[PODCAST] The Mindset Behind an Organic Social Strategy That Generates 350 Leads a Day with Rachel Pedersen

by | Jan 6, 2022 | Blog

Learn the behind-the-scenes on how Rachel Pedersen drives between 350-500 leads a day with organic social posting.

What’s the mindset to create that amount of content?

How do you get in the head of your prospect and get their attention?

How can you track the results?

You’ll love this episode, Rachel is a breath of fresh lively energy, no wonder she’s one of the most viewed TikTokers last year!


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Amanda Holmes: Hello, everybody. Amanda Holmes here, CEO of Chet Holmes International. And I have had such a delightful conversation with Rachel Peterson. I mean, it has been since I’ve been on the road, every single person has told me that I need to meet this woman. Every single person. 

Rachel Pedersen: And they were telling me that too. You have to meet Amanda. You have to meet Amanda. And so –

Amanda Holmes: Now I know why. She’s absolutely fantastic. Her energy is so lovely and she’s a rockstar in business and social and yes.

So a lot of my people that come to me are trying to figure out how to get online, how to market. So we just recently surveyed and we found out that the biggest problem that they’re having is generating new leads.

Rachel Pedersen: You’re in luck.

Amanda Holmes: Okay, good. 

Rachel Pedersen: So we organically generate 320 to 520 leads per day without a single dime on ad spend. So that’s important because a lot of times people think that in order to generate leads, you have to spend money. That’s not always the case. So I’m passionate about organic lead gen and that happens – how nerdy can I get?

Amanda Holmes: So nerdy.

Rachel Pedersen: So nerdy? Okay. So it happens when you, generally speaking, pick one or two platforms for organic social specifically. And a lot of times people are like, “Well, do I have to be funny or do I have to dance or do I have to show my life?” No, none of the above, unless you want, then you can.

But what you’re going to just do is create educational content that provides a transformation. So just pour out the value consistently, and yes, it’s really this simple, just pour out the value consistently and people will be drawn to you as the go-to expert. 

Amanda Holmes: I love it. Great. Can you give me an example?

Rachel Pedersen: Can I get even nerdier just for a second? 

Amanda Holmes: Oh okay, please. Yes.

Rachel Pedersen: Okay, we can keep going. So the reason that organic social works so well specifically with valuable videos aka value-packed videos is because of this really cool thing called the parasocial relationship. Parasocial relationship is kind of creepy and also really awesome.

It can be used for good or not. But it’s the reason why so many people think that they know celebrities and think like, oh, that celebrity and I would be best friends. We’re best friends in my head. Like if we sat down, we would totally hit it off. And it’s because when we watch people on video, especially when that person’s talking to the camera, our brains actually light up in the same area as that we’re sitting down with a friend just like you and I are right now.

Amanda Holmes:  Really? 

Rachel Pedersen: Yes!

Amanda Holmes: Interesting. 

Rachel Pedersen: So it’s a fantastic way to build the know like, and trust in a way that is a completely unfair advantage.

Amanda Holmes: And I’ll give you a piece of market data on that. So if you just build rapport and find their need, you’re 65% of the way to a sale, 65% of the way to a sale if you’re doing what she’s saying.

Rachel Pedersen: Gorgeous. So that’s the unfair advantage immediately. And most business owners are way too terrified and most products – they’re too scared to get on camera and actually provide value first. But it does shift the dynamic. Of course, we could go into the psychology of like reciprocity and all of that, which can be used for good or evil. Right?

The truth is the more that you give people to people with an open palm, no strings attached, no expectation of anything in return, and most importantly, not holding anything back, the more that people are going to say, this is the logical choice for me. Why wouldn’t I work with this person? Because they’ve given me the most upfront. 

Amanda Holmes: Yes. They feel morally obligated. 

Rachel Pedersen: Yes. And I always hate to go there cause I’m like, Ah, it’s true. But also like people are going to have to hire for different things at some points. And so if they’re going to hire for the services or products that you offer, they might as well go to someone who cares.

