7 Ways to be a Near-Perfect Parent

by | Dec 22, 2023 | Blog, Business Guidance

Raising children in today’s fast-paced world is no easy feat.

76% of parents feel it’s harder to be a parent now than before…

As the holidays are here and we spend more time with family, I decided to share something close to my heart.

This week’s special podcast guest is my brother Jordan, someone I’ve been trying to bribe for years to come on with me!

Our father, Chet Holmes, originally wrote an article called “How to raise near perfect children.”

So today, we wanted to do the opposite and honor those who are parents.

During the episode Jordan said something very accurate, he said, “my father accomplished many things in his life, but of all his accomplishments I think he was best at being a Dad.”

So we broke down for you 7 ways to be a near-perfect parent, based on our experiences of having the Ultimate Dad, Chet Holmes.

These aren’t just theoretical musings; we share the real-life experiences and invaluable lessons imparted by our father, Chet Holmes.

For aspiring and seasoned parents alike, you can get some ideas on how to raise nurturing strong, successful, and empathetic children.

Wishing you and your loved ones a joyful holiday season filled with love, laughter, and unforgettable memories.


Continued Learning: How to Hit Your Business Goals and Be a Great Parent at the Same Time


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[00:00:00] Hello everyone. Welcome to the CEO Mastery Show. Amanda Holmes here, your host. And today I brought on my brother, Jordan Holmes. He finally makes a debut on the CEO Mastery Show.

I’ve actually wanted him to be on this show for years. Years. Really? Yes. Wow. Yeah. Because Jordan has a gift for articulating thoughts. 

Oh, wow. That’s no pressure or anything. 

So, we were discussing, because of the holiday season, what we could do as an episode. And our father [00:01:00] wrote this great article called, How to Raise Near Perfect Children.

He was a very modest man. Yeah, very modest man. so we thought that maybe we could do the opposite of that. The seven ways to be a near perfect parent. From a children’s perspective, right? From the, um, because we’re not really children though, so it’s not the right way. Yeah, well, I mean, I’m not sure you would want to take that advice from children.

Perfect parents. Ice cream all the time, and No bedtime ever. Well, no, I think we wanted to, um, honor those that are parents and share because you had said something really insightful about Dan that I really liked. You were saying that, you know, he’s great at marketing and sales, but he was also a great father.

Yeah, yeah, and we grew up not really knowing the marketing and sales side of him so much. [00:02:00] Yeah, he was always, I actually still tell people that, that my father was an amazing man and did a lot of incredible things. But, uh, the thing he was best at was being a dad. so yeah, we thought it might be nice to share a little bit about, some of the tricks.

We learned about parenting from him. I have another, I have a two year old son and another one on the way, and so I think about this stuff a lot. Yes, okay, so before we talk about things you could consider based on our own experience of having wonderful parents, specifically we’ll cover a little bit more about our father, but Trends that have happened in our families over the last 50 years.

Let’s cover a little bit of that because we all know how much we love data Okay, so I had just recently asked you do you think that divorce rates in the United States have grown or decreased So for [00:03:00] those who are listening answer your question right in the United States. Do you think it’s Increased or decreased?

I thought it increased. I thought it increased. It has actually decreased. The peak that happened over the last 50 years was actually in the 80s. I’m sure some of you go, oh, that makes sense. So it peaked in the 80s and has actually decreased over time. A lot of that actually has to do with the fact that less people are getting married.

One in four U. S. parents aren’t married. So, our family dynamics have changed significantly. People are having children without, getting married, and, many single parents as well. So, family structures have really changed. 

In 1970, 69 percent of the population was married. Today, it’s dropped to only half, so that’s a 27 percent decrease in marriage.

But, with all of this said, what can we do? As this holiday season is approaching and happening that, we can [00:04:00] increase our interactions with, children. Yeah. Let’s start with the first thing you could consider if you would like to be a near perfect parent. You had actually said it, which was the thing that your children want most at a young age is actually attention.

