INC 5000, Stevie Award CEO of the Year Shares Her Dream Buyer Strategy

by | Jul 22, 2021 | Blog

We want to hear your best Dream Buyer Strategy Stories. Submit your story, your strategy or something else where you used the Dream strategy to acheive your goal!

Contest ends 8/7/2021

About Carolin Soldo – reached her goal to become a millionaire by age 36, and since then has devoted her entire venture to help other business owners take their business to scale.

If you are business coach or visionary and want to take that business to the next level. We highly recommend Carolin’s teaching and trainings. 

Amanda: Welcome, everybody. Amanda Holmes here, CEO of Chet Holmes International and I have with me today, Carolin Soldo, one of the most recognized coaches for women business owners. She’s been named the female entrepreneur of the year by the Stevie Awards. She’s had her own Inc 5,000 ranked company in the global business.

She has cracked the code on Women Entrepreneurship. She’s also had numerous seven-figure businesses, including her coaching as well as manufacturing. 

Is there anything that I’m missing that you’re working on now? Cause I know you’ve shifted quite a bit so is there something I should mention?

Carolin: I have two babies.

Amanda: What are their names? I know you said 11 and 13, but what are their names?

Carolin: Well, Anthony and Matteo, those are my human babies, but I also have two business babies.

Amanda: And she’s a mom. Yeah. What are your business babies?

Carolin: So I’m working on Beyond Fulfilled, which is, you know, a high level of the personal development community. And it’s based on the book I’m writing and this long transformational journey I’ve been on myself.

And, you know, it’s sort of come out of me, really feeling like I need to share this with the world. And it’s really nothing to do with businesses.

It’s all about how to find real fulfillment in life, no matter where you are, what situation you’re in. That’s one.

And then the other one is a software company that my husband and I have started two years ago and the software has been in development. So we’re really, you know, product development rebuilding it.

And this year it’s just, now we’re ready to go into some testing and hopefully a launch later in the year.


Amanda: Yes! Well, you have to keep me updated on that. I can’t wait to see it.


Carolin: Definitely. Yup!


Amanda: Well, I wanted to start just a bit of background so people get an understanding because I always love the stories of people that come as immigrants and just try to find their way. This is amazing.

Can you share a little bit of where you came from and how that influenced you as an entrepreneur?


Carolin: Yeah, absolutely. That’s why to make it short. It’s a, it’s a long story, but essentially in 2001, I immigrated from Germany.

To leave a really troubling past, behind, and start a new life, but also to be with my husband for us. And, I came here with literally five, six hundred dollars in my pocket.

And I always like to tell the story of how I sold my car. I had a teeny tiny green car in Germany, and I had sold that car to get some money in the bank and come here.

And, that’s what we had. So we had minimum wage jobs for a while.

I was a telemarketer. I waitressed. Then we went, I went to school, he had a minimum wage job too. And we just always had this idea of, you know, we have a clean slate. This is a fresh start.

We are smart. And if we hustle, we can make it work. And yeah. So, we did, we went to school, I have an MBA. He became an engineer.

And then one day he said to me, let’s start a business. And of course, I said, you’re insane. We are not business owners. We know nothing about this.

He talked me into it and we got a lot of support from the Small Business Administration and from various, you know, government agencies, and we really felt like we were supported in that way. But still, it was a big jump for us.

And, you know, we figured things out along the way. And if I look at how I became an entrepreneur, it really all came down to my willingness to do it without knowing how this idea of, you know what, I’m confident because I can figure it out.

It’s not confidence based on knowing it already. It’s based on, you know, thinking that whatever comes my way, I can find a resource. I can somehow get it done. I can ask someone to buy something.

 And, yeah, his business is thriving. We launched it in 2006 and it’s doing extremely well today.

When his business took off, I went into corporate. Worked there for a couple of years, and obviously, that wasn’t my path, my destiny.

So I was done with that pretty quickly, especially when I had my boys. I believed and realized that I wanted to make my own decisions, right? Schedule my day, the way I wanted to be with them mostly.

But I always had that drive to what else is there for me?. What else can I do or where is my real potential that is a challenge?.

So I did a lot of things in the beginning. I had a Nanny Babysitting and Matchmaking Agency for a while. Then I did health coaching for a while and eventually, I made my way back into the business and helped people start their own businesses.

So my first really successful venture, if you want, was helping people exit, corporate, and actually become an entrepreneur, which is what I had done too.

