4 Questions You Need to Ask to Grow Your Company to the Next Level in the Second Half of 2021

4 Questions You Need to Ask to Grow Your Company to the Next Level in the Second Half of 2021

4 Questions You Need to Ask to Grow Your Company to the Next Level in the Second Half of 2021

by | Jun 1, 2021 | Blog, Sales Tips, Tricks and Trends

Chet Holmes International has been assisting companies for three decades on how to grow -regardless of what’s going on in their company or industry.

Our Ultimate Sales Machine methodology has done it all. Our methodology has been able to:

  • Double the sales of a paint manufacturer even when all the competitors were half the price.
  • Sell television advertising in an industry where TV ads are becoming obsolete -doubling sales after a mere 8 months.
  • Increase leads 5,400% when the market was in a blackout and nobody was buying.

These times we find ourselves in are unprecedented, but it isn’t the first time companies have come to us looking to gain revenue fast. As Chet Holmes says in the NYT Best Seller The Ultimate Sales Machine:

“When I go in to help a company that’s in trouble, the most powerful thing I do is to get them focused on solutions and setting goals for improving the situation. This shift in focus shows up in the results the company is getting.”

The Obstacle

Just like after a car accident has happened on the side of the road. Do you find yourself slowing down to look? Have you ever tried to resist the urge to look at it and just tried to focus on the road? It’s hard right?

And that’s not even happening to YOU, that’s happening to someone else and you can’t take your eyes off of it. What happens when you have an issue or a problem, do you watch it like the car wreck it is, or do you keep your eyes on the road unwavering?

Here is an important distinction that every day we see business executives miss.

Let’s do an exercise.

Answer these following 4 questions about Information regarding transactions in your business:


Were you able to answer these four simple questions?

IMPORTANT: you would be shocked to know how many CEOs are unable to answer these 4 questions.

There’s three groups of executives.

  1. The ELITE top 5% of business executives that knows their numbers like clockwork.
  2. The top 20% of business executives that don’t know the answer but still are confident that they can find the answer.
  3. The remaining 80% of executives that don’t have the answers and won’t look for them.

How will you ever make an accurate goal if you don’t know where you are today?

As Chet Holmes says in The Ultimate Sales Machine, “People respect what you inspect.”

Especially if times are tough, you must have your hand on the pulse. If you’re repeating to yourself, “times are tough I just have to get through this Covid thing and we’ll be ok.” That statement is reactive, it’s based in fear, and has no definitive outcome.


“A Shortcut

Keeping your mind focused on your success may be difficult at first, but here’s a shortcut to help you make the transition. Your mind is more receptive when it is less busy. Right before you go to bed and right when you wake up, you are at your most receptive. That’s the best time to really focus your RAS on all the positive things you want in your life. If you picture yourself succeeding or overcoming something at those times, your brain will grab hold of that much easier. If you’re about to have a big meeting, picture it exactly as you want it to go. This visualization will stick with you as you enter that meeting and help create the results you want.”

If you find out that you actually generate 25 sales a month and to get to the next level all you need is one more sale a week. The goal is tangible, it’s definitive. And something you can track daily and weekly to get to your desired outcome.

Your focus can then shift from confusion, overwhelm, depression, into clarity, determination, and creativity to get the desired outcome.

So the first step to rapid sales growth is -knowing where you are.

We highly recommend taking the time, especially at the end of quarters and year end to look back at the last 12 months to see where your true metrics. To understand where you’ve been, and where you stand. Spending that additional 2 to 4 hours looking at your data will only make you work smarter and ensure success.

 Action Step

For several decades now we have refined the process of collecting data and analyzing the Opportunity within an organization. You’re welcome to spend hours searching through your reports to try to find this information to then develop your plan for the next 12 months.

Or. You can short cut 30 years of practice and use a process we’ve proven to work.

We know that business is really weird right now, so to give you a heads start we have made our Opportunity Assessment available to you. Our consulting clients pay a minimum of $36,000 initial fee to go through our diagnostic process. We’ve always kept this proprietary information close to our chest. However, we’re in unprecedented times, so we’ve made a condensed version available to you for a 99.9% discount. Please consider it our gift to you to get a clear picture of where your business is, what it’s strengths are, where it’s weaknesses are, so you can have more certainty and clarity for your plans in the next 12 months.

Please share it with anyone else you think needs a reboot, a refresh. A clear look at their business to start fresh. This Opportunity Assessment is yours for the taking.

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