3 Hotseat Sales Pitches with Feedback

by | May 24, 2024 | Blog, Business Guidance

Have you ever thought about what keeps your prospects engaged and glued to their seats during a presentation?

Last week, we began our journey into mastering effective presentations, focusing on strategies to boost confidence, engage your audience, and enhance your visuals.

This week, you’ll hear real presentations from our dojo members, complete with live feedback from the community.

The episode offers practical tips and examples that you can start using immediately to make a real difference in your presentations.

Here’s what you can look forward to:
3 Hotseat Sales Presentations: Listen to actual presentations and see how dojo members apply key techniques.
Real-Time Feedback: Gain insights from community feedback that highlight what works and what can be improved.
Practical Tips: Implement game-changing techniques to refine your presentation skills and boost your sales success.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to enhance your pitch skills and achieve greater sales success.

This episode is the perfect follow-up to the previous one, ensuring you have a comprehensive understanding to apply immediately.

Tune in now and take your presentations to the next level.


P.S. Missed last week’s episode? Be sure to catch up HERE to fully benefit from this two-part series on mastering effective presentations

Connect with Tim Yurek

 Connect with Thomas Brainsky


Continued Learning: Uncovering the Stadium Pitches


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Imagine your life with unlimited cash flow. Today you’re going to discover five areas where you can be giving up control of your cash unknowingly and unnecessarily. You’ll learn why 61 percent of businesses struggle with cash flow issues. You’ll learn that it’s not what you buy, it’s how you pay for it that really matters.

And finally, you’ll learn about a four step process that will allow you to regain control of your cash flow. Because whoever controls your cash flow controls your life. Here is your daily dose of the ultimate sales machine coming to you from the new edition Visit ultimate sales machine. com to get your copy or multiple copies I am your host amanda holmes ceo chet holmes international what you’re about to learn has been assisted a quarter of a million businesses to generate billions of dollars working faster, better, smarter.

We’ve been covering chapter eight, how to double the attention and retention of your prospects when presenting. Effective presenting skills that can double if not triple your conversion rates. We are here in the dojo, therefore, let’s do our little bow into the dojo, and we’re just letting go of all of the other clutter and all the junk.

And all of the things that are taking away our brainpower to just focus wholeheartedly right here, right now, in the present in our dojo. And I would also request, because today what I want is we’re going to have different people coming up and sharing. Five minute increments. And what I’d love to see is to get feedback from the room.

So what are you experiencing from their presentation? Compliments are welcome. Constructive feedback is welcome, we just want to be kind and considerate to all our fellow dojo members. So, um, keep that in mind as we go through. We’re on week 18, holy cow. This week’s homework will be reading chapter 9.

Which we’ll go into, we’ll go back to the Dream 100, which is exciting. But in the interim, what did we cover last week? What did you read from chapter eight? The eight rules for effective presenting. So, the first rule for effective presenting, be confident, but not obnoxious. My father wrote this first step, and I can understand why, because sometimes people told him he was too confident.

But the most confident one in the room usually wins, and he He was very good at that. So, he added, you can’t be too boastful. I’m sure it’s because he’s been told that a million times over. Focus on them, not you. If you are perpetually worried about what you are doing, it probably means that you haven’t gotten enough reps in to practice because the whole purpose is to be beyond yourself.

To focus on what’s going on in the audience, how are they responding? If it’s a one on one, if it’s a one on three, watching their expressions, seeing how they’re reacting, calling them out if they look bored, calling them out, if they look excited, if they look inquisitive, ask them if they need a question, right?

It’s all about trying to get them engaged. It’s about them. And the faster that you can, when presenting, focus on your audience rather than you. The more fun you’ll have, really, because you’ll realize it’s not about you at all. It’s actually about them in totality. A good tip for presenting. Number three, K I S S.

Keep it simple, stupid. Right? So if you’re going to give a presentation, here’s what we’re going to cover, here’s what we’re covering, and here’s what we covered. Super simple. It’s shocking how often we don’t follow that easy framework. K I F P, keep it fast paced. How can we continue to show visuals to keep them engaged and entertained and interested so that every 30 seconds is another visual on the screen.