And yeah, from there, we, you know, we find, rebranded, grew and you know, it’s so interesting as business owners, we go through so many different seasons, right?

Things we want and you know, how we want to help and add value to the world. And yeah, here we are today.


Amanda: So I love that. I was getting that same thing as you said, you know because we’ve had a lot of business owners just in our most current program that has completely started from scratch.

I mean, I had one client that had a business for 120 years and it had to shut down during COVID and he’s starting afresh, all over again.

So hearing your story, the biggest takeaway I got from that, as you’re saying it is, it’s okay to change, right? It’s okay to adapt. It’s okay. Even if you’ve done it forever, it’s okay to make something new and fresh.


Carolin: Absolutely. And that’s really tough. I can’t imagine 120 years that’s, I mean, family history. It’s enormous.

So I really feel, I feel for these people. But at the same time, when you look at, you know, normal people, which we shouldn’t even call it normal, but people that are, that have a job. Right?

How long, how long do people have a job these days? Two years. Three years, maybe? Right.?


And then they change. They may feel like, You know what, I’ve done everything I can here. I’ve learned it all. I am, you know, maybe bored or maybe I’ll want more responsibilities that  want to climb the ladder.

So they would look for a new job.  Sometimes they change completely, you know what they do. 

So why wouldn’t it be normal for us business owners to do the same thing? To completely pivot our business, to shut one thing down and launch something new.

You know, it’s tough for us because we’ve put so much work into it and it can almost feel like, yeah, like a failure a little bit. I had some of that feeling when I closed on part of my business and I focused on a new market.

It’s like, you know, getting up because some people ask, Why are you closing this down? Why are you shifting?, and What’s going wrong for you?, or Are you not successful anymore? and all of that. So there’s a little bit of ego involved, but.

No, I think we should all give ourselves the freedom to do whatever we think is best for.


Amanda: I love it. I love it. So we were going to dive into that Best Buyer Strategy and I love what you were saying about choosing who would be on your list of those Top Hundred.

Cause that seems to be the recurring theme for all of our clients as they really have a hard time finding that first step. So when we have a coach, it’s much easier, but for you, what was that like when you had to choose, how did you determine them?


Carolin: Yeah, so I’m very strategic and I like steps and processes and that’s sort of how my brain works. So we sat down with the team and we picked five categories that can be applied to our different types of buyers.

And we said, let’s look at these five categories and see what comes out of it. So the first one was, of course, Profitability. Looking at which types of prospects and customers were the most profitable for us in terms of the programs they were buying and how long they were seeking around and in all of it. So, you know, obviously, the business has to make money as profitability.

Number two was what I call Ease of Delivery. And that to me, means how simple it is for us to actually service them.

And that could be a variety of different things, depending on the industry you’re in. For us, it was how much time is involved in coaching them, you know, servicing them.

How do we actually do it? Can we do it through zoom? Is it virtual? Do we need to be on-site or not? Do we need to create more stuff for them? Documents, view sources, and all of it.

So the simplicity of actually getting the service to them. The next one was the Ease of Sale. 

That is a really, really big one. Like how easy is it to actually sell them and get them in the door?

Does it require this huge, massive proposal? Is it a six-month decision-making process to even get them in? Or is it pretty quick for them to decide, you know, maybe even the same day if this is for them or not?

And then also Ease of Sale is how good of a match they are to the services that we have. I think that makes it simple too.

And then two more. Results. So we looked at the clients and we said, which ones are actually getting the best results?

Like, where are the testimonials? Where are the clients that we are like, celebrating, like, look at them, wow! That’s incredible what they’re doing. Right?

Cause you want more of those. And then the last one is Fun. If you have clients that are not fun for you.

So who are the people that we love hanging out with? You know, in our coaching calls. And we love having them at events and retreats and, you know, looking at these factors, it was pretty clear, you know, we had names on the wall and, you know, she’s won, he’s won and looking at them, they were all, obviously, you know, slightly different people, but they had so much in common.

Yeah, that’s what we did to figure out our dream client.

Amanda: Wow. How interesting. I love that. I love that because it’s also, you know, bigger isn’t always better, right?

We’ve talked about the Dream Buyer for so long where it’s like, what’s that one big client that completely changed your world? But it completely takes up all of your time, because they’re a hassle to work with, and that’s not a better buyer. Right?

I love that. Oh, and then you had also said you went online to find them and you went through your database to find them. I love that too!