And if, so, if you care, show up in that way and you’re going to get the most leads and opportunities, 

Amanda Holmes: I love it. Where do people mess up with this? What are some of the biggest mistakes?

Rachel Pedersen: Ooh, it’s almost what I was about to go into just right there, which is fantastic. The first is people think  “I’m just going to hold back the good stuff.”Right?

I’m going to hold back the good stuff.” And I had this fear for a long time. I thought, “Oh, I’ll just give like 10%, 20%, or 90%, not just the really good stuff. I’ll keep to myself.” And yes, business grew, but not the way that it’s grown in the last two years since I said, “I’m not going to hold anything back.” 

I started just putting everything out there, including my proprietary ideas, which by the way, nothing’s really bad, private proprietary. So it was kind of like, I’m just going to put it all out there. But everything goes out there. My systems, my frameworks, my proprietary ideas, every single thing. And the more that I do that, the more opportunities come to me, which is completely the opposite of what we think.

Amanda Holmes: Right. I love that. My father used to say, “give your best stuff for free.” 

Rachel Pedersen: Yes, he does. 

Amanda Holmes: Yes. I mean, that’s why his clients actually got mad when he came out with the Ultimate Sales Machine. Cause they’re like “We’ve spent a hundred thousand dollars for what you put in16 dollars”.

Rachel Pedersen:. And that’s one of the things that I want to share about the Ultimate Sales Machine, which is fantastic.

This is practically and essentially a master’s in business in one book. It really truly is. I know you can’t like legally say that but this is everything that you need to know about running, marketing a business, getting sales, and ultimately even scaling a business. Which is fantastic. 

Now my big litmus test for who I want to hire. So this is where this gets really, really cool and exciting. My litmus test is where or what level of value are they giving in their books? Because we’ve all read books that have a lot of like encouraging fluff if I’m just being honest, right? Sorry. I’m going there. And we’ve all heard awesome videos that are just essentially just do it, just do it, just do it with no action steps. 

And for me, I say “How much free value is this person giving both in their book and in the video value that they’re providing?” And that’s how I know who I’m going to hire for 30,000, 50,000 or 150,000. 

Amanda Holmes: I love that.

Rachel Pedersen: So it’s the opposite of what we think I’m also giving 

Amanda Holmes: And it’s also giving value about not just my, your product, right?

So I’m about to go on a stage of Fortune 500 company. And all they want to talk about is their product. Is that not painful? 

Rachel Pedersen: It’s so painful. I just heard actually the, you know, the great Dan Kennedy talking about. He said so many times “We think this is my product. This is my brand. This is my logo.” And we mark it from the place of me, me, me, and one of the best things that we can do is say, “What about the person that is sitting at their kitchen table?”

This is, these are his exact words were “What is the conversation they’re having at the dinner table?”,  “What is the conversation that’s going on in their brain as they’re laying in bed and can’t sleep?” And so what I love to do is say, “What are they crying about?” 

And the thing is, most of us don’t cry in public and we don’t cry at the dinner table. We cry in our car. We cry in our closet, sometimes. Just close the closet door real fast. We can cry in the shower so no one will see. What is that conversation in their brain?

And the truth is if you can align yourself there. And I heard someone once say it, I think it is Claude Hopkins, “If you could describe the pain that your dream client or customer is going through better than they can –

Amanda Holmes: You’ve instantly built that rapport.

Rachel Pedersen: Yes. They will assume that you have a solution. 

Amanda Holmes: Oh, I love that. 

Rachel Pedersen: Isn’t that so fantastic? It’s so nerdy and great. And I love it. 

Amanda Holmes: I have a good example of this. We had a client growth 3400% and it was selling high-end condos in Dubai to Fortune 500 CEOs. 

And instead of saying, “Hey, we have great countertops.”, “We have great kitchenry”. Right? We started talking about what kept them up at night, which was how lack of sleep increases your likelihood of cancer, increases your premature death, right? Like likelihood of cancer by 200% premature death by 25%, which you would never think to sell a condo. 

