Imagine I could put you in a giant stadium right now as the presenter, and the entire audience is completely comprised of your most perfect prospects.
Are you ready right now?
Could you walk out on that stage and present to every one of them and do it perfectly?
So let’s say you sell brooms. And let’s say it’s a fantastic broom.
But remember according to the buyer’s pyramid 90% of the audience isn’t in the market for your broom at this time. At least they think they’re not interested.
That means if you walk out there and start right off saying how great your brooms are, 90% of your audience is going to get up and leave.
Same with if you were to post on social talking about your brooms, only 3% will be interested in your brooms.
So you need to open your stadium pitch with what I call “wow’s.”
This means that all great presentations start off with information that makes your prospects say: “wow, I didn’t know that.” The focus must be on THEM and things of interest to THEM, not you.
RULE #1 of a great presentation is that it must be focused on the prospect and not on you (at least not initially).
I’ve built presentations that increase closing ratios from one out of ten to eight out of ten.
I’ve even built presentations that dramatically increase your ability to get in front of prospects in the first place.
Let’s bring that stadium pitch down to its most practical application; offer prospects something of value outside your product or service.
Something important to THEM.
Let me give you a case in point. I have a client who sells employee benefits and insurance to companies.
His sales team was used to calling up a client and saying: “We want to come and talk to you about your health care benefits.”
Since 97% of prospects THINK they are happy with their current broker, that’s a really hard call to make.
However, when they created a presentation that pointed out: “The Five Dangers Facing All Employers and How Knowing What Those DANGERS Are, Can Dramatically Reduce Costs and Increases Profits,” it made not just the sale go better, but also the getting the appointment go much better.
Meaning that information that is of value to THEM, like “Five Dangers Facing You In Your Business,” creates what I call a “superior access vehicle.”
Another client of mine sells telephone systems.
Prior to the learning curve in this article, they’d call prospects and ask the prospect: “We want to come and talk to you about getting a new telephone system.”
Needless to say, the appointment setting process was slow going.
However, when they built THE ULTIMATE PRESENTATION, one that offered (something like): “How You’re Wasting Money In Five Major Areas of Your Voice and Data Spending,”
— Suddenly, they went from getting three appointments per week (with four salespeople trying all day) to getting 30 appointments per week.
This effort is already tripling their sales in a single year.
So rule number one for building a killer presentation, is to have information that is OF VALUE to your prospects even if they have never heard about your products or services. Information that is above and beyond the product or service you are offering will be considered extremely valuable to them.
I had another client that was trying to sell law books to lawyers.
Over the years, they had been reduced to talking to just the librarians in these law firms.
And since the lawyers are the ones using the law books, their ability to get new product into the market became severely hamstrung.
We helped them build a presentation that laid out:
- The Five Most Dangerous Trends Facing All Major Law Firms Today,” which resulted in meetings with entire committees of lawyers. The data was excellent, legitimate and packed with bad news.
Oh, did I mention the part about bad news?
A great presentation is loaded with bad news to your prospects. Why?
Because bad news motivates.
We’d get in front of a group of lawyers and show them:
- Lawyers keep growing, but the annual billings are flat (less money per lawyer).
- That their firms would be sued (something like 44% of large law firms will be sued by unhappy or dissatisfied clients)
- That the case law from which they must find their information is out of control now, with more than THREE MILLION cases to chose from when trying to find a single precedent.
This presentation was packed with bad news. Much of this news had nothing to do with law books. Keep in mind, it didn’t matter. Bad news motivates, even if it’s unrelated.
Your prospect, when viewing a great deal of bad news, will suddenly feel the need to take some action. Any action they take will make them feel better.
In the case of the law book company, every lawyer in the room wanted more information or wanted to purchase the law books outright, after they saw the presentation.
Now don’t take this too far. The more the data in the presentation sets up a need for your product or service, the higher your closing ratio. So in the case of the law firm, the massive case law to be studied, created a need for law books that already studied that for you.
Plus, we tied the litigation against lawyers directly to the massive case law, so that seemingly unrelated pieces of data, pieced together with other data made the bad news more excruciating.
RULE #2 to building a killer presentation is that the data should “set up a buying criteria” in which your product or service becomes the most logical choice.
When my telephone client laid out all the ways most companies were wasting money on their voice and data spending, it made the prospects open their arms and invite my client to look at how they might help them.
This almost always ended up being a new system that would help them save money in many different ways.
To be continued… (Part two coming soon)
To learn more how to increase your sales ratios and build your own Schedule a time to chat.