You want to talk about them. Yeah, and not just attention, but specifically attention from their parents. but adults in general. Yeah, I was just, I think, telling you this story about my nephew. Everyone was trying to get him to swim. This whole family were all at the pool and they were trying to get him to go under the water, hold his nose and go under the water.

he was, I want to say, seven, seven years old, clearly capable of submerging himself in water. And everyone’s pressuring him, they’re pushing him. He doesn’t want to do it, doesn’t want to do it. And I finally came over and, did something else. I think we’re gonna. [00:05:00] cover in here. Um, but I, I use this special way of prompting him to try going under the water.

And then he was like, no, I’m, I’m too afraid. I don’t, I don’t want to do it. And this child was clearly capable of doing it. And then I said, okay, well, I’ll, I guess I’ll go do something else then. And. Walked away, and he wanted to spend time with me and engage with me so much that two minutes later He immediately did it all by himself Went under the water and people in our family had been working on it for like two days So yeah, that was just proof of some of those concepts 

you pay attention. So according to, 

I keep coming back to this research, but I found this interesting, that the frequency of family dinners in America, at least, has declined by 33%, and according to a group of Canadian researchers, frequent family dinners can prevent issues with eating disorders, alcohol and substance abuse, violent behavior, depression, and suicidal thoughts.

This was something that [00:06:00] our dad did. All the time, right? We had family dinner, majority of nights we would have family dinner. He would always fight to make sure that we had that. And what we did do What was the question? What was the question? He would sit us down and say, how was your day? Right? Yeah, or what was the highlight of your day?

Right. Focus on like, the, the positive things, or what did you learn today? Yes, that was a big one. And, as we got older and older, right? We got to high school, he would ask us the same prompt, and as we didn’t really want to answer, and we’d be completely, right? Like, it’s not like we just actively gave that answer.

Some days we would when we had something, and we’d be like, oh, I don’t know. Well, I got to school and, oh yeah, I did always say that. I got there and, okay, I got there and I saw Julie. How was that? It was fine. Then I went first to period, you know, and I’d walk, he’d walk us through our day until we found something that was a highlight [00:07:00] or something that we learned, something that was significant.

So it wasn’t like we actively gave the answers. perpetually pulled it out of us because he cared and he gave us that attention. Yeah. And I think that’s a good, another good point there is that, sometimes people will push you away and you feel like, you know, and, and children, the angstier teenage, you know, we have some cousins at that age and they’ll like act like they’re too cool for school, give you one word answers to your questions, but they love.

you being interested in their lives. You know what I’m saying? Like if you, there’s something about pushing through that distance that makes someone go, Oh, this person actually cares. So especially when, when children are tight lipped. About that kind of stuff. I find it’s even more effective to be twice as interested.

Mmm, that’s so good. And we’ll talk more about that in a minute. 

So the second way that you can assist [00:08:00] to be a near perfect parent Is to hold the belief that your kids can get along. Mmm. Mmm. Right? Yeah. I think I can count on one hand how many times you and I have fought. Yeah. Right? Yeah. Pretty much. Yeah.

We, I used to, I don’t know if you ever had this experience, I remember distinctly in elementary school having in like fourth grade, some kid came up to me at recess and said, I heard that you and your sister never fight. That can’t be true, right? And I was like, no, it is, it is true. We, we never fight. Um.

But it was because, and it was specifically our dad that really held the belief system that we needed to love and care for one another and he was so disappointed any time that we showed any kind of disregard for one another, right? That was like the worst thing we could do. Abso yes. That’s a good way to put it.

