Be a Rolling Stone: 6 Ways to Clear the Way for Action
Imagine a 30-something corporate middle manager from New Jersey. Neatly dressed with one hand on her hip, she sounded a little like Fran Drescher from the Nanny. Standing around 5 foot tall, she was tiny and she was forceful. This is my friend and colleague, Tara,...
Stop Hand-Holding Your Staff
How much could you grow your business if you weren’t busy hand-holding your employees? Don’t miss the FREE bonus at the bottom of this post! __________________________________________ If you have employees, you already know that one of the most costly,...
The Top 3 Most Costly Sales Mistakes
As a consultant who has worked with over 60 companies in the last 6 years (and run businesses for 15 years prior to that), spotting (and ultimately fixing) the holes in sales organizations is a predictable process. Business is all about patterns. And when you have a...