Using wow, facts and statistics. Oh man, we could go very deep on this and I’m curious to see if anybody’s going to show any stats today. And if the whole point is to make your prospect or to make your audience say, wow. I didn’t know that. That’s the experience we want them to have. So that’s how we continue to test our market data to see if it lands.

Are they saying, wow, I didn’t know that. Build in opportunities for stories. People retain 26 percent more when it’s told in a story. How can you craft an entertaining, engaging story that they’ll always remember? I can tell you a million times over, when I wrote the new edition The ultimate sales machine.

All I wanted was to talk about how we 10x’d these leads and 5x’d these sales and all of these. But what mattered the most to my audience was actually a letter called Dear Dad, which was the foreword, which we read a while back. And that story of a relationship between child and parent resonated with more people than anything else.

So, stories land. Seven, be curiosity driven. Here’s what we’re about to cover and make sure you stay until the last five minutes, because what I’m going to teach you there will change the game, right? So continuing to foreshadow what’s about to come, to keep them engaged, to keep them on the edge of their seats, you’re hyping up things that are coming in the future.

Eight. Each headline is valuable real estate. What are you putting in that headline so that it lands, so that it’s engaging for them to want to see what’s on the rest of the slide. It’s almost like news headlines with every headline of your presentation if you use a deck. So those are our eight rules for effective presenting.

I took from the whole hours last, last week’s talk, I’m just giving you the eight now so that we can jump into others sharing their presenting. So what I’d like to see is I’m just going to put a timer on for five minutes. If you can keep it under five minutes, that would be great. And what I want everyone else to do is let’s all support the person that’s sharing and you can write it in the chat.

If you can give a compliment of something that really landed for you and then If you have another point of here’s something where I think that you could improve or something that I missed or I wanted to hear, and then from the chat, we can also call out for people. Oh, Stefan, you had a really good point there.

Would you like to speak it out loud to Frank? Right? You will retain far more when you absorb what’s going on and give feedback to others. So it helps you as well as helping the speaker. So I’m going to call on all of you to be engaged and help give that feedback. So for everybody else, I know, but who’s in your audience?

Business owners. All right. And so I’m doing a LinkedIn live event with a third party referral source. And so this was what we had sort of put together. Can I, should I do a screen share? Can I, yeah, you can. All right, here we go. I like it already. He doesn’t even have to talk. Notice how visuals make a difference.

Go ahead. Imagine your life with unlimited cash flow. Today you’re going to discover five areas where you can be giving up control of your cash unknowingly and unnecessarily. You’ll learn why 61 percent of businesses struggle with cash flow issues. You’ll learn that it’s not what you buy, it’s how you pay for it that really matters.

And finally, you’ll learn about a four step process That will allow you to regain control of your cash flow, because whoever controls your cash flow, controls your life. Nobody wants to worry about money, but the reality is every move we make with our money is either moving us forward or holding us back.

Many of the things we think should be moving us forward are actually preventing us from reaching our full financial potential. What if what you thought to be true turned out not to be true? When would you want to know? The average U. S. household owes more than 165, 000 of debt. According to NerdWallet, now more than ever, we need to be in control of our cash flow.

The good news is we’re probably earning more income. The bad news, inflation is up 18. 6 percent since 2020, and the average savings rate is only 3. 2%, which is down 38 percent from a year ago. Money troubles are keeping us awake. 77 percent of Americans feel anxiety about finances, And 58 percent feel that their finances are out of control.

In my 39 years of experience, I found that most of these money issues are actually self inflicted. How we’ve been trained to use our money is preventing us from realizing our true financial potential. How we use our money is way more important than where our money is. The products, the financial services industry sells are the things that they manufacture and the way they get paid.

But how you use your money is really what’s going to make the difference between financial freedom and just struggling to get by. We help our clients groove their financial golf swing. And then, you know, just the contact information. Can we give them a round of applause? You man, you. Yeah, that was pretty damn good, dude.

All right, what feedback do we have for Tim? That first slide was the hook right there. That was the bait that the fish will bite on. Thank you. Tim, you’re missing something. You’re missing something, Tim. I want that QR code at the end where I could put my phone right up to it and go right to your landing page to sign up for something.

