Case Study: How Fear Almost Lost the Deal

by | Jul 26, 2024 | Blog, Business Guidance

Have you ever chickened out in front of a dream prospect?

I have a confession to make.

At the Biohacking Conference, I completely froze when it came to asking Dave Asprey for his number.

This is particularly embarrassing considering I teach this allll the time.

In fact, I get phone numbers consistently with ease using that signature selfie technique, and yet when it came to one of my most important possible partnerships, I failed.

I was so upset, I went back to my room in defeat.

Luckily, Troy Aberle managed to save the day and got his number which turned into a successful partnership with the Dave Asprey Group for the Business of Biohacking Summit.

Get the behind the scenes details in this week’s episode of The CEO Mastery Show.

Nobody has a perfect score of at bats, we strike out often. But the name of the game is getting back up to the plate.
If you’ve ever wondered how to double your sales by forging genuine connections, you need to listen to this episode.

P.S. Don’t miss your chance to secure a spot at the Business of Biohacking Summit. Visit to apply to this invite-only exclusive.


Continued Learning: A $10-M Failure Turned Into a $100M+ Success


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Amanda Holmes: So, multiple different decision makers trying to get to him, it was difficult. We showed up at the event and I will put my hand up and say, I love the signature selfie concept because 80 percent of leads are never followed up on from events. So if you just say, Hey, let’s do something fun, take a selfie with them and then say, what’s your number?

I’ll text it to you. It’s the simplest way to get someone’s phone number and it doesn’t cost you a dime to do it, and it’s a great way to follow up. I teach this from the stage, however, when the moment came down where I was standing in front of Dave, I totally chickened out. And I was Bronk,

Troy Aberle: bronk, bronk, bronk,

Amanda Holmes: bronk.

Honestly, I chickened out and I walked away. I even went back to my room because I was like, wow, I really failed here. And then I remember Then you came and I had come back a little bit annoyed and you were like, I got his number.

Here is your daily dose of the ultimate sales machine coming to you from the new edition. Visit ultimate sales machine dot com to get your copy or multiple copies. I am your host, Amanda Holmes, CEO of Chet Holmes International. What you’re about to learn has assisted a quarter of a million businesses to generate billions of dollars working faster, better, faster. Smarter.

Welcome everybody to the CEO mastery show today. I have a guest, Troy Aberle, executive strategy officer here at CHI. And normally he’s asking the questions, but I’m going to drill him with questions because we have celebrated this wonderful partnership. With Dave Asprey group and the launch of the business of biohacking summit and people Online are just going crazy about it when we were at biohacking conference to a month ago Everybody just said we don’t understand This is taking people a decade to be able to be his partner and only a select few have How did you be able to do that in under six months?

It’s just crazy So, I’ve talked a little bit about it, and I just want to dive deep, because really, Troy, you were the hands on deck that was communicating with him, and we can also share why you were communicating with him, and I was not direct, because of my mess up, right? So there’s mess ups along the way, and there’s that pig headed discipline and determination, so as everyone hears this, I want you to envision who is that one person that could completely change your world.

How are you focusing to give them an experience unlike any other where you’re just straight pitch, pitch, pitch, pitch, pitch, but instead it’s about building a relationship that can last decades. So, with that said, Troy, you were really the one actually that identified that he was a dream one. You were the one that said, Oh, he’s the CEO and he owns so many of these businesses.

We should really focus on him. Right?

[00:02:56] Troy Aberle: Well, cause we started mapping out. We should just go back just a couple of seconds more before, because we had identified that we both have a tremendous passion around people getting healthier and living longer and living better while they’re living longer. And so we had identified that there was an opportunity to go to this event called the biohacking conference.

And we really didn’t know a lot about it, but interestingly enough, we signed up for it because of one of our clients was already going to be in it, introduced us to it, a stem self company. And what was interesting about it was then we got invited to another event ahead of time, so we don’t know anything about this Dave Asprey guy, other than as we’re charting out, we’re taking a look at all the opportunities we could have by going to this conference.

And we noticed that out of all the sponsors and all the vendors that are going to be at this place, because we do a lot of research with our dream 100 process, Dave Asprey’s name is on like 20 of these companies as being the guy, but as we’re reaching out, using our process, I’m realizing that, yeah, this Dave guy is really hard to get ahold of.

