Did you know that, while our lifespan has increased by over nine years since 1970, we’re now more likely to spend those extra years dealing with illness or disability?
The truth is, many of us are living longer—but not healthier.
But it doesn’t have to be that way.
In this week’s episode, I sit down with Brett Harmeling, a health optimization expert, to share:
-The silent killers that could be harming your health without you even realizing it
-The 3 pillars of vitality that you need to know to regain control of your well-being and,
-The proven ways to increase your lifespan
What I love about Brett is that he’s an expert in biohacking but isn’t tied to just one company.
He draws from many different sources and companies, and what’s great about this interview is that he shares super basic suggestions you’ve probably never thought of—things that could be hurting your health right now.
I personally discovered a mold issue at home that had been affecting my health recently.
Thanks to Brett’s recommendations, I’m now on a journey to feeling better than ever—and I know you can too.
There’s no pitch here, just actionable tips and insights that can make a difference.
If you’re serious about living a longer, healthier life, this episode is a must-listen.
Tune in to the episode now and start making small changes today that can add years to your life.
P.S. Know someone who needs to hear this? Share the episode now!
Continued Learning: Growing Old Sucks: Reduce Your Risk of Premature Death Up to 56%
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[00:00:00] Brett Harmeling: We are just bombarded with toxic air and chemicals are floating around radically. I mean, I can literally look out of the window over here and see them burning, you know, petrochemicals into the atmosphere. And just people are like, Oh, it’s. Everything’s fine. You know, it’s burning off. It’s gone. I don’t really believe that, you know, fundamental biohackers walk around tools like this that just simply measure air quality, air quality.
I think is probably the top thing to really understand, especially if you live in a city.
[00:00:28] Amanda Holmes: Here is your daily dose of the ultimate sales machine coming to you from the new edition. Visit ultimate sales machine. com to get your copy or multiple copies. I am your host, Amanda Holmes, CEO of Chet Holmes International.
What you’re about to learn has assisted a quarter of a million businesses to generate billions of dollars working faster, better, smarter. Welcome everyone to the CEO mastery show. This week’s episode, we’re covering the three ways to increase your lifespan. With Brett Alang. I first met Brett at DLP Capital events.
For those of you that don’t know DLP Capital, they’re absolutely amazing. 10 years on the Inc. 5,000 list. So I met him in a real estate environment, much more corporate. You know, they, they have over 3 billion in assets and Brett was knocking it outta the park there. And then I met him again at the biohacking conference this last year around, and he says, oh yes, I’m, I have a private jet company.
I also help. I have very successful people optimize their health and I have a company that helps bring resources together for those that are looking to increase their lifespan to have a healthier life as they have a longer life. And I just thought this is fascinating. I got to bring you on my podcast because people have to hear this experience.
And because of your introduction, I’ve had a radical change in my own life. So. Thank you, Brett. I was having chronic headaches, and I didn’t know why, and you had made a suggestion of the Advanced Rejuvenation Center, which is just down the road from me, a functional medicine group, and I found out there was mold in my home, and I have five times the amount of mold in my system than I should.
So now I moved my home since I’ve talked to you last. I got on, I did all of these tests, I’m now on a new regimen, and I just think it’s so valuable that people should know these things that are really hindering our health, and how to optimize it, because there’s so many advancements in technology and biohacking today.
So thank you for being a catalyst for this, for me, and then for everyone else, because I think it’s just so valuable. Fascinating what we’re capable of today. So thank you.
[00:02:45] Brett Harmeling: Yes, I couldn’t agree more. And thank you so much for having me on. Hopefully we can create some value and some takeaways for, so people can tap into the best state of energy that they can possibly attain.
[00:02:57] Amanda Holmes: Yes, and I’ll say this at the end, but if you want to find Brett as you hear how brilliant he is both on Instagram and LinkedIn, Brett Harmeling, H A R M E L I N G, go say hello to him because he’s coming out with a book, with Forbes, which is awesome, and Happy Life is about to launch. Happy Life?