Can you break that down for us?


Carolin: Yeah. So again, there are five sources and I don’t know why it’s all five. 

Of course, your list.So everybody, you know, should have some sort of database, you know, whether big or small, but our existing email lists, including clients and prospects and so all of that.

So we went through that and we picked out, we literally handpicked people that should be on our, you know, Dream Buyer List. So we went to our sales team and said, you know, Who are the hot prospects? Who are the people that you talk to that you really think should be working with us?

And then once we had exhausted that sort of, you know, hot list, we surveyed the list two times and we asked them, you know, What type of business do you have? How long have you had it? How much are you earning? How can we serve you better? What are you interested in?

So we were able to segment them more and then pull from those smaller segments and buckets to keep adding to the list. And we went on LinkedIn and researches=d.

So by industry, by keywords, and looked at people’s profiles, looked at again the business,  went to their website. We had a lot of help from our sales team.

That’s a manual process, but, you know, I told you before that it really what it comes down to the quality of the people on your list. So if you put all of that effort into it in the beginning, your results will be so much better, so much better. So it’s really worth it.

And then Google. Yeah. And I guess that we went on Google and we literally Googled people and there was a lot. We could have made it to be in the 500-list.

I mean, yeah. There are so many people out there. So who, if anybody says, I don’t know where my customers are and how to find them. I mean, seriously, there are all of these different ways to find them.

So we pulled from that. And then two more sources. Referrals, was the smallest source I would say, but still has some really, really good leads coming through.

So I reached out to some colleagues, partners, past and current clients and said, you know, Who fits this profile? Who would be someone that we should really be reaching out to nurturing and adding value?.

So we use them and then yeah, organizations. So there are so many industry organizations that you can become part of the host events, workshops, and you know, most of them you can access the member database and see who’s a member. 

And again, the research you know, of them and add them to your list. And with that, I think it took us a few weeks, 2, 3, 4 weeks, maybe to pull that together.

And then we had a pretty solid list. 


Amanda: Wow! I love that. That was the most detailed answer I have ever gotten from anybody.


Carolin: Wow. I need to shorten it.


Amanda: No, it’s magnificent. No wonder you run such a successful coaching company. You did so well at the numbers. 

Okay. So then what did, what did that Dream Buyer look like once you started reaching out to them?


Carolin: So we made a calendar and we followed your system, pretty precisely and then included emails, of course. It included phone calls, follow-up calls.

And then we also, for the first time ever really Amanda, created direct mail pieces.


Amanda: Okay.


Carolin: Yeah, we work with a local agency in Buffalo and they were super creative. If you use the angle of Spaghetti Marketing. The marketing and the pain point of not knowing how to market.

So we had a postcard that looked like a menu from an Italian place. And then it had spaghetti sauce all over it.

Another piece was an actual spaghetti box, a little like a paper spaghetti box. Some of the pieces were sort of crazy and you know, out-of-the-box, but we want to get people’s attention and we want it to be smart and clever. So we use that.

So with that, we created a sequence of, you know, outreach points. So email, phone call, direct mail, postcard, email again, and then we were able to execute it.

And it all led to what we called a Theater Event. And think of it as a workshop.

So in 2019, we had everything leading up to a two-hour workshop that was live. And, and then from there, we brought people to our bigger event later in the year, which was a Sweet Eight in New York City.

So the Dream Buyer Outreach was part of us really filling our bigger event, selling people along the way and servicing them along the way, but bringing them from there to a smaller workshop and then to a bigger three-day event and it worked really well.


Amanda: Hmm. And the two-hour workshop, was that complimentary, or did they have to pay for that?


Carolin: That was complimentary. We tested it both ways before, but yeah, offering that for free worked better for us in terms of show-up rate, and it makes a difference in terms of conversion.

So, yeah, the federal works of the idea we had used for three years in a row, and we tested it in different ways, segmenting it by, you know, more advanced business owners, beginners, back and forth with paid, not paid.

The year before we charged $97 for it. And the revenue from that really is a drip in the pocket. Right?

And it didn’t really make a difference. So we said, let’s just make it free. We’re inviting the right ones anyway. So we have a great list of people so let’s just, you know, make sure that they actually come and attend. That’s the number one goal.

And so we made it free.


Amanda: How did it go for your Sales Team? Did you build out the scripts? You said that you had followed our method.