Um. Yeah, what was it? It was, you know, it was, it was just like, [00:09:00] like, Oh, how could you be mean to your sister? Like, you know, she is going to be your best friend throughout life. And, uh, you know, anyway, I just, He would repeat that over and over and over again. And your closest person in your life, the one that will always be there.

could be, you know, This wonderful thing to your sister and you know and your brother. Would we want that? Yeah. Yeah. Oh, that’s so good. And and vice versa, and I think we might talk about this a little bit as well, but like not just hey I’m disappointed in you, but also anytime we did anything for each other that was sharing or nice or caring or thoughtful It would be, we’d get a lot of attention for that.

Wow. You did that for your brother? Yeah, that’s the exact.

You [00:10:00] are such a good brother. Yeah, yeah. Right? Yeah. Well, 

that leads to the third tip for being a near perfect parent is, and you came up with this. I love this. To get, them to, act in a different way. You say it. Cause it was really good. Yeah. You said it. this is something our dad was really good at was encouraging behavior through, It was almost like affirmational.

Yeah, positive affirmation. He would say things like well, um, I’m so proud of you guys because I know you’re the kind of person who has that strength of character where like, you wouldn’t lie to get out of trouble for something. That you’re so honest and so forthright and like Um But just that constant thing of he would lay out a vision of Of what we could be.

And continue to reinforce it over and over and over again. Rather than like wait [00:11:00] for us to, um, not meet expectations and then say, Hey, I’m disappointed or you fell short. But it was, it was this thing of he would paint this picture of. There, there’s a quote and I don’t remember where it’s from exactly, but it really resonated with me when I read it because I think of this thing dad used to do.

Uh, where it was, if you treat people the way they are, you make them worse, but if you treat them the way they could be, you make them become more than they realized they could be. Something like that. Yeah, that’s great. so that, that piece of, and that can be really hard for some people. Morgan and I sometimes will pause a movie and go, how would you handle this situation with this, an interaction with a parent and a child?

And. She’ll say, well, I would say this thing about how we don’t do that. That’s, that’s bad behavior. You know, behavior. I’m disappointed, blah, blah, blah. And I would say, you know, I think I would probably say something along the lines [00:12:00] of like, honey, why? Why were you so so mean to your little brother? Don’t you know that you could be a hero to him?

You could be and you know what and I see you do it sometimes he just looks up to you with like I know sometimes he can seem like like he is mean but He, um, what is it, it’s, it’s like, you, yeah, you’re painting the picture of what it could be. I have a good example. And I’ll do that. And Morgan, my, my wife will say like, I don’t know how you always do that.

Like it’s, it’s kind of hard. It takes practice to think about how to phrase it in a, in a positive, yeah, in a positive way or an aspirational way. When you first said that the first thought I thought of is when we moved into the Novato house. Oh yeah. And there was one room that was. like three times the size of another room and we walked in and we looked at it and my father’s response was well wouldn’t it be wonderful for your brother to have this big of a room [00:13:00] and i instantly went yeah that would be wonderful and jordan got the ginormous room and i got the small room but But it made sense, right?

You spent way more time in your room. I was always off doing random stuff. But instead of my father saying, you need to give, you know, you’re getting the small room, your brother’s getting the big room. No, he put it in a way that was like, can’t we give Jordan this gift? Yeah, we could give Jordan this gift.

That’s a great idea. That’s such a good point, and I think that ties into the, the sibling. thing is a lot of parents try to get their siblings to get along by saying, you know, don’t be mean to your brother. Don’t do this. Don’t do that. Versus this, this sort of aspirational piece of like, you know, you could be such a mature Older brother or older sister or you could be such a great sibling or a great family member if you did Yeah, this thing and I know how kind you are [00:14:00] and and then at the end of that you’re like, yeah, I am kind I will do that thing Jedi mind tricks You know, there’s another one you you had said That I really liked was like, well, aren’t, I know that you’re the type of person that wants to be so strong within themselves that you don’t need alcohol.

You’re just so confident in who you are. I know you’re that type of person. And dad never like laid down the hammer of you can’t drink. Yeah. He would even hand us drinks. And neither of us really dove into that. I mean, my first drink was after I was 21 years old. And very rarely if that. It was because of that reinforcement of repeating and knowing, well, you can be a stronger character, right?