[00:03:18] Brett Harmeling: Happy Life Labs, yep.
[00:03:20] Amanda Holmes: Happy Life Labs, yes. Okay, so, I know for a fact that since 1970, males lifespan has increased by 9. 2 years, but because of that increase in lifespan, we’re actually disabled and sicker longer than we’ve ever been before. I know for disability, that causes a disability for, on average, 4. 7 years longer than what we’ve had before, and we spend the The latter half of our life, if we’ve made a good amount of money, we spend it trying to gain back the health that we lost, you know, grinding as entrepreneurs and in the workplace.
So relevant for you being here to just talk about how do we optimize and harmonize our lives to create, as you say, right, superhumans.
[00:04:09] Brett Harmeling: That’s right. That’s what I’m in the business of doing is creating superhumans, which everyone has access to and as you alluded to earlier, a simple shift in your life, like understanding how your body responds to mold can change your entire life or understanding that you may be missing the fundamental mineral in your body and you add that back into your regimen.
Within days, you can feel like a whole new human. And so it’s important, you know, knowledge is power and so is proximity. And so it’s important to get yourself educated around the people that are telling the truth and not trying to sell products all the time, but really are doing their due diligence and research on these companies.
And that’s literally the foundation of Happy Life Labs. I saw a over saturated marketplace. It’s a multi trillion dollar industry, you know, People taking care of themselves and what not, so I said, you know, we’re going to bring the world’s best products, people in place, into one place, and so that people can kind of sift through all the noise out there and know that if they go to Happy Life Labs, they’ll, they’ll be finding the best people in the world, such as Advanced Rejuvenation Center that my friend Dr.
John LaRance runs.
[00:05:16] Amanda Holmes: I love that. Well, let’s dive in. So the three ways to increase your lifespan. Number one is the first chapter of your book that’s going to come out. The hidden forces hijacking your health. I think actually I experienced that with mold. I had no idea. That that could be affecting me so severely.
But what are some other things that maybe we’re not thinking about that is hijacking our health?
[00:05:42] Brett Harmeling: Well, we surround ourselves in these environments all the time, especially if you live in a city like I do, Houston. We are just bombarded with toxic air and chemicals just floating around radically. I mean, I can literally look out of the window over here and see them burning, you know, petrochemicals into the atmosphere and just people are like, what?
Everything’s fine. You know, it’s burning off. It’s gone. I don’t really believe that you know fundamental biohackers walk around tools like this I just simply measure air quality air quality I think is probably the top thing to really understand especially if you live in a city and so I you know purifiers and things that clean the air because Oxygen equals energy, and so if you’re not breathing in clean, good, rich energy and filling your body up, you are like, that’s a fundamental thing that you’re not giving yourself a fair chance at.
And then step, the next one right after that is just water. Like, we unconsciously, you know, they say drink eight glasses of water a day, and that was, you know, heavy duty marketing campaign by the bottled water companies, and Maybe you do should drink a lot of water, you know, eight things of water. But when you drink plastic water, you’ll notice like your body can’t really absorb it.
For instance, whereas you drink water that’s from nature, that’s charged and structured and clean, you know, all the free radicals and micro toxins are out of it. Then you give your body a solid foundation to thrive. And so those are like two really easy examples. And then one that’s like eminent that you don’t, most people don’t even think about.
I’ll give you two more, just for the sake of this. Whoa,
[00:07:16] Amanda Holmes: whoa, whoa, before you dive into those, I just want to wrap around to what you were saying. So on the first one with air, you said you have an air doctor in every room?
[00:07:25] Brett Harmeling: No, in, in every space that I’m in, in Houston, absolutely. So I have several offices, kind of all over the city.
I’m not all, I have two offices in the city and then in our home, you know, we have an open floor layout. So we have one downstairs that cleans the down and then one, one upstairs. So maybe a little overkill, but I just don’t want to like already being inside is about 70 percent more toxic than being outside.