I know that you were a client with us and all of that. So did the scripts look like for your sales staff?


Carolin: Yeah, so I don’t necessarily call them scripts, but messaging angles. So there was a good deal of training involved and getting the sales team familiar with the sequence of messages and the calendar.

They know when the prospect just got the, you know, the menu or they just got the spaghetti box, or we just emailed them about this message so that when they made the call, so when they reached back out, everything was aligned in that flow.


Amanda: Nice.


Carolin: We gave them keywords, pain points, you know, angles to play with, based on what was happening with the marketing and the messaging. Not necessarily a script because our team was already familiar with the prospect and they sort of knew the lingo, the business and what to say and how to support.

And I also believe in being authentic. And, sort of, you know, using your own style, some of our reps are really outgoing. Someone, not so much. Someone more dominant, some are more, you know, kind and shy, but everybody can sell in their own way. So, you know, we gave them those guideposts based on what the message was at that point in time and that worked really well.


Amanda: Hmm. Interesting. So were you training as you were going along? So this is, This piece let’s train on what to say., or did you train a little bit ahead of time? How did that training go as you were deploying?


Carolin: Yeah, so ahead of time, so really, you know, making sure that he knew what is the dream 100 and what are all these messages going on and why are we even doing it?

So definitely we brought them on board. We showed them the calendar. We showed them the boxes and the pieces and everything. So they knew everything that was going on.

But then, I meet with the team once a week and then we have slack and messaging throughout the week as well. So during our sales meetings, we talk about, this is what’s going on, you know, next week or the following week, make sure that you’re doing the outreach.

The, you know, the phone calls that are coming up for you. So yeah, obviously you’re in communication with your team all the time, but you have to just make sure that you are, you know, bringing it to them and reminding them that you’re executing it with them. You’re on their side.


Amanda: Right. I’m curious. It was just on top of my head because yesterday I was talking to this managed IT Services Company. They’re about six mil and they’ve been doing this for 30 years. Just pure cold calling.

Their whole business is just cold calling. So for somebody like that, which we have quite a lot of those actually that come in that are just a little bit more in the older school.

How did this process multi-pronged? Did you feel that this supported the cold callers where there’s, you know, direct mail and email, that multi-channel approach?


Carolin: Well, yes and no. The one problem we experienced was the people. And I don’t know how you can get around with that.

Some people would have said, you know, I don’t know what you’re talking about and I never got the piece,  and Oh, no, I’m disappointed because I didn’t get the box. you know.

So I guess that happens. Right? And so the feedback from the reps is about people aren’t getting my stuff and they don’t know what I’m talking about, but that didn’t happen that frequently.

So aside from that, I think having a fresh approach is very helpful for the sales team. Especially if you are cold calling and you’re always seeing the same thing. Right?

And, you know, if I was a salesperson, I wouldn’t do it in any way. I would figure out Okay. If I call this company, you know, six times this year, or more, I need to bring some first stuff.

What kind of thing? How can I be relevant? Let’s bring in what’s happening in the industry.

That’s actually adding value to my conversation. So having the Dream Buyer made the sales team feel like they were bringing new ideas. That they were adding more value. 

They were excited about their calls because they’re not just trying to sell, they actually have something of value to say and to give.

So, yeah, I think if someone’s using a complete cold call approach, they should have, and I’m sure they do. I have no idea, but I would, you know, look at their calendar anyway and say, this is how we’re going to frame the script from month to month to month to stay relevant and also keep the sales team excited and, you know, motivated and inspired too.


Amanda: So. I love that. And when you were doing the workshops, I’m just curious, were they live with a small group of people, or were you able to fill those rooms, and how often did those happen?


Carolin: Yeah, so we did them two days in a row and they were two hours each. So we had two hours, two hours. We had four sessions and we had the max capacity. We did that at the New York City Seminar and Conference Center.

I think the room had about 50 people and we had anywhere from 30 to 40 per session. So not in, not like a huge, you know, room but it felt big enough yet small and intimate enough for it to be really, you know, impactful.

And then one other thing I did, which I wouldn’t do again, but we did that. We brought people from the two-hour workshop into a two-day mini intensive. And I had 10 people in that room and that was fine. So people paid for that.

It wasn’t, it was more time-consuming than it was actually beneficial in the long term, so I wouldn’t do that again. But yeah, the two-hour workshop, you can repeat it once you have the messaging done, and you know what you want to say, and you have slides or whatever, it’s pretty easy to execute.


