$1.4M Generated From This Stadium Pitch

by | Sep 1, 2023 | Blog

Do you ever feel like you’re striking out with your prospects?

Maybe it’s all the hang ups you get while cold calling.

Or all the money you waste on ads that aren’t converting.

90% of businesses waste their time, money and energy on this one vital skill.

We call it, “sell the sizzle, not the steak.”

In this week’s episode, you will witness a pitch that is getting more appointments, with bigger prospects, and better sales than they’d ever dreamed.

They’ve been training for three months and in the last month Ace Electric has brought in $1,400,000 of new business into their pipeline using this exact Stadium Pitch.

Listen in to hear their pitch during the Q&A from our most recent challenge.

If you want to have more prospects begging to talk to you, you have to watch this episode!

P.S. Double your sales with The Ultimate Sales Machine Bootcamp! Time is limited, get your ticket now: https://usm.chetholmes.com/bootcamp


Continued Learning: The Stadium Pitch That Generated Millions


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Welcome back to the CEO Mastery Show, your weekly dose of the ultimate sales machine. I am your host, Amanda Holmes, CEO of CHI. Now, this week’s episode is around a topic that 90% of companies waste their hard earned time, money, and energy on. I’m sure all of you have had the experience. You are just having a difficulty getting in the door with a prospect getting their attention.

And it’s no wonder because 15 years ago, the average prospect would have to see your message or your company roughly around seven times before they remembered you. Today, it’s an on average of 15 years. 500 times. And that’s because the advent of the internet, right? 3. 8 billion people have a social media profile today, and they’re putting out God knows what online.

Plus all of the advertisers, right? Advertising on Facebook just alone has tripled over the last four years. It used to be 3 million advertisers online. Now it’s 9 [00:01:00] million. So the ability to market your product online is so much easier today that there’s just more noise. So how do we break through what my father called the clutter factor?

It’s a concept that we call the stadium pitch. So imagine that you were in a room full of your potential prospects and you could Get the opportunity to be on that mic and completely change your world with just one talk. What would be the title of your talk to get their attention? What I’m about to play for you is a little clip from our, we did a challenge last week, the Triple Your Sales Conversions Challenge, and one of the favorite parts for everyone was actually our bonus day where we just did Q& A.

It was open mic, anybody could talk, ask questions, or Test their stadium pitches. 

So a gentleman, his name is Jeremy, he’s the head of marketing at Ace Electric, which their U R L is ace electric [00:02:00] motor.com. Ace electric motor.com, and he. He’s actually quite a reigning champ of the stadium pitch contest. He, I think he won runner up one of the times we did this contest. He then won during our dojo and then he came here on the challenge and just he is undefeated with this amazing way to get in the door because majority of businesses what they do is they market and sell just talking about.

themselves. What is your product? What is your service? How do I sell it? That will only get 3% of the marketplace that’s in the buying now category. Whereas if you were to educate more people, you could educate the 7% that are open to it. The 30% that are not aware of you, the next 30% that if They think they’re not interested in the last 30% that are definitely not interested.

As you can get up to nine times more impact just leading with an education. And then you educate them into the buying now [00:03:00] category. So they are seeing more clients. So they’ve been doing this process for the last three months. Now they’re getting in the door with their better buyers. They’re getting.

More doors opened by those better buyers, and they’re closing bigger deals because of this, and just in the last 30 days, using their stadium pitch, they’ve been able to get 1.4 million into their pipeline, which is Absolutely magnificent. And they were just telling us that it’ll probably triple in the next six to nine months, because they’re just, they’re just deploying out this campaign.

It also, for all of you that deploy campaigns, how often are you pigheaded, disciplined to determine, to make sure that you see that campaign through, if it doesn’t work for the first month, do you give up on it? Or do you continue out for the next month and the next month and the next month? Without further ado, I’ll let Jeremy share and then you’ll hear afterwards just the different people in the room, different business CEOs and executives that will [00:04:00] share their experiences of his stadium pitch and get a vibe for what we do in the Ultimate Sales Machine Boot Camp, which is still available for you right now.

Amanda: okay, Jeremy, you want to tell everybody who’s in the stadium and what you sell before you give your stadium pitch so people have context?