If you just look around the space that you’re listening to this in, you can just notice that nothing is pretty much from nature. I mean, it is in some capacity, but it’s all. Made with heavy chemicals that off gas and that, you know, think, so if you’re not cleaning your air and you’re breathing it in consistently, well, first of all, you’ll notice that you get tired because you’re not breathing quality air.
And so that’s a fundamental, you know, your body’s innately intelligent and so you should listen to it. If you feel tired, your body’s going to say, Hey, like I’m tired. I need better, like likely you just need more oxygen.
[00:08:19] Amanda Holmes: I love that. And then, so I’ve been doing my regimen from Advanced Rejuvenations and she had said that I needed to drink, I have these homeopathic regimens that she’s given me to help detox my body first.
The first step is detoxing for me and I’ve been drinking a A glass bottle every day, and I am not normally one to drink so much water, and I felt so, so different being able to just drink one glass of water, or not glass, but an ounce. I was drinking one liter, and then she said that you take your body weight, you cut it in half, and that’s how many ounces you should have a day.
[00:09:01] Brett Harmeling: Yeah that, that’s, I mean, everyone has their own protocols, and so, like, I’m not, like, I believe in a concept and we’ll probably touch on this deeper, but I’ll just say right now, it’s bio individuality, so what works for you, Amanda, may be very different than someone that looks exactly like you, that just has a little bit different makeup, like, if you live in a city that’s like Houston, where it’s 100 degrees, like, maybe you need more water, right?
Yeah. Yeah. And the, the, this, the part that you gotta, we have to wake up to is even like the bottles like this and it’s like good water, but there’s a liner in this and it has plastic, right? And so we’re still being exposed to all these microplastics and they, and you know, like even though even the glass bottle water, like how do you know when, like when that water was harvested and from where, and then how many, how long it’s just been sitting there.
Right. And so it’s kind of one of those things you just start to think about the source of your water and you. It’s one of those things you can take control of, right? And so, we have a whole house water system to get all the chemicals out, and then we add the, at the faucet, we have a, a K and water system, which actually, you know, elect, puts the water through electrolysis, which means, structures the water, and then, and it, during that process, it creates molecular hydrogen, and then from that, you drink it, and you get more hydrogen in your system, and hydrogen allows your body to absorb oxygen, which is good.
[00:10:24] Amanda Holmes: love that. Okay. Are there any other that you wanted to discuss on the hijacking of your health, those silent layers?
[00:10:31] Brett Harmeling: Yeah. The other one , is really like something that a lot of, I see a lot of people missing the mark on it’s EMF. So electromagnetic frequencies. There’s good ones like the earth, the earth holds a frequency called the Schumann resonance, 7.
83 megahertz. So it’s, it has a heartbeat. I call it the earth’s heartbeat. And the more connected we get to that, the more we will heal. And so we are around all these led lights and, and wifi signals and 5g signals and everything, like everything, even the wearable technologies on your body, like I wear a whoop, but I have an airplane mode and then I just download the data, like Two or three, two times a day, usually like before I go to sleep and then when I wake up and so I’ll have it, it’s off, but it’s still measuring, right, it’s still measuring, but it’s not sending signals from my hand to my phone all the time.
See, and then another thing is the AirPods. They, they are causing major issues. Especially when you link them from like, like they’re, you’re putting, just think about this route, you’re putting unnatural high powered energy sources, millimeters away from your brain. It just just thinking about, when you think about it, it just doesn’t make sense, so.
You know,
[00:11:37] Amanda Holmes: when I was a kid, my father was so obsessed, he would come in and he’d see me on the phone. I was a teenager, of course, I would be talking on the phone with whoever. He, he would yell at me ferociously. He doesn’t yell very often, but he would be like, You’ve got to get that phone away from your head.