And then, yeah, I do want to be that stronger character. Rather than you can do this, you can’t do that, right? It wasn’t a demand. It was. Yeah, yeah. You wanted to be the kind of person he described you as being. [00:15:00] And then you became that, I guess. So I think that a critical part to three is number four.

So the fourth tip for being a near perfect parent is you have to actually gain the respect of your children, but they would probably say a cool parent, right? What does it take to be a cool, respected parent, right? When I think of like, I mean, our dad dressed up in Batman gear, and he would run around the house, and then he’d run onto the roof, and it was the thrill of our lives that dad was in his, Batman gear.

I mean, Christmases were spent, like, the parents would grab Nerf guns, and they would have Nerf gun wars across the kitchen and the living room, and all the kids were picking up the balls to hand to the parents, and the parents were the ones having a blast. Yeah, you know, this, this is a hard one, because we were sort of talking about this.

This morning and like what exactly does it mean because some of the things he did really worked because we [00:16:00] respected him so much And we wanted to gain his approval I mean, there’s one piece that’s just naturally innate in us to want that from our parents. Yeah. Yeah, but then how do you craft that? Well, and I think a lot of people sort of grow out of it a lot around like during the teenage years They’re like we weren’t rebellious teenagers.

Yeah, you know You may be a little bit late. We weren’t. Wait, hold on. I got pretty moody there for several years. That’s hilarious. But, um, you fought, you fought all the battles and then I just reaped the rewards. Amanda’s popping into my room to be like, we can stay out till 1130 now. I just had the conversation.

I negotiated on our behalf. That was funny. But I think, I think part of the thing, I don’t know if you wrote this down, uh, about having our respect was he also, he respected us in, in Turia. That’s true. He included us in decisions, [00:17:00] he wanted to hear our opinion, he wanted to hear our perspective.

The respect was earned too, like we got to do way more things than majority of people because. Like, my father allowed me to have a boyfriend very early on in elementary school, but he did go on dates with me and my boyfriend. Yeah. It would be me, my dad. And my boyfriend, like, he would sit in between us at the movie theaters, but we were allowed to go to the movies.

I, I was thinking, a good friend of mine came to visit one summer when we were, when he and I were 16. And my dad let us take the yacht out for the weekend. I was thinking that too. By, by ourselves. And I, you know, it, we had that reciprocal. Relationship where I respected him enough that I wasn’t, I was going to be responsible and he respected me enough to give me the opportunity to be responsible and, um, you know, so you [00:18:00] wanted to, you wanted to live up to that faith he had in you.

Yeah. So that’s so good. There’s probably more to this how to be a cool parent thing. No, we’re doing great Super fun. No, okay 

So number five way to be a near perfect parent is to train your kids on how to learn And how to build skills, right? This was something that there’s the tie over to the ultimate sales machine was that he knew that mastery wasn’t about doing 4,000 things.

It’s about doing 12 things, 4,000 times. I can remember, I keep coming back to this recently of like growing up, majority of parents would call their daughter, like a princess dad referred to me as a lethal weapon over and over and over again. And like, He, um, trained us on self defense from a very young age.

So every when we would ha when we would be having fun on weekends, it would [00:19:00] be like, okay, how do you fall? How do you get away from an attacker? And for years, the game was how to get out of an attack, right? How to get out of a, uh, hold. Yeah, and I also think, um, I think he was also very good at, um, if you needed help with something, he wasn’t just going to do it for you.

He was going to, like, patiently teach you how to, how to learn the thing. Yeah. Like, um, I remember in third grade I had a report where I had to memorize this. Presentation thing and he sat down with me and taught me how to memorize something, okay You work on the first line until you can say the first line from memory, you know And then you go to the next line and then you work on the next line But then you back up and go back to the first line Do you still remember the first line and I remember him sitting me down in third grade on how?

the process of [00:20:00] memorizing something and I again remember I don’t remember at what age but pretty young, him discussing with me that, uh, memorization is, and I believe this is in the ultimate service, um, memorization is the lowest level of skill, but it’s a first step. Yeah. It’s, it’s, it’s, and not everybody knows how to memorize something.

