Learning Hub
Bad Behavior in Your Company Stops Here
Written by Chet Holmes, Business Application by Amanda Holmes By some sort of miracle I found this article my father, Chet Holmes, wrote about “How to Raise Near Perfect Children.” I’d never read it before, and being one of his children it was truly delightful to find...
The Top 10 ‘Chetology’ Persuasive Sayings
If you knew Chet Holmes, read his New York Times best-selling book, ever attended one of his seminars or were lucky enough to experience a live coaching call—you know he was a straight shooter. Chet was direct, passionate and above all pig-headed in his beliefs. He...
Be a Rolling Stone: 6 Ways to Clear the Way for Action
Imagine a 30-something corporate middle manager from New Jersey. Neatly dressed with one hand on her hip, she sounded a little like Fran Drescher from the Nanny. Standing around 5 foot tall, she was tiny and she was forceful. This is my friend and colleague, Tara,...
9 Killer Ways to Break Ahead of the Competition
Figuring out how to deliver true differentiation and VALUE in the marketplace starts with being known as the educator. In essence, acting as a “consultant,” who educates the marketplace on what they didn’t know, that they should know, about how current trends are...
Stop Hand-Holding Your Staff
How much could you grow your business if you weren't busy hand-holding your employees? Don't miss the FREE bonus at the bottom of this post! __________________________________________ If you have employees, you already know that one of the most costly, time-consuming...
The Top 3 Most Costly Sales Mistakes
As a consultant who has worked with over 60 companies in the last 6 years (and run businesses for 15 years prior to that), spotting (and ultimately fixing) the holes in sales organizations is a predictable process. Business is all about patterns. And when you have a...
Finding the Breaking Point that Closes the Sale
As a marketing professional, I’m always trying to address our client’s pains through our education-based approach and marketing messaging. To provide something of true value they can use that day or another that brings them relief or better yet a breakthrough. But...
The ‘Mighty Mouse’ Approach to Customer Service
Customer service is defined as the assistance and advice provided by a company to those people who buy or use its products or services. The attitude of a business towards its customers or clients need to permeate the entire culture of an organization to be effective,...
Dream, Do, Dominate
Businesses gauge growth and profitability on an annual basis. That means that January 1st has special meaning. It is a fresh start filled with hope and powerful aspirations for the coming year. We, at Chet Holmes® International™, want to share with you our intentions...