And you can’t find them, but he seems to have so much influence.

[00:04:00] Amanda Holmes: How was he hard to get ahold of in comparison?

[00:04:03] Troy Aberle: Well, because you can phone people in his company. You can try to reach out, you can text, you can do all those things if you have the numbers. But as I’m reaching out to people, they’re like, yeah, good luck on getting all the Dave.

That guy is a really, really busy guy. But out of all the other people like Dr. Porter at Braintap or the many other people that are doing so many wonderful products, you can make them, but you cannot get this Dave guy.

[00:04:28] Amanda Holmes: What are some of the people that you reached out to around Dave? Cause I think that’s a really big skill as well.

When you know that there’s the one that you want to get a hold of, how do you be in their circle of influence? Cause you reached out and you’ve got a hold of a couple of them.

[00:04:41] Troy Aberle: Yeah, people said, you know, we can help set up, we can get you in touch with his PR person, the media relations, set up something, but, you know, at the time, Amanda, I think we were 17 days from the conference when we decided we were going, and then we were going to do this whole Big Dream 100 plan.

It was tough, right? He was already quite busy.

[00:05:00] Amanda Holmes: Okay, okay. So, multiple different decision makers trying to get to him, it was difficult. We showed up at the event. And I will put my hand up and say, I love the signature selfie concept, because 80 percent of leads are never followed up on from events, so if you just say, Hey, let’s do something fun, take a selfie with them, and then say, What’s your number?

I’ll text it to you. It’s the simplest way to get someone’s phone number, and it doesn’t cost you a dime to do it, and it’s a great way to follow up. I teach this from the stage. However, when the moment came down where I was standing in front of Dave, I totally chickened out. And I was Brock,

[00:05:39] Troy Aberle: Brock, Brock, Brock,

[00:05:41] Amanda Holmes: Brock.

Ha ha ha ha. Honestly, I chickened out and I walked away. I even went back to my room because I was like, wow, I really failed here. And then I remember, then you came and I had come back a little bit annoyed and you were like, I got his number. I

[00:05:58] Troy Aberle: Yeah, you were really shocked. So to add to that, what it was, was we were at a private meeting with him and to let everyone know, and it was such a no brainer, but at the time everything was busy.

I grabbed a copy of his book and said, Dave, can you sign this book for me? And he said, of course. Really nice gentleman. And I said, Dave, you’re a fellow Canadian. I’d love to be able to text you this picture so we can remember this moment. And he’s like, sure, here’s my number texted to him. And I jokingly said, Hey, you know, you sure talk a lot about sushi.

I have no idea how to eat it. One day, can I call you and you teach me how? And he’s like, sure. Next time you’re in Austin. Now that’s an off the cuff comment for so many people to, you know, let you down. Nicely. But

[00:06:43] Amanda Holmes: I didn’t realize that you had done that.

[00:06:45] Troy Aberle: Yeah. And so then you and I are in Austin for another type of promotion that we were doing, we were doing a keynote.

And what was interesting was, is if you remember, Hey, let’s get all the Dave.

[00:06:57] Amanda Holmes: Yeah.

[00:06:58] Troy Aberle: So, Hey Dave, remember that offer you made for, you know, being able to, could we meet up and could we go for dinner and learn how to eat sushi? Right. And so we were able to put that together and Dave had a friend there and had the opportunity then to get together and.

Just talk, get to know each other.

[00:07:15] Amanda Holmes: Lots of, right, it was supposed to be like an hour dinner and it turned into a four hour escapade. I think the

[00:07:20] Troy Aberle: key point, you know, that I’m proud of us on is the fact that the lady, the rear with said, you know, the cool part about what you guys did is you built rapport.

You didn’t talk about business. You didn’t do anything. You got to know each other for just really being real people again. Not always about the pitch and what it is. So, you know, I think that’s What was so cool about that event or that evening was we literally got to know each other. We got to pick on Amanda for several hours, watch Dave pick on Amanda because she’s vegetarian.

