Avoid Commission Breath Sales With This Secret

Avoid Commission Breath Sales With This Secret

As a business owner, you understand that your customers are your company's greatest assets. 81% of consumers said that trust is an important factor in their buying decision. Trust isn’t something you gain overnight, it’s something you nurture. What are you doing to...

Struggling Salesman vs. Ultimate Sales Machine

Struggling Salesman vs. Ultimate Sales Machine

As business owners, you already know that building strong relationships with your customers is key to driving sales growth. But how well do you really know your customers? For 12 years, Troy had successfully sold John Deere equipment to farmers, selling an impressive...

The Best Ideas We Tend to Forget

The Best Ideas We Tend to Forget

How many times have you used a successful strategy and forgotten about it? We see it every day. You start a concept, you get traction, you make a win! And then you move on to the next shiny object. Watch this week’s dose of the Ultimate Sales Machine today about a...

What the Top 8% of Companies Do in Their Sales Process

What the Top 8% of Companies Do in Their Sales Process

Shockingly, 1 in 10 small businesses do NOT have growth targets. Of those that do, only one of ten actually track them in real-time. The good news is, if you have your basic KPIs in place, you are 2x more likely to hit them! As Peter Drucker said, “If you can't...

4-Step Follow-Up Formula to Unlock Hidden Revenue

4-Step Follow-Up Formula to Unlock Hidden Revenue

Is it your goal to turn your clients into lifelong partners? Then let me clue you in on a little secret. In this episode, you’ll discover the four-step system Chet taught for follow up. It’s one of my personal favorites, I think of it after every sales call. I have...

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