And I think about that, like, over and over and over again. Get that phone away from your head. Get that phone away from your head. The studies show it causes cancer. Stop that. And yet now I see everybody putting the ear pods in. I actually, for me, I use corded, Bose headphones, so they’re still noise cancelling, but at least it has a cord, so it’s not sending the frequency.
Your brain. That
[00:12:17] Brett Harmeling: already sources your phone, exactly. Then if you take it to the next level, they do make ones with like, air, like, air tubes, so that there’s literally, so like, the speakers are down here, like, way down here, and then the sound travels through an air tube into your ear. I don’t really, I’m not a huge fan, like, some things, you know, you just gotta say, it’s gonna be okay, right?
And so. Yeah. Yeah. And like for AirPods, like I will do the run with my AirPods. I’ll make sure that it’s not set on the, where they connect in the middle setting and then I’ll take them out immediately. Like, and that’s it. And I do that, you know, three days a week. So it’s not about, it’s not about always being like so hard.
Cause honestly stress. And overthinking things is like one of the biggest underlying causes of early cause morbidity to be truthful. Stress makes disease and things manifest more like faster than most food.
[00:13:08] Amanda Holmes: I also want to add to what you said earlier, because I think it’s, it’s very widely overlooked, is fluorescent lights.
Just test sitting in a room with fluorescent lights, and then change out your bulbs to actually be natural bulbs, right? Instead of the fluorescent tubes. You’ll, you’ll, you’ll feel naturally more energy. The fluorescent lights just suck the life force out of you. And I think of every corporation and how they have this in their offices.
And I’m thinking, doesn’t anybody feel how awful it feels to sit under one of those all day, every day?
[00:13:44] Brett Harmeling: It’s like a radiation center. And so you’re, so just being present and cognizant to do. Like understand the concept that we’re light beings and we absorb energy and light no matter what, whether it’s good or bad.
And so we can be responsible for where we spend our time and what lights we put ourselves in front of. And like, for instance, for this podcast, like, yes, I’m going to have good lighting. Guess what happens when I’m off the podcast, the lights go off. I turn on my red light and my salt lamp and, you know, ambient lighting, more natural colors.
But, you know, that’s the fundamental principle, like, when the sun goes down, so should your lights.
[00:14:20] Amanda Holmes: I love that. So, three ways to increase your lifespan. Number one, the hidden force is hijacking your health, it was so good. Number two, test, test, don’t guess. Tell me about that, cause I think this is fast.
[00:14:35] Brett Harmeling: Yeah, this is where people start to geek out a little bit, because Not long ago, these tests that people are running that out on, like, were unbelievably expensive to run a test. And so, and insurance doesn’t really cover most of this stuff. And so, there’s a myriad of tests that you can obviously do. You can test the length of your telomeres now.
So, that would give you an accurate depiction of your chronological age versus your biological age. So, your chronological age is quite important. Like, simply, I’m 36. My biological age, currently, is telling me that I’m 28 years old. Which means the health of my cells is looking good, right? And that’s, there’s a reason for that.
I just did stem cells about 4 months ago. I take care of my body. I’m not the person that’s gonna look like the most fit guy in the weight room and have a six pack and be chiseled. I’m the guy that has vital health and life force, like, you know, and so it’s like I live and walk through life every single day, just knowing that, like, from a cellular level, my body is completely optimized.
And so, I like to study cellular intelligence, which is how cells respond to environments you put them in. And a lot of the tests, the one that my wife, who’s a dietician and has her own company, Saberly, So that’s a good subtopic, like Savorly is the company that overlooks any type of nutrition or supplement that comes into Happy Life Labs.
So if someone’s like, hey, we want to be a partner in your portfolio, my wife will do her due diligence and make sure like, is it 3rd party tech, all the things. And so she does what’s called an HTMA, which stands for Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis. This is a, the most clear depiction of your overall health.
And it really helps. People a lot because it minerals right like that’s the foundation of health if your body can’t hold a charge And you don’t have the right minerals. Like all those amazing vitamins and things that you’re adding in likely aren’t electromagnetically sticking to your body. And so that’s a really powerful test.