Jeremy: . Yeah. My stadium is basically filled with maintenance managers and facility managers at manufacturers and aggregators. Think chemical processing, granite, cement, food processing, the like. Big facility, big machines.

Yeah. It’s 3 a. m. and the phone rings. There’s been another equipment breakdown and the clock is already ticking with some facilities losing as much as 17, 000 a minute. As stressful as it is, you’re not alone. 82% of facilities report at least one unplanned downtime incident in the past three years.

But how does this happen? In fact, a shocking 52% of facilities rely on reactive maintenance, [00:05:00] stuck in a cycle of run to failure maintenance and late night phone calls. And those are just the ones that are going to admit to it. So how can we reduce downtime, increase efficiency, and sleep soundly knowing that our facility is running properly?

Spend the next 12 minutes with me, and you’ll discover… Why the vast majority of companies still choose the most expensive way to run a facility, the number one strategy that’s used by the top three percent of maintenance teams, and how you can start the transition today to a more effective, reliable, and sustainable maintenance model.

Amanda: Mike, draw!

So this is advanced version of stadium pitch, right? And when I talked about stadium pitch the first day, I talk about just one title, right? Like just like something that’s seven words, three to seven words. And that is the advanced version of how can you get somebody in 60 seconds or less? Anybody want to share with [00:06:00] Jeremy what your experience was of that? 

Jeremy: I’ll just say that I thought it was, I thought it was really good. The fact that you mentioned. That if they admit it. Because you just allude to the fact that people try to hide it and it lets them know that you can see behind the curtain, which I thought was great.

Thank you. Yeah, I don’t own a building, but you had me right till the end. So thought it was good. Very good. I thought it was brilliant. 

Amanda: It’s so good. I love how he paints the picture, right? It’s 3 a. m. That’s some good storytelling right there. 

Jeremy: It’s like you feel the phone ringing beside your bed at 3 a.

  1. and dang, the power’s out again, right? 

Amanda: So what was masterful about what he did there was also he’s building context, he’s hitting the pain, he’s validating the pain with data, and he’s not giving you too much data to where you’re just like, okay, this person is just spouting data, he’s relating it back to the prospect in a way where they’re [00:07:00] following along with him, right?

That’s the art. 

Jeremy: I think also the art was in the call to action. 

There was an invitation to join. That was really good. 

It’s actually interesting because Jeremy, you had a couple invitations almost inside of the invitation. Really? Yeah. I liked it. We 

Amanda: call them sizzle statements, right? Saw the sizzle, not the steak.

So his sizzles of give me 12 minutes and I’ll teach you blank and blank. Those are sizzle statements. And his sizzle statements were great.

Jeremy: Is there any other stadium pitches? 

Can I ask one quick question on that for Jeremy? I’m interested if, he sets up the scenario, imagine 3 a. m. If that’s more powerful or saying one of my clients, has 

Guest 1: one of their fears is 3 a. m. 

Guest 2: [00:08:00] They’ve gotten several of them. Another one of my clients saying it that way versus imagine.

Guest 1: I’m wondering if you have any sense of which one is more powerful, which way to state it.

Guest 2: Imagine puts the person listening right into it as opposed to hearing about somebody. Imagine puts you right into it.

Yeah. And that was the line of thought there of the whole point of painting that picture is for them to insert themselves into that picture. Cause as soon as it’s sometimes I feel like when you say one of my clients. Got a call at 3 a. m. It almost removes themselves from that particular point.

I’m like, no, I want you to imagine feeling this pain of waking up next to your wife at 3 a. m. This is the third time this has happened this month. She’s about to kick you out and put you on the couch.

Amanda: Great. See, this is so good. We want to hear the feedback from everybody. The more you share, the more you learn. 

Because it’s one thing to just read a book. It’s another thing to take that book and try to implement it, and then it’s another thing to [00:09:00] teach and train others, right? So the feedback that you give amongst each other, you learn more giving feedback to somebody else than sometimes you get because you’re on, the lights are on you, camera’s on you, and everybody’s watching you, so sometimes you feel too stressed to even hear everything, so it’s 

Guest 2: I like the back and forth, the question that was brought up we don’t do what Jeremy does, but this made me want to test out the conversation between imagine versus saying one of our clients there.