Rachel Pedersen: Yes. 

Dang! That’s fantastic. And it’s wild too, because, and I will say this, everyone says that works for other brands. 

No, it works for every brand and business. 

Amanda Holmes: Can you give me an example of that? Like somebody that maybe said, “Oh, this one worked for me.” and then you showed them how?

Rachel Pedersen: Yes. Give me one second to think real fast.

Okay. So I’m working right now with a big software that does scheduling. And they were talking about the features, the features, the features, which is what we all do. Right? Our products are awesome, but it’s kind of like how we think, like my kid is the most beautiful. 

Every parent thinks that their kid is the most beautiful and I’m just going to be honest. No, I’m not, I’m not going to do it on camera. Not always. That’s not always the case. I can’t believe we’re going there, but all of this to say when we started saying, who is your client and who is your customer and what is it they’re stressed about from the other options in the market? Where are they wasting time? Where are they spending too much money? What are they actually stressed about? And I started supporting them with creating content on that. 

They said this is the first time ever that we’ve worked with a marketing consultant where we’ve actually seen positive growth. And I don’t have the exact numbers here, but we’re not even done yet.

Amanda Holmes: What are some of the metrics that you’re tracking? Because I think also they just think, okay, I’m going to put it out there and then not really track, but not quite sure, but you can track some and you can track some, like what do you focus on?

Rachel Pedersen: It’s so tough because you can track anything. And so what I like to say is don’t create your metrics and measurements based on what someone else tells you, unless they’ve asked, what is your priority? 

So, for example, with some of my clients, their priority is actually surprisingly not revenue and profit, it’s reaching more people. So you have to have that unique conversation with each person and sometimes with yourself and say, what is it that is my main focus in this next year, quarter, month, et cetera?

Oftentimes, we will track, reach, on followers, but only for big established brands who say right now, we’re not focusing on profit. Although secretly I still focused on profit just a little, because I know, I know it always comes back to profit.

I like to track leads, clicks, and conversations happening in inboxes. 

Amanda Holmes: Oh, okay. Nice.

Rachel Pedersen: Yeah. And then once in a while, obviously we focus on profit and revenue, but I’m always tracking that as much as I can with any opportunity. 

Amanda Holmes: So a lot of focus is getting them to a landing page to purchase?

 Rachel Pedersen: Yes. So everything that we do, it’s actually crazy because it’s very similar to the principles in this book.

Everything we do is mapped out. So there’s no accidental marketing. There’s nothing that’s not tracked. So what we do is we look at each and every single social media platform, and we say, what is this pushing to? And so if we can’t see what the path is to the next step, we’re not going to be marketing on that platform.

And sometimes I’ll say no to social media platforms because I can’t see how it connects to the entire rest of the ecosystem. 

Amanda Holmes: Oh that’s great.

Rachel Pedersen: So basically, we always go to free offers, free trainings, free events, free everything. Free everything is where we start. And I know that that’s not the most popular thing to do, but it’s worked really, really well for us.

Amanda Holmes: Then you get the email database, which is crucial. 

Rachel Pedersen: Yes. It totally is. And then all of our nurturing happens over text message, email, and then across social too, with nurturing messages specifically for the audience that’s already a fan. 

Amanda Holmes: Oh, this has been so good. Do you have any free something that they can get to know you better?

Rachel Pedersen: We have ton of free something.

Amanda Holmes: What’s something you can send them to? 

Rachel Pedersen: I have content marketing strategies. It’s a 3B. It’s three content marketing strategies that you can plugin instantly.

Amanda Holmes: It’s also in the new edition of the Ultimate Sales Machine coming to you shortly.

Rachel Pedersen: Oh, this is going to be fantastic. 

Amanda Holmes: Thank you so much. It’s such a pleasure. 

Rachel Pedersen: Thank you for having me. This has been fantastic. So good.

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