Like it. QR code. Thank you, Thomas. I like a couple of things. One is the experience you listed in there. It shows your forgive me. I use the term ACE authority, celebrity expertise. I think that that’s fantastic, even though it’s not about you. Sorry, Amanda. Uh, but also, you know, again, I, I sensed the, the problem agitate solution throughout many of your slides.

And then also I liked the one Tim as a slide three. Um, yeah, that what I would call the inquisitive slide, like, what if you thought, Oh, what’s he talking about? I got to know about this. I got to ask him. I got to reach out to him. So like, what is that? What if maybe I’m not doing this? Right? So I like the inquisitive, like, Hmm, tell me more about this.

That’s what I thought was pretty cool. Thank you. Hey, Frank, you just nailed it on number on slide 3, but Tim, another suggestion for slide 3, what if you put on slide 3, a picture of a confused human being human beings like to actually look at human beings. It captivates them just a little bit more. Okay.

Well, to that point, Thomas, as, as you said, and as Amanda’s dad said, I believe Jet said that something about the human body, people’s eyes are attracted to that. So, with that being said, not that this slide is not good. I would concur just that perplexed person with the question mark over their head, you know, so maybe, yeah.

No, good point. Good point. Can you go to your call to action slide, Tim? Get rid of that phone and make that a big QR code. Okay. Yeah, that’s what I was thinking of putting it. Yeah, I will say 1 thing, Thomas, forgive me in our area. We do a lot of different advertising in many different forms. And the digital marketing team that I work with admittedly said that.

Our northeastern Pennsylvania might be a little behind the times with QR, QR coding so that that could be a fact. Yeah, so I’m not going to argue that. Yeah. So, you know, but Frank, this is going to be a LinkedIn live and like the majority of the audience is probably going to be national. There you go.

Thomas’s idea sticks. Well, or you just put a phone number and a QR code. Give them a choice. Yeah, well, I do have a phone number. I do have the email here, but having the big QR code just solves all those problems and your phone number does not stand out at all. It just blends right in. It’s missing. Yeah.

Oh, wait, where is it? Oh, now I see. I’ve had to look twice. Yeah. Hey, Amanda. I’d love to or Troy. I’d love to get your feedback on slide 3. Would that be better to be put on the front? I don’t know. I’m toying with it because it’s a damn good slide. It was a great slide. And I’m just wondering if that would capture inquisitiveness than slide one.

I don’t know. Craig, I like where you’re going with this because it opens up the opportunity for a very brief story. It’s interesting, right? Because I said something like this at a medtech meeting last Friday. And it was the opposite of what’s being taught in the MBA schools, right? And people are failing in this area.

And I’m wondering if this would catch the attention more, but put slide 1 where slide 3 is. Yeah, I like that. I like that, Greg. I think that’s a great point. I think that this would be a good lead off slide just to shake people in their boots, so to speak. Can I offer you a gigantic compliment, Tim? No, tell him absolutely not.

You don’t want to hear it. Oh, Craig, you got to shut up because it’s about you. So I was talking to Craig and I was helping him with his website and he’s like, you know, what are your thoughts on my website? And Tim, I use yours as like an excellent example of the way a website should be. Nice. Thank you.

With the little red button. With the button that stands out glaringly. Here’s my call to action. So, Tim, wow, you have come such a long way. This is masterful, right? Everyone can see how masterful this is. Every word is just, it hits you. Every slide is so perfectly, the logic of how much pain they’re going through.

It resonates. You understand that there is a serious problem. Even if you didn’t understand that there was a problem, Problem. Now you realize that there’s a problem, right? Obviously, that sizzle slide, that first slide of what you’re gonna cover, oh my gosh, what a brilliant step by step. So everyone should take note.

How can I create a slide that will make people’s mouths water before I present? Tim did a magnificent job of that. I also loved the 000 in debt. Great. It made me say, wow, that is what every piece of market data should do is make you go. Wow. I also, and for everybody, when he started talking about inflation, right, when he said it’s up 18 percent since 2020, just that one piece of validation made him instantly, you felt, wow, he knows the market.

He’s an expert. As opposed to saying what everyone else says, which is, inflation is so high right now. Right? He was very specific about that global pain point that’s happening. I love your tone of voice. Your authority is so clear. What I’d love to see from you is when you do this live. Or if you have a live audience, I would ask more questions of the audience to see how they might engage.