Amanda: I love that. I love, I mean, you just said something really important, right? That, it’s something I wouldn’t do again. So going through this process, are there any other things that you probably wouldn’t do again and that you would change?


Carolin: Hmm, I think I would probably invest less in the direct mail pieces. Because they, they were cute, but we also had some people say that they’re a bit wasteful.

So sending people, things in the mail, there was only one piece. It was a complete shocker. It was amazing, but that was above and beyond. So I’ll tell you about that in a second, but I think I would do less direct mail.

People get a lot of things in the mail and they go through it. And I sort of know all the magazines and the things in the letters to get. So the deliverability wasn’t as good as we would’ve wanted it to be. 

Okay. And maybe spend more time designing the digital pieces. So instead of just sending a blank, black and white email, although then that stuff sometimes goes in the spam, so you really can’t win, but you know, they all have their pluses and minuses.

So virtual. I think I would spend more time designing some custom email templates. You know, on putting more time into our landing pages and probably on spicing up the virtual or the digital pieces a bit more.

We did hire one company. So for the best top prospects, we built a box and imagine the box, like a jewelry box, it was big. It was a couple of inches high and round and it was turquoise and you could open it up and then there would be a screen and it would autoplay.

And I had made a video beautifully designed and its sound would go on and then you could lift up the bottom piece and we had some shelves in there. We had a candle in there. We had some shower gel and stuff.

It was like a beach, a travel theme. Our powerhouse program is based on retreats and before COVID, we would be traveling around the world with people and bringing them to amazing destinations.

So I was, you know, all about let’s travel and, you know, experience the world together, essentially. And people were truly wowed when they got this box.

I remember one guy, he sent me this email and he’s like, Carolin, my little daughter adores your box. He had this, this little five-year-old girl and she took his box and she took the stuff out.

And then she put her little jewelry in there and her little doll and it was so cute. She had it in her room. She loved it.

So, yeah, anyway, so we went above and beyond with that piece, but maybe a few, you know, better-designed digital pieces. And then just one or two big splashes.


Amanda: Did your sales team do any kind of social touches along with that? Like maybe even the ones that went on LinkedIn?


Carolin: LinkedIn? Yes. So LinkedIn messaging, absolutely. Through the sales navigator, we did a lot of LinkedIn outreach and invitations.

Actually through LinkedIn, I think that was our first touch to them, especially the ones where we didn’t necessarily know about their email address and how to reach them. But LinkedIn was the only piece we used.

I’m not big on messaging on Facebook and I’m also not big on DM-ing on Insta. Instagram is maybe something that’s an opportunity for us. Maybe not looking as much as I associate with them. Facebook, I find a bit, I don’t know, I’m just, don’t really dig the Facebook messaging approach.

It’s a bit spammy to me. It’s, you know, if someone messages me on Facebook, I usually like to stay away.

But LinkedIn is more, it’s a business platform and you’re getting messages on LinkedIn and that sort of, you know, what happens there. But you’re right, that’s something we could add to it and that might, you know, bring in even more people.


Amanda: So that messaging was mostly talking about the…can you give me an example because I think the majority of businesses go out there and say, Hey, I’m a coaching business. I think that’s what you need, let’s have a conversation. And knowing that you educate and how well you educate, I’m kind of curious how that messaging is a little bit different.


Carolin: Yeah. I think of my messaging in three different ways. I want us, you know, telling people how to do it. Giving them strategies, solving their problems.

So a lot of the messaging was about fixing their biggest business issues and challenges and using that, and another one was really about the idea of, you know, motivation and hope. What they can have, you know, how to get the inspiration back, how to be motivated with a sort looking at their potential especially when, when they’re stuck in a business.

And then the last one is about what I really believe in. So I like to talk a lot about what I stand for, which is ease and fulfillment. 

So a lot of our messaging was around how to build in a lot more happiness, how to get your time back, how to build your business with the idea of, you know, making it simple, how to achieve simplified growth, to work smarter not harder, to save time, feeling fulfilled, and this idea that at a certain point, many business owners would say, I feel burnt out. My passion is sort of going away. I have to like, give myself this pep talk every single day, talk myself back into it.,  and it doesn’t have to be this way.

Now, I’ve been there many times before, but I also know how to get out of it. So there’s sort of, you know, talking from a place of your conviction and what you stand for.