And it might, as an adult, having gone through college or done things at work, um, that might seem really obvious, but if you can work on the meta skill of how to learn, teach your children how to learn, then you can do it. They can go off, you know, you don’t have to teach them all the other things because they know how to teach themselves.

Another thing, I mean, our dad always wanted us to be the best in whatever we wanted to do, right? So a big thing would be, okay, if you want to be, if I wanted to be a gymnast, then we want to make sure that we have the best gymnastics coach. I wanted to then be a singer, so we had to find the best singing coach.

And I remember, [00:21:00] Um, having a dialogue with somebody just recently about how I was saying like, when I want to learn something, I just find who is already great at it so that they can guide me so I could get there faster. And his response was, well, I always do things alone. I don’t really look for help. And I was thinking that is actually something that has been trained from a very young age and you will get.

Results so much slower because you don’t understand them very, to us, seems like an obvious thing, right? Because we’ve learned so much by training from the past. I love that you highlight that one because I think You’re much better at that than I am. Oh, okay. But I know that that’s true. Um, I just am a little more shy about hunting someone down Defending them and figuring out how to get them But you got your own and how dad taught you how to memorize.

I mean you then became an actor for a time, right? So that was a critical part in your [00:22:00] role to becoming who you have evolved over the years Yeah, well, I think the thing the thing for me was I Taught software engineering for about two years and, and I was shocked. at how little skills people had in terms of how to learn.

And I think this is why Dad was so good at teaching how to learn is because, you know, before you can teach someone how to grow their business, you need to teach them how to learn the skills required to grow their business. If they don’t have those skills, if they don’t have those skills, you need the skills to learn first, and then you can learn how to grow your business.

And I discovered the same thing when I was teaching software engineering. I would have students where I would love to teach you how to program. I would love to teach you how to write code, but you need to learn some fundamental skills about how to learn first. And I was shocked. At the degree that my students had from, you know, I had some students from extremely prestigious [00:23:00] colleges who didn’t have any of those skills.

The only thing they knew how to do was memorize. And, uh, a lot more goes into learning something than just memorization. You know, like, um, uh, here’s a simple example of you’re not going to learn something well if you simply watch someone else do it. You have to do it yourself. And the number of students I had who were like, Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

I watched, I watched the presentation. Like, I get it. Mm mm. You know, anytime somebody tries to show you how to do something on a computer, like, oh yeah, here’s how you use this application. They go click, click, click, do this, this button. Boom, and you’re like, oh, okay. Yeah, got it. And then you sit down 15 minutes later, try to do the same thing, and you can’t.

You can’t do it. Dad always used to go, don’t touch the keyboard, tell me what to do, and I will do it. Um, but I learned that from him. Yeah. Well, and a little humble brag here, Jordan was valedictorian of his class at Hack Reactor, and then [00:24:00] became one of their best. You got promoted every single, uh, Right?

Every single class you got a freaking promotion. It was absurd. He ran the ranks there and then got recruited to Facebook, which is one of the biggest companies in the world, because of that skill to train, uh, software engineers in all of your, uh, reviews. So, don’t say anything, because he usually likes to say, Whoa, whoa.

Right? A little bit more of a humble brag over here. Okay, so he taught us to learn. Another thing that I think is really critical, 

our sixth step for being, a near perfect parent, we put down People skills. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah taught us how to Work with people so we went to a lot of like client dinners Which I don’t know if a lot of kids go in my experience when I go to client dinners.

Nobody ever invites their kids I have to force them to bring their kids. [00:25:00] Because that’s just normal for me, right? We were at the majority of dinners. And what would happen is, we’d drive there, Dad would tell us a little bit about them, we’d meet, and then at the dinner, can you share a bit, because I really liked what you were saying, like, he would prompt you.