So after you’ve done the first slide of here’s all the things that we covered, are you in the right place? Is this something you want to learn? Let me hear you say yes. Calling out to grab them because everything you said was just brilliant. But now I want to keep hearing little questions of them. Did you know, write it in the questions box?

Did you know that we’re about on average per household, 165, 000 in debt? Does that surprise you? Cause it surprised me, right? So just inserting little pieces of conversation. People to respond, even if they’re not going to say yes in the questions box or there isn’t a questions box addressing the audience and evoking from them.

Oh, I didn’t think about that. Oh, you’re right. Would be great to pull out from just reading it. But for everyone else. Also, did you notice how it’s such a brilliant presentation? And Tim is the man, right? If you were to hire a sales rep. And give that same presentation and learn how to present. They would be leads ahead of anyone else.

Right. And it doesn’t take rocket science to learn, to practice that script, right? It’s hard to come up with a script. And normally we’d have to pull all of that out of Tim’s brain because he’s been doing it for decades. But that is such a great tool that you can duplicate and give to more people to present.

I know. At the moment you do it and you’re doing it magnificently. But I just kept thinking, Oh, this would be so good to give to more sales reps. So that’s something great. Yeah, and that call to action. I wonder if you have any other guarantees or even a story in there of we had somebody recently a month ago, two weeks ago that took us up on this offer.

And in that half an hour, we found blank amount of money that they were wasting. Right? What’s that? What’s a good story for them to quantify and understand in their heads what they could take away from that session? I know, Amanda, you know, this, the grocery store example that, you know, that Troy has, yeah, I think that would be a good one to throw in there.

Yeah, that’s a great one. That story or even your story, but that one’s a good one. Okay! Yay! Everyone’s doing so great! All right, we had third was Carlos. So, Carlos, is there anything we need to know about who’s in your audience? Yeah, what we’re doing is a reverse mortgage master class instead of webinar.

And so, those would be homeowners 55 and up that are pre retirees or retirees. It could also be for financial advisors that have clients, family or friends that would like to know the masterclass titles, how to avoid the five biggest mistakes that can destroy a retirement success, right? All right, go ahead.

All right. Would you be able to sleep at night if you had to pay 8 to 10, 000 each and every month? If you had not experience with long term care being covered, 58 percent of retirees biggest fear is outliving their assets. And according to the research published by the Employee Benefit Research Institute, the average person will need one to three years of long term care and healthcare costs that are not subject to Medicare payments.

So that average, according to the Research Institute study is 410, 000 to 600, 000 for a married couple. Most people would sweat. At the thought of being able to have to pay that a recent client of ours Her husband actually had long term care insurance, but most insurance plans expire after three years His was four years, but his cost of care in a facility.

He has dementia of the alzheimer’s type right now It’s 8, 500 a month. How long would your family’s retirement assets last? If you had to pay 8, 500 a month, we had another family. He’s 70, he’s still working. And he didn’t think he would need a reverse mortgage. When we did a consultation, we looked at his gap and it was not having long term care insurance.

He had a 15 year mortgage that he was seven years in, had eight years left. He said, Carlos, I can afford to make my payments. Why would I ever do a reverse mortgage? And we explained that there’s a built in line of credit feature that can be able to compound and grow like a savings account for long term care insurance, and that he could continue to make payments with the reverse mortgage.

He didn’t know that was an option that you could make optional payments. Unlike a traditional loan. A reverse mortgage, the payments lower the balance, but go into that line of credit feature, which compounds and grows. We showed him how he could use the same money that he’s paying right now that he gets as a housing allowance from his company and be able to pay off the loan eight years from now, but now have over 500, 000 in his line of credit.

For long term care, such as, you know, the numbers that he’s missing. So his wife, 62, she’s not working, he’s 70. So if he is not able to continue to work, Or needs long term care insurance. We found a way of being able to fund that. And like most people, according to 2024 Allianz retirement study, 63 percent of Americans worry about inflation, social security taxes, and whether they could afford to pay a long term care insurance.

And yet it’s a small percentage of people that actually have long term care insurance. We help people greatly increase the money they keep in retirement while reducing risk. By up to 700%. And then, you know, have a couple of different examples, but yeah, I like that idea, uh, about finishing with the QR code for free consultation.

