ultimate sales machine.com. This has been the CEO mastery podcast brought to you by the ultimate sales machine.


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