I’ll be able to report that back quickly, which one works for us, right? 

What a brilliant foundation for your all because now Jeremy staff, everybody’s saying the same thing, whether it’s his internal or external salespeople, but his customers start to say the same thing because it’s the same common language.

It’s the core of their whole story, and that’s what keeps going.

I wonder, would you start by stirring up the pain first or advertising the pleasure? Which one? Pain first. Pain first. I see. [00:10:00] 

Because it would be really sad if you told somebody the other way. If you think about it, you’d give them the pleasure, but then you’d destroy them with the opposite. 

It doesn’t make them move forward then.

And when there is more push needed, my assumption is that you would lean on to stirring up the pain a little bit more to make them go over, right? Yeah, pain is what evokes the attention first. Pleasure is second. Most of almost everything you did in the past seven days, whether it be buying food or a car, you did it on based on pain more so than pleasure, because you didn’t want to break down or look like you weren’t achieving.

So you bought a car and you didn’t want to starve because you wanted food. 

And so it’s really the first reaction that comes to mind. I see.

You always sell pain. It’s three to five times more powerful than pleasure because it comes, it’s an evolutionary. We used to run away from tigers and lions and bears. And so three to five times more powerful and it always gets the first bite at the apple. And so you always start with [00:11:00] pain and then we establish ourselves as the expert by.

Here’s the solution. Here’s the pleasure that you could feel.

Amanda: Where are you using your stadium pitch? Just curious. Are you using it anywhere? 

Jeremy: I was. Look at numbers from our last two days and looking like the average like lifetime value of a customer on that and you’re really crunching those numbers one just for like my own perspective, but also to have that communication with the sales reps.

I’m like, look, if you’re being paid a commission on the profit for one of these stream 100 customers, like on average, these customers are worth 45, 000 in net profit.

It’s sad when you have to teach. It’s sad when you have to 

jeremy and I talked about this a little while ago, it’s sad when you have to remind people that if you sell more, you make more money. 

That’s a weird. Weird thing you have to remind them. Yeah, the the joke I often make is sometimes I feel like I have to follow people around with a bamboo stick to hit them in the shins.

Amanda: Are they not used 

Jeremy: to cold foam?[00:12:00] 

I think that a lot of my sales reps right now are, yeah, they’re more in a position where they’re more comfortable. 

Nurturing customers and spending like a lot of time trying to get one particular customer, which can make sense if it’s like a, a 30 million account, but we don’t do 30 million accounts at the moment.

Like our highest account that I have here is 3 million. 

And like lifetime value. 

So we need to spread those efforts out a little bit more, which was a big thing why we got a delivery driver for pickup and drop off of equipment. 

Because our reps were spending so much time because like they wanted to nurture customers like, oh, I go and I pick stuff up, I get more work.

And it’s we’ll still get that work if I was like, we hire someone to go pick that up. 

And you go talk to other people like make the sale. 

Amanda: Wow. Fascinating. 

Jeremy: I think we do have a pretty big new in at the moment with a with a big manufacturer for like testing equipment. So for like our local area, we’re the exclusive supplier and.

Service partner for that equipment. Also gives us an [00:13:00] opportunity to sell that equipment as well as teach them how to use the equipment. 

We were looking at a piece of equipment where, you know, when we sell a certain tester, it’s $9,000 in commission without cost to us.

On top of work that we already do.

And really tweaking our current core story communication of, we are here to help when things break down. 

We’re also here to help teach your team how to keep things running. 

So we’re here from when you need us to the point where you don’t need us.

And it almost feels very similar to how hinge markets themselves. And it’s we are designed for you to never call me again

Amanda: Ah, great. I love that you’re educating them on that now, because it was only if it’s broken, then you get the call, but now you’re preempting that before it even happens.

Jeremy: Yeah, it’s like preempting to preempt because like we, we focus on we focus on like fixing stuff when things break down, but we also do focus on the preventative maintenance that we can do to help things not break down. And now it’s like a step beyond that, like I will sell you the premium equipment and teach you how to use that equipment.