Yeah. Well, I think the funny thing that I don’t see that often, he would try to get us to participate in the conversation like little adults. And it also really made you feel appreciated when he’d be talking with some client, maybe even about a business thing, and he would turn and he’d go, Mendo, what do you think?

Nine year old Amanda, you know, like it’s, and it’s crazy, but we, I think that helped us grow up feeling like our opinion mattered and to not be intimidated about sharing our opinion, and also to get practice because then one of the other things he would tell us to do is like ask a lot of questions, you know, that’s a big part of [00:26:00] being personable, it’s pretty easy just to be interested, ask a lot of questions, and then

And then afterwards, maybe he would sort of deconstruct, like, oh, that was a great question you asked. Or, You did really good with this one. When you said this, it was very meaningful. Did you see how they light up? That was really good. Like, he would then As we would drive home from the dinner, he would recap, and there’s a very funny story about Jordan.

Jordan was very good at asking questions, and we got better at asking questions over the years, but you had one. Well, so an example of going awry, was we were out with a very important Billionaire! He flew on his private jet to get there, yeah. In London, at this dinner. Like a Michelin star, yeah. I had just discovered that, sometimes dad had a lazy eye.

Which was why I was interested in this. Um, but I noticed that the client’s eye kind of kept drifting off to the side. And I was like, oh, do you have a lazy eye? [00:27:00] Um, and it got really quiet at the table. Um, because he’d actually had some kind of degenerative disease. Right, he said, he’s like, well, actually, I have a degenerative disease where I’ve lost my eye.

Yeah. It was a fake eye, and it was really painful. The guy was, looked really upset. Yeah. And it was also something that initially they had to take the eye out because they couldn’t cure that disease. And then a couple years later. Oh, you remember that. Yeah, so They found the cure. Yeah, yeah. And it was he could he did You know, a week ago, y’all would be just You can see how the saving wasn’t the best question to ask.

Yeah, afterwards, I remember sitting in the car and Dad being like Okay, Jordan. Great job for asking questions, but that one about the eye really didn’t go over well. You know why? Did you see his reaction? That’s probably not the best question to ask. But he walked us through all of that. I don’t remember him being mad.

[00:28:00] No, no, no, no, of course not. Right, another parent could have been mad, right? Scold you for doing this. It was like, no, I appreciate that you were still curious. You kept their attention. Just be careful of the sensitive subjects. Yeah, yeah. And he, he would also, if he knew you had a story you’d told that was particularly entertaining or fun or something like that.

You know, he, he might, if it came up in conversation, he might say, Oh, and this crazy thing happened to us the other day. Jordan or Amanda, you tell the story. And just constantly teeing us up for these opportunities to interact with adults or high powered individuals or, um, and kind of workshop, workshop those things.

I actually remember him teaching me how to tell jokes. Really? Yeah, yeah. About how, you know, there, there are certain rules to comedy and certain things like, oh, it’s funnier if you have a lot of contrast. So you say the first part, the setup. In a [00:29:00] normal tone, and then the punchline has to be like really loud, or really soft, or some kind of contrast.

Anyway, I, yeah, he coached me on how to make jokes more funny, and then he would, he would go, Oh, you gotta tell the one about the chicken, and then I would go, Oh God, the chicken joke. Okay. That’s so interesting. I find this so interesting. We got slightly different things. Yeah, I didn’t get coached on how to be Which you didn’t really get coached on how to be a lethal weapon.

No, I didn’t. Which is strange. I know, I know. But I have gone through my whole life like anytime someone’s like well that’s not really safe because I’ve traveled the world by myself, right? Because I have this inherent confidence that I can take care of myself in a moment’s need because so many reps of dad teaching us how to do that, right?