That’s kind of my initial frame of the class. Great! Yay! Congratulations! Okay, what feedback do we have for Mr. Carlos? Carlos, do you have this, like, in a five or six slide? Not yet. No, I’ve been working on it, but yeah, that would be nice to put it similar to what Tim had. Okay. Yeah, no, your content was legit, right?

Like you had the, you had examples, you had the statistics. Right? But people just listening to it, I just don’t know if they’ll be able to visualize it right and grab ahold of it, I guess, in their own psyche, be able to grab it and ingest it, if that makes sense, but your content was, was fantastic, literally spot on.

Thanks, Greg. I like the title, the masterclass. It reminds me, Carlos, of we do an event that we’ve termed a health fair, and we feel like that. That title has run its course, so we spiced it up a little bit last time and called it an expo, a health expo, just a little different tweak, a tweak to it, but I like the master class versus just the webinar or a seminar or a class, like a master right off the bat, it’s kind of like, this guy must know his shit.

Master. Oh, that’s pretty good. Yeah, that’s that idea came from Amanda during one of the the sessions. She said the same thing. The webinar is just getting old. People have been doing it for a while, but a master class might be a better way of being able to do it. Yeah, I really like that. And then I like.

The fear factors is built in there in a couple spots, which makes people like, Oh, I don’t want that to be me. And then lastly, the only thing I didn’t get is maybe the first line in the eight to 10, 000. It’s kind of was like where you started and it, maybe it was me, not, not processing it quick enough, but it lost me a little.

Can you repeat that real quick? Yeah. I said, would you be able to sleep at night if you had to pay eight to 10, 000 a month? Out of pocket for long term care. I’ve been playing with a couple of different intros after, you know, the 1st 1, but yeah, okay, no, that’s that’s really good. And Frank, by the way, the average cost here in any PA.

Is closer to 12, 000 a month. Yeah. Yeah. The national average is right around 100, 000 per year per person. So it’s yeah, 300 to 600, 000 should be set aside or those are things that could destroy, you know, the retirement portfolio for the advisors if they’re having to liquidate assets under management every single month just to pay for their care.

Yeah, Carlos, I loved it. I love the examples. I loved, you know, some of the data as well. I love the question. I think maybe a little, like, some voice inflection would probably help a little bit, but other than that, that was, I thought it was very good. Thanks. I would agree and Carlos for what it’s worth, the 1 interesting thing is up here in northeastern Pennsylvania.

We got some of those Alzheimer units and senior citizens places popping up like hotcakes, like McDonald’s and Burger King. So we are, you know, a large geriatric population. So if you’re looking for a target market, besides maybe Florida, having a lot of population, this could be your avatar. Yeah, every county in the United States is got an aging population with the senior community being a larger and larger segment in our area in the county.

We went from 1 in 5 homeowners in all of Ventura, Los Angeles, Santa Barbara County to 1 in 4 homeowners. Is 62 years of age or older. And, uh, in our County in Ventura County, it’ll go to one in three within the next five years. So, yeah, it doesn’t matter where in the country, you know, there’s an aging population.

I think the baby boomer statistic right now is there’s 12, 000 baby boomers a day, each and every day, turning 62, it’s 10, 000 a day turning 65. Yeah. It’s for the next eight, 10 years, they’re just coming into retirement age. You know what I call that for both you and I, Carlos? Good for business. Opportunity.

Candice keeps on muting and muting. Candice, you want to share? Yeah, so Carlos, I’m not sure if I’m thinking about this wrong, but something that would also resonate with me, and also I know my family even, is maybe a question stated, you know, do you feel like you are prepared enough that your kids won’t end up paying a bill once you are, per se, gone?

Because I know that that’s happened in families, whether or not when the kids take over. The bill when they’re left with this big lump sum and if they didn’t have like life insurance or anything to cover that That’s sometimes a big bill, especially if they’re not well off So i’m not sure if that’s something that also might help to add in there.

Yeah, I love the idea of using more questions So thanks for that a lot of this quick five minutes or the three and a half minutes that I use It’s just a portion of the class, but yeah, most people don’t know that the heirs and beneficiaries can’t owe more than the house is worth. They think they’re going to be on the hook for everything.