So you [00:14:00] can keep things from breaking down yourself. And then God forbid it still breaks down, I’m still here for you in the morning. 

Amanda: Ah, I love it. I love it. Was that big contract that you shared yesterday, did that come from figuring out a Dream 100 and focusing on them? 

Jeremy: Some of them have come from previous Dream 100 campaigns, but yeah, like that 3 million account, they were in our Dream 100 and we were marketing to them. And a final push that we had was, we had… Our operations manager also know someone in that particular facility, and they were like that last push for us to get in.

Amanda: Awesome. I 

Jeremy: love it. I had that same ROI conversation with the modern postcards last week. Okay. I went out to a seminar with them and we’re talking about ROI on direct mail campaigns and we’re like, yeah, like our last direct mail campaign, the last time we did O3100, like three, four years ago, it was about a hundred customers, about 10% converted.

[00:15:00] And, you’re talking about, 4 million plus in lifetime revenue for, I think that I was calculating out the cost maybe it cost us 100, 000. Yeah. Yeah the ROI is there. 

Amanda: Oh, that’s great. I love it

How about that mic drop? If you like what you heard and you’re thinking, wow, I could really use a stadium pitch like what Jeremy does for manufacturing companies. By the way, if you are a manufacturing company and you would like to see that education, which Jeremy does have and the team at Ace Electric does, you can go to Ace a c e electric motor.com, ACE electric motor.com.

So if that, Stadium pitch really resonated with you and you said, well, how I could really use that assistance. If you feel like you’re lonely at the top, or you need some support and you’d like to be a part of the community of people that are working to be more strategic that are [00:16:00] willing to be vulnerable and share and work at getting better while also giving that feedback to others so that you can.

Truly master the concepts that you have potentially heard from the ultimate sales machine. We had one gentleman, his name was Ricky, he was on the call and he looked really sad and I asked him how he was doing and he said, you know, I’m just upset that I learned these 20 years ago and I still haven’t implemented the way that I should have.

I’d really like to master this this time around. Best time to start is now. So he signed up for the Ultimate Sales Machine Bootcamp and I want to make that available for all of you. It’s limited time because we start in September, so make sure that you find out how you could potentially double your sales by joining in on this group program.

It’s eight weeks long where I walk you through step by step. How to build your stadium pitch, how to build your core story, how to get triple the amount of [00:17:00] clients sold, how to triple your sales conversions rate, how to nine X your potential leads without doing different steps, everything that you’re already doing, how do we make it?

Generate you nine times more without spending an additional dime on advertising or whatever you’re spending to outbound to get new clients. This will completely elevate your ability to get new clients. And then I’m taking what was our core story boot camp, and I’m Bringing it together with the Dream 100 bootcamp.

So the Dream 100 is the fastest, least expensive way to double sales. It’s the one strategy that has doubled the sales of more companies than anything else. And while it is brilliant, and when people execute it correctly, they see massive improvements. There’s also a lot of people that Make mistakes on it and they can’t quite figure out how to get the results that they’d like.

So we cover a lot of those mistakes and help guide you so that you don’t fall into the pitfalls. So that’s why we’ve done the core story bootcamp [00:18:00] with the Dream 100. So you build out your core story and then we help you launch your Dream 100 campaign and we’ll also be using AI throughout the process.

So all of that is at an unbelievable price. You just have to go to U S M like Ultimate Sales Machine, usm.chat, C H E t Holmes, h o l m e ss.com/bootcamp. It’s along Uur L. Let do it one more time, usm. So that’s Ultimate Sales Machine. USM dot che Holmes, c h e t h o l m e s. Dot com forward slash bootcamp. I look forward to seeing you there.

You know, we’re getting 10 X the results of those that are going through the cohort compared to what you’d get from an online course. It is radically changing [00:19:00] organizations lives. And I’m extremely proud of everyone that’s going through it. I’d love to see you. Be a part of it too. And if this episode sounded like, wow, yeah, I’d love to be in that room too and testing my stadium pitch.

You can join. Look forward to seeing you in.

Go ahead and get your ticket now.

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