So anybody if anybody says anything I just go Oh, well, I’m a lethal weapon and usually Everyone laughs at that response. Nobody finds that that is actually a legit response. And I didn’t realize how Dad had like ingrained that in me until I was talking with Uncle [00:30:00] Tim. So our uncle, I was also saying, well maybe I should pick up some more self defense again and do some karate.

And he was like, why would you need that? You’re a lethal weapon. I was like, oh my god. She’s been ingrained. Yeah, I remember when he taught, he taught me how to public speak in third grade. He was like, if you want to win for student body, you have to give the crowd what they want. And the majority of third graders want candy.

So you should throw them candy in the middle of your presentation. And I won as a third grader because I threw. And then I also won for homecoming queen years later because I did the exact same thing. He’s like, you have to know what your. And every year it was, um, it was a 50, 50 school of 50 percent were Spanish speaking at 50%, um, you know, white.

And, uh, every year there would be like 12 women on the homecoming thing. And one woman was a Latina and the Latino one every year because [00:31:00] 50 percent of the population would vote for that one. And then the other 50 percent would vote up to 11 other white chicks. Uh, so I was like, Oh. To be able to win this, I need to win over the 50 percent that are, uh, Spanish speaking, so in my dance or whatever for homecoming.

I didn’t know that. You didn’t know this? No, hilarious, yeah. So to get on the homecoming board, you had to be, it was voted by the staff, but then to win, it was won by the student body. So, in my, presentation, because we did like, skits. Beforehand, I played salsa music, and I made this latino come up and dance salsa with me, so I knew I would get a few more votes there, and maybe I could win.

Yeah, and I did win. But it was because of dad repeating that, like, what does your audience want? Make sure you give them what they want. Well, they want a latina. I can pretend to be a latina. Yeah. Yeah, so [00:32:00] many tricks like that around presentations, and neither one of us is particularly afraid to get in front of a crowd because of that, even though that’s one of the top fears that people have.

But I remember, like, quizzing. I did a similar thing with Candy, I think in seventh grade, but it was like, I said at the beginning of my presentation, okay. Uh, you know, and everybody else is standing up there with notecards, and just reading off of the thing, and, and the students in the class are playing video games on their calculators.

 But I say at the beginning of my presentation, I’m gonna have some quiz questions, so pay attention, and if you get the questions correct, you’ll get a piece of candy, and then boom, you know, the whole room. It’s paying attention to your presentation. So, you know, or even So far superior than any other kid there, right?

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. No other 7th grader is being like, okay everybody stand up in your seat because we’re gonna do some movement, we’re gonna get cerebral fluid pumping to your brain and Oh my [00:33:00] god, that’s It’s so funny. Yeah, for those of you that don’t know, that’s something that our father always taught, is to take control of a room, you get them to do something.

You’re guiding them. I do it now with singing. I get a whole room, when I’m doing my keynotes, I get them to sing with me, which totally shifts the whole dynamic of the room. That’s great. That’s great. Because that’s a deep, that’s like a deep seated human thing that you feel connected with people when you sing with them.

Yeah. But it’s also a fearful thing if it’s out of context. Like in normal scenarios people would sing, but you put them in like, I’m doing a sales training for a corporate event. They do not feel comfortable singing. So once we break free from that, it’s like this really great bond. Yeah. That’s brilliant.

Yeah, but taking control of the room. So how can you take control of the room? That’s interesting. 

I said that there were seven ways to be a near perfect parent, but I only have six. So what is the seventh one? What is the number? What is the last and final? What did we miss? [00:34:00] Oh, there’s a couple of, there’s a couple of them.

I feel like dad always said that like, regardless of whatever we do, that he was really proud of us. Like he used to say, if you want to be, if you want to do like be a trash picker upper, that’s great. If that’s what you like, then you do it, but you should be the best at it. Like what can you do to truly?

