3 Ways to Avoid Burnout

by | Dec 15, 2023 | Blog, Business Guidance

Did you know that a staggering 77% of individuals in the workplace have experienced burnout at some point in their careers?

And when you have burnout, you’re 63% more likely to take a sick day and you’re 2.6 times more likely to be looking for another job.

I recently went through a period of burnout myself after an intense six-week work trip, and it made me realize the importance of addressing this issue.

Burnout not only impacts our well-being but also our performance and job satisfaction.

In this week’s episode we dive into the three types of burnout and, more importantly, explore the different ways to overcome it.

Tune in til the end if you want to hear a highly effective strategy that can reduce your stress by 20% in under 2 minutes.

Let’s prioritize our well-being and tackle burnout head-on.

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Continued Learning: Resetting Your Mind


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Hello, Amanda Holmes here. Welcome to the CEO mastery show. 

Did you know that 77 percent of the workplace have experienced burnout in their current job? And when you have burnout, you’re 63 percent more likely to take a sick day and you’re 2.6 times more likely to be looking for another job.

Here is your daily dose of the ultimate sales machine coming to you from the new edition, visit ultimate sales machine. com to get your copy or multiple copies. I am your host, Amanda Holmes, CEO of Chet Holmes international. What you’re about to learn has assisted a quarter of a million businesses to generate billions of dollars working faster, better, smarter.

I’m talking about this topic today because it’s fast paced. We’re going at such a speed. It’s hard to Stop and think and realize maybe you actually are experiencing burnout. 

I know for me I was just on the road for six weeks, may not be a long time for some but for me it was back to back. A [00:01:00] different city every week with events while still running my company, and when I came back, I experienced burnout.

If you’re feeling exhausted, if you’re feeling cynical about your job, if you’re feeling a lack of efficiency, all three of these things can come from burnout. 

But let’s talk about the three types of burnout. 

The first type of burnout is overload burnout. 

It’s when you’re clocking in so many hours you are overworked. I can just hear people that are listening to this saying, Yeah, I’ve been overworked for the last 20 years, what are you talking about, Amanda? 

But it’s, it’s a real thing. It’s something that we should talk about because I just recently experienced it and I want to talk about solutions.

The second form of burnout is underchallenged burnout. That means you’re not being challenged in your job, you’re not being compelled forward.

We see this with CEOs because they’ve been doing the same thing for so long, they don’t know what else to do and they feel confined as if in a jail within their [00:02:00] organization.

We also see this with staff where the communication between management or CEO and staff is lacking. Therefore, there’s no place to allow them to give the feedback to say, you’re not challenging me. Give me something greater so I can overperform instead of being under challenged in my burnout. 

 And the third form of burnout is neglect.

You feel a lack of purpose so it’s difficult to find that push forward, we saw a lot of that neglect burnout during COVID. 

That’s why we had a mass exodus in the United States and more people left their jobs than ever before, because everyone was working crazy, then we got some space away from our jobs and we realized that we didn’t have the purpose. 

That’s why today purpose driven companies are getting more staff than ever before.

So the three types of burnout are overworked burnout. You’re working more than ever before, under challenged burnout where you’re not being challenged in your job, [00:03:00] and neglect where you’re feeling a lack of purpose. So what can we do when we’re experiencing burnout? Well, vacationers experience an 80 increase in job performance. Even if it’s a staycation, can you find a way to make a vacation in the place where you live? For me, I am, this is Lugano behind me. I’m in Switzerland. I had a work trip where I spoke for a group of Italian business leaders.

This is my third time here in Lugano. I took an additional four days beforehand, and I’ve been living it up with my mother. We took a vacation for her birthday. I have to say that I did not realize how much burnout I was experiencing until I got here and had no deadline. For four whole days, I had zero deadline, and it was shocking to see how stressed I truly was.

And getting yourself out of your day to day can make a huge difference.[00:04:00] 

So can you find a way to put into your schedule, either now, make your weekend a staycation or plan, okay, this quarter, this is where I’m going, I’m going to actually do a vacation. One way to solve burnout.

second tip for solving your burnout. It’s called breathing. The majority of the population actually doesn’t know how to breathe. I am a certified yoga teacher, so I know firsthand from experiencing different breathing forms. There are many experts out there. You have Wim Hof, who’s very well known for going into very cold atmospheres.

