Your customers are your company’s greatest assets. This alone explains why your relationship with them is more important and crucial than you think. Simply advertising what you can offer won’t always work. Now more than ever, they want someone credible enough to...
Chet & Charlie Grasp the power of this concept: Compared to all potential buyers, there is always a much smaller number of ideal buyers. So ideal buyers are cheaper to market to and yet bring much greater rewards. Can you really double sales in 12 months? Let’s...
Over the decades that I knew Chet Holmes, he taught me quite a bit. A good deal of what was imparted wasabout becoming an ultimate strategist. As Chet always said, “the strategist will slaughter the tactician every time.” Strategic planning is working smarter....
Media Company gets 2 Billion views a month uses Ulltimate Sales Machine for their Sales recruiting! Chairman of LAUGHLIN ASSOCIATES one of the largest incorporation companies in that US says Ultimate Sales Machine is...