Okay. Right. It’s just something that I thought about. So, uh, and I kept thinking Tim of you, right. When he went into that story right off, didn’t it just land where you just like, Oh, interesting. You leaned in to hear what he had to say about his client. So I loved that. So when I think of this. I kind of wanted to hear a little bit more pain in the front.

So the number one fear people have growing old is growing out of their money. You work your whole life. You slave labor until waiting for that day when you finally retire. And then 55 percent of them don’t have enough money to actually handle the health problems that you’ll have. Did you know that? Did you know that every other couple will have difficulty paying for their care long term?

And imagine, and then I would put your line about. Could you stomach knowing that you’d have to spend between 8, 000 to 12, 000 a month on your, on your care? So I would build up even more of that pain leading into it. And I loved the first story, and then you lost me. The second story and the third story felt more like pitches than they did education.

So it could be. It could have just been that if you had had a visual that I could look at, I would have been able to absorb what you were saying, but my mind’s kind of tuned out and went, there’s lots of numbers. I’m not quite sure. He’s just trying to pitch me. My mind kind of shut off there, but really strong entrance and great stories.

So with that visual, it’ll help. I kind of wanted to hear a little bit more education. So what are some of the other things that are problems for those that run out of money in retirement? I wanted to hear more target pains so that it felt like, Oh, this person is an expert. They know about more than just this one particular subject that they’re going to try and sell me.

Right. I was missing a little bit more of those target pains. Does that make sense? Yeah it does. But I’m excited and I look forward to hear more about the masterclass. I’m sure that that is, again, rare in your industry, which is wonderful. All right, Thomas, five minutes. Are you ready? I know you didn’t have anything at the beginning of this call.

Do you now have something? I have zero prepared, just for the record. But I’m going to present something anyway, on the fly, for the fun of it, because why the heck not? All right. No, I don’t have any kind of like PowerPoint or anything like that. And I’ve just done a little bit of chat GPT on a subject, and we’re just going to do this right now.

Who’s in your audience? Business owners and any business owner for that matter. Okay, go ahead. So did you know that 93 percent of companies express concern over employee retention? 93%. Now I’m going to ask this question and I’m going to pull the audience. How many of you, raise your hands, remember life Before covid.

Okay. I’m so glad you’re all involved because I think we would all remember that. Well, here’s something shocking. Even before covid companies experienced voluntary turnover rates of around 20 percent and that rates actually expected to increase by about 4 percent due to changing employee expectations.

Furthermore, 59 percent of American workers experience moderate levels of burnout. So I mean, when it comes to employees leaving, this is something that we’re all facing. And let’s talk about that for a moment. When we see a turnover, what does that actually mean for us? What does that mean for you? How many employees do you have?

Take 20 percent of them as a number and then look at it and go, well, geez, if you’re a small business, that means that you could be losing 600. For new onboarding per employee, and if you’re a large business, that could be up to 3, 000. How important is retention to you really? Well, did you know that there’s actually a program out there that will actually help you retain employees and cost you literally nothing that’s net zero to you?

It exists because it’s part of the Affordable Care Act. And most people don’t even remember this. How many of you remember, show of hands, during the chat with the Affordable Care Act when Congress and the President were all banging discussions out back and forth in the news about a wellness program?

Does anyone remember that? I do. But so few people actually remember. Well, it’s actually part of the law. And what that law says is that you could actually be part of a wellness program, which is like a bolt on to your insurance policy. So as long as you have an employee sponsored healthcare plan, You can bolt this thing on.

And the nice thing is it’s paid for via a tax benefit. So therefore, the employee, through a pre tax benefit, pays for the program. You get a lovely app. They can connect. You can talk to a doctor within 10 seconds. It’s all kinds of fun things, and we’re going to get to that here in a minute. But then the employer has a net zero cost.

As a matter of fact, because it’s a tax benefit and because it works that way, employers typically see between 300 and 500 savings. It’s 1, 000 per employee per year and employees. Believe it or not, even though they’re paying for this out of a tax benefit again, not out of their pocket. They see a benefit of around 100 to sometimes 140 per month.

