Become A Magnet For Sales Superstars

by | Sep 26, 2022 | Blog

Great salespeople are strategists, consultants and relationship builders.

Let’s face it–finding them is not that easy.

It’s rare to have someone who can be a superstar in all of the above, but there is a way to attract that kind of person!

Consider what kind of a company you are and how you share your company’s mission and core values with the public.

And what better way can you share your company culture?

Through social media!

When you show who you are as a company or business, you attract like-minded people who want to be part of your community.

In that way, hiring that sales superstar will become easy and effortless.

Tune in to this episode to learn which business have done this and succeeded!


P.S. If you haven’t picked up your cop(ies) of the new edition of The Ultimate Sales Machine with limited time bonuses, visit: The Ultimate Sales Machine.


Continued Learning: Hiring Sales Superstars That Outperform 200-400%


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Amanda: [00:00:00] Become a magnet for superstars. When searching for sales superstars, you must also consider what kind of a company you are and how you share your company’s mission and core values with the public. But the rise in content and social media today, it’s easier to share more of your company’s day to day culture than ever before.

Hughes Marino is a family run commercial real estate business led by a very admirable power, couple Jason, and Shea Hugh they’ve been voted amongst the best places to work in the nation multiple years in a row by Fortune, Entrepreneur, Inc and others. This couple is determined to make commercial real estate, a positive experience where honesty and sincerity in every transaction, which can be hard to find in commercial real estate. 

Jason says he’d rather hire someone who’s never done real estate before because there’s so many poor choices and bad habits. He’d rather just train someone who has the traits of a superstar coming from another industry.

His company’s training is extensive and very detailed. Typically it takes a broker 10 to 15 [00:01:00] years to be able to reach a million in sales. If ever the Hughes Marino team has managed to crack the code and train their brokers to get to 1 million in sales in only three years. Woo. That is amazing. I love their story.

It was great to work with them. I do have to, this is such a critical piece because my father wouldn’t have been able to talk about this, because it was so hard to get content out. Back in the day today it’s so easy to pop up your phone and do a Facebook live or to do a little video or to do a post.

And the last several hires that I’ve made in my organization over the last year when everyone else was having a great resignation and staff were leaving their organization, I was being flooded with the best of staff. And it really came down to the fact that. When I was looking for somebody to hire, I would post on my Instagram DM’s

We’re talking just Hey, I’m looking for a project [00:02:00] manager or, Hey, I’m looking for a writer or, Hey, I’m looking for somebody to help me with my tech, all these different things that I was looking for when I would post people would reply for my following. And it’s not like I have a crazy large following, but it’s a quality following and I’m a big fan of quality over quantity.

So that quality following has allowed me. And like I said, I think I 4,000 followers on Instagram that quality following has led to four powerful hires that I never would’ve thought of. And they’re in great alignment with my core values. They’re a great culture fit, which I found more and more, is more important to me first when that culture fit is true than everything else is effortless and easy.

And. It’s been amazing to watch. So I’m so glad it made its way into the new edition. I also think of another client or a a joint venture. We work with Business Nitrogen,, David Asarnow, and they’ll post on social media, the start of their meetings, which when they start their meetings, they start [00:03:00] with dancing they’ll dance before the call starts, which is hilarious.

But I love watching that on Instagram and I think, wow, what a cool company to work for? That sounds like so much fun. And it’s not like it’s anything contrived or planned. It’s just capturing that day to day life. 

Someone once told me her name is Mary Shinda. She’s the Paleo Chef online @paleochef. She said, I use social media to document my experience as an entrepreneur. I document it online so that others can join in with me and follow. And she had started as a SAS sales rep and then moved into becoming her own per personal chef.

And then she created a recipe that everyone loved. And so they ended up crowdfunding her to start her business Fat Fudge, which is now all over the nation. And all these different distributors and it’s a, it’s been a wonderful success for her. And it all came from her interacting [00:04:00] and documenting her experience.

So when I think of what am I doing on social, there’s two different things. One I’m documenting the experience so that people join in with my story and wanna be a part of what I’m doing and what I’m working to accomplish. And then secondly, I’m creating top of mind awareness for my prospects, so that every time they see my face and name, as soon as they need a product or service like mine, I’m the first that they think of.

And then it ended up being an extra bonus that I found superstars because that those two things that I’m doing a third became, then I found great people to hire. So when thinking about your hiring, are you documenting your day to day world on social media?


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