Case Study: From $400k to $1M a month in sales growth! Yes, they achieved their first ever million dollar month! To grow to the next level, you must be willing to adopt a new skillset. For many companies you can strong arm your team to get to a million in sales with...
Are you inundated by constant notifications and interruptions? You could be hurting your bottom line. According to a University of California Irvine study, it takes nearly 25 minutes to refocus on the task at hand after your concentration has been broken; for modern... “Retailers are really going to have to get smarter about how they use technology because we’re in a retail apocalypse right now,” says Amanda Holmes, CEO of Chet...
Science has proven that when an individual laughs, it releases endorphins into the body causing a natural “feel-good” chemical to spread. To stand out amongst the daily noise of 40,000 commercial messages, 121 emails, and 300 million new facebook photos...
The Exact Cold Calling Script Used By a $1.5 Billion Company to Land Walmart as a Client In anticipation of our upcoming webinar 4 Step-By-Step Strategies To Win 42% More Business, we thought we’d share a sneak peek at one of the strategies...
Today marks the three-year anniversary of the passing of our founder, my father, Chet Holmes. I could have written a lengthy blog post in his honor for the occasion, but it occurred to me that in life my father was never the longwinded type. Certainly there were...