It’s really not even that expensive to do, but that’d be a perfect example. That’s how you can take control of your health. Because if you feel even the slightest bit off, for instance, you did the mold test, you can do a mold sport tests. You know, a lot of times. People, like, are all allergy conscious and things like this.
It’s likely more a cause of toxins and heavy metals in your body or mold that are underlying. Like, people, like, we weren’t born to be allergic to anything, really. And, and I’ll challenge people on that a little bit, you know? I’ll, like, I’ll, a lactose intolerant person will come to my house. And I’ll have them drink a glass of raw milk, and they’ll have no issues.
Tell me, tell me, tell me. You know, tell me. It’s a perfect example. I think, you know, raw milk, honey, these things are like the world’s superfoods, right? And if you put superfoods in your body, you become superhuman.
[00:17:21] Amanda Holmes: I love that. I think that this is critical. I mean, obviously I run a data research firm, so I love data, but I love this concept that we know how much money we make a month, we know what our expenses are, and yet we don’t know the basics of like, what is my hemoglobin or what is my white blood cells or red blood cells?
And I. Ever since I worked with Regenerative Medicine Institute, they were a client last year, RMI, you know, one of the leading world’s best in stem cells I found out about this chronological age versus biological age, and I’d been wanting to do it, and I got my test results back just a few weeks ago.
And it showed me that I am, chronologically, six years older than my biological age. So for the first time in history, we can prove scientifically that stress is making you die faster. My report showed me that I am 62 percent more likely to die prematurely in comparison to people my age, and I am aging at a rate 75 percent faster than people my age.
It was a huge shock for me because I live a fairly healthy life. I’m a vegetarian, I don’t drink, I don’t smoke, like, and I’ve made these decisions because of watching my father die at 55. So then to see Yet, all of these decisions I’m making, are they the right decisions? We don’t know! We just listen to what people tell us on the internet or what we hear say.
But now you have the ability to have the data to back it up. So, I was getting these headaches, and then I was also just feeling so lethargic and tired. And I was trying to figure out why. Well, it turns out in my labs, which, right, advanced rejuvenations did, they didn’t just do two labs, which I, if I had gone to a regular MD, they would have looked and there would have been nothing wrong.
Everything was mostly in the general intervals of what should be okay, because a general doctor is just looking for disease. They’re not looking to prevent the diseases, right, which I love about functional medicine. But my report came back and said that I was. Malnourished in vitamin D. So typically you get, if they do an injection of vitamin D, it’s like anywhere between 10, 000 to like 30, 000, I don’t know what the units are.
They gave me an injection of 600, 000, whatever the unit is, of vitamin D and B12. They’re like, you, how do you even like walk around every day? So it makes me wonder for all of you that are listening that are leaders in your industries that are just slugging and you’re grinding and you’re like, if I just force this, if I just get through this, I’ll make it through.
Well, my data is showing me I need to stop. And, and I really appreciate the referral that you made for me because. I am young enough to the point where I can make better choices and it’s all based around data. It’s not just hearsay. It’s not who has the best marketing. It’s not who has the best seo when you type it into google It’s just straight data.
So you try and then you test again to find out if it worked
[00:20:30] Brett Harmeling: 100 and and something for people like that are wanting to embark on this journey Amanda, you should know is that there is a bit of it’s it’s the opposite So traditional health in in america is like Nothing’s wrong. Nothing’s wrong. You’re okay.
Things are fine. So the cost is pretty cheap, right? And insurance pays for it. And then something happens and then there’s a hockey stick event in your life and you’re like, Oh my gosh. And so like, if you look at why people go bankrupt, like number one, Right. Is real estate like, cause you go out there and number two is a health related issue, right?