And breathing his way through it, or going through surgery without the need for medicine. It’s shocking, so, when I lead a training, before we start the training, I’ll say, If you want to be the best version of yourself, which is what I want everyone here, To be, we need to be present. So let’s just take three deep breaths.

So you can do this with me right now. It’s [00:05:00] shocking how our brain goes from fight or flight, because when we’re in fight or flight, our breath is moving very quickly. Right? If you’re in fear, your breath is moving very quickly. If you start taking long, deep breaths, you’re actually telling your nervous system and your mind to relax.

Because when we’re relaxed, we take long, deep breaths. So just doing, just taking 30 seconds to take 3 deep breaths can change your entire anatomy within your body and tell it to calm down. So let’s take a deep breath in through the nose, and out through the mouth. 

And it’s great to have that, Make that noise. All of the stress, imagine it’s coming out of your body. Again, in through the nose. Becoming more present, out through the body, out through the mouth.

I love to shake up the stress in my [00:06:00] shoulders. And another one. And out through the mouth. Ahhhhhhh. Ha ha ha ha ha. So good. Okay, great. And the third way to overcome your burnout is using the sound of your own voice. Now, if we sit in meditation, if we sit in silence, the monkey mind actually gets louder. We think, oh, meditation is sitting in silence.

I learned this from my guru, Sarvaloka Maher Holiness Sri Srisri 1008 Guruji Poonamji, the founder of Divine Bliss International. When you use the sound of your voice in repetition, saying something positive, it actually overrides the monkey mind. So you experience what is called an altered state of consciousness, which is meditation.

So when I lead people through trainings, especially when I’m doing keynotes, I will get people to sing because I will ask, would you like to reduce your stress by 20 percent in under two minutes [00:07:00] and it won’t cost you a dime. I’ll only do it if majority of you raise your hand. So I’m guessing you’d probably like that.

When I look at crowds and I asked this question, it is the most. I’m excited that they will be in the room in my 90 minutes. They’ll raise their hand. Yes, yes, yes, yes. So, um, it’s very simple. I’m going to teach you one right now. 

Repeat after me. 

I’m happy. 

I love myself. 

My body is full of love and light.

Now if you don’t feel comfortable singing, you can also just repeat that. I’m happy. I love myself. My body’s full of love and light. This is another tip from my guru, I call her Guruji, just for short. You can join in whenever you’d like, I’m just going to do a few seconds of this in repetition.

I’m happy, I love myself, my body’s full of love and light. See? It’s pretty easy. I’m happy, I love myself, my body’s full of love and light. I’m happy, [00:08:00] I love myself, my body’s full of love and light. Yeah. I’m happy, I love myself, my body’s full of love and light. Full of love and night singing with me. I’m happy.

I love myself. My body’s full of love and night. I’m happy. I love myself. My body’s full of love and night. Keep going. I’m happy. I love. I love myself, my body’s full of love, and I, sing again, I’m happy, I love myself, my body’s full of love, and I, I can’t hear you, sing it louder, I’m happy, I love myself, my body’s full of love, and I, out to the rooftops, I’m happy, I love [00:09:00] myself.

My body’s full of love and life. Let’s hear it again. I’m happy. I love myself. My body’s full of love and life. I’m happy. I love myself. My body’s full of love and. Two more. I’m happy, I love myself, my body’s full of love and light. Last time. I’m happy, I love myself, my body’s full of love and light. Now take three deep breaths.[00:10:00] 

Just observe how you’re feeling. In this moment, hmm, just a little better, right? Less than 90 seconds. And that is your episode this week of Burnout. 

if you enjoyed this episode, you would probably enjoy a training that we did last year on corporate mental wellness. I brought in my teacher who helped guide me to take over the company so many years ago and has helped if you ever feel that I have a little bit of a joyful disposition. It’s really the work that I did with my teacher.

So if you’d like to. Do more in less time just by being more cognizant of your mental health. You can go to ultimate sales machine. com forward slash wellness. That’s ultimate sales machine. com forward slash wellness to learn [00:11:00] more about how you can take back your time and enjoy your workplace and your life.

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