Everybody wins. So if this is something that you’re highly interested in, if it’s something that you really want to learn more about, and you want to especially learn about that cool app that even has a little facial feature, we could tell you what you could look at it. With your phone and the doctor can literally tell you what your blood pressure is, which is amazing.

Then click the QR code on the screen. Boom. What do you think?

On the fly. On the fly. Pretty impressive. That was awesome. What’d you like about it, Willie? The education part really, really got me being a small business owner. So I’m like, well, okay. Everybody has problems with employees. How can I help retain them? How can I keep them healthy? So that’s what I liked about it.

Right, then energy that he brought with it as well. I was just going to say the energy is very good. And I felt like it kept you engaged. You know, you wanted to learn more because of the questions he asked the show of hands, you know, you wanted to keep listening. Like Candace, I think the asking the question and over zoom with a show of hands, you could see the people in the gallery that are raising their hands.

Thomas could present the dictionary and make it interesting.

I’ll start with the Encyclopedia Britannica. How about that? That’s dating you. Yeah. No, it’s fantastic, right? Everybody can see that Thomas is world class at presenting. What did he do? He got the everyone engaged, right? He also kept saying, and what I’m about to show you, stay tuned for, right? And he you could tell that he was actually there providing something valuable, and in less than five minutes, he did a great job of telling you about something you didn’t know about, you didn’t realize how big of a problem it was, and gave something beneficial, right?

If we actually led with an education instead of just all Always pitching something you build a lot more rapport, right? It was wonderfully done. Now here’s the full disclosure gang. I’m very familiar with the ultimate sales machine. I saw Chet Holmes in person. I saw him live. I’ve gotten the coaching.

I’ve been a part of this group for a very long time. And I’m very, very familiar with. With the product, and if you pay attention to the product and you really soak in what you’re getting from this, yeah, you just, you can just turn it on and you can go. Because like I said, literally, if you heard me typing, because I realized and I apologize if you heard me typing, I didn’t have mute.

I literally just created this thing between the point that Amanda said, all right, who wants to do this and that, and I came up with that and was able to present just like that. Masterful. Thomas, it’s great. I love it. With three minutes left, Craig, you don’t get to go. Sorry. Saved by the bell. Saved by Tommy again.

He didn’t want to go anyways, I was just pushing him. So, I want to hear from everybody, what was your biggest takeaway from today and seeing, and giving the feedback of presenting. What did you learn? Capture the attention with a slide or with a statement that sets you apart and stands out so that you capture the attention and then you validate it with data, right?

And then you bring them to the conclusion of why your product or service is the right choice. I think it relates back to the proverbial everything I needed to know. I learned in kindergarten because we complicate life too often. We already know a lot of these things and, you know, the problem agitate solution or however you want to look at it.

We can call it anything you want. It just rings. So true. You’ll know a lot of these things. You just have to implement it and integrate that and encapsulate the educational based marketing component. And it really is not all that complicated, but it’s an art. It’s not a science. It’s an art practice. Yeah.

discrediting, uh, the experts here. That’s for certainly sure. That’s why we need it, but you’re absolutely right. Tim practice. You know, the nice thing about what you have in front of you right now is called zoom and you could literally do your own zoom and record yourself presenting to yourself. And you could see if you are boring yourself, you can improve yourself.

If you’re too flashy, you can see it and tone it down. Yeah. I would highly recommend that. My biggest takeaway was actually seeing how much Tim’s presentation added so much to it. That visual. Because I’m a stickler for PowerPoint. I’m obsessive about PowerPoint. And people fight you. They don’t want to do PowerPoint.

Sales reps don’t want to do PowerPoint. And yet, as soon as he pulled up that PowerPoint, we all went, wow. It’s great. Alright everybody, again, this week to next week, reading chapter nine, we’re back to the Dream 100, and hey, any of you, if you can reach out to a Dream 100 so we have a good celebration to do next week around Dream 100, do you have another appointment, have you sent out another piece of material?

With that, we bow out of our dojo, such a pleasure, I loved seeing you all today. Great work. Make sure to get your copy or copies at theultimatesalesmachine. com. There’s a lot of special bonuses that you can’t get going to Amazon, so make sure you check it out at theultimatesalesmachine. com.

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