And, yeah, so you need to put yourself in the shoes of your customer and see what the challenges are, how can you give them that hope, that spark, that, you know, pump them up, that, you know, power, and then let them know what you stand for and why they should be buying from you versus someone else.

And, you know, if someone says, Hey, I don’t believe this whole ease thing or I’m the hustle brand., that’s fine too. But then at least people know why, you know, why they go to you versus someone else.


Amanda: Right. Oh, I love that. And then the call to action was usually just let’s have a conversation, right? In the messaging, you weren’t saying, Hey, I have a two-hour live workshop. Let’s talk about it.

Carolin: Half and half. So I would have to look back at the calendar, but we had a lot of the pieces as an invitation to sign up for the workshop, yes. But we also had built-in, some of them, especially when the sales team was making the call, they would say, Hey, jump on a call by the way..

Because then on a sales call, they could be offering the workshop, or they could be selling immediately. Right? Or they could also offer the three-day event. It was happening later in the year. So there was a good combination.

Most of it was a call. I would say probably 70, 75% was, you know, a hop on a call right now. And the rest was based on coming to the two-hour workshop.


Amanda: Mm, I love that. And you do so much education, it was such a great job of that, right? Your online presence is wonderful. Did you ever use any of that content to send to prospects? Like, See this video that I just did or this blog..


Carolin: A hundred percent. So actually when we built the Messaging Calendar, the first thing we did is looked at YouTube and said, Hey, what video does Carolin already made that we can leverage again., even the old ones, you know, so that, you know, we can be able to minimize the content creation, you know, reproducing stuff.

So, yeah, you can look at your existing database of videos or emails or, you know, things that created so that you don’t have to make as much as new stuff and then plug that in and then see, okay, where are the gaps, what new videos need to be created, what new emails need to be written and then create a nice list of, you know, to do’s and start building.


Amanda: I love that. And everyone should follow Carolin on YouTube as well because she does such wonderful work there. Is it okay to send people to YouTube? Because you’re in this transition, where do you want people to go?


Carolin: YouTube? Absolutely. No matter what it is about whether I talk about fulfillment and beyond fulfilled or, you know, the different programs that we do nowadays, YouTube is great.

I talk about mindset. I have interviews with cool people there. Yeah. It’s, it will be able to redirect you there.

You can check out our channel and yeah, go have fun.


Amanda: Wonderful. And, can you give one last piece of advice on people that are trying to live a more fulfilled life in their business, and, you know beyond.

Since that’s something that you’re focused on these days, I’m very curious.


Carolin: Oh, there’s so much! One piece. You need to be clear on what the mission is, of your life, and more simply what the primary question is. And whether the primary question brings you joy or not.

For a very, very long time, the primary question that I was asking myself on a daily basis was how can I make more money? And that had given us so much fire and motivation from day one, from 500 bucks, selling a little green car to eventually, you know, making the money.

So there was always about, how can we make more money thinking this is how we can afford a lifestyle, have kids and do the things, but it eventually led me to feel really really burdened and making the money and then thinking, okay, how much more money do I need?

Do I even need more money? Why all this money? Right?

So my primary question these days is how can I feel more loved? Because through my personal work, I figured out that what I really wanted, you know, all along was to mean more, to feel more worthiness, to love myself more. So it’s this, it’s been a big path for me.

And when I make that my goal, every single day, everything becomes so much easier because I’m looking for love and peace and not for how can I make more money?

And simply by shifting that, regardless of how much you actually need to do, you’ll experience more ease.

Amanda: Wow. What a beautiful ending to such a wonderful interview. Thank you so much for taking this time. It was really fascinating to figure out how you deployed your Best Buyer Strategy.

 And that was, it sounds like that went pretty well for you. Do you know what the result was of that?


Carolin: So we generated just about 800,000 at the event in New York City. And I can tell you that Dream Buyer was a huge piece of filling the event. So if you want to tie that together, there is a number for you.


Amanda: Thank you. That’s perfect! It’s worth the time and effort. What is the bottom line?


Carolin: The bottom line is that Dream Buyer is a way of honoring people that are really meaningful to you, that you know you want to work with. And, you know, instead of mass marketing and potentially having people in a room or at an event that are not qualified for your services, you know, this is really worth your time.

 And it works extremely well. So yeah, I highly recommend it to anybody, you know, especially in a B2B type of setting.

Amanda: Thank you, Carolin.


Carolin: Thank you, Amanda.



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