Dave used to be, and he really made sure she understood that he didn’t approve of it anymore. So it was good. It was good. We had a lot of fun and then we got started talking about biohacking and different things and showing a lot of interest in each other. Then we went to Dave’s home and got to be a part of this whole shopping mall experience of every possible humanly thing in the world.

And put, I had electrodes on my arms and. My body was doing some things that I didn’t know it could do and, you know, really got to see into a whole nother world of who truly a Dave Asprey is and then start talking about things that are seeing how it’s a challenge to get some of these technologies and methodologies and theories and all that.

How it’s missing from the world. And we got to know each other and Amanda, you know said during this conversation though, too, by the way, is you need a business mastery type style event, something that your father was so perfect at helping design. And Dave, you know, grabbed his attention and said, yes.

When that’d be awesome, that’d be so cool. And so we didn’t talk much, but Dave then said, you know, in a few days, someone’s going to call you. And we were then introduced to some of his wonderful team and, you know, the rest has become a magical masterpiece of really being able to build out what it is that we do so well, align that with him and other colleagues of his and ours, mutual colleagues, and be able to take all of this marketing experience and all of this training and the things that we do for so many other industries, but actually apply it to medical, something that.

Not only North American needs, but the entire world is becoming more educated and having the right buying criteria so that people can live healthier, longer.

[00:09:28] Amanda Holmes: You know, I think it’s an interesting concept. So I came from the music industry and there was always the saying that you just had to be in the right place at the right time.

And that’s when you got your break. So my professors used to say, just make sure you’re at the right place over and over and over again until it becomes the right time. And I think that the Dream 100 and this example is a great example of showing first, you have to know who that dream prospect is. And very often it’s so much bigger than what your own mind thinks.

Like we could have broken into the biohacking industry, but going after one, after another, after another. And Continuing to reach out to every biohacking company, or we could go to the one that everyone else influences, in that respect, so that the domino effect happens. And so first is identifying who that person is, and then how do you become in their face, in their place, in their space.

So we showed up in his mailbox, in his email, on his social, when we were there in person, to all of his staff, right? Just circling the dragon so that everywhere it seems that we were everywhere and and so there’s a part of it That’s like wow. Well, that was luck truly It was identifying and then being everywhere every time until that moment arose And, and I think there’s something to be said about planning, there’s so much that you can plan, and then there’s so much that you just have to have the pig headed discipline and determination to continue.

Because there was even a time after the biohacking conference where we thought nothing would happen with him, right? It had gone completely cold. And the majority of people would just give up after that, and you reached out yet again, and he said yes, and it just takes Well, about that Yes.

[00:11:15] Troy Aberle: And I think if you actually look at what some of the, when you become passionate about what it is that you want as an outcome.

So we said we wanted to have a major play in this biohacking space and longevity medicine. But if you take a look at most of the people that show up and claim, they’re not sure how we got in there. They just simply show up and they’re spending tens of thousands of dollars to hopefully get around this person or around whoever that might be.

They spend tens of thousands, but they don’t really have the message really dialed in and they don’t really understand the person’s needs. That person has a lot. So we knew by researching the biohacking industry, the ratio of companies succeeding is less than 18%. We had found out, we’d found out how hard it is for companies to thrive through fundraising, to try and grow, getting patents, all of that.

And then they show up to these shows. They’re in a negative situation already, but financially, and they can’t get that message out. And their price point has to be so high that they’re, Tightening up such a niche market, if you will, to just a very high net worth people. And that’s typically what’s been going on in this industry.

So when you say to Dave, if we can increase. The people that you work with or influence or the companies that you own and we can do that part. And here’s what we know scientifically is actually stopping that from happening. Now he’s paying attention because we’ve actually studied it. That’s what’s building rapport.

And as your father would say, Amanda, Chad would say you have to build rapport, spend more time doing that. Everyone else is trying to close. They’re spending tens of thousands. We spent a lot less. Bill rapport with this man, it spent a couple hundred dollars on dinner and teaching him what we knew what was going on that bill report a show that we found his needs and then we can add value and create desire and that sales process then was perfectly executed.

But if you only show up and you have no intention to really date the customers, as we call it, or, you know, really become passionate about what’s going on in their emotions. You’ll never get there. So you have to show up with the right goal. You have to know exactly who they are, what keeps them up at night, what makes them thrive and what’s their goals.

