Coffee is for Closers
Top leads go to top closers. The others have to earn their stripes. Sharpening their chops on whatever comes their way. No business can afford risking great leads on average or below average salespeople. Definition of a lead At the most basic level, a lead is a...
What characteristics create a successful business executive?
What kind of executive do you want to be? What are your morals, and how hard are you willing to fight for them? Having the honor and challenge of walking into my father’s company over the last year, it’s been like getting to know the businessman behind the father. I...
The 10 Best New Year’s Resolutions to Optimize Your Business
2013 is almost gone, and 2014 is upon us… Hard to believe, but there’s no denying it. It’s time to consider what kind of year you are going to make for yourself and your business. It’s time to RESOLVE. I enjoy Decembers, as they represent opportunities to reflect,...
10 Tremendous Tips to Stand Out on Small Business Saturday
Small Business Saturday is coming up on November 30th and as an SMB owner, you will want a strategy in place now to stand out from the crowd. At independent, locally owned businesses 52% of what is spent stays right in that community. So share this fact with patrons...