And so and so and then the other way is functional where you you get it really clear on what’s on you do all these tests so that it’s cost starts here and and then over time your chance of having a Life altering health issue goes down and down and down and so it’s like, oh, it’s a little like, oh my gosh I’m gonna do all this stuff up front, but then Over time you kind of like level out and so there’s just no comparison because you know what I tell all of my clients is like nothing will work until you take, you take 100 percent responsibility for your health.
So many people rely on systems and doctors and not that systems or doctors are bad, but you have to trust what you feel, not what you hear. And so if you’re, if like, walk around with a big gut, or like, you can’t lose weight, or you can’t gain weight, or like, whatever the thing is, you know, like, you can even tell in people’s skin and eyes, like, very specifically, like, the health of a person, right, and especially how much time they’re spending outside.
So, because the eyes will tell you what’s going on with the organs, and the skin will tell you, kind of like, what’s going on overall, fundamentally. So, these are good, good, good tips. Indicators that would they don’t require any testing where you can you can just look at yourself and you can see and you just google ideology, right?
Or if something happens on your skin or getting pimples like look into that your skin is is there It’s this your largest organ And it tells you that tells you if you have a rash or you have something going on. It’s like hey That means something. Don’t just put a cream on it and ignore it. Right. So, there’s a lot of ways to test other than go buying and getting tests, is what I was getting at.
[00:22:40] Amanda Holmes: But I also love the tests.
[00:22:42] Brett Harmeling: And, and, yeah, the tests are fun too.
[00:22:45] Amanda Holmes: You’ll have to ask Brett, Brett Harmeling on LinkedIn or Instagram for some best places to get those tests and, and who to look for, for functional medicine doctors and all of that. He is a great resource. So the third step, the third way to increase your lifespan is the pillars of vitality.
Can you share what some of those pillars are?
[00:23:08] Brett Harmeling: Yeah, so it’s fun, you know, the fundamentals of vitality are really anchored and I believe in, in nature, right? And so the future of medicine and longevity is actually going back to our ancestral roots and understanding what keeps things alive. You know, there’s a very powerful argument that aging is a disease.
And so just like any other disease, if we can solve for the disease, then we don’t have to age. And so that, that freaks a lot of people out. Like even in our lifetime, Amanda, we may have to choose when we want to die. And because they’re already like, you know, 3d printing lungs and you know, they already have artificial hearts.
And so like if these systems in your body fail and you just need a new one and they can swap it out, this is happening already. And we’re just getting started. And I say that’s a little crazy because with the advancement of AI, you know, Peter Diamandis is someone that I hold really close to me, in terms of like, what he’s saying, who he’s interacting with, sciences, technologies, things like that, and so, and he’s also on a board that I’m a part of, and so it’s like really cool to be connected to people like him because, They think like, like this, where it’s like, Hey, what’s, what if we solve that problem and then like fill in the gaps?
Right? Like what, what prevents it and how do we do it together? And so it’s going backwards. And so even going right back to the beginning of our conversation, it’s like air, like thinking about the air that you’re breathing, that’s a free, you know, almost a free hack, right? So I say almost, cause you may have to buy an air filter that are like.
Air doctor, for instance, is ones we use. They’re not really that expensive for what it does, right? You’re, you’re literally, it’s like an insurance policy in your, in your house. Then water, right? Take control of your water and then identify, identify how much time you’re spending outside, right? Like truly like how much time.
Are you touching earth? People laugh. Like if I’ll do, you know, like hug a tree or, you know, like be walking, like it’s weird, cause I’m the only person walking barefoot on the side of this trail and people think it’s crazy. And I’m like, I think they’re crazy. And so it’s just like, and you stand up, I sat up, stand out a little bit, but once you understand like what happens and there’s actual science behind us, by the way, it’s called ionization.
And so we’re an electromagnetic field and so is the earth. And when you touch it. You create an energy transfer immediately. And so the best place to get that, to do that, by the way, is the ecotone of where the sea meets the sand. So there’s the highest turnover rate, you know, of sand and seawater right there.