And then be able to educate them that you are the smartest person in the room that they need to stop and pay attention to.

[00:13:25] Amanda Holmes: I think also everything that you’re saying, what’s resonating with me too, is. You can say the words, be genuine, you know? And what’s that saying, like, The rich don’t claim that they’re rich.

The humble don’t claim that they’re humble. You know that saying where the people that lie always claim that there’s so many liars out there. So, it’s hard to say you should come at this in a genuine, honest way. It’s not a business strategy, it’s a way of life and being. Yes. That, that today, because there’s so much plastic and so much fake and so much on the internet, like, when I think about our conversation at dinner, like, We talked about me in my monk years.

And so he talked about like studying with Tibetan monks. And then at one point I was chanting in Sanskrit. Like it was not a normal meeting.

[00:14:18] Troy Aberle: No, but it was real,

[00:14:21] Amanda Holmes: but it was. Honest and real. And I think there’s something to be said about that. And I think it challenges the confines of what is a corporate experience or what you should or shouldn’t do.

I see it a lot with even just branding people that are your prospects on social media. How much people refuse to friend a prospect that has a Facebook page. They’re like, well, that’s my personal life. It’s like, isn’t that what great superstar sales people do is they become genuine friends. That’s what my father did.

He became genuine friends with all of his clientele so that it was a bond where they never left. At biohacking conference, I saw one of my father’s clients, David Dean. And we were talking about the book and how much he references it all the time because it changed his life when he worked with my father.

I gave him a copy of Ultimate Sales Machine and he literally started to cry and I started crying. Because we could just tell how much that had meant to him in his life and the bond that my father had with David. And then we created that by osmosis. Like it’s not your typical environment. You have to challenge the status quo to go beyond it and genuinely care about people.

I think that that’s a critical part.

[00:15:41] Troy Aberle: I love what you said. You know, I think of guys like Tim Yerrick and he won’t mind me sharing his name. He’s a client from the financial world. And it’s interesting because he always says a re over deliver. He’s like, you know, 10, a hundred times more than I ever would have dreamt.

But I don’t think we’re over delivering. I think that we’re creating such a masterpiece of a relationship and an experience for him because we’re truly treating him like a person again. And I think the world has gotten so good at moving away from that with technology. It was so easy to try and get your numbers up, right?

So any of you that are listening, you can get your numbers up by being all over the place and spending 30, 100 grand on Facebook ads. But isn’t it crazy when you actually take time to get, treat someone like a human again, how different it is. And we even took it to the next level with the pandemic. We weren’t allowed to shake hands, hug.

We had to wear masks. We had to be socially distanced. So we’ve done everything to break down rapport and beat it into the ground. But what if you brought that back together, treated people like humans again, and realize how much more potential these people have to introduce you to so many other people.

And now Tim is somebody who is such an advocate now of what we do. Yeah.

[00:16:45] Amanda Holmes: Yeah.

[00:16:46] Troy Aberle: That, you know, people fall in love with us because of the way that they’ve seen experiences from Tim and that same thing with David will happen. And the thing is now the way David treated us. Other people that are looking for upgrade labs or, you know, the different products that he’s using for his business, we will always be someone who will be an advocate for him because of the way he’s made us feel important as well.

And so when you do that, you just changes the frequency of, of you, not only the, what you, how it works for your business, but look at how much fun it is for you and I together to work on this, because it’s just a great frequency. That’s different than a lot of relationships today.

[00:17:27] Amanda Holmes: I think also it’s, like, when we do the Dream 100 workshop, like, what are the checklists that you need to have a dream client?

What determines a dream client? And sometimes we have to debate on what are the criteria, and one of them that we put in there as, like, a template is that you have fun with them. Like, I think about our conversations with the Dave Asprey group, like, his team, and we have so much fun. And, like, For instance, when we were testing the application process.

So if you go to businessofbiohacking. com, you can apply to join us at the summit in September and in Austin, Texas, which will be absolutely wonderful. When we were testing that process, I put my name and information in, and I said that my title was I was the CEO of the Rebecca fan club because I knew that she would be meeting with the responses and she ended up texting me back at like midnight when she was going through them and she’s like, I actually laughed out loud.