So he supported me in being a gymnast. He supported me in being a singer and he gave me. If I said I wanted to sing, he’s like, okay, well, what do we need to do to make that happen? Okay, well, you need to write songs. Okay. Do you need guitar lessons so you can play your songs? Okay. Do you want to go to school for that?

Okay. Let’s do a music video. Okay. You do it, but I’ll help guide you. So he was always supporting us and what we wanted to achieve and just grateful that we had something that we were excited about. Yeah. You’re gonna challenge me on this? No, no, no, I wasn’t. I was thinking of something else. I was thinking of something else.

Well, tell me what yours is. [00:35:00] I think, so, um, the movie Armageddon is a favorite movie of mine. Yes. All of ours. Family favorite. And if you don’t know, the plot is basically Bruce Willis as an oil driller. Has to jump in a spaceship to go save the world from an asteroid that’s gonna hit the earth and wipe out mankind.

And they need a driller so they can drill a bomb into this asteroid. Um, and if you pay attention, you realize that, uh, that Bruce Willis character is going up there, not to save the world, but to protect his daughter. Um, that’s what that movie is really about. Uh, I tell people this that I think growing up, I had this sense.

That our father, you know, if there was an asteroid hurtling towards Earth, he would, he would jump in a spaceship, fly up there and blow that, you know, [00:36:00] out of the sky or whatever. Yeah. The point is that, like, he. I think, I felt, I don’t know about you, but I felt like he had our backs that much. Like he would take a bullet for us, I feel like he said that to me a, you know, a million times.

Yeah. That sense that someone in the world has, like, has your back, uh, to that degree, that they would, they would do anything to, uh, and like to protect you, to take care of you. And, and. You know, obviously no asteroids ever came towards Earth or anything like that, so he never really had to back that claim up, but it was very, like, so all I’m saying is just make the claim.

Just say to your children, like, I would take a bullet for you, I would, you know, if you got kidnapped, I, I, I [00:37:00] would be like the movie Taken. Yeah. For sure. Well, let’s bring, let’s bring him out. Oh, sure. 

Speaking of being a dad, why not, let’s, so for those that don’t know, Chet is short for Chester. My father, our father’s full name was Chester.

And so Jordan named his son Chester. Is that you, bud? Yeah. Look at that appearance. Oh, that was short lived. Yeah, that was. Oh, there’s a ball. A ball’s more important than my podcast. Ha ha ha ha. Aww. Well, I’m sure we could come up with more. So many more. There’s so many more. But I feel like this was just a gem of good Oh, thank you, Chester.

Not playing my guitar. I’m sure we could come up with many, many more. [00:38:00] But as you go through your holiday season, now that we have music, to Yuletide Carol, maybe you take a few It’s indestructible, supposedly. As you Think about your holiday season. I hope you get to spend the time to sit and, you know, break bread with your family and, um, try out some of those, try out some of those things.

Yeah, really, really pay attention to some of the things your children are interested in. You know it and And maybe I think that last one we talked about of like dad taught us his work skills You know the the people skills and that yeah how to be in a meeting maybe think about something you as some skill you’ve developed Uh, in your, your life role and, and that might be valuable to teach your children.

Yeah. Oh, that’s good. It doesn’t necessarily [00:39:00] have to be people skills or presentation skills. It could be Excel. Excel is, is a great skill to know. You got it. Coding. Chopping wood. I mean, whatever, whatever you think you have, share it. Well, thank you, Broba. I really appreciate you hopping on here with all of us.

And that is another week of the CEO Mastery Show. We still have openings for the Ultimate Sales Machine Dojo. One hour a week to take what you know from the book or what you’ve read and actually implement it. I love the musical background of Chester. So you can go to usmdojo.

ultimatesalesmachine. com Do you want me to? No, it’s okay. Uh, yes. Join the JoJo. We’d love to see you there. And have a happy holidays from us here at Chet Holmes International. The Ultimate Sales Machine. Say bye. Can you say [00:40:00] bye?

Jester! Okay, we got one smile. Bye!

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