And so if you’re right there at a beach, getting that, that’s like the highest ionic charge that you can get from grounding. So, travel hack, if you’re going to go somewhere, like, get yourself touching the earth where you’re, wherever it is you’re going.
[00:25:46] Amanda Holmes: I’m a tree hugger. Don’t tell Johnny.
[00:25:51] Brett Harmeling: Yeah, and the psychological concept of that is, is like, if you’re hugging a tree, you’re hugging something that’s rooted deeper, and therefore, so like I say, your light or your branches can never, can only grow up towards the light as far as your roots go deep.
And so when you’re doing like, inner work and shadow work and healing and, It only takes one person to stop generational trauma and create a different story. And so I invite every one of you listening to this for you to be that person right to just say i’m not gonna It’s not going to be like this moving forward.
And the, the, the ball stops here and do your work and then just go share your gifts and resources because you’re going to be a beacon of life and hope and possibility for other people. And so it’s like step into that power because we all have it in us. We just, some of, a lot of us just don’t know it.
[00:26:38] Amanda Holmes: Yeah. It’s
[00:26:43] Brett Harmeling: why Tony Robbins work, you know, unleash the power within the first thing he says at this conference. And I’ve been to like 10 times. It is like I am not here to fix you. You’re not broken. And it’s refreshing to hear that because we make up a lot of stories about ourselves that aren’t true.
And that eventually causes stress and makes us do bad habits. And you gotta be really conscious of your habits because your habits create your reality and then it becoming who you are.
[00:27:11] Amanda Holmes: Brett Harmeling. Everybody go and follow him on either Instagram or LinkedIn. H A R M E L I N G. Harmeling. We covered the three ways to increase your lifespan, which number one was the hidden forces hijacking your health, number two was test, test, don’t guess, and number three were Pillars of Vitality, and I’m sure he could talk for another several hours, and I would be thoroughly intrigued, and asking you lots of questions, because I know you’ve tried so many of the different products in the space, and services, and technologies, and so I really appreciate your wealth of knowledge, and all that you do for so many that, you know, entrepreneurs, it gets lonely at the top, and we grind a lot, and so the fact that you help them optimize their health is just absolutely wonderful.
[00:28:04] Brett Harmeling: Thank you so much for, for having me, Amanda. It’s just been a pleasure to be here and just spread the word, you know, it’s just like, I believe that every one of us can change our lives and you just have to like truly love yourself enough to know that you deserve it. Right. And you have to be brave enough to like demand more out of life and then be disciplined to actually work the plan.
It’s a process. And if you take these approaches and just listen to people that are Are telling the best that they know about what they know about then you can’t go wrong and always trust what you feel Not what you hear
[00:28:41] Amanda Holmes: I think that’s very difficult for a lot of people I would say that the grand majority of people hear what a doctor tells them and just I will be out for 24 hours.
So it’s, it’s a huge part of the, of the treatment process. It’s a significant part of the process. So I can’t, I can’t say where I would like to stop at that moment, but it’s definitely a big part of getting the patients on the right side of the treatment. Great. Surgeries recommended increases significantly as they get more tired and have to make more decisions.
So takeaway for that is one, get a morning doctor’s appointment. And number two, because they you get a diagnosis or a doctor says something doesn’t necessarily mean that it needs to be your, your truth and, and the end all be all. So be curious and. Ruthlessly committed to taking care of yourself, because it’s not just you, it’s the people around you that rely on you.
[00:29:45] Brett Harmeling: Yes, your energy is your currency, so.
[00:29:50] Amanda Holmes: Thank you so much, Brett. It’s been such a pleasure. Brett Harmeling. Go find him online and say hello.
[00:29:56] Brett Harmeling: Thank you.
[00:29:57] Amanda Holmes: Make sure to get your copy or copies at TheUltimateSalesMachine. com There’s a lot of special bonuses that you can’t get going to Amazon. So make sure you check it out at TheUltimateSalesMachine.