The Deeper You Go, The More You Sell
In today's episode, Ted Miller III shares the seven steps to a decision-making process in making a sale. Listen to this episode and learn how these steps can make a difference in your business. Enjoy! P.S. You can still get your COPIES of the new edition by...
Do you wonder how much prospecting is enough? Get your answer here.
Prospecting for leads is a critical part of the sales process, but how much time should you spend on lead prospecting? Tune in to this episode featuring Luis (Fonzi) of Biz Bros as he shares how much time and effort is needed to create successful business...
Do This Wrong and it Decreases Your Sales by 40%
There's no question that creating quality content can increase your company's revenue. The goal for your business is to create content that's educational, entertaining, caring or helpful for your ideal customers. Want to learn how? In today's episode, Julie Ann Eason,...
Are You Proactive vs Reactive in Your Business?
In today's daily dose of The Ultimate Sales Machine, Fonzi (Luis) shares how being PROACTIVE is beneficial to your business. When you are proactive, you get to learn how to balance between the day-to-day, while keeping one eye on the future. It's impossible to...
Solving Decade-Long Problems in Just One Hour with This Process
In today's daily dose of The Ultimate Sales Machine, we have Ted Miller III! who shares his favorite concept in the book, the 3 Ps:-Planning, Procedures and Policies! Many companies have these 3 Ps, but do they take the time to perfect and actually implement them?...
If you touch it, take action.
In today's daily dose of The Ultimate Sales Machine, McCall Jones shares with us one of her favorite principles of effective time management and productivity. The basic idea is that as soon as you touch something, whether it’s a piece of mail or a project that needs...
How to Live a Rich and Full Life
In today's episode, Amanda talks about Chapter 13 of the new edition of the book, where she reveals this never-before-seen letter written by Chet himself as the encore he never got to give on "How to Live a Rich and Full Life." Watch this episode to learn more and...
The Biggest Mistake When Losing Big Deals
"Getting the best buyers is a process, it's not an event." If you’re a business leader looking to achieve great things in the long run, what better way to start the process than by creating your Dream 100! The Dream 100 Strategy isn't for those who are looking for a...
How to Avoid Shiny Object Syndrome
Bright shiny objects create distraction and overwhelm and take you away from your most important work. A key symptom of shiny object syndrome is when you continually chase new exciting things, one after the other, which eventually wastes time and energy. In today's...
Never Say This on a Sales Call
The words we use during a sales call can make the difference between closing the deal or getting kicked to the curb. That’s why salespeople need to keep things simple, and to avoid unnecessary risky words phrases that could backfire. The things we say on our sales...