Thanks. That was really funny. And I’ve continued to say, as president or CEO of your fan club, I feel that I should insert this in. You have to have one.

[00:18:36] Troy Aberle: You have to have one.

[00:18:37] Amanda Holmes: Yeah, and then someone else, like, had left a conversation and started talking to me. Just so happened after they had talked to her and she came back and said, how dare you go and talk to Amanda?

You know that she’s the president of my fan club, you know, just keep those jokes. One of the people you want to work with where you have fun and you’re engaging and it’s easy and effortless to be yourself, right? That’s what we want to look for.

[00:19:04] Troy Aberle: Yeah. It’s not that you messed up by your signature selfie, but by you teaching other people how to be human with each other.

The odds of your community getting bigger are better because of it. So next time you’re having a staff meeting with your team or, or people come up with strategies that can work. And for some people that might not work on certain days and on other days, it works great. And that’s, what’s going to really be make you an ultimate sales machine.

And that’s, what’s going to really hone in on your dream. 100 clients is you’ll start to notice that. All of these amazing people that are all following the same patterns and, and chemistry are going to be a part of your group. And that’s, what’s magical. And that’s, what’s magical for us. I’m super excited for what it is we’ve created because now we’re being trusted for who we really are.

And in an industry that didn’t know us two years ago, or even a year ago, now is looking at us as truly the authority that we are, but they just didn’t know that, and they found out much quicker because of the methodology that we use.

[00:20:04] Amanda Holmes: So great. So for anyone in health or longevity, or if you’re even thinking, maybe I want to be an investor in that industry, because I also believe that our Healthcare system could use a little bit of help.

You’re welcome to apply at businessofbiohacking. com. That’s businessofbiohacking. com. We are only accepting a small group of wonderful humans. And part of that process we’ll be teaching. How do you deploy the fastest, least expensive way to double sales at Tree 100 and Methodology? Who can you meet into the room that will give you that one connection that could completely change your course and trajectory?

What if you got on the mic in front of all of these people and pitched your company and we tweaked your pitch so that it could be even better so that the next five times that you pitch it, you get that sale or you get that investment. It’s going to be very workshop oriented.

[00:20:55] Troy Aberle: It’s going to be really cool because there’s Amanda and myself could be there.

Dave Asprey himself will be there as well, that you’re going to learn how to pitch in front of. Joe Polish, I believe, and J. J. Virgin. There’s some really amazing, amazing friends of Dave’s and ours that are, I’m so delighted that are going to be there to help people really make a difference. It’ll be exciting.

[00:21:15] Amanda Holmes: Any last thoughts that you feel people need to know about Dream 100, prospecting, following up, living a fulfilled life? We’ve covered all these topics. Any final. Bots of wisdom from Freud to said people,

[00:21:31] Troy Aberle: I think because we deal so much with our simple framework today, as you’re reading this, take a look at the revenue goal.

You want to achieve. Take a look at just what you’ve been doing over the past couple months of what’s been preventing you from getting there and what’s been attracting you to that goal. Are you truly dealing with the right client? Do you know who that client should be? Because we help you with that. And what are you saying to that dream client?

Is it a way that attracts them and educates them differently than all of your competitors? And are you using a touch point system that really keeps consistency? You know, crazy enough, most of these trade shows or conferences, Amanda and I go to, it’s less than 9 percent of people that are actually even following up and when they do, it’s really, really terrible.

So think about that four pieces. What’s your goal? Who’s your dream client? What are you saying to grab their attention and educate them? And what’s the system and process you’re using? And if you can’t score good on that, I think you should definitely reconsider and recalibrate with our team.

[00:22:31] Amanda Holmes: Love it.

Thank you, Troy. I am sure everybody’s Oh, thank you. Hearing the, the behind the scenes .

[00:22:38] Troy Aberle: You bet. Sounds good. Thank you, Amanda.

[00:22:40] Amanda Holmes: Until next week, make sure to get your copy or copies at the ultimate sales There’s a lot of special bonuses that you can’t get going to Amazon, so make sure you check it out at Ultimate Sales Machine.

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